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 Did Larloch know Karsus?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jordanz Posted - 26 Apr 2010 : 02:52:19
I wonder if they were rivals of some sort.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dennis Posted - 11 May 2010 : 04:49:52
Originally posted by Brimstone

Dennis, check out Dragons of Faerun.

It has a pretty good 3E write up on Tchazzar in it.

Hmm, I am not sure if you read my previous posts where I mentioned I am a bit (or much) apathetic to dragon characters. I never was a dragon fan, and mayhap never will.
Brimstone Posted - 11 May 2010 : 04:41:40
Dennis, check out Dragons of Faerun.

It has a pretty good 3E write up on Tchazzar in it.
Dennis Posted - 11 May 2010 : 04:39:54

Ok. I thought you have. Anyway, while the 4E books lack the "feel" of the old Realms, I believe they are still good. The Haunted Lands Trilogy, The Captive Flame, Blackstaff Tower are some of what I like. And the upcoming Godborn and El Must Die! will be great as well!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 May 2010 : 04:20:57
Originally posted by dennis

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by dennis

There's already a Cult ot Tchazzar in The Captive Flame (which is an excellent book, btw)...Seems like a Cult of Karsus is on the way...

Tchazzar's history is an interesting one. He set himself up to appear deific quite some time ago.

Oh, I didn't know that. But honestly I am not a dragon fan, so does not really care much. Anyway, you've read The Captive Flame, right? It just perplexed me how a mighty dragon like him can be imprisoned by mere enchanted chains. Unless the chains are made of shadow and cast by Telamont himself and his archwizard lackeys (the ones they used to imprison Mephistopheles in Shadowrealm), it just seems...well, difficult to believe. Hopefully Richard will explain it more in the next book.

Nope. I've only read two books set in the 4E Realms. And while both books were good tales, they did not to me have the same feel as earlier Realms novels.
Dennis Posted - 11 May 2010 : 03:24:31
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by dennis

There's already a Cult ot Tchazzar in The Captive Flame (which is an excellent book, btw)...Seems like a Cult of Karsus is on the way...

Tchazzar's history is an interesting one. He set himself up to appear deific quite some time ago.

Oh, I didn't know that. But honestly I am not a dragon fan, so does not really care much. Anyway, you've read The Captive Flame, right? It just perplexed me how a mighty dragon like him can be imprisoned by mere enchanted chains. Unless the chains are made of shadow and cast by Telamont himself and his archwizard lackeys (the ones they used to imprison Mephistopheles in Shadowrealm), it just seems...well, difficult to believe. Hopefully Richard will explain it more in the next book.
Cleric Generic Posted - 10 May 2010 : 22:38:47
Nah, we've got Vorpal Ugly-Sticks...
Alisttair Posted - 10 May 2010 : 11:55:34
Originally posted by Cleric Generic

On its way?

Why, it's already here! I've just finished painting our new tree fort and everything. Sign up now and you get a free +1 Pea Shooter to defend yourself against the minions of Larloch!

As faithfull in high standing, you and I should get +2 Pea Shooters
Wooly Rupert Posted - 10 May 2010 : 04:26:22
Originally posted by dennis

There's already a Cult ot Tchazzar in The Captive Flame (which is an excellent book, btw)...Seems like a Cult of Karsus is on the way...

Tchazzar's history is an interesting one. He set himself up to appear deific quite some time ago.
Dennis Posted - 10 May 2010 : 02:59:14
I'd love to, but I am planning to start one for TELAMONT TANTHUL!
Cleric Generic Posted - 10 May 2010 : 00:49:13
On its way?

Why, it's already here! I've just finished painting our new tree fort and everything. Sign up now and you get a free +1 Pea Shooter to defend yourself against the minions of Larloch!
Dennis Posted - 10 May 2010 : 00:04:07
There's already a Cult ot Tchazzar in The Captive Flame (which is an excellent book, btw)...Seems like a Cult of Karsus is on the way...
Sill Alias Posted - 08 May 2010 : 03:47:10
And I thought cult of Ao was crazy...
Alisttair Posted - 07 May 2010 : 15:52:59
Originally posted by Brimstone

Originally posted by Alisttair

Originally posted by Brimstone
Am I this obnoxious when I go into my Cyric Rules kick?

Perhaps. But remember, Cyric is awesome, but he is merely a tool of Karsus (the weapon he used to destroy Mystra and in turn, will use to destroy Shar - resulting in Cyric downgrading to the status of Exarch of Karsus.)

I only thought I was hopeless.

Hopelessly faithfull
Brimstone Posted - 07 May 2010 : 13:39:34
Originally posted by Alisttair

Originally posted by Brimstone
Am I this obnoxious when I go into my Cyric Rules kick?

Perhaps. But remember, Cyric is awesome, but he is merely a tool of Karsus (the weapon he used to destroy Mystra and in turn, will use to destroy Shar - resulting in Cyric downgrading to the status of Exarch of Karsus.)

I only thought I was hopeless.
Alisttair Posted - 07 May 2010 : 12:50:55
Originally posted by Brimstone
Am I this obnoxious when I go into my Cyric Rules kick?

Perhaps. But remember, Cyric is awesome, but he is merely a tool of Karsus (the weapon he used to destroy Mystra and in turn, will use to destroy Shar - resulting in Cyric downgrading to the status of Exarch of Karsus.)
Brimstone Posted - 06 May 2010 : 23:05:53
Originally posted by jordanz

Originally posted by Jakk

Originally posted by jordanz

Hmmm, its very interesting to speculate Larloch's very reason for BEING. Does he need personal power? Nope he's the mightiest mage on the planet. Resources, check. Mystical knowledge? In my opinion, Larloch is on a direct path to divinity. He basically epitomizes magic and the undead. n'tit make sense that he ultimately became a god under those two portfolo's. I could envision him ultimately creating a new form of magic relating to the negative energy that powers undead but with a broader scope than Necromancy....

I don't know... imho, if Larloch wanted to be a god, he'd be one already. I think his divinations and such things over the centuries (Karsus, the ToT, the Spellplague) have convinced him that divinity is not a good thing to have. After all, even post-Spellplague, more gods have died in the history of the Realms than have notable epic-level NPCs...

Perhaps but Divinity is extremely difficult to come by. Look how long it took Vecna from Greyhawk. Speaking of Vecna , I wonder if he's crossed paths with Larloch....

Now that would be interesting...
Brimstone Posted - 06 May 2010 : 23:05:00
Originally posted by Alisttair

Originally posted by Jakk

I don't know... imho, if Larloch wanted to be a god, he'd be one already. I think his divinations and such things over the centuries (Karsus, the ToT, the Spellplague) have convinced him that divinity is not a good thing to have. After all, even post-Spellplague, more gods have died in the history of the Realms than have notable epic-level NPCs...

Once Karsus returns, he will be convinced otherwise

Am I this obnoxious when I go into my Cyric Rules kick?
jordanz Posted - 06 May 2010 : 21:05:23
Originally posted by Jakk

Originally posted by jordanz

Hmmm, its very interesting to speculate Larloch's very reason for BEING. Does he need personal power? Nope he's the mightiest mage on the planet. Resources, check. Mystical knowledge? In my opinion, Larloch is on a direct path to divinity. He basically epitomizes magic and the undead. n'tit make sense that he ultimately became a god under those two portfolo's. I could envision him ultimately creating a new form of magic relating to the negative energy that powers undead but with a broader scope than Necromancy....

I don't know... imho, if Larloch wanted to be a god, he'd be one already. I think his divinations and such things over the centuries (Karsus, the ToT, the Spellplague) have convinced him that divinity is not a good thing to have. After all, even post-Spellplague, more gods have died in the history of the Realms than have notable epic-level NPCs...

Perhaps but Divinity is extremely difficult to come by. Look how long it took Vecna from Greyhawk. Speaking of Vecna , I wonder if he's crossed paths with Larloch....
Alisttair Posted - 06 May 2010 : 13:43:18
Originally posted by Jakk

I don't know... imho, if Larloch wanted to be a god, he'd be one already. I think his divinations and such things over the centuries (Karsus, the ToT, the Spellplague) have convinced him that divinity is not a good thing to have. After all, even post-Spellplague, more gods have died in the history of the Realms than have notable epic-level NPCs...

Once Karsus returns, he will be convinced otherwise
Jakk Posted - 06 May 2010 : 02:58:01
Originally posted by jordanz

Hmmm, its very interesting to speculate Larloch's very reason for BEING. Does he need personal power? Nope he's the mightiest mage on the planet. Resources, check. Mystical knowledge? In my opinion, Larloch is on a direct path to divinity. He basically epitomizes magic and the undead. n'tit make sense that he ultimately became a god under those two portfolo's. I could envision him ultimately creating a new form of magic relating to the negative energy that powers undead but with a broader scope than Necromancy....

I don't know... imho, if Larloch wanted to be a god, he'd be one already. I think his divinations and such things over the centuries (Karsus, the ToT, the Spellplague) have convinced him that divinity is not a good thing to have. After all, even post-Spellplague, more gods have died in the history of the Realms than have notable epic-level NPCs...
Jorkens Posted - 05 May 2010 : 11:25:28
Originally posted by Elfinblade

In what novels does Larloch appear? The only one i can think of is the short story 'Tears so White' by Ed. He must have had some other introductions to become so famous here at the keep no?

I cant remember ever hearing about him in a novel. As far as I remember Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast is the book that contains the most information. But this is really not my strongest side where the Realms are concerned, so I might be wrong.
Elfinblade Posted - 05 May 2010 : 11:08:23
In what novels does Larloch appear? The only one i can think of is the short story 'Tears so White' by Ed. He must have had some other introductions to become so famous here at the keep no?
jordanz Posted - 05 May 2010 : 05:49:21
Hmmm, its very interesting to speculate Larloch's very reason for BEING. Does he need personal power? Nope he's the mightiest mage on the planet. Resources, check. Mystical knowledge? In my opinion, Larloch is on a direct path to divinity. He basically epitomizes magic and the undead. n'tit make sense that he ultimately became a god under those two portfolo's. I could envision him ultimately creating a new form of magic relating to the negative energy that powers undead but with a broader scope than Necromancy....
Alisttair Posted - 04 May 2010 : 14:13:18
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Alisttair

Originally posted by dennis


Concrete proof is boring and gives us nothing to talk about.

I don't think so... Say, the concrete proof is killing a ressurected Karsus? Will we not debate as to whether it is a good decision, or will making Karsus a thrall a better thing to do? Not to mention Allistair's (who so loves Karsus) vehement reaction if such thing ever happens...

Karsus shall not be slain once resurrected. Such a dastardly thing would make the murder of Mystra causing the Spellplague to be but a minor inconvenience in the realms in comparison to the fallout of such an event.

You're exaggerating, right?

Dare I say that the destruction of the resurrected Karsus would cause Toril not to clash with Abeir, but to clash with Athas instead?!
Alisttair Posted - 04 May 2010 : 14:11:53
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Alisttair

Karsus shall not be slain once resurrected.

That's right. He'd die again without any outside influence. He couldn't handle it before, and he's not been around to make any changes, so he'll simply die again.

VILLAIN! You shall be the first sacrifice in the name of Karsus for defiling his holy greatness!!
Dennis Posted - 04 May 2010 : 05:49:05
Originally posted by Brace Cormaeril

Originally posted by Cleric Generic

One thing that sci-fi has taught me is that very long lived and immortal beings tend to play a long game. If you live for thousands of years, events so rare that they don't cross the minds of things that struggle to reach 100 years suddenly become more of a worry. In Larloch's case, he's already seen the goddess of magic go bang twice prior to the spell plague, and if anyone could have seen Cyric's little stunt coming it would have been this guy.

It could be that, in addition to instilling some of her divine magicy goodness into the Chosen, other things of notable arcane power also inherited just enough of her spark to maintain the core of their power through the plague. This could explain how Larloch, among others, managed to avoid going nova and recovering rather quickly, and why the more notable wizardy types didn't start vomiting blue fire and exploding like the rest of them.

Sorry for the double post... but I still don't see how *any* lich managed to "survive" (weather, maybe?) the Spellplague. How exactly does a phylactery fare in a Dead Magic Zone?

I don't know with the other liches like Szass Tam. But with Larloch, remember he "communicates" with Mystra herself. And being a goddess, she must have somehow gleamed into her future demise, and must have shared it to Larloch, who in turn devised a series of contingencies to protect himself should the Weave shatter due to the goddess's death.
Or if not exactly her death, Mystra must have foreseen the Weave's collapse and, considering Larloch a powerful and genius spellcaster, planned with him about how to salvage her precious few souls (El, the other Chosen, Larloch himself, etc...). Who knows, she might have imparted Larloch some of her essence, enough to save him from the SP but not enough to addle his mind.
Or if this is NOT sufficient, well, we can say it's mere coincidence. Wizards had different kinds of suffering during the SP, some so grim, while others were just bearable. Some even regained their craft so soon, like Seren (not sure of her name; she's a wizard in Bruce's Plague of Spells). And there is no better elucidation to their plight (and their victory over it, for some at least) as COINCIDENCE.
Or a show of faith might be a factor, also. A number of wizards might have pleaded to their chosen gods to save them save...

Brace Cormaeril Posted - 04 May 2010 : 05:15:49
Originally posted by Cleric Generic

One thing that sci-fi has taught me is that very long lived and immortal beings tend to play a long game. If you live for thousands of years, events so rare that they don't cross the minds of things that struggle to reach 100 years suddenly become more of a worry. In Larloch's case, he's already seen the goddess of magic go bang twice prior to the spell plague, and if anyone could have seen Cyric's little stunt coming it would have been this guy.

It could be that, in addition to instilling some of her divine magicy goodness into the Chosen, other things of notable arcane power also inherited just enough of her spark to maintain the core of their power through the plague. This could explain how Larloch, among others, managed to avoid going nova and recovering rather quickly, and why the more notable wizardy types didn't start vomiting blue fire and exploding like the rest of them.

Sorry for the double post... but I still don't see how *any* lich managed to "survive" (weather, maybe?) the Spellplague. How exactly does a phylactery fare in a Dead Magic Zone?
Brace Cormaeril Posted - 04 May 2010 : 05:09:32
Karsus is a being of pure hubris; in this way , he embodies Netheril, Empire of Hubris.
It is nearly impossible for a wizard of Karsus' power to die. Try killing one sometime...pain in the, uhm... rear. The only threat to Karsus, Netheril, Larlock et al. was themselves. Faerun, and Toril as a whole, is better off without them. Mystryl should've known better than to let children play with fire...
IMC, Larloch has a *very* good reason for staying in his hole. And he will stay there.
Dennis Posted - 04 May 2010 : 04:56:48
I'm tired of Cyric. Faerun already teems with mad beings, and Cyric is the very emblem of madness... A mad god wanting to eliminate a mad archwizard. Pass...I want something more surprising...It doesn't even have to be Larloch.
Brimstone Posted - 04 May 2010 : 04:31:49
I figure Cyric would off Karsus, should he ever return...

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