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Ifthir Posted - 15 Feb 2009 : 02:57:16
I have two ethnic groups I am unsure of which is which.

I have seen human Shaaran and human Sharran. Which is correct, or are their two distinct ethnic groups?

The same for Tashalan and Tashlutan?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lord Karsus Posted - 08 May 2011 : 23:09:21
Originally posted by Arion Elenim

By the by, do your guys say [shay-ahr], using the double vowel to change the inflection?

-I just pronounce the two the same. Shaaran, Sharran.
Sinjin Oban Posted - 08 May 2011 : 22:53:03
"Tashlutan" would definitely refer to people from the city of Tashluta, regardless of race. As the city is cosmopolitan, it would not refer to the ethnic group "Tashalan". Tashlutan could also be used to refer to architecture.

It all gets a bit muddled depending on what era you are referring to. I tried to straighten the terms out in a Running the Realms thread entitled "Human Sub Race Tree?".

Because of the common names listed for the area in the FRCS, the Tashalans might resemble Earth Bantu inhabitants of Kenya and Tanzania in dress and language, though not necessarily skin color and bone structure.

Tashalans are described as beautiful, with black hair and olive skin. Any number of Mediterranean people could fit the bill. The current inhabitants still retain very strong elements of the original Tashalarans, but also new influences after colonization by the Shoon Empire, and years of immigrant influx.
Arion Elenim Posted - 16 Feb 2009 : 00:57:01
By the by, do your guys say [shay-ahr], using the double vowel to change the inflection?

It's always been a nifty trick at my table, considering that one of the PCs was a Sharran Necro-shade and another a Monk from the Shaar. :D
Ifthir Posted - 15 Feb 2009 : 07:12:51
Originally posted by The Sage

Going by the old lore for the Border Kingdoms in the POLYHEDRON articles, I'd say the reference in the entry for 'Hawkgarth' on the WotC site is indeed an error, and that it should actually refer to Halauklyn as a Shaaran male.

Ok, I somewhat agree, as I found not a single other reference. Thanks!

Originally posted by The Sage

"Tashalan" is a Realmslore term for those living around the central Chultan peninsula and Tharsult. "Tashlutan" is the term for those inhabitants of the city of Tashluta.

Ah thanks!
The Sage Posted - 15 Feb 2009 : 07:07:29
"Sharran" is a Realmslore term for the clergy of Shar. "Shaaran" is the term for those nomadic tribesmen living in the Shaar.

Going by the old lore for the Border Kingdoms in the POLYHEDRON articles, I'd say the reference in the entry for 'Hawkgarth' on the WotC site is indeed an error, and that it should actually refer to Halauklyn as a Shaaran male. Plus, given the geographical "closeness" of the Shaar to the area of the Border Kingdoms, 'tis likely that Halauklyn is descended from the Shaaran people.

"Tashalan" is a Realmslore term for those living around the central Chultan peninsula and Tharsult. "Tashlutan" is the term for those inhabitants of the city of Tashluta.
Ifthir Posted - 15 Feb 2009 : 03:19:02
Well, here is the example I am curious about.

"These are held atop Hawkgarth's Hill. Speakers call for votes, and the Senior Speaker (currently a frail, long-bearded LN male Sharran human Ftr6 by the name of Ammanas "Hawk" Halauklyn, who farms just down the road from the Floating Shadow Bog at Twotrees Bridge) tallies all "close counts."

I would think it was a misprint, except further up that same page is this.

"Ilden seems to be a LG male Shaaran human Wiz16/Arch2 but reverts to his true silver dragon form when he feels the need."

This is from
Pasta Fzoul Posted - 15 Feb 2009 : 03:09:08
"Shaaran" refers to a person from the Shaar region. "Sharran" refers to a worshipper of Shar.

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