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 Roseportal Shrine

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gelcur Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 04:51:23
I was wondering if anyone had any information on this shrine? I know it exists in Berdusk and that from the map it's building seem fairly large.

My adventures might be heading to Berdusk and their cleric of Lathander would obviously want to make a pit stop.

When I normally read shrine I imagine a small roadside like pit stop maybe with a single priest tending to it or a devout follower. But obviously the size of this building lends to more of a place that is storing a relic or sacred site.

Any info is welcomed my guess if any exists it might be in a novel that I haven't read.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kuje Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 23:25:44
Originally posted by Gelcur

Alright question asked hopefully I get a reply before the party gets that far *crosses fingers*. But I have at least 3 weeks and plenty of ideas racing through my head. Kuje if you don't mind sending me that info about the feast halls that would be great. Thanks for all the input guys.

Send me a PM with a email addy that I can send it to. Also, do remember that Ed is out of town atm since he went to another Con till Wendesday I believe.
Gelcur Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 22:33:42
Alright question asked hopefully I get a reply before the party gets that far *crosses fingers*. But I have at least 3 weeks and plenty of ideas racing through my head. Kuje if you don't mind sending me that info about the feast halls that would be great. Thanks for all the input guys.
The Sage Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 15:03:28
Aye. I'd have to agree with asking Ed.

I don't immediately recall any particular lore on the Roseportal Shrine... other than a reference in Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast.
Kuje Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 14:42:45
Originally posted by Gelcur

Well good to know I didn't miss anything. Maybe this would be a good time to ask my first question of Ed. Seems a shrine of that size would be something special, relic is the first thing that comes to my mind.

Indeed, asking Ed might be useful. I could use the info myself. :)

Also, if you need some expanded info about one of the two festhalls that is in Volo's, I can supply it because I asked Ed about it. I just don't want to post it publicly, at this time, because all my players are from Keep. :)
Gelcur Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 06:45:28
Well good to know I didn't miss anything. Maybe this would be a good time to ask my first question of Ed. Seems a shrine of that size would be something special, relic is the first thing that comes to my mind.
Kuje Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 05:12:44
Well, since I just started two email games in Berdusk, I dug through my FR material for Berdusk info and as far as I've seen, there is next to nothing published about the buildings in the city.

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