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 In what way do you prefer "contacting" FAERUN most

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 16:22:47
In what way do you prefer "contacting" FAERUN most???
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
GRYPHON Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 10:55:24
All of the above. . .
Xysma Posted - 04 Nov 2007 : 04:52:48
All of the above, although playing may actually be my favorite, I can't pick it over the others simply because I only get to do that once a week.
scererar Posted - 03 Nov 2007 : 01:14:15
all of the above
Mirza Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 22:24:50
Without doubt, reading the novels. I had read fantasy beforehand, and had enjoyed it, but never before with a setting so intricate. I didn't even pay attention to the Forgotten Realms logo on the cover of the book when I read it, but I could tell that this book was of a richer and much broader stock than any fantasy novel I had read before. I bought my second FR novel days later.
IronAngel Posted - 02 Nov 2007 : 22:03:34
I enjoy DMing Neverwinter Nights, myself, and the research that goes with it, me being one of the DMs specifically responsible for providing and helping with Realmslore. I'd say that the work with books and forums gets me into FR mood the easiest, and after that comes DMing the stuff I've researched (which never is quite authentic with NWN's limitations as it is in my imagination=, then novels+PC games from which I draw inspiration. I haven't played tabletop much, due to having no group to play with.
Chosen of Moradin Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 23:35:07
all the above, of course.
sparhawk42 Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 23:16:42
Definitely all the above.
Sian Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 19:17:36
i kinda miss PBEM and the like on that poll

nonetheless ... All of the above
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 17:49:25
All of the above.
Jorkens Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 17:22:26
Message board and reading old game books. There is also the time spent in preparing lore and adventures for own campaign, in combining what is written with ones own brain.
Aravine Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 17:06:44
There is neuralogical stimulation abound when dealing with any aspect of Faerun. however, I thouroghly enjoy debating my DM, so I chose that option
Hawkins Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 16:55:45
To be honest, it is a hierarchy:

Books/RPG Accessories,
Interacting on message boards,
Video Games

I am a very avid reader, but I love roleplaying, and all the lore that I can sponge up via RPG accessories (which I read kinda like a novel, usually skimming over spell descriptions) and the boards here and at WotC.
BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 16:30:08
ok... i will put this option now
Kuje Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 16:28:57
I choose all of the above but there is a option missing, which could read as:

"By interacting on message boards with different posters and the game designers/authors."

I love the debates we sometimes have on the boards, even if some people think I'm a real arrogant PIA. :)

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