T O P I C R E V I E W |
Charles Phipps |
Posted - 31 Oct 2007 : 22:29:18 We've had plenty of "How do I kill X" Deity threads. However, we've rarely had player characters talk about dealing with the ramifications of said act.
I'm debating for our campaign whether or not to allow the players to end up destroying most of Gargauth's Cult in the Realms before they result in his ritual to bring Toril into the 9 Hells being disrupted. This leaves the God of Betrayal weakened and easy pray for Mask.
[Why is Mask killing Gargauth? Long story]
So, if they do succeed in this, what happens? What happens in a more generic sense, do you think? What are the consequences if the PCs off a religious figure?
8 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Kentinal |
Posted - 03 Nov 2007 : 01:59:13 I did care care one bit about Bane dying. |
glitter |
Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 23:38:26 quote: Originally posted by HawkinstheDM
If the fallout of the deaths of various deities in the Avatar series in any indication, then the fallout of the death of a deity would likely kill any PC that was close enough to kill the deity. I guess this could be avoided if the deity was killed from a distance.
Another enigma for us, proud and curious players. Why such violent reaction when Mystra, Bane, Torm or Myrkul died, but nothing during the death of Gilgeam and Ramman ?
quote: Originally posted by HawkinstheDMAlso, I do not remember exactly what happened when Cyric killed Bhaal, but he was wielding Godsbane (Mask disguised as a sword) at the time, so it/he might have protected Cyric.
Minuit teleported Cyric "by accident". |
Jamallo Kreen |
Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 22:43:04 See Monte Cook's Requiem for a Deity and Dead Gods books.
Wooly Rupert |
Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 16:18:12 quote: Originally posted by Kheris
This resulted in Ao giving them the choice of being erased from existence entirely, or becoming deities of the new cosmos it (Ao) had made. They chose the latter, and found themselves standing across from their old enemies. Man were they bent... Good times 
EDIT: Me no type gud 
Oh, now that is evil! I salute you for that one!  |
Hawkins |
Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 16:14:54 If the fallout of the deaths of various deities in the Avatar series in any indication, then the fallout of the death of a deity would likely kill any PC that was close enough to kill the deity. I guess this could be avoided if the deity was killed from a distance. Also, I do not remember exactly what happened when Cyric killed Bhaal, but he was wielding Godsbane (Mask disguised as a sword) at the time, so it/he might have protected Cyric. |
Kheris |
Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 13:58:04 The aforementioned are definitely possibles, the churches of Helm and/or Hoar may come after them, Helm for disrupting things (depending on your Church of Helm) and Hoar for revenge (slaying a fellow deity, but again, it depends on your use of those faiths/deities).
After hitting 30th level (effectively wiping out the Zhentarim and killing an ancient green wyrm/Druid 20 who was trying to kill Malar for his portfolio), the PCs in my game were judged by a special tribunal of 21 deities (7 for each ethos, 2 lawful, 2 chaotic, 3 neutral) for upsetting the balance of good and evil. This resulted in Ao giving them the choice of being erased from existence entirely, or becoming deities of the new cosmos it (Ao) had made. They chose the latter, and found themselves standing across from their old enemies. Man were they bent... Good times 
EDIT: Me no type gud  |
glitter |
Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 11:22:47 If the PCs are the root of that killing of a god, you can bet that they will have their fifteen minutes of fame. Thanks for them, Gargauth isn't the lind of guy with an ally everywhere for an obvious reason but several cultist left would be their worst ennemies.
But as KEntinal wrote, the fun would be about the portfolio shared between PCs and/or another deity.
Kentinal |
Posted - 31 Oct 2007 : 23:03:16 Well the death of a deity frees up protfolioc(s) providing options.
1) Other deitiy or deities take them over and depending on nature reward the PCs or kill them as selfpreservation.
2) A PC or more then one capture a portfolio or part of one and at minimun become a demideity.
3) No ditectible effect at first however followers of the deity seek out the PCs in order to revenge and perhaps restore.
Oh I am sure there are more options, however being an agent for Mask strikes me as a bad idea no matter whom might kill Gargauth. |