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Charles Phipps Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 21:33:47
1. When/where was Hellgate Keep destroyed?

More, what products rather than the circumstances since I know some Harpers/Moonstars did it.

2. Aleena Paldinstar is Piergion's daughter, where's she detailed?

Just checking where she first showed up.

3. When did Drizzt meet the Good Goblin and where?

I never found the actual story.
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 05 Nov 2007 : 22:23:14
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

I have a generic Realmslore question myself:

What would be the best sources to use to research Westgate? I have read the GHotR, but I would like to find more of the gritty details of the place.

FR Adventures and Cloak & Dagger, and C&D's web enhancement all have some Westgate info. Um, Lords of Darkness for 3e also has some.

Additionally, Sea of Fallen Stars and Pirates of the Fallen Stars. Ed's Temptation of Elminster provides some historical lore on the region on and around Westgate. Ed also detailed a building that exists in Westgate -- see Ed's '05 replies. Also, the novels Night Masks and Masquerades.

See also the section on the 'Order of the Purple Staff' in Champions of Valor.
Charles Phipps Posted - 05 Nov 2007 : 19:51:08
Yeah, Lords of Darkness *IS* Cloak and Dagger without the Harper and Moonstar info really.
Hawkins Posted - 05 Nov 2007 : 17:40:41
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

I have a generic Realmslore question myself:

What would be the best sources to use to research Westgate? I have read the GHotR, but I would like to find more of the gritty details of the place.

FR Adventures and Cloak & Dagger, and C&D's web enhancement all have some Westgate info. Um, Lords of Darkness for 3e also has some.

Lol. It keeps coming down to me really needing to get a hold of copies of Forgotten Realms Adventures and Cloak & Dagger. I have Lords of Darkness so I will need to check that out.
Kuje Posted - 05 Nov 2007 : 17:28:09
Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

I have a generic Realmslore question myself:

What would be the best sources to use to research Westgate? I have read the GHotR, but I would like to find more of the gritty details of the place.

FR Adventures and Cloak & Dagger, and C&D's web enhancement all have some Westgate info. Um, Lords of Darkness for 3e also has some.
Hawkins Posted - 05 Nov 2007 : 17:07:58
I have a generic Realmslore question myself:

What would be the best sources to use to research Westgate? I have read the GHotR, but I would like to find more of the gritty details of the place.
Matthus Posted - 05 Nov 2007 : 15:41:32
Originally posted by The Sage

1) 1369 DR.

And see Cloak & Dagger in addition to the Hellgate Keep module. There's also a line or two in the "Gatekeeper's Crystal" write-up in Volo's Guide to All Things Magical.

The function of the crystal is also described very well in "the Last Mythal" series - where it plays a dominant role. There are some hints about Hellgate, as to say where the pieces where send after destroying Hellgate. The read is worth is, also
The Sage Posted - 05 Nov 2007 : 14:26:53
1. If you're referring to the events that led to the creation of the New Moon Pact, I'll just direct you to Tom Costa's entry for the New Moon Hunter PrC in Bestiary of the Realms Vol. 2. It summarises most of the lore about the Pact. The Bestiary can be found here:-

2. Do you mean in Realms time, or in published sources?
Charles Phipps Posted - 05 Nov 2007 : 13:22:45
Couple more...

1. What was the heresy of the Selunites in the "Mistress of the Night" story all about? I only heard a little about this story.

2. Where did the Risen Sun heresy first appear?
The Sage Posted - 31 Oct 2007 : 23:27:19
Originally posted by Charles Phipps

Cool, is there a 3E update for Harpers?
There isn't any 3.X information other than what is in the FRCS and the bits in City of Splendors sourcebook. There is plenty of 2e information which should serve your purposes just as well. Try find the Code of the Harpers sourcebook by Ed Greenwood and there is some incidental information in Cloak & Dagger. I'd also recommend you read through Ed's compiled replies from Candlekeep regarding the Harpers.
Charles Phipps Posted - 31 Oct 2007 : 22:25:22
Ah, no wonder my friend was confused about them.
Skeptic Posted - 31 Oct 2007 : 22:24:04
Originally posted by Charles Phipps

Cool, is there a 3E update for Harpers?

Sadly no, except a tidbit in the FRCS.
Charles Phipps Posted - 31 Oct 2007 : 22:16:07
Cool, is there a 3E update for Harpers?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 31 Oct 2007 : 00:19:50
Originally posted by The Sage

There's also a line or two in the "Gatekeeper's Crystal" write-up in Volo's Guide to All Things Magical.

Formerly a suppressed work (), this wonderful tome is now available for free from the Wizards downloads page.
The Sage Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 23:42:04
1) 1369 DR.

And see Cloak & Dagger in addition to the Hellgate Keep module. There's also a line or two in the "Gatekeeper's Crystal" write-up in Volo's Guide to All Things Magical.
Kuje Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 23:15:28
Aleena first was stat'd in Volo's Guide to Deep then she was given a extra level in Deep box set.
Charles Phipps Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 22:11:15
Mace Hammerhand Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 22:05:36
1) Hellgate Keep

2) Can't recall if there were stats for her in the Waterdeep box

3) Realms of Valor

I could make it bold but I don't

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