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 Fare thee well, for a while...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alaundo Posted - 09 Oct 2007 : 22:56:54
Well met

So, the time has come where I must venture beyond these comforting walls of Candlekeep and step out into the wide world beyond. I will be departing on my travels late on the morrow, so be sure to get any account changes and such requests in as soon as possible.

My fellow moderators will be here to keep ye all in order and assist as much as they can. Be kind to them Oh, and my chambers are out of bounds, as are the cellars

Ahh, and Calishite Dancing Girls aren't permitted either...not 'til I return anyway

Now, ye may return to thy studies of Realmslore
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Brynweir Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 23:00:02
Thanks, Jorkens.
Way to keep a secret.
Maybe I should tell Alaundo about that time you...No Jorkens...No don't...I was just kidding. Aaaahhh... ***runs scraming through the halls ***

The Red Walker Posted - 01 Nov 2007 : 10:44:27
Originally posted by Alaundo

Originally posted by The Red Walker

Welcome back Big Al.

Hope you enjoyed your trip.

Was it everything you hoped?

Well met

Aye, simply outstanding, Red Walker. Thank ye.

Still, it's good to be back

Glad to hear it Alaundo!

There are many, many places I wan't to visit...but no place quite like home!!
Penknight Posted - 31 Oct 2007 : 18:51:39
Very true. Say, maybe you and I could go emote dancing sometime...
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 31 Oct 2007 : 17:55:59
Originally posted by Penknight

Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

It was me, I love disco (seriously).

Well, as long as you're 'Staying Alive,' especially on Halloween when most others are undead... I don't see a problem with it. Besides, some of my favorite songs are disco related, though the 80's are still my favorite. But as they say, When In Rome...

Also, welcome back Alaundo!

I love the 80s too...besides, there was plenty of disco and funk music created in the early eighties.
Penknight Posted - 31 Oct 2007 : 17:50:44
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

It was me, I love disco (seriously).

Well, as long as you're 'Staying Alive,' especially on Halloween when most others are undead... I don't see a problem with it. Besides, some of my favorite songs are disco related, though the 80's are still my favorite. But as they say, When In Rome...

Also, welcome back Alaundo!
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 31 Oct 2007 : 17:26:15
It was me, I love disco (seriously).
Daviot Posted - 31 Oct 2007 : 04:20:16
Welcome back! And if someone says something about a multi-faceted silver "disco" ball hanging from the middle of the Temple to Oghma, I know of no such thing.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 17:41:42
Welcome back!
Alaundo Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 07:55:45
Originally posted by The Red Walker

Welcome back Big Al.

Hope you enjoyed your trip.

Was it everything you hoped?

Well met

Aye, simply outstanding, Red Walker. Thank ye.

Still, it's good to be back
Jorkens Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 06:50:40
Originally posted by Brynweir

All that writing must have made your fingers stiff. I didn't have any problems with the desk, and the bed was not trapped, just old and not made for jumping. As for the closet did you see the ... uh-oh to go.

Oh that's nice, come in after I have done all the work and say it was easy? I spent three hours putting that bed back together; not to mention the desk. You going in after me explains the mess.

Alaundo, it was all Brynweirs fault, I am not to blame.
The Red Walker Posted - 30 Oct 2007 : 02:55:00
Welcome back Big Al.

Hope you enjoyed your trip.

Was it everything you hoped?
Brynweir Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 23:06:19
All that writing must have made your fingers stiff. I didn't have any problems with the desk, and the bed was not trapped, just old and not made for jumping. As for the closet did you see the ... uh-oh to go.

Oh hi, Alaundo. Didn't see you standing there. I hope you enjoyed your trip. You can see we took real good care of the place for you.
Asgetrion Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 13:35:51
Alaundo has been gone?

No one informed me in the cellars... neither was I invited into the part... er... I mean.. to dust the books in the library!
Jorkens Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 12:26:52
Originally posted by Alaundo

Well met, fellow scribes.

Now, let's see if any of the traps I left in my chamber have been triggered

That third one on your desk was a bit to much in my opinion; I am still hurting. I will also object both to the amount of dust and spiders located at the back of your closet and at the collapsing bed trap. You could have caused serious damage with that one.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 12:23:08
Originally posted by Alaundo

Now, let's see if any of the traps I left in my chamber have been triggered

It was a couple of the Calishite Dancing Girls, I swear! I told them to stay out of there... And no, I don't know how your bed got broken.
Ergdusch Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 11:10:00
As you see, discussion proceeds in your absense. However, that does not mean that you are not needed or were not missed. A warm and friendly Welcome back, Alaundo!

Alaundo Posted - 29 Oct 2007 : 10:57:15
Well met, fellow scribes.

I hereby return from afar, and i'm astounded at the large collection of scrolls which have accumulated in this time

It will take me a good while to read through the posts herein, as well as the PMs and emails. Rest assured, I will respond eventually, so please be patient if your correspondance requires a reply

Now, let's see if any of the traps I left in my chamber have been triggered

Hawkins Posted - 11 Oct 2007 : 19:51:56
*peeks out the front window* I think he's really gone now. Does anyone know where he keeps his Imaskari vintage that we are not supposed to know about? And let's invite Storm, she likes parties.
Xysma Posted - 11 Oct 2007 : 17:24:58
Have a great trip Alaundo!
Penknight Posted - 11 Oct 2007 : 11:15:46
Fare thee well in thy travels, especially if they should lead you unto distant lands that lie just beyond the next horizon, cloaked by the mists of distance...
Iliana N-letur Posted - 11 Oct 2007 : 09:45:56
Have fun, it's a different world.

I can totally agree with Alaundo - No Calishite Dancing Girls.

Can we get some Calishite Dancing Man, though?
Ergdusch Posted - 11 Oct 2007 : 09:09:41
Enjoy your trip, Alaundo. May Shaundakul provide favorable winds and speed your journey.

We'll be glad to have you back soon.Until than, enjoy the cats and dogs for dinner! ;)

Alaundo Posted - 11 Oct 2007 : 05:01:53
Well met

Aye, China it is, and just about to leave. Needless to say i'm very excited and am very appreciative of getting the chance to visit this amazing country.

Well, couldn't help but pop in here on my way out, so take care all...and see thee in a couple of tendays.
scererar Posted - 11 Oct 2007 : 03:28:39
China, very cool. I wanted to visit when I was stationed in Korea, but 911 hit. I was on a wall for a year, but not the great wall

Have fun, be safe
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 11 Oct 2007 : 01:25:20
Originally posted by The Sage

I don't think he'll mind me telling you...

Alaundo's off to China.

Lucky him! Thanks for telling me.
The Sage Posted - 11 Oct 2007 : 01:21:20
I don't think he'll mind me telling you...

Alaundo's off to China.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 11 Oct 2007 : 01:13:14
Where's he going?

Well, uh, wherever you're going, Alaundo, enjoy the trip!
Markustay Posted - 10 Oct 2007 : 22:42:15
Fair thee well.
Kentinal Posted - 10 Oct 2007 : 20:01:43
*Sits at desk, writing invitations to some Priestesses of Eilistraee."

Come and dance for us.

Jamallo Kreen Posted - 10 Oct 2007 : 19:48:19
Fare thee well and gods and goddesses speed to you!

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