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 The non-human faithless souls of the realms.

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Shadovar Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 13:32:52
A warmest greetings to all the scribes here, alright to be straight, I had been wondering about something and that is where do the faithless souls of the non-humans such as -orcs, elves and dwarves or halflings and dragons- go to after their lifespan on the mortal plane expires. It is known that faithless human souls tend to be put up in the wall of the faithless and those faithful will go to their respective deities realms, but what about those faithless non-human souls? Where do they go to after death especially when they do not not pay homage nor worship any deity associated with their race?
My thanks go to all who reply. Thanks.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 22:59:06
Originally posted by Gray Richardson

The Circle of Afterlife, if you will.

That's horrible. I am amused!
Gray Richardson Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 18:57:56
It's not that they fade so much as their essence is absorbed by and merges with the Fugue Plane. There is a mold in the mortar of the wall that facilitates this process.

I like to think there is some sort of principle of conservation of "souler" energy at work. The essence of your soul is never lost, exactly, it just merges with something greater. The energy in your soul nourishes the plane of its afterlife or merges with its patron god and nourishes him, etc.

Perhaps this souler essence is even absorbed somehow back into the well of souls and is reincarnated as a newborn creature on the material plane.

This is all just speculation, but I can't help seeing it as something of a metaphysical ecosystem. The Circle of Afterlife, if you will.
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 18:46:49
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by CrennenFaerieBane
Well, when planescape went came out with the "Guide to Hell" or whatever that supplement was called, it explained that Asmodeus, who up until we all knew as an Archdevil, was really a Alien Essence who was collecting the souls of all non-believers and was going to use them to undo the Universe.... kind of dumb if you asked me. Even if a good person didn't worship a deity, the deities of good should do more to protect them than just let the Archdevil Alien suck them up. I was fine with most of Planescape but that was just dumb.


Ah, see that sourcebook wasn't for Planescape though. At least it doesn't have the Planescape Lady symbol, etc. It was a generic sourcebook that came out after Planescape ended. :)

But even so, that is also a stupid idea and I'd toss it because that wasn't how it was in Planescape.

Yeah, I remembered that it was a Black Supplement rather than a Planescape one... my bad! But at least you knew what I was talking about! :) I like the Big K idea better anyway!

RAKKIR Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 18:07:29

I always liked the idea that Asmodeus was secretly caching souls...sort of the ultimate puhisment for those who didn't believe in any diety. But I had to reconcile it somehow with the idea that souls "fade" when they are put into the wall of the faithless. Oviously, the FR cosmology would have to trump the old 2E "Guide to Hell" cosmology. I always secretly wondered however what REALLY happens to the souls in the wall.
Do they really just "fade" and "disperse" like that?
Can a soul really just fade like that into nothingness?
When they "Fade" is that just when they go to Asmodeus?
Or are the two things just so contradictory nobody can make sense of them and they cannot be reconciled?

Of course, some of the other stuff in the Guide to Hell I didn't care for. The idea that the Coutal god created the multiverse. I like the idea that Asmodeus is ancient beyond ancient....and from near the begining of time and can speak the "language primeval" and all that. But....Jazrim (or however it is spelled) being the co-creator? I thought that was sorta weak. Wasn't that portrayed those as a LEGEND however? Like the pages that talked about it were done as a "qoute" from some ancient tome?
Kuje Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 16:34:34
Originally posted by CrennenFaerieBane
Well, when planescape went came out with the "Guide to Hell" or whatever that supplement was called, it explained that Asmodeus, who up until we all knew as an Archdevil, was really a Alien Essence who was collecting the souls of all non-believers and was going to use them to undo the Universe.... kind of dumb if you asked me. Even if a good person didn't worship a deity, the deities of good should do more to protect them than just let the Archdevil Alien suck them up. I was fine with most of Planescape but that was just dumb.


Ah, see that sourcebook wasn't for Planescape though. At least it doesn't have the Planescape Lady symbol, etc. It was a generic sourcebook that came out after Planescape ended. :)

But even so, that is also a stupid idea and I'd toss it because that wasn't how it was in Planescape.
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 16:26:24
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by CrennenFaerieBane

Originally posted by Kuje

We had this debate about a month or so ago. All of them go to Kel if they are faithless or false. Most know my feelings on that idiotic piece of text. :)

I agree with your feelings on that. Though it is much better than where the "faithless" went according to 2E Planescape - So I won't argue too hard that it is a better place than there.


Refresh my memory. Where did they go in Planescape....? They usually went to the planes of thier alignment, if I recall right.

Well, when planescape went came out with the "Guide to Hell" or whatever that supplement was called, it explained that Asmodeus, who up until we all knew as an Archdevil, was really a Alien Essence who was collecting the souls of all non-believers and was going to use them to undo the Universe.... kind of dumb if you asked me. Even if a good person didn't worship a deity, the deities of good should do more to protect them than just let the Archdevil Alien suck them up. I was fine with most of Planescape but that was just dumb.

Kuje Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 16:24:00
Originally posted by CrennenFaerieBane

Originally posted by Kuje

We had this debate about a month or so ago. All of them go to Kel if they are faithless or false. Most know my feelings on that idiotic piece of text. :)

I agree with your feelings on that. Though it is much better than where the "faithless" went according to 2E Planescape - So I won't argue too hard that it is a better place than there.


Refresh my memory. Where did they go in Planescape....? They usually went to the planes of thier alignment, if I recall right.
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 16:21:13
Originally posted by Kuje

We had this debate about a month or so ago. All of them go to Kel if they are faithless or false. Most know my feelings on that idiotic piece of text. :)

I agree with your feelings on that. Though it is much better than where the "faithless" went according to 2E Planescape - So I won't argue too hard that it is a better place than there.

Kuje Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 16:10:26
We had this debate about a month or so ago. All of them go to Kel if they are faithless or false. Most know my feelings on that idiotic piece of text. :)
webmanus Posted - 02 Aug 2005 : 14:00:51
Hi Shadow,

Sorry for asking, but have you done a search for "faithless"? I got three pages of topics mentioning "faithless", and I did not check out the topics. It must be a tedious task going through all those posts ...

Best regards,

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