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 Roping the kiddies early into D&D

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 19 May 2005 : 08:14:07

This made me laugh

So George, Eric and Sage is there nice fluffy Griffin your childs future?

18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Forge Posted - 05 Jul 2005 : 14:07:10
Um... My 10 year old son is already invloved in about 3 campaigns and is constantly reminding me his Gnome Bard/Warlock/Rogue can still out-damage dear old Dad's puny wizard. (Only 4th level, just wait...
SiriusBlack Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 18:32:09
Originally posted by Lashan
Oh, that and a onesy that says "My Daddy has a higher level magic-user then your Daddy."

Thureen Buroch Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 18:26:51
Oh yeah? Well my MOMMY has a higher level magic user than your daddy! (She actually is playing a lvl 8 moon elf sorcerer) (I'm serious, though!)
Lashan Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 18:13:59
It's very funny. I was just in the future nursery for little Alex. I had just told my wife that our child was going to grow up a geek and I was going to teach him DnD. She (humorously) made a face and fled. Then, I come in here and find this thread!

I gave my little girl a stuffed black dragon from Sleeping Beauty. It was quite nifty looking, but she never got into it. I still think one day I might try to make a pixie oriented campaign for her and her friends. Maybe.

Another friend of mine scanned in and printed out the beholder picture from the old 1E Monster Manual. He was able to get it printed on a "onesy" for my little boy. It's really awesome! Oh, that and a onesy that says "My Daddy has a higher level magic-user then your Daddy."
SiriusBlack Posted - 03 Jul 2005 : 14:15:49
I've purchased a gold dragon and a griffon for a lady I know into D&D.
Thureen Buroch Posted - 02 Jul 2005 : 19:47:00
How 'bout a beany baby dragon? Click the link, scroll all the way down using that vertical scrollbar to the left, and click on the dragon (third from the bottom). And get this: it's name is Y Ddraig Goch.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 20 May 2005 : 02:05:00
Originally posted by George Krashos

I would love to give John something like that - but the chances of finding a plushy Cthulu in Australia are practically zero I would guess. Might have to keep a look out for a dragon. He does have a big moon which in a pinch could be considered a Moonstars symbol. Mind you, the littel orcling is only interested in food these days and whatever daddy's reading - we played keep the new FR product away from toddler the other night.

-- George Krashos

Krash, I've got three plushy Cthulhus... I've got a plain little one (only a few inches tall), a plain regular-sized one, and my "summer fun" Cthulhu. If you want one of the plain ones, PM me and we'll work something out. I'd rather see one get gummed to death by a baby than see it sit around gathering dust at my place.
The Sage Posted - 20 May 2005 : 01:58:35
Originally posted by George Krashos

I would love to give John something like that - but the chances of finding a plushy Cthulu in Australia are practically zero I would guess.
I don't know where you're shopping then George, because I've seen Cthulhu plush toys in stores both here in Perth and in Sydney. I'm not sure about the City of Churches though... Perhaps they've been overlooked .
George Krashos Posted - 20 May 2005 : 01:15:24
I would love to give John something like that - but the chances of finding a plushy Cthulu in Australia are practically zero I would guess. Might have to keep a look out for a dragon. He does have a big moon which in a pinch could be considered a Moonstars symbol. Mind you, the littel orcling is only interested in food these days and whatever daddy's reading - we played keep the new FR product away from toddler the other night.

-- George Krashos
Wooly Rupert Posted - 19 May 2005 : 20:13:27
A friend of mine has already given her little baby (not even a month old) a plushie slime from the Dragon Warrior games.
Melfius Posted - 19 May 2005 : 17:27:04
The first plush toy I bought my daughter (when she was about 3 hours old) was a Beenie-Baby bat. Yes, a bat. And she loved that thing. Chewed the wings darn-near off of it. Some other plushes I bought her? A scorpion, a stingray (life-size from Grand Cayman Island), a chameleon, and, yes, a dragon. But that bat was the one she loved. So I don't see a Cthulu being to fearsome.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 19 May 2005 : 17:12:25
I've got a couple of the plush Cthulhus... My fave is the one that's in shorts and a Bermuda shirt, with a straw hat, sandals, and shades. Like I told my lady, even Eternal Elder Evils need a day on the beach.

One of the funniest things I ever saw: someone on LJ has a user icon that is a "Hello Kitty"-looking Cthulhu, doing a little happy jog.
Imrahil Posted - 19 May 2005 : 14:55:10
My bad!

I just looked at Dargoth's link. I don't think paizo is where I got my Cthulhu from. I got mine about eight years ago from a company that some guy was running out of his house . I just stumbled across an article about the guy in a gaming magazine.

So, I'm not sure that these plush Cthulhus (Cthulhi? ) come in plaid, these look more squishy.

Mmmmmmmmmm... squishy.
The Sage Posted - 19 May 2005 : 14:44:01
Plaid... I can only imagine. No... wait, I don't want to imagine .

Hey, I might decide to pick up both .
Imrahil Posted - 19 May 2005 : 14:34:42
Hey Sage
I wouldn't worry about that Cthulhu plush. When I was a young father, I purchased one for my newborn. It really wasn't that scary, though I was hoping it would be more, oh, I don't know, squishy. It was kind of hard, and not very snuggly. Plus, they came in a multitude of colors. I happened to get a green one, but how scary could a plaid one be!?
The Sage Posted - 19 May 2005 : 14:33:29
Does he come with a smoking pipe?...
Dargoth Posted - 19 May 2005 : 10:40:21
Originally posted by The Sage

Well, there was a Cthulhu plush I was intending to purchase for the little one just before he or she is to be born... , but the Lady K felt that the baby might be frightened by such an image despite its inherent plush qualities...

I could see myself picking up this one though . But, what I'd like to see is a plush doll of the Old Bearded One himself... ...

I take it you havent heard about WOTC new Stuffed toy?

"Tickle me Elminster"

The Sage Posted - 19 May 2005 : 09:10:18
Well, there was a Cthulhu plush I was intending to purchase for the little one just before he or she is to be born... , but the Lady K felt that the baby might be frightened by such an image despite its inherent plush qualities...

I could see myself picking up this one though . But, what I'd like to see is a plush doll of the Old Bearded One himself... ...

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