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 Lolth or Lloth?

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Sirine Keyte Posted - 14 Jul 2004 : 15:53:14
I have seen both in the books, yet I do not know which really is the 'official' spelling. Does anyone know??
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Karesch Posted - 22 Jul 2004 : 00:20:55
Personally, I think Lolth just looks and sounds better as far as spelling goes. And to the best of my knowledge, it's the most commonly used way of spelling it. As such, I think I'll stick to that, however, as has been said, it could be interpreted as a regional spelling thing, and as thus both are acceptable in my books, however, as I said, I'll stick to spelling it as Lolth.

Kuje Posted - 21 Jul 2004 : 17:27:05
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by Aldrick the Nightblade

Why would they even have two different ways to spell it in the first place?

I think the reason for the variations was explained in a previous scroll within this thread.

I quote myself from earlier in this thread when I replied to Faraer: "You also forget RA calls her Lloth over and over in the Menzoberanzan box set. But the rest are right, it's just a regional name of her in the northern part of Faerun."
SiriusBlack Posted - 21 Jul 2004 : 16:24:04
Originally posted by Aldrick the Nightblade

Why would they even have two different ways to spell it in the first place?

I think the reason for the variations was explained in a previous scroll within this thread.
Aldrick the Nightblade Posted - 21 Jul 2004 : 16:19:19
Why would they even have two different ways to spell it in the first place?
George Krashos Posted - 17 Jul 2004 : 08:25:10
If you want FR typos, just look at the fold-up map they included with the old FR9 Bloodstone Lands accessory. Absolutely awful.

-- George Krashos
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Jul 2004 : 05:59:30
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
Which one of us were you referring to?

It has to be you, I'm a ray of sunshine not sarcasm.

You just keep telling yourself that, my delusional friend.
SiriusBlack Posted - 17 Jul 2004 : 03:08:15
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
Which one of us were you referring to?

It has to be you, I'm a ray of sunshine not sarcasm.

I wonder if at the end of WOTSQ, Lolth will put forth a decree on how she wishes to be referred to henceforth.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Jul 2004 : 22:39:42
Originally posted by Dantrag

Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
~late 2004: People still occasionally get confused about the Lolth/Lloth thing. WotC, in yet another pointless ret-con, changes her name to Louise Dark-chic. When fans complain, they are told "Her name has always been Louise Dark-chic, it's just that no one knew about it."

It's a little known fact, but Lolth recently went silent in an FR novel series simply because she was tired of all the confusion regarding her name.

Sad, but true. Wait til Paul Kemp's novel and see for yourself.

King of Sarcasticness at his best, everyone

Which one of us were you referring to?
Dantrag Posted - 16 Jul 2004 : 21:07:04
Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
~late 2004: People still occasionally get confused about the Lolth/Lloth thing. WotC, in yet another pointless ret-con, changes her name to Louise Dark-chic. When fans complain, they are told "Her name has always been Louise Dark-chic, it's just that no one knew about it."

It's a little known fact, but Lolth recently went silent in an FR novel series simply because she was tired of all the confusion regarding her name.

Sad, but true. Wait til Paul Kemp's novel and see for yourself.

King of Sarcasticness at his best, everyone
Lina Posted - 16 Jul 2004 : 11:30:45
Don't you just hate type-O's. It really gets confusing sometines.
Sarelle Posted - 15 Jul 2004 : 12:54:40
Originally posted by Faraer

Lolth, Lolth, Lolth, and Lolth.

1978: Gary Gygax establishes Lolth
1987: Forgotten Realms Campaign Set establishes Lolth in the Realms
1988: Bob Salvatore (mis)spells her 'Lloth' in The Crystal Shard; it sticks in his books
1995: 'Lloth' used in Elaine Cunningham's partly Menzoberranzan-set Liriel books
1998: Demihuman Deities confirms the rationalization that Lloth is a regional spelling of Menzoberranzan and Uluitur
~2002: Wizards of the Coast largely removes the variant as part of the effort to simplify spelling

Interesting - thanks Faraer.

~late 2004: People still occasionally get confused about the Lolth/Lloth thing. WotC, in yet another pointless ret-con, changes her name to Louise Dark-chic. When fans complain, they are told "Her name has always been Louise Dark-chic, it's just that no one knew about it."

Nice one Wooly.


When the forums first started I posed the same question...getting no answers I did my own little bit of research. Faraer is actually the first to propose my suspicions on how the confusion started...but the origins of any being called Lloth/Lolth I believe outdate even Master Gygax(anyone know how his health is holding up since the "stroke" BTW?)

According to Angelic History, the name Lolth is a derivative of a being mentioned in Apocryphal texts called Lilith (remember Frasier's wife?).

From Godwin's Angels: An Endangered Species: "Lilith: The feisty, wild first wife of Adam, who spurned both God and his male creation is said to be Satan's favorite wife. While demons do live long they are not immortal but Lilith has the distinction, according to the Zohar, of continuing 'to exist and plague man until the Messianic day.'".

Different Canaanite spellings then morphed the name into "Lolth", and I actually caught sight of it in other texts of the same sort which refer to Lilith as "Lloth of the Lillen", the "Lillen" being her offspring which she makes by having sex with priests as they sleep.

......well....I think it's interesting...particularly when one looks at the parallels between Lloth's betrayal of Larethian and Lilith's rejection of God: both result in eternities in the Abyss, and both figures eventually attain new heights as demonic powers and Abyssal creatures, allowing them to continue to thumb their noses at the powers they once spurned...

But of course, Elaine Cunningham is just going to say that I'm out of my mind and that the story of Lloth's demise has nothing to do with musty old religious texts.

It's all about interpretation - if to you it is a comparison, then your evidence backs it up very nicely. I certainly like the idea.

For me, I never liked Lloth - plain and simple. It just didn't sound as scary as Lolth.
Thelonius Posted - 15 Jul 2004 : 09:45:32
I've only seen her refered as Lolth. In many places, so games, novels and some D&D pages.
Arion Elenim Posted - 14 Jul 2004 : 18:05:57
When the forums first started I posed the same question...getting no answers I did my own little bit of research. Faraer is actually the first to propose my suspicions on how the confusion started...but the origins of any being called Lloth/Lolth I believe outdate even Master Gygax(anyone know how his health is holding up since the "stroke" BTW?)

According to Angelic History, the name Lolth is a derivative of a being mentioned in Apocryphal texts called Lilith (remember Frasier's wife?).

From Godwin's Angels: An Endangered Species: "Lilith: The feisty, wild first wife of Adam, who spurned both God and his male creation is said to be Satan's favorite wife. While demons do live long they are not immortal but Lilith has the distinction, according to the Zohar, of continuing 'to exist and plague man until the Messianic day.'".

Different Canaanite spellings then morphed the name into "Lolth", and I actually caught sight of it in other texts of the same sort which refer to Lilith as "Lloth of the Lillen", the "Lillen" being her offspring which she makes by having sex with priests as they sleep.

......well....I think it's interesting...particularly when one looks at the parallels between Lloth's betrayal of Larethian and Lilith's rejection of God: both result in eternities in the Abyss, and both figures eventually attain new heights as demonic powers and Abyssal creatures, allowing them to continue to thumb their noses at the powers they once spurned...

But of course, Elaine Cunningham is just going to say that I'm out of my mind and that the story of Lloth's demise has nothing to do with musty old religious texts.
Kuje Posted - 14 Jul 2004 : 17:51:30
Originally posted by Faraer

Lolth, Lolth, Lolth, and Lolth.

1978: Gary Gygax establishes Lolth
1987: Forgotten Realms Campaign Set establishes Lolth in the Realms
1988: Bob Salvatore (mis)spells her 'Lloth' in The Crystal Shard; it sticks in his books
1995: 'Lloth' used in Elaine Cunningham's partly Menzoberranzan-set Liriel books
1998: Demihuman Deities confirms the rationalization that Lloth is a regional spelling of Menzoberranzan and Uluitur
~2002: Wizards of the Coast largely removes the variant as part of the effort to simplify spelling

You also forget RA calls her Lloth over and over in the Menzoberanzan box set. But the rest are right, it's just a regional name of her in the northern part of Faerun.

Don't discuss this with SKR though cause he doesn't believe "Lloth" is official and he'll rant at you.
SiriusBlack Posted - 14 Jul 2004 : 17:48:10
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert
~late 2004: People still occasionally get confused about the Lolth/Lloth thing. WotC, in yet another pointless ret-con, changes her name to Louise Dark-chic. When fans complain, they are told "Her name has always been Louise Dark-chic, it's just that no one knew about it."

It's a little known fact, but Lolth recently went silent in an FR novel series simply because she was tired of all the confusion regarding her name.

Sad, but true. Wait til Paul Kemp's novel and see for yourself.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Jul 2004 : 17:13:17
Originally posted by Faraer

Lolth, Lolth, Lolth, and Lolth.

1978: Gary Gygax establishes Lolth
1987: Forgotten Realms Campaign Set establishes Lolth in the Realms
1988: Bob Salvatore (mis)spells her 'Lloth' in The Crystal Shard; it sticks in his books
1995: 'Lloth' used in Elaine Cunningham's partly Menzoberranzan-set Liriel books
1998: Demihuman Deities confirms the rationalization that Lloth is a regional spelling of Menzoberranzan and Uluitur
~2002: Wizards of the Coast largely removes the variant as part of the effort to simplify spelling

~late 2004: People still occasionally get confused about the Lolth/Lloth thing. WotC, in yet another pointless ret-con, changes her name to Louise Dark-chic. When fans complain, they are told "Her name has always been Louise Dark-chic, it's just that no one knew about it."
Faraer Posted - 14 Jul 2004 : 16:23:40
Lolth, Lolth, Lolth, and Lolth.

1978: Gary Gygax establishes Lolth
1987: Forgotten Realms Campaign Set establishes Lolth in the Realms
1988: Bob Salvatore (mis)spells her 'Lloth' in The Crystal Shard; it sticks in his books
1995: 'Lloth' used in Elaine Cunningham's partly Menzoberranzan-set Liriel books
1998: Demihuman Deities confirms the rationalization that Lloth is a regional spelling of Menzoberranzan and Uluitur
~2002: Wizards of the Coast largely removes the variant as part of the effort to simplify spelling
SiriusBlack Posted - 14 Jul 2004 : 15:57:51
Originally posted by Sirine Keyte

I have seen both in the books, yet I do not know which really is the 'official' spelling. Does anyone know??

Don't worry if you get them confused....I've seen each spelling so many times I just refer to her as the Spider Queen.

However, the latest novel in the WOTSQ calls her Lolth. This spelling matches the spelling in the FRCS. Thus, I'd go with that.

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