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 Something odd about Tyranny of Dragons write-up

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hobbitfan Posted - 07 Aug 2014 : 05:19:17
I noticed something odd about the Tyranny of Dragon write-up on the WOTC D&D page.

I think it's a little odd that the third paragraph notes that the dragons are looting, enough to throw the region into chaos.
This seems strange as it's written about like this is a goal of its own.
The looting isn't a side-effect of conquest or of the search for the dragon masks (as you'd expect).

Notice it's set off "Meanwhile...." so it's not part of what the cult is doing. Is this information just given to tell us what the evil dragons are doing and that this is different from what the cult has going on?

It just seems strange to me to have a set up that is: stop the return of Tiamat, stop the conquest of the area by the Cult and evil dragons.
And then, dragons are looting!
Kinda weird way of presenting that information.

I can, to myself, make some sense of's dragons collecting stuff to glorify Tiamat and to, perhaps, search for those mentioned Dragon Masks or totems or whatever.

Anyone else have this reaction?

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Eilserus Posted - 07 Aug 2014 : 16:20:44

That link has a few articles from the Kobold team regarding this upcoming event or adventure line.
Gary Dallison Posted - 07 Aug 2014 : 08:16:12
Do i detect a hint or two of sarcasm in that post George?
George Krashos Posted - 07 Aug 2014 : 07:20:39
Well, when you create a "mega-event" you've got to find a way to include everyone and everything. So "meanwhile ..." does the job admirably in that respect.

-- George Krashos
silverwolfer Posted - 07 Aug 2014 : 06:41:39
Dragon rage but with greed?

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