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 Thornhold - Info on it in 1371-74?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kris the Grey Posted - 17 Nov 2013 : 01:47:55
Fellow Scribes,

What year (DR) did Bronwyn Caradoon and shield dwarves of Clan Stoneshaft take over Thornhold and what are they using it for in the years 1371-74? It sits along the High Road at the start of the Mere of Dead Men, so it would make an ideal way stop for caravans entering the Mere (as the edge of civilization so to speak).

Does anyone know of a map with its layout and a general idea of how many dwarves inhabit it?
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Kris the Grey Posted - 20 Dec 2013 : 03:43:12

I'd love it if you've got it!
Markustay Posted - 19 Dec 2013 : 17:27:10
I must have missed your last reply.

I have... a map. Its actually not complete in that region, mostly because it was central to something south of that. However, it has more detail then any other map I've ever done.

I can't share THAT map (unfortunately), but I may be able to share the portion of it that fell north of what I... ummm... 'turned-in'. Do you still need it?
hashimashadoo Posted - 19 Dec 2013 : 16:35:56
The only map I've seen which includes Thornhold is the Interactive Atlas which places it in the closest point between the Mere and the Sword Mountains. I believe however, that Sam Wood made a map that was included within the novel itself (I can't confirm this having never owned the novel).
Kris the Grey Posted - 17 Nov 2013 : 17:50:11
Yep, read that one. That's where I got the general description. Didn't know if there were any informational updates about it after CoS's brief 3E treatment of it.

Markustay - do you have a good close detail map of the area between Leilon and Waterdeep?
Markustay Posted - 17 Nov 2013 : 12:43:30
I thought there was a novel centered around the place, but I could be thinking of another hold. The one I am thinking of is now a monastery for paladins, or some such.

Just checked... thats even the title, and it is by Elaine Cunningham.
Kris the Grey Posted - 17 Nov 2013 : 02:27:46
It would seem I've answered some of my own questions...

1368/69 was the year the Zhents took over and then the Stoneshaft dwarves liberated Thornhold.

According to the 3E supplement, City of Splendors Thornhold is being used in 1372 as:
"Clan Stoneshaft continues to operate the formidable redoubt to this day
as a merchant stopover—the last along the High Road before the
dangerous dash past the Mere of Dead Men."

Still no map (but I did get a rough description) nor any idea how many dwarves make up Clan Stoneshaft.

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