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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Markustay Posted - 04 Mar 2012 : 16:28:57
So I was doing stuff over at my new home last night (not moved in yet, just setting things up), and we noticed some weirdness. I thought we had ghosts (no big, I've had them before), but it turns out I think we have fairies. This house is set in an 'unspoiled wilderness' area, so I should have expected something like this.

Any Wiccans here? I need some advice.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 06 Mar 2012 : 23:56:52
Originally posted by Dennis

Alystra is probably the best the person to ask.

We don't have fairies back home. The close thing we have is duwende, which literally means "dwarf," but are thought to be a one-foot tall creature that can turn invisible at will and loves to play pranks inside the house where its den is at or is near to. Having lived in cities almost my entire life, I'm skeptical of such things.

My ears are burning- did someone mention my name? LOL!! If you haven't already, I will (also) suggest a small bowl of milk and honey- just enough to cover the bottom should suffice. A bit of bread or biscuit is also good. But PLEASE, no iron! Yes, it repels fey, but do you REALLY want that? After all, they were there first. You would essetially be driving them from their home- which would probably make them angry.

Best suggestion (I think it's sprites- they are clever, mischievous, and quite strong for their size- and also very prankish) is to plant something they like in the garden, like roses (they LOVE them, for some reason) lavender, thyme, or catnip, and/or perhaps burn some scented candles or incense indoors- they seem to enjoy jasmine, rose, lavender (again) or vanilla scents. They might play in the candle flames or incense smoke, but probably will nat hurt anything. It goes without saying not to leave them unattended, however, as accidents CAN happen, especially with playful sprites around. If they are confined to the garden (you didn't specify, but they seem to be) then just the offering and some plants they like will go a long way toward making friends.

If "problems" start or persist (so far, they just seem to be "welcoming" you in their own peculiar fashion) just go to where it occurs, and ask them politely- but firmly and in normal voice- to please stop. Usually, if addressed directly, they will do so. If not, you may have something a bit more "malicious", like a redcap(nasty- do NOT annoy!), hobb(not necessarily mean or malevolant, just VERY territorial!), or bogart. If they continue or escalate the behavior, using iron or holy water may indeed solve the problem. If you MUST use iron (you mentioned horseshoes) do it ONLY in areas you don't want them going- one on the door if you don't want them in the house is usually enough. Understand, asking to stop usually works on both ghost-types AND fey, so either way, you should not have problems!
Kuje Posted - 06 Mar 2012 : 21:43:05
Finds this fascinating. I guess I'm to used to living in Rochester. Even though it's a city we have bears, deer, coons, hawks (they nest on the Kodak building), owls (she sits on the expressway light poles watching the cars every day), etc. So I'm used to living with nature within the city and it's burbs. Course, upstate NY has a lot more open green space then lower NY.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Mar 2012 : 21:19:07
Originally posted by Lord Karsus

Originally posted by Markustay

Mastic isn't far from me - straight south. I live slightly further east now, out at the far end of Ridge, right on the border of Riverhead (the 'crotch' of LI). The east-end is beautiful - nothing like Nassau (thank god). People get the wrong idea when I tell them I am from NY - I have deer coming right up to my backdoor (my GF in Kentucky can't even make that claim).

-My girlfriend has bears, and a few weeks ago, some kind of raptor swooped down and nearly took my hand off. You sure as hell don't think about Jersey and nature.

There's a local college currently having problems with a pair of hawks attacking students and staff. And this is in a built-up area, too, not on the edge of the boonies or anything.

And I've seen deer along the road many times down here, and even saw one well inside the city of Orlando, once (surprised the heck out of me!). And when I say well inside, I had to drive for a few miles, in the city proper, to get to where I saw that.

Nature tends to lurk in unexpected places, I think.

Edit: Casts banish typo
Markustay Posted - 06 Mar 2012 : 21:10:46
That was the Jersey Devil - it wanted a piece of you.

I understand it comes out every 20 years to mate.... with something called a 'Snooki' (see the Southpark Jersey Shore episode).

Vile creatures dwell on the coasts of Jersey... I think there may be a lot of Half-Orc in the blood.
Lord Karsus Posted - 06 Mar 2012 : 20:12:41
Originally posted by Markustay

Mastic isn't far from me - straight south. I live slightly further east now, out at the far end of Ridge, right on the border of Riverhead (the 'crotch' of LI). The east-end is beautiful - nothing like Nassau (thank god). People get the wrong idea when I tell them I am from NY - I have deer coming right up to my backdoor (my GF in Kentucky can't even make that claim).

-My girlfriend has bears, and a few weeks ago, some kind of raptor swooped down and nearly took my hand off. You sure as hell don't think about Jersey and nature.
Markustay Posted - 06 Mar 2012 : 15:42:25
I think there are a lot of things we don't know about, simply because our technology is limited by our own experiences, which is based on a paltry five senses. Animals have senses we don't, and so are probably aware of much more (and perhaps children - they haven't had all the society-imposed filters applied yet).

I don't want to derail my own thread (heaven forbid! ), so I would like to just say I haven't had anymore 'strange movement' going on at the new place, so it looks like I've either made peace with whatever was there, or there was nothing there to begin with (and I got some mighty clever racoons with senses of humor).

Thanks for all the advice and discussion.
Originally posted by Marc

I think it's true that the brain edits some unbelievable stuff, tough I never seen anything supernatural. We laughed at one of my players when he said he saw a hag.
My mother got out again?

Eltheron Posted - 06 Mar 2012 : 15:24:36
Originally posted by Dennis

Belief shapes one's reality.

No, it doesn't. Belief shapes one's perception of reality.

Eltheron Posted - 06 Mar 2012 : 15:21:04
Originally posted by Lord Karsus


Thank you for posting this!

...and what a terrific, well-put-together series of videos generally. Masterfully and professionally done.
Marc Posted - 06 Mar 2012 : 05:41:16
I think it's true that the brain edits some unbelievable stuff, tough I never seen anything supernatural. We laughed at one of my players when he said he saw a hag.
Markustay Posted - 06 Mar 2012 : 02:34:50
I've had lots of really bizarre stuff happen to me, including quite a bit most would say was 'paranormal', but I found explanations for (I am a reasonable person, after all - I don't jump to conclusions).

I even have an instance of 'lost time' when I was young. I still haven't found a probe though.

@LK - I know it was from the video - I watched it. Thats why I used it.

Mastic isn't far from me - straight south. I live slightly further east now, out at the far end of Ridge, right on the border of Riverhead (the 'crotch' of LI). The east-end is beautiful - nothing like Nassau (thank god). People get the wrong idea when I tell them I am from NY - I have deer coming right up to my backdoor (my GF in Kentucky can't even make that claim).

Not that I don't enjoy the city when I am there - I try to enjoy everything, everywhere I go (why go through life looking to have a bad time?). There are a couple of parks that are pretty amazing (especially considering they are in the middle of a concrete jungle).

But I have nature in my soul -it calls to me. I am so happy with my new home (spent a good part of today there). I haven't entirely moved out of my last place simply because I can't get cable for 2 weeks - I'm not going to live without the internet, phone, and TV for that much time. What am I supposed to do? READ?
Jakk Posted - 05 Mar 2012 : 23:43:43
Originally posted by Markustay

I actually fell in love with the place for many reasons, not the least of which is a treehouse at the very edge of the property, with a very large opening facing toward the woods... no lights for miles. The starscape is incredible - you usually don't see that in NY (at least not in the part I live in). I can't wait to buy a new telescope.

Its also a good spot to fend off a zombie apocalypse. Yeah... I really did consider that when first viewing the place. It is 2012, after all.

Sounds like an awesome location. No wonder you've been having "visitors"... they want the area to themselves. And no, I've never had anything like this happen to me, but some very good friends of mine (I've known him for almost seventeen years, many of which have been spent playing D&D together, more recently with her as well) are having similar experiences. Her grandfather's pipe smoke (or the aroma of it) used to show up unannounced in her parents' place, and when they moved into their house almost four years ago, Grandpa apparently followed them. I've never experienced anything like this, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist... I've never personally seen a solar eclipse, but they happen fairly regularly.
Icelander Posted - 05 Mar 2012 : 20:18:22
Originally posted by Markustay

You have to be 'open minded' to see that which others can't.

Very true.

That's why I'll always be grateful to the enquiring and free-thinking minds who didn't just accept the received wisdom that all the mysteries of the world around us were caused by supernatural beings reacting to our actions, but actually had causes far more thrilling and magical.

That, in fact, the world did not revolve around humans or any other anthropomorphic creature at all, but had a system of observable rules by which rocks fell to the ground when dropped, the earth orbited the sun, both bright explosions in the sky and pieces of cloth mysteriously adhering to things have the same cause and so on.

Even more interesting, they discovered that human memory and human senses were influenced primarily by what we think we ought to remember or experience, not external reality. Starting from the belief that there is a pattern, the vast majority of humans will find patterns even in randomised data. They'll even convince themselves of the ground-breaking significance of such observed patterns.

So it's very true that belief shapes our subjective reality. Because, in a way, what we see, hear and feel is what we believe we should be thinking, hearing and feeling. And what we remember about it is going to be what supports our beliefs. And what we notice about other people's stories will, astonishingly, be precisely what best buttresses our preconceptions.

No one is immune to this, of course. But keeping an open mind and consciously looking for data that contradicts our prefered beliefs, not to mention constantly trying out other hypotheses that might also explain the evidence, is the best defence we've found so far.
Lord Karsus Posted - 05 Mar 2012 : 19:53:44
Originally posted by Markustay

You have to be 'open minded' to see that which others can't.

-Taken right out of the video.

Originally posted by Markustay

It still doesn't explain why the new garden statuary we placed keeps getting turned completely around... I doubt that's a raccoon. Especially when we turned them all back the right way (facing away from the house), and came back outside about a minute later (making another trip to the truck for stuff), and they were all turned the wrong way again.

-A 'fairy' doesn't, either. Why not a Djinn?

Originally posted by Markustay

I actually fell in love with the place for many reasons, not the least of which is a treehouse at the very edge of the property, with a very large opening facing toward the woods... no lights for miles. The starscape is incredible - you usually don't see that in NY (at least not in the part I live in). I can't wait to buy a new telescope.

-Where the hell was it, that I went to a few months ago, in October? Just at like the middle of the LI. Masstick, I think it was. It's crazy how much of the sky you can see at night. By comparison, I live in the boonies here, on SI, and I get basically the moon, Orion, the Big Dipper, and assorted random stars that don't really make any patterns here and there.
The Sage Posted - 05 Mar 2012 : 05:58:57
Originally posted by Kuje

So many cultures have their own specific "fey" that you could guess all day and still not come up with anything that might work. It even matters what type of fey they are.
And, in some cases, I'd say it matters further even, at what time of the evening they decide to visit.
Besides milk, you could give them fresh bread. Four-leaf clovers work for protection. Uh, holy water works on most things, or if there's a pagan/wiccan/new age store nearby, they might have some blessed liquid that could work.
I'll second the recommendation of using milk.
Markustay Posted - 05 Mar 2012 : 05:39:14
What? Did I forget to mention I think they came from the Realms?

If Ed Greenwood can be sane and have an old mage walk through the back of his wardrobe from time to time, then I can have creatures from the feywild living around me.

Originally posted by Dennis

Belief shapes one's reality.

You can't experience that which you do not believe in, because your mind denies its existence (even when its right in front of you).

You have to be 'open minded' to see that which others can't.

Anyhow, I have no interest in convincing others in things I believe - they'd have to walk a mile (or a lifetime) in my shoes. I fully understand how someone who hasn't experienced 'weirdness' wouldn't believe in certain things, and I can't blame them. I'd probably be the same way if I had a different life then I have had.

I think I may have figured out why the light (thats been exactly the same way for fifteen years) blew apart - its probably more far-fetched then fairies; one of those 'one in-a-million' situations. Basically, I think there was a lugnut on the other end of the deck I was walking on, on the edge of the railing. I believe it may have fallen, ricocheted off a large rock just beneath it, and shot straight through the glass fixture (blowing it apart). I only think this is a possibility because I found the large nut (no... not me ) when I was examining the area, picking up all the broken glass today. It would have been a pretty bizarre series of events, but a definite plausible scenario.

It still doesn't explain why the new garden statuary we placed keeps getting turned completely around... I doubt that's a raccoon. Especially when we turned them all back the right way (facing away from the house), and came back outside about a minute later (making another trip to the truck for stuff), and they were all turned the wrong way again.

I've experienced that kind of stuff before though, so thats pretty mild compared to a shattering light. I should also add that I am now living at the end of a long, rural road, so there are no other people close by - we are completely surrounded on three sides by state and federal land.

I actually fell in love with the place for many reasons, not the least of which is a treehouse at the very edge of the property, with a very large opening facing toward the woods... no lights for miles. The starscape is incredible - you usually don't see that in NY (at least not in the part I live in). I can't wait to buy a new telescope.

Its also a good spot to fend off a zombie apocalypse. Yeah... I really did consider that when first viewing the place. It is 2012, after all.
Imp Posted - 05 Mar 2012 : 04:43:49
Or that.
Kentinal Posted - 05 Mar 2012 : 04:39:30
Or move to Well meet shelf, where discussion for anything (within reason) can occur.
Imp Posted - 05 Mar 2012 : 04:09:31
In that case I concede my point and advice to seal the scroll.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 05 Mar 2012 : 03:58:51
Originally posted by Imp

Come on Wooly. I don't see you saying such things when a strictly rules topics pop up here. At least Marcus's thread is about fantasy.

Rules can be used in the Realms. Markus is speaking of real-world happenings and his real-world beliefs; calling them fantasy is disrespectful to those that have similar beliefs.
Imp Posted - 05 Mar 2012 : 03:15:35
Come on Wooly. I don't see you saying such things when a strictly rules topics pop up here. At least Marcus's thread is about fantasy.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 05 Mar 2012 : 02:55:04
I don't want to step on anyone's personal beliefs, but I really should like to see something Realms-related here.
Kentinal Posted - 05 Mar 2012 : 00:29:07
Originally posted by farinal

Also not sure if this thread is serious or not lol

I consider the concern of the OP is serious. The reasons for that is shelf selected an the concerns expressed.
farinal Posted - 04 Mar 2012 : 21:56:32
Just cast Dismissal when you see one.

Hmm though I think faeries are not from another plane so that may not work.

Also not sure if this thread is serious or not lol
Dennis Posted - 04 Mar 2012 : 19:49:14

Belief shapes one's reality.
Kuje Posted - 04 Mar 2012 : 19:44:07
Okay guys, lets end the rest of this other topic right now. There are some of us on this site who are pagans and or wiccans or whatever and believe in things science can't explain, so if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. :)
Faraer Posted - 04 Mar 2012 : 19:42:48
Have a look at the relevant chapter in John Michael Greer's Monsters.
Originally posted by Bladewind
Best way to get them to go away is to actively disbelieve them (save vs will).
Or it might lead to them manifesting in a roundabout, messed-up way, as the otherworld tends to when it's denied.
Bladewind Posted - 04 Mar 2012 : 19:35:11
Great link there, LK. Gracias.
Kuje Posted - 04 Mar 2012 : 19:31:51
Besides iron, you could try bells. :) But truly without knowing which land they came from, it's hard to say what might work. So many cultures have their own specific "fey" that you could guess all day and still not come up with anything that might work. It even matters what type of fey they are.

Besides milk, you could give them fresh bread. Four-leaf clovers work for protection. Uh, holy water works on most things, or if there's a pagan/wiccan/new age store nearby, they might have some blessed liquid that could work.

St. John's Wort is supposed to help protect as well.
Lord Karsus Posted - 04 Mar 2012 : 19:21:41
Originally posted by Kentinal

Interesting Vid, wonder if having sound card would have changed my impression of it.

Knowledge is power, belief is error.

-Lol, yeah, being able to listen to the speaker is pretty key.
Kentinal Posted - 04 Mar 2012 : 19:18:25
Originally posted by Lord Karsus


Interesting Vid, wonder if having sound card would have changed my impression of it.

Knowledge is power, belief is error.

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