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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Banter Darkdirk Posted - 23 May 2011 : 20:17:22
In keeping with my Mask-based questions; I was wondering if anyone knew if any of the Shadow-walkers survived the Spell Plague?

I know there isn't a lot of 4ed material out yet (in regards to the Realms); but I was wondering if anyone had any idea if any of the people who underwent the ritual survived?

If no one has a canon answer, let me know what you think would happen? (I'm very curious to hear other people's take on possible outcomes)

I realize that the time frame of the plague would mean "natural" deaths for many Shadow-walkers. But I don't think it is out of the question to think that at least a few Shadow-walkers were from longer-lived races than humans (ie. half-elves, elves).

Just a general wondering.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lord Karsus Posted - 24 Jun 2011 : 18:15:01
Originally posted by Dennis

Somehow, I did, too, albeit just a bit. Nothing beats knowing more about a story's characters---their motivations, schemes, counter-plans...regardless of their stated alignment and class.

-Of course. If they were main characters in a novel or short story, as presented, I wouldn't like them too much. As supporting members of the cast, the lack of motivation, other than they're serving Mask and his Chosen, augments them, I think. It adds a level of mystery or suspense. You never know necessarily what they're going to do, if they're going to obey or not, if they have their own agenda or not, etc.
Dennis Posted - 23 Jun 2011 : 18:10:11
Originally posted by Lord Karsus

Originally posted by Dennis

They are hardly given voice in the novels...

-I, personally, liked that about them. Made their goals and motivations more mysterious (even though they were serving Mask and his Chosen).

Somehow, I did, too, albeit just a bit. Nothing beats knowing more about a story's characters---their motivations, schemes, counter-plans...regardless of their stated alignment and class.
Lord Karsus Posted - 23 Jun 2011 : 17:56:51
Originally posted by Dennis

They are hardly given voice in the novels...

-I, personally, liked that about them. Made their goals and motivations more mysterious (even though they were serving Mask and his Chosen).
Dennis Posted - 23 Jun 2011 : 02:47:31

They are hardly given voice in the novels. In fact, I always think of them as the puppets (or shadows) of Mask's Chosen---which maybe is the point (they might just be living according to their namesake).
Lord Karsus Posted - 22 Jun 2011 : 18:18:53
Originally posted by Arik

PSK's novels about Erevis and Rivalen make passing references to them being "cursed" with a tremendous lifespan which vastly exceeds that of normal men ... in fact, Erevis isn't really certain if he ages at all, or at what rate.

-It's like "they" always say: Immortality is a double-edged sword, and isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
Ayrik Posted - 22 Jun 2011 : 16:08:09
The entry for Shades in 1E describes them as being a sort of nearly ageless undead, similar to vampires and liches, but ah those were simpler times.

PSK's novels about Erevis and Rivalen make passing references to them being "cursed" with a tremendous lifespan which vastly exceeds that of normal men ... in fact, Erevis isn't really certain if he ages at all, or at what rate.
Lord Karsus Posted - 21 Jun 2011 : 18:06:17
Originally posted by Arik

I was under the impression that Telamont Tanthul and his various princes Shade are at least two thousand years old. It's true though that they could have had easy access to magical longevity methods, and also true that they lived in the Demiplane of Shadow Shadowfell (where timeflow might be different) for most of those many centuries.

-They are. Shades, if you look at their entry in Races of Faerūn have a [i]very[/o] long lifespan. Augment that already long lifespan with the fact that they're magocratic nobles with access to further magics to expand and extend their lifespans, and they're going to live even longer. The Plane of Shadow, in it's write-ups, doesn't particularly say anything about time being morphic.
The Simbul Posted - 21 Jun 2011 : 16:04:28
The Shadowmasters of Telflamm still exist, and in 1479 DR they are now worshippers of Shar instead of Mask. Specific NPCs have not been mentioned, and it could be assumed that those alive when Shar subsumed Mask would either have converted, been hunted down and slain, or possibly joined forces with the remaining Chosen of Mask.

In terms of Fellfire's question, the Shadow-walkers are merely as their name implies: beings who can walk easily through the shadows. They originated in Mask's clergy far East in Thesk, and while they do have a few darkness-related attack and concealment powers, they are primarily focused on being able to teleport through the shadows to facilitate their thieving excursions.

Shades by contrast are infused with and strengthened with shadow in a multitude of ways. They have increased speed, increased resistances (saving throws, spell resistance), greater stealth (invisibility), and can move through the shadows far more often (shadow stribe 1/2 rounds instead of a few times per day), etc.

As to your question regarding how to handle them in the 3.5 rules, the Shade template is in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, and the Shadow-walker template is in Unapproachable East. In 4E as far as PCs are concerned they would likely be merged using the Shade race with players selecting different utility powers to emulate what they have in previous editions of the game.
Fellfire Posted - 14 Jun 2011 : 05:21:28
Indeed. I am so willfully ignorant of the 4e changes, it startles me. From what I understand, in regards to the OP,I suppose Rivalen survives. I was asking in a more general manner. I'm still a 3.5 player, so I guess I was asking how you would handle Shadow-walkers using that rule-set.
Ayrik Posted - 14 Jun 2011 : 05:04:38
I was under the impression that Telamont Tanthul and his various princes Shade are at least two thousand years old. It's true though that they could have had easy access to magical longevity methods, and also true that they lived in the Demiplane of Shadow Shadowfell (where timeflow might be different) for most of those many centuries.
Fellfire Posted - 14 Jun 2011 : 03:58:22
I wonder about these Shadow-walkers. I know that the Shade template (3.5) gives this ability as do the Shadowdancer and Child of Night (ToM) PrC's, to a limited extent. In Paul Kemp's excellent Erevis Cale/Twilight War trilogies it seems Erevis had to become a Shade to gain theses abilities, yet Nayan and the rest of the monks that followed the Left and the Right had this power as well, but remained human. Anybody got an explanation?

Also, in the WotSQ series Nimor posessed a Ring of Shadows that seemed to grant these same powers. In my game, Vhaerun still lives and may in fact be Mask. So the idea of non-Shade Vhaerunite Shadow-walkers has occured to me. Thoughts?
Hawkins Posted - 24 May 2011 : 02:23:45
You can probably expect to see more of them in Godborn, Paul's upcoming 4e novel.
Lord Karsus Posted - 23 May 2011 : 21:58:42
-In one word: Yes

-In a slightly longer sentence: If you want them to be, sure.

-In a longer paragraph: Individuals infused with Shadowstuff (Shadow Creature template, Shades, etc.) generally have lifespans that are augmented. We know such individuals existed circa 1375 DR, the end of the 3e timeline. The 4e timeline starts again in 1479 DR. Is it feasible that, because of their augmented constitutions, they live an extra 104 years, if they're Human (or some similar race, with a century as being basically the max normal age)? Yes.

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