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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mr_Miscellany Posted - 03 Jan 2011 : 23:04:52
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dennis Posted - 28 Mar 2011 : 08:55:50


Here's one oscillation of beholders.
Mr_Miscellany Posted - 28 Mar 2011 : 05:58:52
Dissonance...I like that.
Dennis Posted - 25 Mar 2011 : 18:49:18

A keen of banshees. So fitting.

A dissonance of phaerimm.
Dennis Posted - 25 Mar 2011 : 05:36:13

A turbulence of beholders.
The Sage Posted - 24 Mar 2011 : 07:37:42
Originally posted by Arik

That's not an adjective I'd have chosen. The Sage we know is far too tolerant and easily distracted to be suitably obdurate; as any conversational musings about muses or musics or mutants will readily demonstrate.

Well, I AM the World's Greatest Procrastinator, simply because I've always got too much going on!
Dennis Posted - 24 Mar 2011 : 06:50:09

Sage is no ordinary sage.
Ayrik Posted - 24 Mar 2011 : 06:45:05
That's not an adjective I'd have chosen. The Sage we know is far too tolerant and easily distracted to be suitably obdurate; as any conversational musings about muses or musics or mutants will readily demonstrate.
Dennis Posted - 24 Mar 2011 : 06:35:35
Originally posted by Markustay

Originally posted by Dennis

A gallimaufry of scribes.
A Grognard of Sages.

I'd rather have an obduracy of sages, since they're the most obdurate beings in the multiverse.
Ayrik Posted - 24 Mar 2011 : 06:30:58
A grumble of grognards.
Markustay Posted - 24 Mar 2011 : 06:17:25
Originally posted by Dennis

A gallimaufry of scribes.
A Grognard of Sages.
Ayrik Posted - 24 Mar 2011 : 06:03:39
A plethora of piņatas.
Dennis Posted - 24 Mar 2011 : 05:29:33

A gallimaufry of scribes.
Markustay Posted - 24 Mar 2011 : 04:50:02
A pestilence of Phaerimm.
Dennis Posted - 24 Mar 2011 : 02:57:02

A shudder of sharn indeed sounds fitting.
The Red Walker Posted - 23 Mar 2011 : 18:50:35
Originally posted by Arik

I cannot speak for the Lady K, though I suspect she wouldn't be satisfied with an argument of Sages.

As if he doesn't already argue with himself often?
Markustay Posted - 23 Mar 2011 : 17:22:02
Originally posted by Steven Schend

A shudder of sharn (for more than 3) or a glisten of sharn (for less than 4). :)

My own fictional world to be launched soon uses fun terms of venery as well; three to five ogres is a risk; a threat is 3+ risks, and a menace is 5+ threats.
Count me intrigued; I have always been a fan of your work.
Alystra Illianniis Posted - 23 Mar 2011 : 16:47:23
Very nice. Are there terms for a large number of half-dragons? A clutch? What about treats? A thicket of treats, maybe?
Steven Schend Posted - 23 Mar 2011 : 15:10:58
A shudder of sharn (for more than 3) or a glisten of sharn (for less than 4). :)

My own fictional world to be launched soon uses fun terms of venery as well; three to five ogres is a risk; a threat is 3+ risks, and a menace is 5+ threats.

Markustay Posted - 23 Mar 2011 : 07:10:57
How about 'brood'?
Ayrik Posted - 23 Mar 2011 : 04:07:58
I cannot speak for the Lady K, though I suspect she wouldn't be satisfied with an argument of Sages.
The Sage Posted - 23 Mar 2011 : 03:28:17
It's a good thing that the Lady K isn't reading this. I'd imagine she'd have more than a few "creative" suggestions for what to do with a 'second' Sage.
The Red Walker Posted - 23 Mar 2011 : 03:23:02
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Arik

Alas, we have only one Sage so we cannot address the plural form.

Thank Lurue for that! Two Sages -- or, more specifically, their two never-ending to-do lists -- would surely rip a hole in the fabric of time and space!

Well they'd think it was a good idea, scribble a few notes on how to go about ripping a hole into the fabric of space and time.....get distracted.....forget all about their plans
And and .........voila! Were all still safe and sound!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 23 Mar 2011 : 02:57:03
Originally posted by Arik

Alas, we have only one Sage so we cannot address the plural form.

Thank Lurue for that! Two Sages -- or, more specifically, their two never-ending to-do lists -- would surely rip a hole in the fabric of time and space!
Ayrik Posted - 23 Mar 2011 : 02:07:46
CR's suggestion of an "argument of scribes" is also fitting, though perhaps better suited to sages. Alas, we have only one Sage so we cannot address the plural form.
The Red Walker Posted - 23 Mar 2011 : 01:41:21
Perhaps A Scribble of Scribes is fitting?
Mr_Miscellany Posted - 22 Mar 2011 : 23:16:33
As it relates to Crawling Claws, Monsters of Faerûn lists the number appearing as solitary, group or "applause".

Kick ass.
Dennis Posted - 18 Jan 2011 : 15:39:22
Though sci-fi-ish, a quantum of phaerimm sounds good, too.
Dennis Posted - 08 Jan 2011 : 19:55:25
I think "enclave of" was used in RotA.
Quale Posted - 08 Jan 2011 : 19:14:07
other than hive-clutch, I've seen ''enclave of'' used

insect-terms works for my Realms where they have a future similar to the Great Race of Yith
Dennis Posted - 08 Jan 2011 : 17:28:11
Hive sounds so insectile. I favor the suggestions by fellow scribes. And I think 'dread' fits them perfectly.

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