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 15 Nightal 1374

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Shadowaxe Posted - 14 Oct 2010 : 09:57:51
Hello friendly Realms folk,

I have used the search function, so I hope I am not retracing old steps for you all. But I would like to learn more about that dreaded night on 15 Nightal 1374, when the slimy Sharran Assassins broke into El’s tower and stole the Ebon Diadem. I understand what happened and that the consequent struggle destroyed the Tower and El’s contingency spells kicked in and whisked him away, but I wondered if this event had been recorded in a novel/short story? And if so, which?

Your time is appreciated, thank ye.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Shadowaxe Posted - 15 Oct 2010 : 17:14:32
Thanks all, much appreciated. I did wonder as much, I just thought such a major event in the whole scheme of things relating to El, in my opinion, would have been covered - it just felt like I was missing soemthing. At least I can put my mind at rest.
Ayrik Posted - 15 Oct 2010 : 03:52:41
You can freely download a watermarked sample of Shadowdale: Scouring of the Land ... it's only the first 6 pages, but that includes all the material written about the Ebon Diadem (on page 4).
The Sage Posted - 15 Oct 2010 : 00:52:31
Daviot has the right of it. The Shadowdale module is largely the only source to cover this particular event.
Daviot Posted - 14 Oct 2010 : 23:08:12
To my knowledge, it hasn't appeared in any novels. It does show up as background information for the 3.5 Adventure Shadowdale: Scouring of the Land, specifically on page 4.

Sadly, this too is written from a historical perspective; I doubt that given the jump ahead to the post-Spellplague Realms, that we'll see such an event dramatized at this point in the game. T_T

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