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 Religion for undead

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
elglanto Posted - 14 Jul 2009 : 13:13:40

First of all, I'm french so please, forgive my english.

So, i'm writting a campain in the 3.5 FR and a part of it is about the Nigth Masks who would infiltrated Baldur's Gate and try to kick the shadow thieves out of the city.

In order to to this, Phultan Hammerwhand sent a Vampire priest to the city. So, as a priest, who could be her deiti?

I got the book Libris Mortis but the god it gives are not for the FR setting.

Do you have some ideas?
21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
coach Posted - 18 Jul 2009 : 00:44:21
or living demon prince to undead demon prince LOL, depending on what edition
coach Posted - 18 Jul 2009 : 00:39:53

for he was once a living deity, then became an undead deity
Foxhelm Posted - 16 Jul 2009 : 15:33:41
Deity of the undead... The Black Hand .

GL:BN joke.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Jul 2009 : 14:45:04
Originally posted by Markustay

Originally posted by Arion Elenim

And I am an evil DM, I would never explain it to them. Leave them scratching their heads.

You give your players LICE?!

My god! You ARE an evil DM!

Markustay Posted - 16 Jul 2009 : 14:25:21
Originally posted by Arion Elenim

And I am an evil DM, I would never explain it to them. Leave them scratching their heads.

You give your players LICE?!

My god! You ARE an evil DM!

Kilvan Posted - 16 Jul 2009 : 12:08:49
Originally posted by Grurp


Grurp need a mask because of his maturing Dwarven skin not impressing the Dwarven maidens anymore!


Grurp Posted - 16 Jul 2009 : 06:29:12

Grurp need a mask because of his maturing Dwarven skin not impressing the Dwarven maidens anymore!

Bane of the Harpers Posted - 15 Jul 2009 : 21:59:10
Mask is a god of Intrigues (even though he doesnt have the portfolio anymore) so it would be plausible that two of his clerics fight each other.

Besides, we saw many times clergy members fighting each other...Following the same god does not always mean that you think alike. It could be a good rp opportunity/dilemma for your player who follows Mask...
elglanto Posted - 15 Jul 2009 : 20:46:47
I'm starting to focus on Shar as her deiti. Mask is also really nice but I got a question about this : one of my player will be priest of Mask so are two priests of the same deiti allowed to figth each other?
I know the two churches of cyric are in "war" but is because cyriic is kind of crasy and let them figth.
Arion Elenim Posted - 15 Jul 2009 : 20:30:44
Originally posted by elglanto


First of all, I'm french so please, forgive my english.

So, i'm writting a campain in the 3.5 FR and a part of it is about the Nigth Masks who would infiltrated Baldur's Gate and try to kick the shadow thieves out of the city.

In order to to this, Phultan Hammerwhand sent a Vampire priest to the city. So, as a priest, who could be her deiti?

I got the book Libris Mortis but the god it gives are not for the FR setting.

Do you have some ideas?

First of all, your English is damned-near perfect.

Secondly, like a lot of my fellows here, I suggest you merely pick whichever deity is closest to his personality, regardless of whether or not it 'fits'. This will make the situation infinitely more interesting, and leave everyone wondering: is that vampire REALLY casting spells granted by Mystra? How is this even possible?

And I am an evil DM, I would never explain it to them. Leave them scratching their heads.
Markustay Posted - 15 Jul 2009 : 16:22:23
Seriously, in The Realms, if you can think of an interesting enough back-story, anything is possible.

If it can have Undead druids, then I would say pick a god and just go for it. If the Forgotten Realms are known for any one 'flavor', then it would be that all things are possible.
Ayunken-vanzan Posted - 15 Jul 2009 : 11:59:45
But only nonevil lycanthropes. The cleric in question has to be nonevil, too, otherwise Shar would be the way to go.
Sian Posted - 15 Jul 2009 : 08:53:59
i could see an argument for a Vampire cleric (which in no way himself choosing it) going for Kelemvor or Selune ... its not that long ago Ed noted that Kelemvor have nothing against undeads, that didn't choose to become undead, but was forced into it one way or another ... and Selune allready have the more commonly questionable groups as Lycantropes under her wing as to not give them over to Malar
Knight of the Gate Posted - 15 Jul 2009 : 03:19:37
When I think 'Vampire Cleric', I think Shar. Velsharoon,IMO, is more a god of those who *choose* undeath (namely lichnee), whereas Shar embodies night (w/o which vamps can't live) and secrets (which a vamp in the midst of a settlement has to keep, or the villagers will learn what he is, and where his coffin is).
The Sage Posted - 15 Jul 2009 : 00:54:27
Indeed. Any cult of Orcus, for example.

Interestingly, you could also explore the idea that this priest is serving an alternate demihuman deity, like Kiaransalee. Since we have instances of other races worshipping outside their standard racial pantheons, it wouldn't take too much effort for you to fashion a backstory for why this is so.
Zanan Posted - 14 Jul 2009 : 22:23:06
Myrkul or one of his priest might still be around. Nigh any demon lord or archdevil may aid the cult, or that of some evil deity like Bane, Beshaba, Shar or the like. Methink something has been written about the Night Masks in Cloak & Dagger as well as Lords of Darkness.
Bane of the Harpers Posted - 14 Jul 2009 : 20:59:26
Actually there is two evil gods who work for the Night Mask: Maks, god of thieves and Shar, goddess of Night.

For Mask, as a god of stealth and shadows, he surely appreciate what vampires could do...He probably is the most popular god within the guild anyways...

For Shar, the organization's number two is actually a priestess of Shar, member of the city's nobility. See Cloak and Dagger and Lords of Darkness for details...She could be the vampire lord behind this cleric character of yours...

elglanto Posted - 14 Jul 2009 : 18:12:55
Actually, she already was a priest. That's why I was also searching some god who would fit with the Nigth Mask background.
I also htougth about doing a good priest abandonned by her god after becomming a vampire then become an Ur-priest (from complete divine).

Edit : I also think that the Ur-priest is less tasty
The Sage Posted - 14 Jul 2009 : 16:58:08
I've tinkered with the idea of having Jergal still put out the love for the undead in my Realms.

Alternatively, you could consider any of the various deities of undeath/the undead in the Realms to be an aspect of the Evening Glory, from Libris Mortis. Or vice versa. And considering the "immortality through undeath" aspect of Evening Glory's portfolio, Velsharoon would probably be a convenient Realms deity choice.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Jul 2009 : 16:29:55
I'd approach it from the other angle. Rather than a vampire who apparently becomes a priest after his/her undeath, I'd go with a priest who was turned into a vampire. I think most of the evil deities would continue to grant spells to a priest who became a vampire, assuming that priest was a loyal follower beforehand.
Ayunken-vanzan Posted - 14 Jul 2009 : 15:27:04
Velsharoon is my first guess. As god of necromancy he would be suitable.

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