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 100% real swords and armor.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Genis Posted - 03 Jul 2009 : 20:05:46
Okay so this might not be the right place so please moderators feel free to move me about. And this might not be completely about the realms, but it sorta fits and this seems like a great place for such a question. So I assume at least some of you out there are nerdy enough as I am to enjoy collecting, buying, owning or whatever swords and other random armaments from the past. To get to my question does anyone know anywhere that actually makes swords, shields, and armor genuine and EXACTLY as they were? because I'm tired of finding shields for example that look good on the front but then the back is all bull**** and fakey. I want quality battle ready completely acurate replicas please is that too much to ask? Maybe my standards are too high but i've been looking online and other places for like 6 years and i'm always disapointed.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Calmar Posted - 17 Jul 2009 : 16:37:17
I know first hand that there are many middle-ages festivities where you can also find arms and armor dealers in Germany and the Czech Republic. Spain has already been said and I'm also quite certain that such stuff can be found on similar events in Poland, Italy, France and Britain, too.

Now that I think about it, you should be able to get historic weaponry in just about any country that actually used such stuff in the middle-ages. It's pretty expensive, though.

Don't know if such stuff is exported to the U.S. Maybe you won't get around a visit to the mysterious realms of the Old World...
Zaskar24 Posted - 13 Jul 2009 : 01:01:49
Ithought I would post a couple of my pieces including my buckler.

Here are my custom axe and a Viking spear from Arms & Armor as well as my Mercenary's Tailor buckler:

Here is my Albion Next Generation Squire sword:

And this is my Angus Trim blade with cutlery by Christian Fletcher:

Arion Elenim Posted - 10 Jul 2009 : 04:02:32
Originally posted by Nerfed2Hell

The best recommendation is to go to a ren-faire and find a someone who does custom work.

I disagree. Ren-fest custom work is rarely worth the coin. Don't forget, they have to pay one helluva lot of rent.
Nerfed2Hell Posted - 09 Jul 2009 : 23:29:35
The best recommendation is to go to a ren-faire and find a someone who does custom work.
Arion Elenim Posted - 09 Jul 2009 : 03:15:43
I used to sell swords and knives for a living. Couple pieces of advice:

Bud K's website ( good to find out what you want, but you'll want to find a local store to do your actual buying. Some terms to learn:

Full-tang: the blade actually extends all the way into the handle. This is a good thing. Usually more expensive.

Carbon-steel vs Stainless Steel: be prepared to shell out an extra 200-400 bucks or so for carbon, but it's worth it for long term use....just don't touch the blade if you can avoid it, as finger oil will harm it VERY quickly. It also requires some upkeep. Stainless does not (a lil WD-40 2x/year should do it), and so most swords you can buy are stainless.

Also, I ree-hee-heeally suggest you don't buy anything on the internet. LOTS of websites have a habit of playing on people's desire to own a blade, and will send you a stainless knock-off for 4x the price. Go to a local store that has quality, not quantity.

Shields are hard to come by. Do your homework.

Oh, and when you walk in, ask if the store has Paul Chen (THE best mass-produced katanas in the country). If they don't know who that is, regardless of whether you're buying samurai style blades or ancient Greek, ya walk out. They might not carry it, but they should know it. :)
Zaskar24 Posted - 09 Jul 2009 : 00:01:13
May I suggest going and looking here. Look at the links page under Mercenary's Tailor for very good shields. Have fun.

Hoondatha Posted - 05 Jul 2009 : 04:08:06
For an option in the US, there's a guy I used to fence with out in LA named Joe Caswell. He was a really, really good epeeist, possibly the best I've ever fenced, and to make a living he made replica swords using the old-fashion pattern weld process. He got out of the business because even when he was selling them for $3000-$4000 it wasn't justly compensating for his time, and now he's making knives.

Here's a link to his website, and one of the swords he made:
Genis Posted - 04 Jul 2009 : 07:11:44
It's not that I NEED a functional one's more along the lines that I want one. Why would I get a one with a false back/crappy fake arm attachments when I could get one historically accurate and functional. lol. It's the principle. And fakey cheapo ones fall apart easily. You know, if I'm going to spend money on say a spartan shield replica that is carbon steal and whatnot why would I want the back to be a 2x4 and a vinyl strap? Some of them are so close to being good, but then they go half arse on one part.
Nerfed2Hell Posted - 03 Jul 2009 : 23:02:52
Because the fakey cheapo ones fall apart easily.

Hell, I built a better one (steel reinforced wooden round shield) than the lame one a friend got me for my birthday one year. Occasionally, I use it for target practice (arrows & throwing knives) just to add "character" to it... but mostly it just hangs on the wall, otherwise.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 03 Jul 2009 : 22:38:08
Why do you need a functional shield?
Genis Posted - 03 Jul 2009 : 22:10:42
yeah ive actually been to a renaissance faire and got a sword that i am really happy with but you know, renaissance faires only happen once a year depending on where you are. but yes i will agree they are a good place to find quality stuff. and yeah i know that europe probably has a lot of tourist aimed crap they are trying to sell. and yeah that website has some good looking things. swords arent necessarily as hard to find quality as like armor or shields though, i mean i HAVE occasional found what looks to be quality high carbon steel handmade etc etc swords and whatnot. but as far as a well made and functional shield i have never found one, and carbon steel armor is also easier to find but spendy as the nine hells. and leather armor, well always looks super shatty. yeah but other than going to Spain i suppose i'll settle for an occasional renaissane faire for now, which though are pretty good quality are usually overpriced.
Afetbinttuzani Posted - 03 Jul 2009 : 21:51:47
Originally posted by xaviera

Originally posted by Afetbinttuzani
Head to Toledo, Spain, my friend. And be prepared to pay handsomely for them.
Last time I was in France & Spain (a loooong time ago) lots of places sold souvenir swords. They're typically cast or moulded steel with a plastic or wooden hilt. As they're not that well-made, I dont know how much abuse they'd take. You can almost certainly buy better-made stuff if you look around. In the US, try the Renaissance Faires for the same sort of thing. There are also a lot of places you can order from online - try Googling 'armory'.

Agreed, most of what is sold in Spain is low quality tourist-oriented display only stuff. But in Toledo one can also find real armorers and sword smiths. These are true craftsmen, and their work, understandably, does not come cheap.

But I suspect you are right. The genuine article should be available in North America as well. This company looks promising, though I have not purchased anything from them myself.
xaviera Posted - 03 Jul 2009 : 21:14:08
Originally posted by Afetbinttuzani
Head to Toledo, Spain, my friend. And be prepared to pay handsomely for them.
Last time I was in France & Spain (a loooong time ago) lots of places sold souvenir swords. They're typically cast or moulded steel with a plastic or wooden hilt. As they're not that well-made, I dont know how much abuse they'd take. You can almost certainly buy better-made stuff if you look around. In the US, try the Renaissance Faires for the same sort of thing. There are also a lot of places you can order from online - try Googling 'armory'.
Afetbinttuzani Posted - 03 Jul 2009 : 20:28:25
Originally posted by Genis

Okay so this might not be the right place so please moderators feel free to move me about. And this might not be completely about the realms, but it sorta fits and this seems like a great place for such a question. So I assume at least some of you out there are nerdy enough as I am to enjoy collecting, buying, owning or whatever swords and other random armaments from the past. To get to my question does anyone know anywhere that actually makes swords, shields, and armor genuine and EXACTLY as they were? because I'm tired of finding shields for example that look good on the front but then the back is all bull**** and fakey. I want quality battle ready completely acurate replicas please is that too much to ask? Maybe my standards are too high but i've been looking online and other places for like 6 years and i'm always disapointed.

Head to Toledo, Spain, my friend. And be prepared to pay handsomely for them.

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