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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Faraer Posted - 30 Jun 2009 : 10:33:47
Oh dear, people who know and like the Realms at the EN World boards seem to be on holiday at the moment.

A few of those here with first-hand knowledge of Realms designing and publishing might just like to chime in.
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jorkens Posted - 13 Jul 2009 : 11:40:27
Its been a while since I checked in on those boards and after reading a few of the posts I remember why. I don't have the temper or the patience for those kinds of discussions.

If terms like Mary-Sue, Grognards, Munchkin (unless Oz of course) starts popping up I might as well be somewhere else.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 05 Jul 2009 : 20:48:44
I popped into at least one of the threads in question at EN World recently, and I have to say, I was shocked at the personal attacks on Ed that showed up in that thread. I was moved to post, if only to defend Ed from people that apparently have no common decency when it comes to besmirching a man's character.
Nightseer Posted - 01 Jul 2009 : 05:53:14
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Markustay

Even the lore debates I used to enjoy so much have become all muddled, because different folks have different concepts of 'now' in the Realms.

There's a now other than 1370-1375?

Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 01 Jul 2009 : 04:07:48
Looking at the Legacy books for Star Wars and such, you might be hard pressed to include it as well...
KnightErrantJR Posted - 01 Jul 2009 : 03:26:23
While I don't disagree with your main point, this may be a bad summer to cite Star Trek as an example.
Swordsage Posted - 01 Jul 2009 : 01:36:16
After reading the thread, all I can say is that the Realms Fans won.

The other comment that caught my eye was the "burden of lore" bit that stifled designer creativity. I don't understand why continuity is something that is a non-negotiable in places like the world of Star Wars or Star Trek but is a problem with the Realms. That's the nature of shared worlds. If you can't cope with that fundamental fact, you're either not as good a writer/designer as you think you are, are too arrogant to ask for help if its needed and/or are too arrogant to accept that your own creative process has to be tempered and shaped by the world you are writing in. It seems the biggest "burden" going round in the Realms and clearly shaped the decision to shift to 4E was that of some of the designers' and writers' egos.

The Swordsage
The Sage Posted - 01 Jul 2009 : 01:05:03
Originally posted by Uzzy

The EN World boards are pretty much dead to Realms experts. I seem to recall discussing the Elminster = Mary Sue thing a year or so back, and refuting every single point made. No surprise whatsoever that it's come back up.
Aye. These arguments never cease to amaze me. Even when confronted with direct posts from Ed that clearly demonstrate the inaccuracy of their assumptions, they still cling to them with intense ferocity. It's almost frightening.

It's part of the reason why I abandoned the EN World boards over 4 years ago, now.
Faraer Posted - 30 Jun 2009 : 22:18:38
I'd go out and end divisive tribalism, but I have to stay in and mind the gas.
Uzzy Posted - 30 Jun 2009 : 21:19:15
The EN World boards are pretty much dead to Realms experts. I seem to recall discussing the Elminster = Mary Sue thing a year or so back, and refuting every single point made. No surprise whatsoever that it's come back up.

Wenin Posted - 30 Jun 2009 : 20:39:14
I've been reading the thread the OP is likely refering to...

FR has been around long enough, that if those individuals have that opinion of the setting, then there is going to be no changing their minds. Part of their problem with the FR setting (ie players expecting canon to override the GM's creative license), is their inability to communicate with their players in person..... how can communicating with them over a forum prove to be effective.

I enjoy being able to play characters that LIVE in a setting, rather than a character that rides along the story train the GM is cooking up.

Sue me if I like to know that when I run across a Zhent, I'm suppose to be weary, cause it's fairly common knowledge that they are a horrible lot.

Now kill me (seriously kick me the hell out of the game! ROFL) if a GM finds me bitching about whether a secret door exists in some dark alley, as my character is unable to find it. That isn't a sign of a campaign setting with to much detail, but an example of a moron player that is unable to seperate player knowledge from character knowledge. Actually that's the worse example of this problem, I've ever read.
Arivia Posted - 30 Jun 2009 : 17:31:13
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Markustay

Even the lore debates I used to enjoy so much have become all muddled, because different folks have different concepts of 'now' in the Realms.

There's a now other than 1370-1375?

Not to stir the pot, but I'm having a ton of fun with a 1479 now right now. It's all good.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Jun 2009 : 14:12:44
Originally posted by freyar

The one thing I don't like about EN World is the active Realms-hate, including a lot of little snide comments. So I kind of treat a lot of FR threads there like edition wars threads --- if they're looking bad, I just don't read them. If any are really vitriolic, I suppose we could start reporting posts, but I don't know that it would help.

I've not been over there myself -- I prefer to stick to fewer forums. I'm only active on two forums (fora?), and the other one isn't nearly as active as this one usually is. I'm willing to get active on the Paizo forums, but I don't like their layout.

Anyway, just about every bit of commentary I've seen about the EN World forums is that its a place for those who love Greyhawk and/or hate the Realms. I've got better things to do with my time other than argue with people who will never agree.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 30 Jun 2009 : 14:09:35
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

That and the fact that I saw a thread over there where the author was looking for a way to charge while prone.

My response would have been two words: "Get up."

Were there any reasonable solutions to that one?

No. There were tons of arguments that being prone did not stop your movement, that you could move while prone (crawling), etc., etc., etc.

I told my friend about the thread and she answered one of the questions pretty aptly:

"...where does it say that being knocked prone ends movement?..."

...2nd grade, on the playground.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Jun 2009 : 14:07:32
Originally posted by Markustay

Even the lore debates I used to enjoy so much have become all muddled, because different folks have different concepts of 'now' in the Realms.

There's a now other than 1370-1375?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Jun 2009 : 14:06:28
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart

That and the fact that I saw a thread over there where the author was looking for a way to charge while prone.

My response would have been two words: "Get up."

Were there any reasonable solutions to that one?
Markustay Posted - 30 Jun 2009 : 13:53:50
I also lurk at Enworld (I think I have less then ten posts there). I love the Realms, and ATM I'm not playing (so 'edition' doesn't enter the equation), so I'm perfectly happy just making CK my main 'digs'.

I used to be VERY active over at WotC, but much like everything else owned by Hasbro lately, its lost it's luster for me. Even the lore debates I used to enjoy so much have become all muddled, because different folks have different concepts of 'now' in the Realms.

Its easier just to stay here and wheather out the storm.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 30 Jun 2009 : 13:41:35
I honestly don't go to EN World very much because of all this stuff. Most of the threads I look at to find some information seem to be 75% vitriol about one of the posters or something.

Ironically, the Wizards boards are getting the same way. Even when a thread is comprised of opinions I agree with, I dislike how those opinions are posted. That and the fact that I saw a thread over there where the author was looking for a way to charge while prone.
freyar Posted - 30 Jun 2009 : 12:14:10
The one thing I don't like about EN World is the active Realms-hate, including a lot of little snide comments. So I kind of treat a lot of FR threads there like edition wars threads --- if they're looking bad, I just don't read them. If any are really vitriolic, I suppose we could start reporting posts, but I don't know that it would help.
Faraer Posted - 30 Jun 2009 : 12:02:01
I confess to feeling a little Don Quixotic about it.

When I were a little'un, keeping our head down was the only holiday we got, except the time when we went down t'pit and had to eat cockney salad.
arry Posted - 30 Jun 2009 : 11:36:44
On holiday? Perhaps. Keeping their heads down is another possibility. I lurk at ENworld, I don't care to post there.

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