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 Anonymous Cameos (Gates to Everywhere)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
KnightErrantJR Posted - 18 Dec 2005 : 06:59:52
I can remember a lot of comics with big splash pages that have sneaky cameos tucked away into crowd scenes and in the backgrounds of cites, and it made me wonder, since the Realms has portals to just about everywhere, what about some sly cameos at appropriate places.

For example, the first thing I thought of was the crowd scene at a Mage Fair, where a man with greying temples, a blue outfie, and a high collared red cape travels with a petite attractive woman with white hair and a flame above her head, these two being accompanied by a green minotaur while shoping in the bazaar. In another area, a man wearing blue but also wearing a large gold cape, gloves, and a full face helm, and a woman wearing fishnet stockings and formal black and white clothes could be watching a seminar about magic, and might be joined by a man with red hair with a white streak in it.

Since the Realms is a place that has touched many worlds, I would love to see if any of my players picked up on those cameos. Has anyone tried something like this?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 18 Dec 2005 : 18:47:25
Originally posted by Arivia

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

One of my sillier ideas was to have the PCs in Undermountain, when they see the Warner brothers (and the Warner sister, Dot) go tearing by, followed closely by Otto (Animaniacs reference)...

I can beat that.

In an WEG Star Wars game I ran earlier this year, my players ended up in a giant space katamari.

I was a bit off that day.

But did they end up ever speaking to the King of all Cosmos? That would have been a very interesting encounter.

Arivia Posted - 18 Dec 2005 : 17:23:36
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

One of my sillier ideas was to have the PCs in Undermountain, when they see the Warner brothers (and the Warner sister, Dot) go tearing by, followed closely by Otto (Animaniacs reference)...

I can beat that.

In an WEG Star Wars game I ran earlier this year, my players ended up in a giant space katamari.

I was a bit off that day.
Hoondatha Posted - 18 Dec 2005 : 17:02:11
Only if she was a cleric of Eldath, or somesuch.

I don't generally do a lot of cameos, though I did have Fizban show up one night when I was getting really punchy. Oh, and I also brought in the Giant, Intelligent, Happy, Talking Spiders, and my players couldn't decide if they wanted to fall out of their seats laughing, or kill me.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 18 Dec 2005 : 16:16:56
If there were a female PC, would they have stopped and say, "Helloooooo Nurse?"
Wooly Rupert Posted - 18 Dec 2005 : 13:29:43
One of my sillier ideas was to have the PCs in Undermountain, when they see the Warner brothers (and the Warner sister, Dot) go tearing by, followed closely by Otto (Animaniacs reference)...

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