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 To be framed, or not to be framed...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 30 Oct 2002 : 17:23:48
Treat this more as an idea then a request, but is there a possibility to make the Candlekeep forum a framed item on the Candlekeep main site? I have visited another forum recently, and they've embedded their forum in their website, along with an option to view it un-framed.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ditalidas Posted - 31 Oct 2002 : 13:05:13
I really do not care if it's framed or not. The shortcut in my favorites brings me right here or there, just where I like to be.

I have no problem with either options.

ArcticKnight Posted - 31 Oct 2002 : 04:35:56
i prefer the way it is now, thus u shall not change it!!!!!!!!

lol just kidding ,but i do like it this way more.

Drummer Boy Posted - 31 Oct 2002 : 03:02:49
Originally posted by Candlekeep Webmaster

When we first launched the forums it was loaded in the main frame of the site so that the menu bar and title bar were still available. However we changed this a few weeks later to have the forum launched in its own window and many said they prefered it that way.

What do you all think? which method do you prefer? Having both options isnt always feasable for particular links to the forum.

I guess I would prefer a framed window, but I don't really mind the way it is now.
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 30 Oct 2002 : 17:42:04
To illustrate a little more where my post came from; I was looking for the link to Alaundo's Library for the Winding Serpent item. It just took some more mouse-clicks and screen builds to get to the item. and then go back to the forum. (I personally prefer to have just one browser window open.)
Candlekeep Webmaster Posted - 30 Oct 2002 : 17:38:09
When we first launched the forums it was loaded in the main frame of the site so that the menu bar and title bar were still available. However we changed this a few weeks later to have the forum launched in its own window and many said they prefered it that way.

What do you all think? which method do you prefer? Having both options isnt always feasable for particular links to the forum.

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