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 Fellaren Krae Project...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
LucianBarasu Posted - 10 Dec 2006 : 03:22:29

Alaundo, ( and anyone else who has hands in the project)

After re-re-re-reading ALL the printed lore for Fellaren Krae, I redid the maps. I have gone ahead and used the already accepted canon to make some maps to help visually with this city.

I used the Exact color pallet from the FR Waterdeep maps, so it would blend will with the official stuff from Wizards.

Here are the links. Tell me what you think.

The castle Region:
Trades Ward:
Coins Ward:
Dock Ward:
Gold Ward:

I made the original maps ( not shown) before readin some of the other suff people put up on the site.
i.e. I had the graveyard OUTSIDE of town, (like Waterdeep) but someone posted the church of Kelemvor was INSIDE of town middle of graveyard.

Stuff like that had me redoing them, but now, with all streets named, people can help me populate the town.
let me know if you like them.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LucianBarasu Posted - 06 May 2009 : 00:42:51
wow. cannon attention? i'm suprised and excited.. wow i love it!

see what happens when i leave for a bit..things get better.
hey- wait..that's not right..
The Sage Posted - 07 Nov 2008 : 23:34:27
Wow! Round and round this project has gone. Only to finally receive some canon attention. 'Tis neat. Neat I say!
Alaundo Posted - 07 Nov 2008 : 18:04:32
Originally posted by Brian R. James

So...anyone object to my including Fellaren-Krae and its environs on an official map of Sembia circa 1479 DR?

Well met

Go for it, Brian. I dare ye
Brian R. James Posted - 07 Nov 2008 : 15:57:20
So...anyone object to my including Fellaren-Krae and its environs on an official map of Sembia circa 1479 DR?
boddynock Posted - 12 Sep 2007 : 16:59:55
did you checked the stuff yet Lucian :)
Victor_ograygor Posted - 05 Sep 2007 : 11:54:15
Originally posted by boddynock

can you sent it also to me victor?

You got it now boddynock
boddynock Posted - 05 Sep 2007 : 11:22:31
can you sent it also to me victor?
Victor_ograygor Posted - 05 Sep 2007 : 10:29:39
The Fellaren Krae map is done, and you got it in youre mail LucianBarasu

boddynock Posted - 01 Sep 2007 : 08:22:28
ok thank you very much Lucian. I hope there weren't many flaws in it :)

I start again on the project about 2 weeks :)

LucianBarasu Posted - 01 Sep 2007 : 01:32:08
I have proofread and spell checked 3/4 of what you sent. They will be going off to Alaundo's via mail-cocktrice tonight.
boddynock Posted - 28 Aug 2007 : 15:48:36
good Victor. Now we just have to wait for Lucian about his opinion of what we have sent yet. When I know more I start again with the chapter about the hidden temple :-)
Victor_ograygor Posted - 28 Aug 2007 : 14:15:24
Yes I have it all.

I have a back off all the work mad concerning Fellaren-Krae

Still working on the maps
boddynock Posted - 28 Aug 2007 : 14:01:25
Did you found the stuff about the graveyard Victor?
Victor_ograygor Posted - 22 Aug 2007 : 15:57:29
I am referring to both maps.

- The area of Fel.

- The Hidden Temple in the Swamp

And about the graveyard area.. Trying to find the stuff

boddynock Posted - 22 Aug 2007 : 11:51:51
@ Lucian

Splendid. Take your time and let us know your thoughts of it.

@ Victor

About the map you were speaking. Do you mean the map of the area of Fel. Krae or do you mean the map about the Hidden Temple in the Swamp? Secondly I remember I was helping you with the graveyard area. Did I sent you the stuff I made yet?
LucianBarasu Posted - 21 Aug 2007 : 19:10:00
and I am reviewing it and checking it all out as we read this.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 18 Aug 2007 : 10:13:12
Great boddynock

I am almost done with the map
boddynock Posted - 18 Aug 2007 : 09:11:59

The following stuff has been sent to Lucian right now:

- Blacksmith + NPC
- Temple of Sharess + 3 NPC's
- Library + NPC
- Magic shop
- Restaurant
- Legend of the hag's doll + creature
- The Black Swamp
Victor_ograygor Posted - 16 Aug 2007 : 10:13:17
Originally posted by LucianBarasu

i'll tell you what:

Send me whatever it is you have for the big FK.
i mean everything you've worked on.

I have to go through and check it anyhow. so might as well toss me what you have, and what we send to big Al, he can put up on the site, and then once what you have is up there, we can see what's left or what's needed.

Knowing you two, i'm going to have a veritable $#*&$storm of paperwork to go through and read over. hehe But seriously, send it to me. if you think you "might" have sent it, send it again. gmail emptied my freaking inbox..

If you sent to Big Al, send it to me...that way it's less stuff Al has to proofread and/or edit.

Sorry if it feels like i'm a fat guy trying to squeeze back into my movie theatre seat after the movie started , but i got to make some room to get accustomed to the FK please excuse any bumping of your elbow... hehe

Nothing much has happened since you disappeared

There are on thing that’s taking time and thats the large map of the city and the surroundings but I hope that its done at the end of this month
boddynock Posted - 16 Aug 2007 : 08:42:47
No problem Lucian,

I sent the stuff i have to you. I'm not a native english speaker so if you find any grammatical flaws ... don't be mad at me *grinnik*


I tried to sent you the stuff but I always get an error when trying to sent it to you.
LucianBarasu Posted - 16 Aug 2007 : 02:23:34
i'll tell you what:

Send me whatever it is you have for the big FK.
i mean everything you've worked on.

I have to go through and check it anyhow. so might as well toss me what you have, and what we send to big Al, he can put up on the site, and then once what you have is up there, we can see what's left or what's needed.

Knowing you two, i'm going to have a veritable $#*&$storm of paperwork to go through and read over. hehe But seriously, send it to me. if you think you "might" have sent it, send it again. gmail emptied my freaking inbox..

If you sent to Big Al, send it to me...that way it's less stuff Al has to proofread and/or edit.

Sorry if it feels like i'm a fat guy trying to squeeze back into my movie theatre seat after the movie started , but i got to make some room to get accustomed to the FK please excuse any bumping of your elbow... hehe

boddynock Posted - 11 Aug 2007 : 06:38:49
The last thing we did was sending the black swamp to Alaundo (en i think also to Lucian). Another part of the swamp was the hidden temple with the captured demon but we decided to sent that in a seperate file. I asked you to make a map of it (I sent you a paint version of it earlier ... think you still have it). When that's done I had the intention to tell room by room what everything is.

Old graveyard ... we had only a few things mentioned yet but we have to work it out.

I also converted a few NPC's already mentioned on the site to third edition. I think you also did something with new commoners but i'm not sure.

So guys I have to leave you know today. Going to Walibi (ex six flag) for a day. One of my players is going to leave our group for a few years because he is going to live in Washington. So we try to spend the last days with each other and to make fun.

Victor_ograygor Posted - 11 Aug 2007 : 01:26:35
It seems that I should find those old dusty Fellaren Krae Project tomes and the big map of the city and the surroundings.

Can anybody tell me what has been sent already, and what we were working on? I am sorry I relay cant remember what we were doing?

boddynock where did we stop ? … Commoners of of Fellaren Krae ?

Who has this ?

Done with

Deskription of Fellaren Krae (Large city)
- Population
- Authority Figures
- Importent Carekters

The Militia and City Watch
- Ground legins (Soldier’s)
- Water legions (The Navy)
- Air legions (Griffon Company)

Rumour and open knowledge in the city
- Temple of the Sunless Dawn
- Lighthouse
- The Bandit Cave
- The Abandoned Copper Mine
- The Sea Cave
- The Ghost ship

- The old Graveyard (boddynock)
- The black Swamp (boddynock)

I have this : Working on the map (Surrounding environment) plz send me the new map of the city
boddynock Posted - 10 Aug 2007 : 23:50:59
Welcome back Lucian,

BTW Victor. I sent the chapter about the swamp a few months ago to Alaundo & Lucian. If you find time can you sent me map of the hidden temple? so we can start with writing the fluff of it.

LucianBarasu Posted - 09 Aug 2007 : 23:11:37
Victor_ograygor Posted - 12 May 2007 : 09:34:38
Made a new thread boddynock

Commoners of of Fellaren Krae.... Working on that now! almost done with the full map, and the small one of the church
boddynock Posted - 12 May 2007 : 07:27:26
I started wit the conversion of al the posted NPC's to 3.5
boddynock Posted - 30 Mar 2007 : 14:39:28
I ask it before but didn't got an answer yet :-)
Is someone busy converting the posted AD&D game stats of NPC's yet? If not I will do it :-)
boddynock Posted - 27 Mar 2007 : 19:24:04
i'm also working on laws and punishments.
boddynock Posted - 22 Mar 2007 : 11:38:47
sounds great Victor. I just need your help with the temple in the swamp. I suppose this will be a more difficult part of the swamp to make. I also try to sent the first versions of the dragon & the main black lizard folk characters at sunday. In your private message you will find now a small piece about the undertakers of the graveyard.

I still have to make the bardic character from the roasted gooze & the story about the witches, but that can eventually be later on schedule. About the npc's it a good idea to make time for the normal characters like bakers, carpenters, butchers etc.

Also .. don't forget that there are also normal houses in the city. Places where people just live and not work

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