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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Demogorgon Posted - 18 Jan 2014 : 01:47:09
“Nostalgia is possibly the greatest of the lies that we all tell ourselves. It is the glossing of the past to fit the sensibilities of the present. For some, it brings a measure of comfort, a sense of self, and of source, but others, I fear, take these altered memories too far, and because of that paralyze themselves to the realities about them"

Long have I watched this world be torn asunder from the corruption of beings entrusted to its balance. Longer have I seen the lands given to the primordial squandered. The entrustment has been made a sheer mockery from higher above than the Mortal can comprehend.

And they say the Demon is most foul.

The enemies of my master grow stronger in the wake of the hidden one decision to establish the law between the keepers and the kept. Like every parent given to the steady hand, it is forgotten that its child will remember the slights given to them. In turn, it will rebel and strike back.

This is the unavoidable chain that we are all bonded to and can not escape.

The great wheel turns still, The weave rebinds, and the dead that have been slain will return in the wake of this reforming. And in that moment, They shall come with greater zeal than the Mulani. Promising you unfounded truths of your salvation. Follow them and you shall be rewarded they will utter with twisted smiles and false light.

You are the strength of these unthankful children. You are the source of there might. You are the beacon to guide them from the hand of the stern parent. And it is your time to cast such beings asunder.

Excerpt from
"Ill Gotten Truths"
Origin Unknown

(In Character writings from the perspective of Realm events from a spinner of lies)

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