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 The Saga of Chondath

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
EltonRobb Posted - 20 Feb 2025 : 18:11:02
DM's question.

So far, I am recruiting for the Saga of Chondath on Paizo. Here's my question. Can you suggest a certain FR adventure I can take a look at that can be set in Chondath?

The idea for the campaign is to unify Chondath under one banner. The place is like Chessenta or to put it mildly, like Medieval Italy. I said I wouldn't use pre-existing Adventure Paths by Paizo. But I'll use pre-existing adventures.

Just need some guidance, that's all.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EltonRobb Posted - 22 Feb 2025 : 00:03:19
Thanks. Although a slight update.

I may have to change campaign premises.
TBeholder Posted - 21 Feb 2025 : 02:16:59
Originally posted by EltonRobb

The idea for the campaign is to unify Chondath under one banner.

Technical side:
The scope of such a campaign is above murderhobo-ing around, or even just role-play, it's role-strategy, i.e. domain play, which needs domain mechanics. For the basics of how and why see the quote from Kevin Crawford in that post; also this and my brief list of faction mechanics that could work in that post.
After picking one, you would have to mod it for the campaign, of course. For a military+clandestine campaign, maybe AER or WWN as base, with extras inspired by Proxy?
There are no off-the-shelf tools, of course, but someone experienced at messing with VASSAL engine could help a lot.
Search for more relevant threads, too.

Empire-building in Chondath as such? Sounds delicious, faction-wise.
I mean, for the elves and their Emerald Enclave proxies it's going to sound as "rebuild Jhaamdath!" no matter what. Both of those traditionally are liable to be motivated by self-importance rather than any practical concerns, so they are very likely to go for confrontation.
This makes 3 main groups: Elves + EE (maintain status quo), Empire Builders (build Great Chondath), Fence Cheerleaders (won't join yet, but want EE vs EB conflict for some or other reason).
Even if it's emphatically not a restoration movement, for those willing to put the EB and EE against each other all it takes is:
1. Arrange a good deal on greenstone amulets or other mind shielding gear for those running the show and the important external supporters. The most obvious source for a decent sized batch in a hurry is... the drow. Heh, they could even give discount on something this likely to inconvenience and distract their stuffy surface cousins and (eventually) illithids.
2. Have agents spread it as a rumour where Emerald Enclave spies are likely to overhear.
Bonus points if they can pull Eldreth Veluuthra into this mess. Triple bonus point if they later expose EV agents when this will not merely deepen, but maximally widen the tensions.
3. Wait a bit. Distrust and escalation will do the rest.
The place is like Chessenta or to put it mildly, like Medieval Italy.

That is, it's like the conquest of Kingdom of The Two Sicilies? Leaving most unsavory details of that aside... The important similarity is that Risorgimento took foreign backing so massive, it was much closer to a proxy war than support: in 1859 Charles Albert of Piedmont had 27 million gold lire, Ferdinand of Naples had 443 million. It follows that someone interested enough had to make up for the disparity of resources and then some, yes?
Chondath empire building is not a war against the most prosperous state in its half of a continent, but it's not going to be cheap at all. So, who will back this? Realms, even in the hallucinations of 4e, has no "empire over which the sun does not set" with comparable assets in client states.
For the states that could pull it would be a puppet too far and strong to actually control. Objectives of the merchants (Sembia/Amn/jewelers of Irl) have better solutions (if EE is this bad for business, a shadow war with them, not indirect military gamble).
edit: clarity.

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