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 Under Illefarn Anew 2E?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
roguecaliber Posted - 29 Jan 2023 : 12:32:36
Would it be terribly hard to convert this to AD&D 2E?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
roguecaliber Posted - 01 Feb 2023 : 00:10:06
Awesome! Thank you guys. Love the extra work, Eric
ericlboyd Posted - 29 Jan 2023 : 21:48:19
Converting it to 2e would be easy. The stat blocks are all in one spot. Just look at the base class, keep the level, but ignore the prestige classes.
TomCosta Posted - 29 Jan 2023 : 21:33:37
Probably not if you have the original Under Illefarn as a starting point. Eric mostly converted and expanded on the original, while also adding additional campaign setting material for further DM development. Even if you don't have the original, 2E is a lot more rules light and less concerned about balance than 3E, so I think it's doable even without owning the original.

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