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 Tempest Valley

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hawkfeather Posted - 06 Jul 2016 : 02:10:30
Hello, fellow scribes.

There's a place called Tempest Valley in the Storm Horns (it can be seen in the 2nd edition Cormyr sourcerbook's map). I can't find any information about this place. Does anyone know anything about it?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hawkfeather Posted - 08 Jul 2016 : 00:34:19
I thought about a Talos cult, but it's too obvious in my opinion. I asked about this place because I'm currently the DM of a Cormyr campaign. The PC's traveled into the Feywild through a portal near the town of Kirinswood and then went to the "Feywild Storm Horns" (I made the place as an obsidian mountain full with vulcans ruled by fomorians and fire giants... but I digress). Anyway, the PCs found a circle of stones in this area that is a portal back to the Material World, in the middle of the so called Tempest Valley. Since there's no official lore about it, I think I'll made it a valley completely inaccessible by land and even by flying (maybe due the strong tempests that plague it) and thus without any human influence. It could be filled with a primordial forest defended by isolated and fanatical druids.

George Krashos Posted - 06 Jul 2016 : 06:28:10
The 2E Cormyr accessory map had a bunch of places that were not noted or fleshed out in the text. I'm not aware of any information on this place but it sure sounds good! long-ago cultists of Talos perhaps?

-- George Krashos

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