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 Imaskar banning of the gods spell

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Nicolai Withander Posted - 21 May 2013 : 09:35:12

Im sure this have been asked many times before, but I cant find it, and have forgotten whatever I have learned before!

So please... Can anyone remember the (most) official name of the Imaskar spell that blocked out the gods?

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Nicolai Withander Posted - 21 May 2013 : 21:54:30
Thanks for all the answers! I didn't think it had a name. But im going to go with The Godsward!!!

Thnaks again!
Hoondatha Posted - 21 May 2013 : 16:30:49
I checked Powers and Pantheons, which has a complete write-up of the history of the Mulhorandi and Untheric pantheons, and no specific name is given. It's just referred to as a "magical barrier." The process of creating is is called "permanently closed all connections between those lands and the Realms." So it doesn't look like it has a specific name.
sleyvas Posted - 21 May 2013 : 14:32:38
you'll probably find just as many references (if not more) calling it the godswall.
Kentinal Posted - 21 May 2013 : 13:08:34
Well it would appear that Godsward is likely the correct answer. Seach directed me to this link:
TheHermit Posted - 21 May 2013 : 12:43:32
Originally posted by Nicolai Withander

So please... Can anyone remember the (most) official name of the Imaskar spell that blocked out the gods?

My brain tells me it's referred to as either the Godsward or the Godswall, but I don't have any real source in front of me to confirm that.

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