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 Items Alustriel would give a party for a trip?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ozreth Posted - 11 Feb 2013 : 20:31:44
If Alustriel asks an adventuring party to travel to Citadel Felbar, what gifts would you expect her to give them to aid them in their travels? We're talking a level 2/3 party of 9.
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MalariaMoon Posted - 19 Feb 2013 : 13:18:40
I'd say Alustriel has the wisdom to look beyond a party's level of power when deciding they're the right adventurers for the job. As for gifts, I can't do better than what my fellow sages have suggested. Low-level magic, perhaps something with quirks or that allows Alustriel to easily track and 'ride the senses' of her intrepid travellers.
Diffan Posted - 17 Feb 2013 : 18:02:56
Something that I'm starting to use in my games (currently, v3.5) is non-magical items that still hold unique properties and value. For instance, using rare materials for weapons and armor (instead of the usual +1, +2, +3 stats they get). So the party's rogue might favor a masterwork Fever-Iron dagger or the dwarven fighter might enjoy a masterwork heavy blacksteel spiked shield with an augment crystal embedded at it's center.

Also, consumable items works out well too. Potions, Oils for weapons, and wands with low charges in them would seem best. A Wand of Magic Missile (CL 1st, 20 charges) is a fine item indeed for a low level adventurer.
BEAST Posted - 16 Feb 2013 : 09:07:14
A farewell kiss, for inspiration and general good cheer?
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 16 Feb 2013 : 06:10:11
Why would Alustrial even ask such a low level group to do anything but join her argent legion? Wait till they are all around 7'th or 8'th level. But, for your group I'd say a ring of communication. Some cloaking items and magical items of silence and stealth. Such a low level group should go about quiet and unheard or seen. Otherwise they could all be smashed by a mid-level enemy before the task is done.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 05:59:23
I'd say healing potions and maybe something magical to put in a fire to keep the space around it warm and free of rain or snow for a period of 8-9 hours.

I'm curious where you're headed with this, Ozreth. Sounds like it'll be fun.
Markustay Posted - 12 Feb 2013 : 00:46:32

But seriously... definitely a few healing potions; those always come in handy.
The Masked Mage Posted - 11 Feb 2013 : 21:41:14
Alustriel is the kind who would gladly distribute items of the 'usefull, but not powerful' sort. Glow stones and the like.
Ozreth Posted - 11 Feb 2013 : 21:38:20
Originally posted by Kentinal

Maybe deliverer a message of little importance to test the nature of the party?

That is actually exactly what is happening :p
Ayrik Posted - 11 Feb 2013 : 21:22:15
Low-level parties can do well with temporary (charged, one-shot, or disposable) items. I think it more likely they'd be asked to deliver items to their owners, but given permission to make use of them as necessary.
Kentinal Posted - 11 Feb 2013 : 21:13:45
... and what they are asked and expected to do.

Really not sure why Alustriel would even ask such a low level party to take on a task for her. Maybe deliverer a message of little importance to test the nature of the party?

I would expect aid would tend to be mundane, a horse maybe a +1 dagger and a rune to guide the task. Oh food might be provided as well, some coin for travel. I would be shocked to see aid exceeding 3,000 gold value (and that is high).
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Feb 2013 : 21:01:00
It depends, in part, on what time of year it is, and why they're being asked to go.

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