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 Meeting Tymora in Arabel

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Khelben Posted - 11 Sep 2010 : 12:13:30
How would you portray Tymora? At the time of the Times of Troubles the deities are impov snobs and sees their subjects as servants. So in Arabel she would sit on her throne and watch her temple be rebulit with some portions of boredom. What do you think?

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Darsson Spellmaker Posted - 17 Sep 2010 : 06:17:36
Also, didn't she use her powers to protect Arabel from the chaotic magical effects that ran rampant during that time? So, she might be a bit...distracted, if players should encounter her. From the sheer intensity of focus and concentration necessary to do such a thing, maybe.
Mr_Miscellany Posted - 14 Sep 2010 : 23:07:00
Thanks Quale that's awesome.
Quale Posted - 14 Sep 2010 : 20:08:55
I don't remember from novels, this is from Polyhedron #71 by Ed ...

... her present avatar is a slim, almost boyish maiden with silver hair and eyes like blue-black stars. Her features are breathtakingly beautiful, and her movements are always dexterous and graceful. Tymora can change between silver bird and human form at will, takes one round. Like her followers, Tymora delights in the joy of doubt and danger (also known as ''the Lady's Joy'' or ''the Lady's Way''). She always tales the reckless course. ''Defy'' is the watchword of her followers; ''Dare much'' is a devout worshipper's answer. The goddess acts just as those words suggest. ''To dare is to live!'' say the priests of Tymora, and even in the Time of Troubles, Tymora cannot act cautiously in her headlong hunt for the missing Tablets and a return to Ao's favor. It is her nature to court danger, she always makes every saving throw, and serves or obeys no one. Tymora is jaunty and high-spirited, but not rude and haughty. In battle she sings, whoops, or emits beast-calls with gusto.

So certainly not sitting in a temple.
Mr_Miscellany Posted - 14 Sep 2010 : 19:11:27
Kinda on topic: Tymora's time in Arabel is something I've wanted to read about. Sourcebooks make mention of her time there walking in the Realms, but were there every any novel-based accounts of Tymora in Arabel during the Time of Troubles?

Disclaimer: I’ve made a character (Human Cleric of Tymora from Cormyr) for the Realms game I just joined. Any response to the above question will be most appreciated.
Markustay Posted - 14 Sep 2010 : 19:03:34
You could simmly use Eberron's mechanic for action points (I think that's what its called) to duplicate that.

As for Tymora and the ToT... all the gods portrayed were big jerks, so just go with that. It may just be that being forced into a mortal vessel and stripped of most of your powers leaves you a wee bit grumpy, because most of them aren't normally that asinine, so make of it what you will.
Rhewtani Posted - 14 Sep 2010 : 17:37:21
In a friend's campaign, they used a luck-point system (where if used before a die roll could completely avoid the results/grant auto-extraordinary success and used after could gain you a reroll). Visiting and bowing before Tymora during the Time of Troubles was 1 of the very limited ways to get them.
Quale Posted - 14 Sep 2010 : 11:22:46
Lol, more likely she would head for the World Serpent Inn, trying to get back to Brightwater.
Khelben Posted - 11 Sep 2010 : 19:33:51
Originally posted by IngoDjan

In the Time of Troubles novels, she receives visits to afford money to her temple.

If memory serves I believe that Cyric asks why an almighty Being wants gold - why not conjure it. Then he was shown the door..
IngoDjan Posted - 11 Sep 2010 : 16:00:29
In the Time of Troubles novels, she receives visits to afford money to her temple.

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