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 Implementing the Gods in Your Game

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DorianAdricus Posted - 21 Jul 2008 : 18:22:20
The thread on which gods in the Realms should live or die has spawned another question in my mind.

Which Gods do you have difficulty using, but would like to? I'm hoping that others might post some brainstorming ideas to help all DMs fully utilize the hook potential of all the gods. I'll start things off:

Talos - Really big god, really important, but I can't seem to wrap my head around Him. What's He up to? What does His clergy do? Anyone have any insights/campaign experience/great stories to tell about His Storminess or His clergy?

And another - Sylvanus/Rillifane - Another pair of big guys that I have trouble with. How do you tell them apart? Where does one leaf (heh heh) off an the other begin?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jamallo Kreen Posted - 22 Jul 2008 : 02:29:52
That last question (Silvanus/Rillifane) ties into a long-standing Realms theological theory: when two gods become suffiently similar, unless they fight and one defeats the other (as Talona supposedly defeated Kiputytto), the two deities may actually merge into a single being. Or so some think.

There is a wealth of theological speculation in the original Planescape boxed set and in its Powers (captal-P) supplement. The White Wolf / Sword & Sorcery Studios Scarred Lands planar book also has some speculations on how deities arose and what eventually happens to them.

si comprehendis non est deus

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