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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Varda Posted - 12 Mar 2008 : 01:43:19
Hello, i want some help. I'm a dungeon master of a Neverwinter Nights online Server, we have a persistant world based of Forgotten realms background. I need to advise a new player about the church of Talos, and the prestige class "Stormlord". I have diverse books of the setting, I have even looked for in the Internet and available material but i found just the basic information about the church and the prestige class. What i really looking for? I need information about how you can develop the roleplaying of a Stormlord. It is a challenge, for example i have a druid Stormlord (chaotic neutral) It is very difficult to develop to her history and personality, of course it is an exiting challenge to have a character like that. I don't want to give that player the same example of my character because she is a druid an his character is a cleric, and both of them has differents points of view of life and perspective. I looked in diverse forums of discussion but it was impossible to find something me that is not the technical aspects of the prestige class. I will apreciate your help.

pd: i don't know if this is the appropriate subforum to post this :p
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 12 Mar 2008 : 15:19:25
Originally posted by Varda

As you said Faraer, one question would be what kind of people follows a deity such like Talos?

All kinds of people will pray to Talos in order to appease him.

However a priest of Talos is going to be someone who agrees with his dogma and (most likely) enjoys the power that being his mortal vessel would bring.
Varda Posted - 12 Mar 2008 : 08:56:29
Thanks for the tip Ergdusch, i'll try to find those books and read it, i sure it will improve my perspective about priests in Forgotten Realms.

As you said Faraer, one question would be what kind of people follows a deity such like Talos? I find the problem difficult to me because i have to recognize that i don't like to play priest, in fact never I played with one. Thanks for the help ^^
Ergdusch Posted - 12 Mar 2008 : 08:04:18
Helpful in the sence as I understand your question might also be reading any novels of the Priest of the Realms series. I have not done so myself unfortunatlly. However, I have read other series books (Thieves, Fighters) and they portrayed the classes in different. I strongly believe the Priest-novels might give you an impression on the mindset of priests in general and the relationship to their gods.

Faraer Posted - 12 Mar 2008 : 02:31:58
What kind of difficulty are you having? Understanding the Talassan mindset, what kind of people would be drawn to it, how one might act in specific situations? I'm finding your request too general to easily answer.
Varda Posted - 12 Mar 2008 : 02:25:22
Originally posted by Faraer

The main source on the clergies of the Faerūnian pantheon is Faiths & Avatars. Ask again after reading Talos's entry if you'd like to know anything else.

You'll find little anywhere on Talassan druids specifically because they're a brief 3E whim.

Thanks for your post.

I read it, i found this book more complete that Faiths & Phanteons, but i need roleplaying tips, non the stereotipycal way to develop a cleric roleplaying.

About druids i "borrowed" concepts from other RPG games, such as Mage the Ascension (the book about the Verbena and Euthanatos are very useful). Brief or not, it is very exciting to develop a character who believes that does not exist the balance in the nature, but everything tends to the chaos.
Faraer Posted - 12 Mar 2008 : 01:55:48
The main source on the clergies of the Faerūnian pantheon is Faiths & Avatars. Ask again after reading Talos's entry if you'd like to know anything else.

You'll find little anywhere on Talassan druids specifically because they're a brief 3E whim.

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