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 Random Encounters

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mystery_Man Posted - 14 Sep 2004 : 18:26:41
Are there any good resources for random encounters out there on the net? Netbook, generators etc?


8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Arion Elenim Posted - 29 Sep 2004 : 19:13:00
Is there a random encounter generator somewhere online (or maybe within these very halls...)?
Capn Charlie Posted - 29 Sep 2004 : 13:16:14
So far I have rarely if ever used a random encounter table straight, and usually don't stick to whatever I rolled up on them anyway, which left the rolling of the dice for it in the first place a hollow action at best.

I must admit to using random encounter tables scarcely if ever, though I *do* particularly enjoy pre generated encounters, which I not only find interesting to read for inspiration and enjoyment, but will occasionally just drop into my game.

I look at including anything in my game as a matter of it's quality, not a matter of me having made it or not, and thus use published adventures(usually heavily modified) and some pregenerated encounters. For the first couple years of my FR game I used primarily published adventures, most not intended for the realms, that I "realmsified" and altered to my tastes, as that task was much shorter than creating them whole cloth myself, and I had limited time t odevote to the campaign.

I would think a list of pregenerated encounters, (including NPCs, scenarios, traps, puzzles, and minor towns) done by people here at the keep would be very handy to have about, if for no other purpose than inspiration and enjoyable reading.
tauster Posted - 28 Sep 2004 : 21:20:03
...another 2cp´s...

i sometimes "fake" random encounters: i roll dice, browse a few minutes through the monstrous compendium(1) and then... let my players encounter whatever i carefully prepared the day before, neatly fitting into my campaign (future recurring enemies, npc´s that later turn out to belong to one pc´s past, etc...).

the key is not letting your players guess the fake, so don´t do it too often.

(1) only when it doesn´t interrupt the game. sometimes my players joke around and have a hard time getting in-character; that are usually the situations where "faking a random encounter" works best.
Jerard Doonsay Posted - 28 Sep 2004 : 13:49:05
I only use random encounters on long traveling excursions that i'm too lazy to plan out. Planned battles are so much better.
Lord Rad Posted - 28 Sep 2004 : 09:07:25
Originally posted by Talwyn

I've always thought that as a DM, you should try to stay well away from random encounters or at least re-jig the tables to suit your purposes. Otherwise you end up with all sorts of weird monsters cropping up where they shouldn't really be. but that's just my 2 CP worth

I'll throw 2CP in with that too I never use random enounters, I always plan encounters ahead and use whichever creatures I see suitable.
Talwyn Posted - 28 Sep 2004 : 07:16:23
I've always thought that as a DM, you should try to stay well away from random encounters or at least re-jig the tables to suit your purposes. Otherwise you end up with all sorts of weird monsters cropping up where they shouldn't really be. but that's just my 2 CP worth
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Sep 2004 : 22:43:11
The Wizards website does a Random Encounters feature. It's not tables, it's more like rough mini-adventures.
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 14 Sep 2004 : 20:47:15
The best source of 3.0/3.5 FR encounters is the FR "Dungeon Masters Screen"

It really describe all the regions of Faerun and what you will encounter there, including Dungeon Level tables. Silver Marces, Unapproachable East, and Underdark books also all sport encounter tables specifically designed for their respective regions.

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