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 Darzalstaukh, the City of Dark Dreams

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kusghuul Posted - 25 Feb 2014 : 18:42:45
Does anyone know anything about Darzalstaukh? I found it mentioned in Unapproachable East, but it goes unmentioned in the Underdark. It's mentioned as being an isolationist city in the Underdark under Rashemen, with duergar being spotted east of Lake Mulsantir. It's clearly not Fraaszummdin even though Fraaszummdin is exactly where Darzalstaukh should be, but there's a discrepancy there, as Fraaszummdin is mentioned as being closest to the Trun’zoyl’zl district of Undrek’Thoz, but looking at the map shows it's closest to Nanitaran, with Trun’zoyl’zl being the furthest away.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kusghuul Posted - 05 Mar 2014 : 17:44:34
Thanks so much Markus! I agree with your conclusion, especially as you're a mapping genius;)

Great to see you're still active - I remember you from the pre-4th edition WotC boards (My username was Khaelieth)!
Markustay Posted - 05 Mar 2014 : 16:24:50
IMO, I would say the discrepancy is with the placement of Fraaszummdin, and I would follow the text rather then the map (maps tend to have a lot of errors people never notice).

Which means the city depicted is actually Darzalstaukh, and Fraaszummdin would be to the south, thus making all available canon text correct.

Something like this.
The Arcanamach Posted - 05 Mar 2014 : 16:14:09
Sorry sir but I'm completely clueless about this city...I've never heard of it (or I don't remember coming across mention of it anywhere).
Kusghuul Posted - 05 Mar 2014 : 13:41:09

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