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 Lovecratian monsters

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Crimson_King_of_the_Tower Posted - 10 Sep 2013 : 22:15:30
Hello all I am planning on sending my PCs to a lost sunken city that has risen from the sea and was thinking about using some Lovecraftian type monsters and wanted to know if anyone knew of some 2nd ed stats for some that might be out there like for actual deep ones or shoggoths or something. Thanks in advance.
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Crimson_King_of_the_Tower Posted - 15 Sep 2013 : 19:33:48
Ah thank you all for the info I do have a DDG from an old dowload i got a while back and i never noticed it had all those in it that helps ALOT thanks. What I'm thinking for the city is that long ago the city was created out on an island as a "haven" for all kinds of mages and magic users to come and practice freely without fear of persecution, and many mages and clerics flocked to it eager to practice their craft unhindered. What no one knew was the benefactor and creator of the entire city was an illithid who was looking to become a lich and cheat death and lived far below the city. He would let the mages practice and would then take the ones he needed to his lair and take their knowledge from their brains and experiment. Finally he achieved what he wanted and became an alhoon and twisted all the cities inhabitants into the Lovacraftian type creatures i was looking for. The city then sank into the sea and rises every now and then where my PC's will find it empty and abandoned but after a while the now twisted creatures will come out of the sea and into the city after the PC's and they must figure it all out. Sorry for rambling lol just wanted to let you all in on what the info was for hope you like :)
Lord Bane Posted - 11 Sep 2013 : 20:55:18
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Since you have the book, can you verify what Lovecraftian critters got stats in there? Not the deities, just the critters like Deep Ones and all...

Byakhee,Cthuga's Flame Creature, Deep Ones, Great Race, Mi-Go, Primordial One, Shoggoth.
Markustay Posted - 11 Sep 2013 : 20:39:34
Mine was actually the very first TSR purchase I made (I had other stuff before that, but it was given to me). I treasured that more then most of my other stuff.

Look at the artwork - I haven't had a campaign that I ran that I haven't used Xiombarg.

And we can all see why Ed choose to use Loviatar... she has such nice... assets...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Sep 2013 : 19:07:15
Originally posted by Drustan Dwnhaedan

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Markustay

In 1e the Cthulhu mythos (and many creatures) was written up in Deities & Demigods.

Be advised, though, that the original DDG, with the Cthulhu and Elric stuff, is really hard to find -- they was a copyright infringement issue, and most copies of the DDG are the later copies without the Cthulhu and Elric stuff.

And even when you find the original copies, they are often in sad shape, and the owners want way too much for them... Which is why I'll never replace the copy I had. Mine was in really good shape, and all the ones I've seen since then were in much worse shape and still going for $50-$100.

I actually have one of the original copies (got it from my dad, along with his other AD&D books). It's still in pretty good condition too. (Never really got into AD&D.) And no, it isn't for sale, in case anyone was wondering. Even if I don't use it (except as reference material), it's still a gift from my dad. (Hmm, I wonder how many of us have family that actually supported our roleplaying interests? Sorry, this is going off topic.)

My copy was a gift, as well, from one of the best managers I've ever had. He told me that he'd dumped the rest of his D&D stuff, but saved that one, knowing it was valuable and wanting to pass it to someone who would appreciate it. Sadly, that copy was lost in the fire that consumed from 95% of everything I owned.

Since you have the book, can you verify what Lovecraftian critters got stats in there? Not the deities, just the critters like Deep Ones and all...
Drustan Dwnhaedan Posted - 11 Sep 2013 : 18:41:37
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Markustay

In 1e the Cthulhu mythos (and many creatures) was written up in Deities & Demigods.

Be advised, though, that the original DDG, with the Cthulhu and Elric stuff, is really hard to find -- they was a copyright infringement issue, and most copies of the DDG are the later copies without the Cthulhu and Elric stuff.

And even when you find the original copies, they are often in sad shape, and the owners want way too much for them... Which is why I'll never replace the copy I had. Mine was in really good shape, and all the ones I've seen since then were in much worse shape and still going for $50-$100.

I actually have one of the original copies (got it from my dad, along with his other AD&D books). It's still in pretty good condition too. (Never really got into AD&D.) And no, it isn't for sale, in case anyone was wondering. Even if I don't use it (except as reference material), it's still a gift from my dad. (Hmm, I wonder how many of us have family that actually supported our roleplaying interests? Sorry, this is going off topic.)
hashimashadoo Posted - 11 Sep 2013 : 16:55:37
Paizo introduced the Skum from D&D as essentially being Deep Ones. I know there are 2e stats for Skum available.
Lord Bane Posted - 11 Sep 2013 : 11:59:47
Aboleths, far realm underwater living things is the closest you can get to a cthulhu like monster that lives in the water which would be fitting for your sunken city approach, add in some Sahuagin who venerate it because it has enthralled them and you should have some adversaries.
Ayrik Posted - 11 Sep 2013 : 05:14:02
Ah, Sage. Remind me to not play in your games.
The Sage Posted - 11 Sep 2013 : 04:47:41
Originally posted by Ayrik

Aw, c'mon! A 4-armed 4-tentacled sahaugin high priest of Cthulhu just sounds so yummy!

It sounds suspiciously like something I would've already tried in one of my games.
Ayrik Posted - 11 Sep 2013 : 04:04:48
Aw, c'mon! A 4-armed 4-tentacled sahaugin high priest of Cthulhu just sounds so yummy!
The Sage Posted - 11 Sep 2013 : 03:28:57
Oooh! And I almost forgot...

The 2e Planescape Mosntrous Compendiums have a number of Cthulhu-esque/Far Realm- type creatures that can probably find homes in your campaign as well.
The Sage Posted - 11 Sep 2013 : 03:27:07
A great many of the older Chaosium Cthulhu monster books include stats and Lovecraft race write-ups that can be easily adapted for the Realms. [Though it can be hard to find these {sometimes} pricey tomes.]

The 3e Fiend Folio has enough Lovecraft-type critters to populate your games with. But it will require some backwards compatibility in terms of stats.

And, finally, in the finding the "spirit" of the Elder-God vibe for your campaign, I'd recommend the write-up for the 'Dragonking's Eye' in Volo's Guide to All Things Magical.
Ayrik Posted - 11 Sep 2013 : 01:11:57
An underwater cavern filled with an illithid colony might be good, although perhaps too potent. Or perhaps aboleths instead.

Or an aquatic race (*ahem* koa-toa? sahaugin?) which worships a Cthulhu-type abomination might be good too. Think insane “evil“ priest/shaman with weird magic or psionic powers.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Sep 2013 : 00:57:12
There's an article in Dragon Magazine Annual 6 that has at least a couple of Cthulhu critters written up for D20... It's got Deep Ones, at least, according to The DragonDex, an index of all of the articles in the print form of Dragon.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Sep 2013 : 00:41:57
Originally posted by Markustay

In 1e the Cthulhu mythos (and many creatures) was written up in Deities & Demigods.

Be advised, though, that the original DDG, with the Cthulhu and Elric stuff, is really hard to find -- they was a copyright infringement issue, and most copies of the DDG are the later copies without the Cthulhu and Elric stuff.

And even when you find the original copies, they are often in sad shape, and the owners want way too much for them... Which is why I'll never replace the copy I had. Mine was in really good shape, and all the ones I've seen since then were in much worse shape and still going for $50-$100.
Markustay Posted - 11 Sep 2013 : 00:16:35
In 1e the Cthulhu mythos (and many creatures) was written up in Deities & Demigods.

In 3e, Paizo has all of that covered in their Pathfinder material.

As for 2e, I think you're out-of-luck. TSR didn't bother with it (aside from some early Far Realms stuff from Bruce Cordell), and they were pretty-much the only game in town back then (where D&D is concerned). You may have some luck looking through Bruce's stuff - try The Gates of Firestorm peak.

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