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 General Monster Question

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dracons Posted - 12 Jun 2010 : 20:25:07
Didn't know where to put this, as it only deals with Forgotten realms in the sense they have monsters.

How do you determine what a monster's skills are when making a monster? I know that say, Outsider or Dragon has 8 + Int Skill points to pass out per HD, but what their race skills if they don't have any classes? For all creature types?
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freyar Posted - 13 Jun 2010 : 01:10:49
woodwwad is precisely right for 3.0 or 3.5. To amplify a little bit, if you're making a new kind of creature, you get to choose the class skills when you make the "default monster" like would appear in a Monster Manual.

I can also mention the Pathfinder rules, which are very close to 3.X but actually differ in this respect. There, all monsters of a given type have the same class skills, which are listed under the description of the monster type.
woodwwad Posted - 12 Jun 2010 : 23:37:18
if this is a 3/3.5 question, the class skills of the monster are the skills listed in the monster entery. So, any skills it has listed for example a Minotaur has intimidate, listen, search & spot listed in it's monster stat block on page 188 of MMI 3.5, so these are the only class skills it has. Now, if you add a level of fighter to him, you have 6 hd of those monster levels & 1 of fighters skills. I hope that helped.

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