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 Ed Greenwood Presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Skeptic Posted - 23 Jan 2012 : 18:12:21
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
farinal Posted - 02 Nov 2012 : 13:59:54
Got my copy today! It looks awesome!
Marc Posted - 19 Oct 2012 : 19:51:48
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Eilserus

Never heard of Iron Kingdoms. I take it I should check it out?

Oh yes, very much so. Especially if you enjoy steampunk-like elements, significant international warfare, and steam/arcane-powered mecha [called Warjacks] tromping over battlefields and locked in clashes between countries and monstrous armies.

In other words, see here:-


They're going with their own ruleset now, but they previously used 3.x. And I'm here to tell you, I think their Monsternomicon books were some of the best monster books from the entire 3.x era.

Agreed. And the great thing about those monster books, is that with just a little tweaking here and there to individual entries, most of the critters can be adapted for alternate settings -- like the Realms.

That's true, right now I'm using the cephalyx, infernals (created by Armaros), and iron maidens in my planar campaign.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Oct 2012 : 11:03:03
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Mine is still flagged as "Shipping Soon."

Guess I can't complain too much, though -- there's been a recent glut of gaming stuff for me to read. Still have barely looked at the Iron Kingdoms RPG book, I've got the most recent Pathfinder stuff to finish, I've been enjoying Masks, and I got the Midgard Campaign Setting in the mail yesterday.

According to an email I got this morn, my copy is finally shipping! About time!

They're also shipping some other stuff I ordered, that they sat on for far longer than they normally do... Sometimes the way Amazon decides to ship stuff is just weird.
The Sage Posted - 17 Oct 2012 : 05:18:40
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Eilserus

Never heard of Iron Kingdoms. I take it I should check it out?

Oh yes, very much so. Especially if you enjoy steampunk-like elements, significant international warfare, and steam/arcane-powered mecha [called Warjacks] tromping over battlefields and locked in clashes between countries and monstrous armies.

In other words, see here:-


They're going with their own ruleset now, but they previously used 3.x. And I'm here to tell you, I think their Monsternomicon books were some of the best monster books from the entire 3.x era.

Agreed. And the great thing about those monster books, is that with just a little tweaking here and there to individual entries, most of the critters can be adapted for alternate settings -- like the Realms.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 17 Oct 2012 : 05:12:13
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Eilserus

Never heard of Iron Kingdoms. I take it I should check it out?

Oh yes, very much so. Especially if you enjoy steampunk-like elements, significant international warfare, and steam/arcane-powered mecha [called Warjacks] tromping over battlefields and locked in clashes between countries and monstrous armies.

In other words, see here:-


They're going with their own ruleset now, but they previously used 3.x. And I'm here to tell you, I think their Monsternomicon books were some of the best monster books from the entire 3.x era.

I have a friend that is about to throw an Iron Lich into his Pathfinder game. Love those guys.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Oct 2012 : 04:51:44
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Eilserus

Never heard of Iron Kingdoms. I take it I should check it out?

Oh yes, very much so. Especially if you enjoy steampunk-like elements, significant international warfare, and steam/arcane-powered mecha [called Warjacks] tromping over battlefields and locked in clashes between countries and monstrous armies.

In other words, see here:-


They're going with their own ruleset now, but they previously used 3.x. And I'm here to tell you, I think their Monsternomicon books were some of the best monster books from the entire 3.x era.
Eilserus Posted - 17 Oct 2012 : 04:45:23
Thanks for the link Sage, I'll check it out. :)
The Sage Posted - 17 Oct 2012 : 04:13:50
Originally posted by Eilserus

Never heard of Iron Kingdoms. I take it I should check it out?

Oh yes, very much so. Especially if you enjoy steampunk-like elements, significant international warfare, and steam/arcane-powered mecha [called Warjacks] tromping over battlefields and locked in clashes between countries and monstrous armies.

In other words, see here:-
idilippy Posted - 17 Oct 2012 : 03:44:11
Just cracking mine open, I went looking around the area for a store to buy it since the Barnes and Nobles in the area is out and grabbed the last copy on the shelf of a local game store. And now, I leave to go read, here's hoping it's excellent and that this is only the first of a many volume series.
Eilserus Posted - 17 Oct 2012 : 03:03:47
Never heard of Iron Kingdoms. I take it I should check it out?
The Sage Posted - 17 Oct 2012 : 02:50:30
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Mine is still flagged as "Shipping Soon."

Guess I can't complain too much, though -- there's been a recent glut of gaming stuff for me to read. Still have barely looked at the Iron Kingdoms RPG book, I've got the most recent Pathfinder stuff to finish, I've been enjoying Masks, and I got the Midgard Campaign Setting in the mail yesterday.

I've just ordered the new IKRPG book. I still haven't seen a local listing for the Midgard book's release here in Australia yet. So I may just have to purchase the PDF. I don't really want to wait much longer.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Oct 2012 : 17:37:08
Mine is still flagged as "Shipping Soon."

Guess I can't complain too much, though -- there's been a recent glut of gaming stuff for me to read. Still have barely looked at the Iron Kingdoms RPG book, I've got the most recent Pathfinder stuff to finish, I've been enjoying Masks, and I got the Midgard Campaign Setting in the mail yesterday.
The Sage Posted - 16 Oct 2012 : 14:44:15
I just got home to find the email I've been anxiously waiting for on my home computer:- "Dear [Name], we've received shipment of Ed Greenwood Presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms. Your order will be shipping shortly."

Best news of the week. And it's only Tuesday!
farinal Posted - 16 Oct 2012 : 12:58:33
Just got my "your order is shipped" mail. Can't wait!
Matt James Posted - 16 Oct 2012 : 11:24:27
You all will love it. I think it's a great book.
Razz Posted - 16 Oct 2012 : 05:48:56
Mine is coming tomorrow also. I have not purchased a D&D book since the last 3.5 book released and I feel that in order to get the Realms we want we need to buy more books like this. Cheers to Ed!

EDIT: Mine is coming today, did not realize it was past midnight.
Seravin Posted - 14 Oct 2012 : 02:21:52
So excited, mine will arrive on Tuesday! Yay for amazon pre-orders. I hope this sells so well they are forced to make Ed write a dozen more and produce an alternative Realms timeline.
Faraer Posted - 13 Oct 2012 : 22:06:54
From the extracts and content list, this is a book on how the Realms works and what it's like. Which is a very good, useful, overdue kind of book to have. (And a big corrective to all the dreary jumping-to-exceptions-for-novelty's-sake-before-understanding-or-exploring-the-main-stream we've suffered.) And almost all of it applies directly to the published Realms. The book I imagined it would be more like, with more specific material from the events and lore of his campaign, would also be a very good book. Maybe later if this one sells as it should.
Lemernis Posted - 03 Sep 2012 : 18:08:04
I'm excited to see this coming out in only about a month and a half now. The Amazon description states "The book is aimed at all Forgotten Realms enthusiasts, including players of every edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game" (emphasis mine). It makes me wonder how Ed will deal with the sheer havoc wrought to FR in the 4th ed. FRCS.

I recall Ed saying that he has always wanted the Realms to be fully customizable by the DM. And I see now the Edition Next is reportedly providing a framework for players to customize the game rather than forcing rules upon them. There seems to return to the roots sort of thing at WotC.

Then too there is the Sundering, an event for the Realms that will be introduced via six novels beginning about a year from now, each authored by a renowned FR author, that according the article below culminate in world that "harkens back to the earlier high-fantasy roots of the Forgotten Realms."

The Sage Posted - 07 Aug 2012 : 03:51:01
I like the artistic styling of what we've seen so far. It has kind of an old 2e-vibe to it.
Originally posted by Markustay

Keeping Ed to 160 pages was like keeping Old Sage away from the dancing girls.
Provided they're not already preoccupied with the Rupert... of course.
Markustay Posted - 04 Aug 2012 : 21:10:01
Keeping Ed to 160 pages was like keeping Old Sage away from the dancing girls.
BEAST Posted - 04 Aug 2012 : 21:04:26
I noticed that they upped the page count from 160 to 192. Keep y'all's fingers crossed that they continue with this trend . . . ;)
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 04 Aug 2012 : 06:35:32
New artwork samples for the book:

I like the first and second links, because they're ready-made to show players who they're dealing with.
The Sage Posted - 30 Jul 2012 : 04:33:59
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I will so be running up to the closest game store on my lunch break, to get that book. I found out a few weeks ago, when the Colossals book came out, that I can get into my car, run to the Wall, chat for a minute, buy something, and drive back to work in 15 minutes flat.

I've had my copy pre-order for many weeks now, since it was first listed with Australian distributors. So I imagine I'll have my copy arrive in the mail just as soon as it releases here.

In semi-related news to Wooly's quoted post above, Colossals has finally arrived on my shores. Woot!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Jul 2012 : 05:39:39
I will so be running up to the closest game store on my lunch break, to get that book. I found out a few weeks ago, when the Colossals book came out, that I can get into my car, run to the Wall, chat for a minute, buy something, and drive back to work in 15 minutes flat.
Faraer Posted - 29 Jul 2012 : 01:30:11
New blurb:
The Forgotten Realms is one of the most popular fantasy role-playing settings for Wizards of the Coast’s Dungeons & Dragons ever. In October, fans will have a never-before-seen glimpse into the world with WotC’s Ed Greenwood Presents Elminster’s Forgotten Realm.

Presented from the perspective of the "Archmage of Shadowdale," this 192-page hardcover book features notes, manuscripts, and maps never published before, as well as all-new material from Ed Greenwood, the creator of the Forgotten Realms setting. The book is designed to give fans a view of the setting as envisioned by its creator, and includes new information about the rulers, organizations, and societies that inhabit it.

The suggested retail price will be $39.95.
Irennan Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 22:25:33
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

Did I miss the release date in this thread? What is the date/is there a date?

Dalor Darden Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 21:32:47
Did I miss the release date in this thread? What is the date/is there a date?
Irennan Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 20:57:54
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

This is going to be a real book???

Like one in hand and not something broken into pieces and scattered across several "issues" of a "digital magazine" right?

Dalor Darden Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 20:48:06
This is going to be a real book???

Like one in hand and not something broken into pieces and scattered across several "issues" of a "digital magazine" right?

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