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 WotC to Release 1st Edition Premium Core Rulebooks

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Brimstone Posted - 19 Jan 2012 : 14:37:22
Read about it here!
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Jul 2012 : 17:22:12
Well, they're not the matte that the original books were... I'd say that other than the gilt edges, it's the same type of paper used in the 3.5 books.
Jorkens Posted - 15 Jul 2012 : 15:09:42
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Jorkens

Anyone know if the paper is glossy or matt? I hate reading on glossy paper, so this would most likely keep me from buying these as I already own the originals.

No glossier than any of the Paizo hardcovers...

Sorry, but I have never seen a single Paizo book...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Jul 2012 : 14:54:00
Originally posted by Jorkens

Anyone know if the paper is glossy or matt? I hate reading on glossy paper, so this would most likely keep me from buying these as I already own the originals.

No glossier than any of the Paizo hardcovers...
Jorkens Posted - 15 Jul 2012 : 14:22:04
Anyone know if the paper is glossy or matt? I hate reading on glossy paper, so this would most likely keep me from buying these as I already own the originals.
The Sage Posted - 15 Jul 2012 : 05:49:50
Apparently, the Australian release date has been delayed, and I've also discovered that we're only receiving a very limited stock order, so any Australian-scribes, like myself, should probably endeavour to purchase them as soon as they're released.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Jul 2012 : 05:03:06
So they smoked the originally promised street date of April 17th... But the 1E books are now out. I ran by my FLGS today, and he sold me all three for $100 -- not much of a discount, but one I was still happy to take. And I now, once more, have my beloved 1E DMG in hand.

And other than the copyright date on the inside, it doesn't appear that a single thing was changed.

I'm not a huge fan of the covers, but the gilt-edged pages are nice, and the built-in ribbon bookmark is also nice.
Markustay Posted - 04 Jun 2012 : 05:10:09
They gave away the DDi in the beginning.

All that did was convince most of us NOT to bother with it when they started charging.

On the plus side, at least they were nice enough to give us fair warning.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 04 Jun 2012 : 04:53:47
Originally posted by Ayrik

Dalor Darden

Until the all-mighty dollar was sniffed...

To be fair, Wizbro gives out plenty of freebies. True, you may not like the freebies, or you may not like their digital format. Perhaps these "freebies" are evil corporate calculation, they might see it as a way to maintain brand awareness and advertising presence, to keep customers hooked, to even collect marketing information from subscription statistics. Perhaps they are indeed free freebies, created by people who love the game in the hope of sharing with other people who love the game. I personally think it's a mix of all these things, but I don't work for Wizbro and can only speculate.

Still, how often do you go to work for free? How long would you keep working without receiving a paycheque?

WotC gave out a lot of free stuff in the past... But now, with all of the formerly free webcontent moved behind a paywall and the free downloads taken down, I'm not aware they're offering much of anything for free, now.

This is not a bash. I honestly don't know of anything that's free from them, anymore.
Dalor Darden Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 20:53:32
Originally posted by Ayrik

Dalor Darden

Until the all-mighty dollar was sniffed...

To be fair, Wizbro gives out plenty of freebies. True, you may not like the freebies, or you may not like their digital format. Perhaps these "freebies" are evil corporate calculation, they might see it as a way to maintain brand awareness and advertising presence, to keep customers hooked, to even collect marketing information from subscription statistics. Perhaps they are indeed free freebies, created by people who love the game in the hope of sharing with other people who love the game. I personally think it's a mix of all these things, but I don't work for Wizbro and can only speculate.

Still, how often do you go to work for free? How long would you keep working without receiving a paycheque?

I was talking about Hackmaster. Hackmaster was a parody until they realized they could make a LOT of money by making a "serious" game that might attract some old school D&D fans.
Ayrik Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 20:48:29
Dalor Darden

Until the all-mighty dollar was sniffed...

To be fair, Wizbro gives out plenty of freebies. True, you may not like the freebies, or you may not like their digital format. Perhaps these "freebies" are evil corporate calculation, they might see it as a way to maintain brand awareness and advertising presence, to keep customers hooked, to even collect marketing information from subscription statistics. Perhaps they are indeed free freebies, created by people who love the game in the hope of sharing with other people who love the game. I personally think it's a mix of all these things, but I don't work for Wizbro and can only speculate.

Still, how often do you go to work for free? How long would you keep working without receiving a paycheque?
froglegg Posted - 03 Jun 2012 : 20:32:15
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

<A Wizard on the Coast casts "Animate Ancient Gamer" on me...>

Uuuuuuuuuuuuu...must have these...must buy...

<Zombie Gamer begins to dig up treasure stash>

Thanks, I needed that.

PaulBestwick Posted - 23 May 2012 : 19:00:57
Originally posted by Lord Karsus

-Wasn't parody the entire point of Hackmaster?

It was, but if you are interested take a look of teh history of Hackmaster. Might interest a few folks here who disliked some of the things that happened to D&D during and after the release of 3.0 onwards.

Hackmaster History
Dalor Darden Posted - 23 May 2012 : 14:22:00
Until the all-mighty dollar was sniffed...
Lord Karsus Posted - 23 May 2012 : 05:07:21
Originally posted by PaulBestwick

For those that might be interested Kalamar is now the home world for the new edition of Hackmaster. The new version has lost the parody elements and has a much flatter power curve than any version of D&D that I have played. Hackmaster

-Wasn't parody the entire point of Hackmaster?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 23 May 2012 : 05:04:47
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Dalor Darden

Originally posted by The Sage

I've just pre-ordered my copies!

I swear, it makes me have to pee! I already have the I'm not sure why I'm so excited.

Nostalgia most likely...this will be the first time full sized copies of these books have been printed in a VERY long time!

I've my original copies as well... but they're locked away in storage for both protection and preservation.

Mine were in storage... which is why they were neither preserved nor protected!
Dalor Darden Posted - 23 May 2012 : 04:58:33
Well, my homebrew Greyhawk game is awaiting the day that I sit down with these books at our local gaming shop and run a game!

I'm working on it here:

I'm starting the party out south of Hommlet in the small village of Ostverk. They are actually going to be going through a modified Keep on the Borderland...minus the keep, but extra Caves of Chaos.

Then I'll be moving them up to Hommlet for the Temple of Elemental Evil run...which I'm also going to modify a bit. Can't have them thinking they know everything going on!

This is going to be my Tribute Campaign to Gygax. After we finish the Temple of Elemental Evil, I'm going to move over to the Old Grey Box and do a 1e Tribute Campaign to Ed Greenwood too!

I haven't started designing that game, but it is going to start in MY SEMBIA...which has the Five Shires south of it across the water where lay now the Gulthmere Forest (the shires will be flipped upside down and also horizontally to fit right!). Sembia, for me, is going to be much more like Darokin from Mystara...but have plenty of influences from the Zhentarim and Cult of the Dragon.

Westgate is going to be "Temporarily" ruled by a self-styled Baron named Ludwig who is working with Zhentarim slavers (have to replace the Iron Ring with someone!).

In THIS Forgotten Realms, the prior expansions of Chondath (settlement of Sembia and such) also resulted in the temporary conquest of The Five Shires by them as well. So I'm going to have a healthy dose of Halfling Pirates in my game, mixed in with some Minrothad Trading Guilds (a faction among both Pirates and Sembians), while the Kingdom of Karameikos' place is obviously taken by Cormyr and the elves of Alfheim will be replaced by the elves of Cormanthor.

It is actually a really nice fit with just a bit of tweaking on the history of things.

I'm equally excited about both games!


Now that Markustay and I have been working on this Five Shires conversion, my first game is going to be in the Forgotten Realms and start in the new adaptation of the Shires for Forgotten Realms.
The Sage Posted - 23 May 2012 : 04:37:39
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

Originally posted by The Sage

I've just pre-ordered my copies!

I swear, it makes me have to pee! I already have the I'm not sure why I'm so excited.

Nostalgia most likely...this will be the first time full sized copies of these books have been printed in a VERY long time!

I've my original copies as well... but they're locked away in storage for both protection and preservation.

I'm aiming to have these reprints as handy reference and nostalgia sources that I can refer to when I'm getting an 70's/80's RPG itch that only 1e D&D can scratch.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 23 May 2012 : 04:36:34
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

Originally posted by The Sage

I've just pre-ordered my copies!

I swear, it makes me have to pee! I already have the I'm not sure why I'm so excited.

Nostalgia most likely...this will be the first time full sized copies of these books have been printed in a VERY long time!

I had copies, in good condition, too -- in fact, the 1E DMG was my very first D&D purchase (for $6, from the librarian at my Jr. high school -- the book had been her son's, but he'd left gaming behind). These reprints keep me from having to try to track down the originals.
Dalor Darden Posted - 23 May 2012 : 04:10:14
Originally posted by The Sage

I've just pre-ordered my copies!

I swear, it makes me have to pee! I already have the I'm not sure why I'm so excited.

Nostalgia most likely...this will be the first time full sized copies of these books have been printed in a VERY long time!
The Sage Posted - 23 May 2012 : 03:48:24
I've just pre-ordered my copies!
Sightless Posted - 23 May 2012 : 01:06:16
Now, if they'd only do it in electronic format for all their blind and Dislexic fans.

*gets dreamy look*

Some day.
PaulBestwick Posted - 23 May 2012 : 00:27:42
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Ayrik

Wooly Hamster

... Before the fire, I had every single 1E and 2E hardcover, with the exception of the Kingdoms of Kaladorm book.
Never heard of that one, nor the Kingdoms of Kalamar which I suspect you meant. Are they any good?

Yeah, that was what I meant.

No idea if it was any good; what little advertising I saw for the setting failed to get my attention.

For those that might be interested Kalamar is now the home world for the new edition of Hackmaster. The new version has lost the parody elements and has a much flatter power curve than any version of D&D that I have played. Hackmaster
crazedventurers Posted - 19 Apr 2012 : 09:11:24
Originally posted by Dalor Darden
Wouldn't it be awesome if they took ownership of the past and even supported older editions! Even releasing older edition rules modules at a rate of just one or two a year would be money in their pockets!

Aye PDF's would do as I suspect print runs would be 'expensive' compared to how many they would sell.

I would rather have a proper version of a missing module or three than illegally download someones bad scan - I don't want to download for free I am prepared to buy an authorised product that is properly done.


Dalor Darden Posted - 19 Apr 2012 : 02:38:56
I know right!

I swear, I should be on their advisory staff...I already thought it would be good for them to periodically release older editions in limited quantities so that all of their fan-base could be satisfied!

Wouldn't it be awesome if they took ownership of the past and even supported older editions! Even releasing older edition rules modules at a rate of just one or two a year would be money in their pockets!
The Sage Posted - 19 Apr 2012 : 01:07:21
This is definitely good news. I was particularly disappointed when it was initially revealed that the 1e core rulebooks would only be released in the US.

[You know, it really does strike me as a little odd to be using "1e core rulebooks" and "released" in the same sentence in 2012!]
Dalor Darden Posted - 19 Apr 2012 : 01:01:53
<A Wizard on the Coast casts "Animate Ancient Gamer" on me...>

Uuuuuuuuuuuuu...must have these...must buy...

<Zombie Gamer begins to dig up treasure stash>
crazedventurers Posted - 19 Apr 2012 : 00:38:02
good news for non USA folks who want a copy

There are shipping them to other places that the USA

Maybe that's the reason the release date was pushed back?


Ayrik Posted - 29 Mar 2012 : 01:20:22
Well, I remembered my order was supposed to arrive sometime in April but could not recall the exact date.

When I checked the site I noticed that Wizbro has pushed the release date back to late-July.

If they push it back again I'm going to cancel and demand a refund. I already have all the 1E books, and there's always OSRIC.


Swearing and cursing and possibly commentary about the parentage of Wizbro employees removed.
Apex Posted - 23 Jan 2012 : 17:58:40
I am still betting that WoTC is using this release to gauge the level of dollar interest there is from the "old-school" community. I think they may have finally realized that we not only are likely to have more disposable income, but are also more likely to be loyal and repurchasing customers.
Brimstone Posted - 23 Jan 2012 : 04:00:04
From what I am understanding is that WotC is only going to sell them at FLGS.

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