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 WotC to Release 1st Edition Premium Core Rulebooks
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Great Reader

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Posted - 19 Jan 2012 :  14:37:22  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Read about it here!

"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep

Great Reader

3290 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2012 :  14:38:31  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In 1974, the world changed forever when Gary Gygax introduced the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. The legacy of his innovative ideas and the extensive reach of his powerful influence can be seen in virtually every facet of gaming today.

To help honor his work and his memory, WotC has created limited-edition reprints of the original 1st Edition core rulebooks: the Monster Manual, Player's Handbook, and Dungeon Master's Guide. These premium versions of the original AD&D rulebooks have been lovingly reprinted with the original art and content, but feature an attractive new cover design commemorating this re-release. Available in limited quantities as a hobby channel exclusive in North America.

Your purchase of this monumental book helps support the Gygax Memorial Fund—established to immortalize the “Father of Roleplaying Games” with a memorial statue in Lake Geneva, WI.

Cover art will be available soon. The retailer solicitation PDF contains the following:

Player's Handbook
Release Date: April 17, 2012; Format: Hardcover; Page Count: 112; Price: $34.95; ISBN: 978-0-7869-6243-3

Dungeon Master's Guide
Release Date: April 17, 2012; Format: Hardcover; Page Count: 240; Price: $34.95; ISBN: 978-0-7869-6241-9

Monster Manual
Release Date: April 17, 2012; Format: Hardcover; Page Count: 128; Price: $34.95; ISBN: 978-0-7869-6242-6

"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep

Edited by - Brimstone on 19 Jan 2012 14:42:45
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31799 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2012 :  15:02:32  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oooo! Just in time for my birthday.

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Artemas Entreri
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Posted - 19 Jan 2012 :  15:35:27  Show Profile Send Artemas Entreri a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Very nice, but i'll stick with my originals

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36861 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2012 :  16:53:23  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Too freaking awesome! My first D&D book was the 1E DMG... Before the fire, I had every single 1E and 2E hardcover, with the exception of the Kingdoms of Kaladorm book. Obviously, I've got far fewer of those books now...

I'm going to be calling my FLGS on this one.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Great Reader

2950 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2012 :  17:01:27  Show Profile Send Jorkens a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I own the originals, but if I can find these (from what I have read they are only to be published in the US) I will definitely buy them if for no other reason to give a thumbs up to WotC.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36861 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2012 :  17:58:58  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jorkens

I own the originals, but if I can find these (from what I have read they are only to be published in the US) I will definitely buy them if for no other reason to give a thumbs up to WotC.

I just realized this will make my first purchase from WotC in at least a couple of years.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1073 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2012 :  00:08:24  Show Profile  Visit crazedventurers's Homepage Send crazedventurers a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The books are only being made available in North America, though I am sure they will be up on ebay within 24 hours for a slightly larger amount that the cover price.

hey ho


ps Metamorphosis Alpha by James Ward is also available from Lulu

So saith Ed. I've never said he was sane, have I?
Gods, all this writing and he's running a constant fantasy version of Coronation Street in his head, too. .
love to all,
Candlekeep Forum 7 May 2005

Edited by - crazedventurers on 20 Jan 2012 00:12:27
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31799 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2012 :  00:57:10  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by crazedventurers

The books are only being made available in North America ...
Confound it! I just realised that.

Looks like I may have to rely on US relatives to purchase and then mail the books to me.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

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Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Great Reader

7989 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2012 :  03:07:20  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'll order one (won't say which) immediately. If it's well done (ie: not butchered) then I'll happily order the others.

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36861 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2012 :  05:09:01  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ayrik

I'll order one (won't say which) immediately. If it's well done (ie: not butchered) then I'll happily order the others.

They're promising the original art and content... Not much potential for butchering, thinks I.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Great Reader

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Posted - 20 Jan 2012 :  05:30:32  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Differing page counts, some books more some books less, new cover art which has not yet been completed or announced. I wonder which printing of the 1E books they'll republish; if the publisher will correct typos and errata (indeed, if any TSR errata actually existed for 1E); and the technical quality in terms of binding, printing, paper grade, etc.

My first purchase (specifically one with fewer pages than the original) will determine if I purchase more.

What the hell, eh? I'll order the full set, maybe they'll become collectible or something. It's more of my little way of supporting this laudable effort by Wizbro ... if enough people want older edition stuff then maybe more older edition stuff will be republished. Imagine a world where all the 1E and 2E sourcebooks, boxes, modules, and (dare I say?) Dungeon and Dragon magazines were republished.


Edited by - Ayrik on 20 Jan 2012 06:24:00
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Great Reader

3290 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2012 :  06:36:49  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep
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Great Reader

7989 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2012 :  06:45:06  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wooly Hamster

... Before the fire, I had every single 1E and 2E hardcover, with the exception of the Kingdoms of Kaladorm book.
Never heard of that one, nor the Kingdoms of Kalamar which I suspect you meant. Are they any good?

I *finally* got my Iron Kingdoms books (thank you for suggesting them), though Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate II seems unobtainable at this time.

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36861 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2012 :  10:53:23  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ayrik

Wooly Hamster

... Before the fire, I had every single 1E and 2E hardcover, with the exception of the Kingdoms of Kaladorm book.
Never heard of that one, nor the Kingdoms of Kalamar which I suspect you meant. Are they any good?

Yeah, that was what I meant.

No idea if it was any good; what little advertising I saw for the setting failed to get my attention.

Originally posted by Ayrik

I *finally* got my Iron Kingdoms books (thank you for suggesting them), though Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate II seems unobtainable at this time.

Privateer Press is working on new Iron Kingdoms books, though this time, they're coming up with their own rules. I don't know why; I am of the opinion they should either stick with 3.x or go to Pathfinder.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1073 Posts

Posted - 21 Jan 2012 :  00:35:06  Show Profile  Visit crazedventurers's Homepage Send crazedventurers a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ayrik
Imagine a world where all the 1E and 2E sourcebooks, boxes, modules, and (dare I say?) Dungeon and Dragon magazines were republished.

Aye indeed!!

If WoTC are really serious about their intention to bring all gamers 'back into the fold' so to speak then one way would be to redo and re-release PDF's of the WoTC/TSR back catalogue. It would go a long way to heal the animosity that some sections of the D&D fanbase have towards WoTC.



So saith Ed. I've never said he was sane, have I?
Gods, all this writing and he's running a constant fantasy version of Coronation Street in his head, too. .
love to all,
Candlekeep Forum 7 May 2005
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31799 Posts

Posted - 21 Jan 2012 :  00:54:28  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Privateer Press is working on new Iron Kingdoms books, though this time, they're coming up with their own rules. I don't know why; I am of the opinion they should either stick with 3.x or go to Pathfinder.

Actually, PP have promised to fully outline their reasons for an unique RPG system for the new IRON KINGDOMS game in a future issue of No Quarter. If neither you or Ayrik have access to this source, I'll be sure to summarise the pertinent details once they're printed.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36861 Posts

Posted - 21 Jan 2012 :  04:29:26  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Privateer Press is working on new Iron Kingdoms books, though this time, they're coming up with their own rules. I don't know why; I am of the opinion they should either stick with 3.x or go to Pathfinder.

Actually, PP have promised to fully outline their reasons for an unique RPG system for the new IRON KINGDOMS game in a future issue of No Quarter. If neither you or Ayrik have access to this source, I'll be sure to summarise the pertinent details once they're printed.

I've picked up a few odd issues of No Quarter... You'll have to let me know when this one comes out, so I'll know to run up to Dogs of War. Great store, but nowhere near close to convenient for me.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Learned Scribe

229 Posts

Posted - 22 Jan 2012 :  12:47:02  Show Profile  Visit Apex's Homepage Send Apex a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Not only will this "reprint" now be the most recent edition of D&D on the shelves, but it will also still be labeled as Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (there was no 1st edition tags then). So anyone walking in that wants a more advanced game will hopefully pick these beauties up instead of 4E. What a great way for WoTC to test demand for a possible re-release of the original AD&D to replace 4E. I will be buying all 3.
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Great Reader

4457 Posts

Posted - 22 Jan 2012 :  13:51:44  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Apex

Not only will this "reprint" now be the most recent edition of D&D on the shelves, but it will also still be labeled as Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (there was no 1st edition tags then). So anyone walking in that wants a more advanced game will hopefully pick these beauties up instead of 4E. What a great way for WoTC to test demand for a possible re-release of the original AD&D to replace 4E. I will be buying all 3.

Yet it's not really replacing 4E as I'm certain there will still be 4E books on the shelves along side the "reprints". To replace, they'd have to discontinue any selling or supporting of 4E and I don't see that happening (not until the next iteration of D&D comes in anyways). I'd also have to question the terminology of recent edition, since "Advanced Dungeons and Dragons" isn't a new edition, it's a reprint of an older one and there's relatively nothing new about it save for the paper it's printed on and possibly artwork or format inside.

But I'm glad they're selling other stuff besides what's currently available. I had wished they would put out PDFs along side the reprint for those who don't have the book shelf available. That would've made things easier but it opens the door for that dreadful pirating ().
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Richard Lee Byers
Forgotten Realms Author

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Posted - 22 Jan 2012 :  15:08:56  Show Profile  Visit Richard Lee Byers's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Cool, but I want the beige pamphlets in the white cardboard box. They were MY first D&D, and I've regretted for years that I no longer own them.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36861 Posts

Posted - 22 Jan 2012 :  16:11:55  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Diffan

But I'm glad they're selling other stuff besides what's currently available. I had wished they would put out PDFs along side the reprint for those who don't have the book shelf available. That would've made things easier but it opens the door for that dreadful pirating ().

I remain unconvinced that digital piracy is the huge issue some companies are claiming it is. From what I've read, there were similar concerns about people stealing content when the VCR was introduced. I'll not deny that data is frequently pirated, but I'm not convinced that it's that big of a factor.

That said, when WotC was selling pdfs, they were selling for $4 a piece, and it was the *only* revenue they had coming in from prior editions. I seriously doubt that people were rushing out to pirate 2E modules and sourcebooks. Cutting off all pdf sales not only removed income(admittedly, likely not a great amount) from WotC, it also left people who wanted those pdfs no legal alternatives for getting them.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Senior Scribe

586 Posts

Posted - 22 Jan 2012 :  19:58:56  Show Profile  Visit Tyrant's Homepage Send Tyrant a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Diffan

But I'm glad they're selling other stuff besides what's currently available. I had wished they would put out PDFs along side the reprint for those who don't have the book shelf available. That would've made things easier but it opens the door for that dreadful pirating ().

I remain unconvinced that digital piracy is the huge issue some companies are claiming it is. From what I've read, there were similar concerns about people stealing content when the VCR was introduced. I'll not deny that data is frequently pirated, but I'm not convinced that it's that big of a factor.

That said, when WotC was selling pdfs, they were selling for $4 a piece, and it was the *only* revenue they had coming in from prior editions. I seriously doubt that people were rushing out to pirate 2E modules and sourcebooks. Cutting off all pdf sales not only removed income(admittedly, likely not a great amount) from WotC, it also left people who wanted those pdfs no legal alternatives for getting them.

I agree with Wooly on both issues. I can't remember the specific issue (I believe it was movie related) but an article I read had some claims as to how much was being lost to piracy and later in the article it was pointed out that the companies really have no way of knowing coupled with some assumptions.

I also wonder about WotC not having them up for sale. It seems to me the choice is make some money for what I believe is relatively little work, or make no money at all on a back catalog that they bought. They already own the rights to all of it (assuming no legal matters I am unaware of) so I can't understand why they don't try to make some money off of it. We can only hope that the coming push to try to bring back old fans will some movement on this because I can't imagine that they are holding it all back to print it again.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.
-The Sith Code

Teenage Sith zombies, Tulkh thought-how in the moons of Bogden had it all started? Every so often, the universe must just get bored and decide to really cut loose. -Star Wars: Red Harvest
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Master of Realmslore

1296 Posts

Posted - 22 Jan 2012 :  20:24:41  Show Profile Send Seravin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm buying the Monster Manual at least. I have all the books but I want a new Monster Manual...and to support Wizards.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 23 Jan 2012 :  02:22:14  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I doubt the "shelves" will be filled with these AD&D books alongside their D&D 4E (or 5E) counterparts. They're specifically marketed as "Premium" 1st Edition products and (thus far) only available online directly through WotC. They're obviously intended to appeal to the collectors, not to compete with current offerings.

Of course, I could be wrong. They might indeed end up on gaming/hobby store shelves, though I doubt it.

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3290 Posts

Posted - 23 Jan 2012 :  04:00:04  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote
From what I am understanding is that WotC is only going to sell them at FLGS.

"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep
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Learned Scribe

229 Posts

Posted - 23 Jan 2012 :  17:58:40  Show Profile  Visit Apex's Homepage Send Apex a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I am still betting that WoTC is using this release to gauge the level of dollar interest there is from the "old-school" community. I think they may have finally realized that we not only are likely to have more disposable income, but are also more likely to be loyal and repurchasing customers.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 29 Mar 2012 :  01:20:22  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, I remembered my order was supposed to arrive sometime in April but could not recall the exact date.

When I checked the site I noticed that Wizbro has pushed the release date back to late-July.

If they push it back again I'm going to cancel and demand a refund. I already have all the 1E books, and there's always OSRIC.


Swearing and cursing and possibly commentary about the parentage of Wizbro employees removed.


Edited by - Ayrik on 29 Mar 2012 01:25:28
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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1073 Posts

Posted - 19 Apr 2012 :  00:38:02  Show Profile  Visit crazedventurers's Homepage Send crazedventurers a Private Message  Reply with Quote
good news for non USA folks who want a copy

There are shipping them to other places that the USA

Maybe that's the reason the release date was pushed back?



So saith Ed. I've never said he was sane, have I?
Gods, all this writing and he's running a constant fantasy version of Coronation Street in his head, too. .
love to all,
Candlekeep Forum 7 May 2005
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Dalor Darden
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Posted - 19 Apr 2012 :  01:01:53  Show Profile Send Dalor Darden a Private Message  Reply with Quote
<A Wizard on the Coast casts "Animate Ancient Gamer" on me...>

Uuuuuuuuuuuuu...must have these...must buy...

<Zombie Gamer begins to dig up treasure stash>

The Old Grey Box and AD&D for me!
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31799 Posts

Posted - 19 Apr 2012 :  01:07:21  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is definitely good news. I was particularly disappointed when it was initially revealed that the 1e core rulebooks would only be released in the US.

[You know, it really does strike me as a little odd to be using "1e core rulebooks" and "released" in the same sentence in 2012!]

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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