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 Who got a DDI subscrription?

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Ranak Posted - 16 Oct 2008 : 04:17:20
I would like a review of the differences between the previously free DDI material and the new pay material.

I would also like a review of the tools and to know whether they are worth the subscription.

I wish WoTC had offered a free trial of the tools, I don't know what the value of their free preview period was without the tools.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 23 Oct 2008 : 10:00:28
I will not subscribe..never..N E V E R!!!
Shemmy Posted - 23 Oct 2008 : 09:57:17
I barely glanced at the "magazines" when they were being given away for free, so no chance of me paying for it now when the content is of little to no use for me since I don't play 4e, nor do I intend to run anything in the post-Spellplague realms.

That said, I would bet money that the major tools that were to be the core of the DDI which were originally supposed to be ready months ago, will either never be released, or released in substandard form compared to initial fanfare, given the fiasco of the development for the DDI (and the ever-so-cancelled Gleemax) thus far. And if those digital tools flop, I suspect the DDI will too, and we'll see either a return to print magazines, or the whole thing will go the way of the dodo. Of course if that does happen, we might see some more actual print FR books...
Markustay Posted - 20 Oct 2008 : 22:43:39
And now she probably doesn't have to worry about a bunch of... others... coming along and OBLITERATING everything she ever wrote.
GRYPHON Posted - 20 Oct 2008 : 15:15:34
Anything Elaine contributes to can't be bad...I'll give it a try...
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 20 Oct 2008 : 14:25:12
Originally posted by Markustay

In fact, I agree with them 100% - "Computer am GOOD", hence my re-starting my WoW account.

Jakk Posted - 20 Oct 2008 : 08:15:46
Originally posted by Nerfed2Hell

I'm hoping the DDi thing is what ends up tanking $e.

That could be my Christmas and birthday presents!

Mine too... and it's sad that I feel that way, but it's the truth.

I don't really have anything else to add to that. The Realms need to be reset to 1372 or 1373 DR, if not earlier, and Wizbro need to put a cork in their Awesome Realms Shattering Events, because we expect something cataclysmic on a more or less annual (Dalereckoning, not RT) basis now. I'm not blaming anybody for that; it's just that big events sell novels, as has been pointed out elsewhere. If saving the Realms as a gaming setting means a complete causal segregation of the fiction from the gaming products, I'm okay with that. The fiction should not drive the timeline of the gaming products anyway.
Jakk Posted - 20 Oct 2008 : 06:39:38
Originally posted by Markustay


Thats a paper mag, and this thread is about a digital one. WotC has already informed us that "paper BAD, Computer GOOD", so now that they have told us what we should like, we should conform to their 'suggestions'.

In fact, I agree with them 100% - "Computer am GOOD", hence my re-starting my WoW account.

After all, why bother to do anything half-way?

I agree entirely... so I hope your revived interest in WoW isn't going to take too much time away from your mapping. In fact, it's because of my agreement with that tried and true saying that I have never bothered with any MMORPG, and why, if I can't find a buyer for my 4e core books, I will be donating them to my niece's preschool; the level of the writing is age-appropriate, even if nothing else about them is. J/k. The books I'll be selling or giving away (if necessary) to someone interested (if possible).
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 19 Oct 2008 : 22:11:36

Elaine is going to write in the Journal section of each Adventure Path starting in February, so subscribe I say, subscribe!!!

(and if you don't want to, well, you can buy these as PDFs too... so there, you got your digital fix right there Markustay! )
Markustay Posted - 19 Oct 2008 : 19:40:41

Thats a paper mag, and this thread is about a digital one. WotC has already informed us that "paper BAD, Computer GOOD", so now that they have told us what we should like, we should conform to their 'suggestions'.

In fact, I agree with them 100% - "Computer am GOOD", hence my re-starting my WoW account.

After all, why bother to do anything half-way?
Purple Dragon Knight Posted - 19 Oct 2008 : 18:28:00
George Krashos Posted - 19 Oct 2008 : 10:52:01
I thought I would subscribe to 'give it a go' but haven't. This likely means that I won't in the short term. If I hear on the internet about all the great FR content I'm missing out on, I might change my mind. But I guess I'll have to wait for that great FR content. I did with Dragon magazine when Paizo steered the ship.

-- George Krashos
KnightErrantJR Posted - 19 Oct 2008 : 01:36:08
I just noticed, while peering through the Compendium, while the latest issue of Dragon has content in it, I can't find any references to the Epic Destinies from Epic Faerun from last month's online Dragon. I was scanning through them because Epic Destinies seem to be kind of a sparse area in 4E right now.
Markustay Posted - 18 Oct 2008 : 05:58:41
Me too - except for a couple of times when I went 'off the D&D wagon' for a year or so, I have 'em all.

Something about that 'new book' smell that just doesn't translate well on a screen...

However, if I had seen some stuff that I was interested in in the DDi, I would have changed my mind. Now, if they come out with the kind of content I am looking for, I won't even know it. With a mag, I can pick it up in the store and page through it, and see if it will be of interest to me to buy it. I can't do that with this new system, so even if they come out with my 'dream article' (whatever that might be), I won't be given the chance to sample and buy it.

I don't like to pay for things 'blind', and I really haven't seen anything worth paying for as of yet.

This is a HUGE problem as I see it - they haven't really impressed us, and now they want our money so they can start producing better stuff? Add to that that they are only now asking us what we'd like to see, and all I have to say is "Too little, too late".

It doesn't matter how great it eventually becomes - you only get one chance to mak a first impression.
Patrakis Posted - 17 Oct 2008 : 17:48:02
Î didn't subscribe either and probably will not. Even though i've been a subscriber to dungeon since issue 8 and dragon since issue 47.

Na-Gang Posted - 17 Oct 2008 : 07:32:26
Originally posted by Markustay

Since I stopped reading the articles a few months back when they were free, I realy doubt I'm going to bother with this.


I really haven't seen enough articles of interest so far that would justify me having paid for it. What I'm really waiting for is a timeline of the intervening years between 3E and 4E. THAT I might pay for.
Markustay Posted - 17 Oct 2008 : 07:27:54
Since I stopped reading the articles a few months back when they were free, I really doubt I'm going to bother with this.

I like to hold things in my hand (NO wisecracks!), and the whole 'digital RPG experience' just doesn't grab me.

I do most of my reading in the toilet, and unles I get a laptop, the DDi isn't viable to me.
scererar Posted - 17 Oct 2008 : 02:14:34
not yet, but I will be signing up. I am only really interested in the 2 magazines though.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 17 Oct 2008 : 00:42:31
Originally posted by Garen Thal

Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

BTW, you can still download the free issues for free HERE. I do not know if this is intention or oversight.
It's intentional. Anything from the free period (before October) is still free, as is the barbarian preview. Going forward, everything else will be viewable only if you a) have an active subscription and b) were subscribed at the time of its release.

Thanks to both of you for the information--I was wondering about that.
Ranak Posted - 16 Oct 2008 : 22:41:28
Well thanks everyone, I had no idea DDI was such a paper thin product.

I can't believe they are charging without including working tools.

I definitely will not subscribe until I get a better sense of what the value will be.

If more than two sourcebooks of quality realms material ends up coming out of it, maybe I will give it a second look sometime in the future.

Though if rumors are true that you had to be subscribed at the time of release to view them... I just don't know.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 16 Oct 2008 : 21:51:21
Since I'm playing in one of my friend's 4E campaign now, I actually am pretty interested in keeping access to the Compendium, so I signed up, since you can actually view the latest material in the compendium once they get it updated. Essentially you can preview a lot of the new material (non fluff) in that manner, much like you could with the SRD of old, except that its an ongoing thing.

Of course, I have to admit that the Candlekeep-scribe penned FR articles have me curious as well, so that another reason to check it out.

On the other hand, I did still only sign up for the month to month. If I stay with it for the long run, it may be more expensive, but if I'm severely disappointed in the short term, I'm out a lot less.

Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 16 Oct 2008 : 20:06:13
Oh, I understand their reasoning behind it. It's the fact that most internet-savvy people won't buy into it, IMHO.

In regards to the pay-per-download, they'll also have to be able to give people free access for a certain amount of time (like or given them a set number of downloads (like
Garen Thal Posted - 16 Oct 2008 : 19:45:47
Originally posted by Ashe Ravenheart
Originally posted by Garen Thal

As far as I understand things, no. The rationale (I guess) is that someone subscribing in, say, January, gets all the October, November and December stuff essentially for free, which both cheats early subscribers and takes cash out of WotC's pocket.

Being a web developer and a web purchaser, I'd just like to point out how silly that is. So, if someone is introduced to the game next year and really loves it and subscribes to DDI, they won't be able to see the older stuff they've missed?

I realize that magazines work that way, but that's because they are printed media and there is no logistic behind sending a new subscriber all the issues they've missed. Electronic downloads are very different since there is no logistic involved besides 'flipping a switch'.
I didn't offer any opinion on the matter; it's just how I've understood WotC's comments on their boards, the site, and at GenCon. They said (again, at GenCon) that they'll probably offer pay-per-download sort of program for the digital Dragon and Dungeon back issues for new subscribers, but haven't worked out the pricing just yet.

What they don't want people getting for free in one shot what they're trying to get them to pay for all along. If, for example, I decide I'm going to "hold out" for a year, I could conceivably wait until next October, pay $7.95, and download every available item before the month is out. Compare that to the $59.40 they're hoping to get, and they're out $51.45. It gets worse the farther down the road it goes, and WotC has too much invested (in terms of money, manpower, and Hasbro expectations) for DDI to have those kinds of dreadful margins of error.
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 16 Oct 2008 : 19:32:53
Originally posted by malchor7

I wonder if WotC would consider releasing their core rulebooks (4e PHB, DMG) online too? Perhaps to people who pay for the additional tools?

They have been selling the PDF versions through places such as DriveThru RPG.

Originally posted by Garen Thal

As far as I understand things, no. The rationale (I guess) is that someone subscribing in, say, January, gets all the October, November and December stuff essentially for free, which both cheats early subscribers and takes cash out of WotC's pocket.

Being a web developer and a web purchaser, I'd just like to point out how silly that is. So, if someone is introduced to the game next year and really loves it and subscribes to DDI, they won't be able to see the older stuff they've missed?

I realize that magazines work that way, but that's because they are printed media and there is no logistic behind sending a new subscriber all the issues they've missed. Electronic downloads are very different since there is no logistic involved besides 'flipping a switch'.
Garen Thal Posted - 16 Oct 2008 : 18:32:48
Originally posted by Alisttair

Originally posted by Garen Thal

Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

BTW, you can still download the free issues for free HERE. I do not know if this is intention or oversight.
It's intentional. Anything from the free period (before October) is still free, as is the barbarian preview. Going forward, everything else will be viewable only if you a) have an active subscription and b) were subscribed at the time of its release. that means you can't decide to subscribe later and get access to stuff you missed
As far as I understand things, no. The rationale (I guess) is that someone subscribing in, say, January, gets all the October, November and December stuff essentially for free, which both cheats early subscribers and takes cash out of WotC's pocket.
Alisttair Posted - 16 Oct 2008 : 18:13:04
Originally posted by Garen Thal

Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

BTW, you can still download the free issues for free HERE. I do not know if this is intention or oversight.
It's intentional. Anything from the free period (before October) is still free, as is the barbarian preview. Going forward, everything else will be viewable only if you a) have an active subscription and b) were subscribed at the time of its release. that means you can't decide to subscribe later and get access to stuff you missed
Garen Thal Posted - 16 Oct 2008 : 17:46:13
Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

BTW, you can still download the free issues for free HERE. I do not know if this is intention or oversight.
It's intentional. Anything from the free period (before October) is still free, as is the barbarian preview. Going forward, everything else will be viewable only if you a) have an active subscription and b) were subscribed at the time of its release.
Hawkins Posted - 16 Oct 2008 : 17:19:15
BTW, you can still download the free issues for free HERE. I do not know if this is intention or oversight.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 16 Oct 2008 : 17:00:44
I'm considering buying a subscription, but I haven't done so yet. Note that one reason I'm considering a purchase is because I like the core 4E material (and btw, all the articles in general have mostly been good). It is rather disheartening, though, that DDI is still on the incomplete side.
malchor7 Posted - 16 Oct 2008 : 16:11:07
It seems to me that if you bought it month-to-month for $7.95 each month, that would be $95.40, meaning you're paying for about the equivalent of three sourcebooks (~$30 each) a year.

If you buy a full year subscription all at once for $60, it's two sourcebooks a year.

I don't know about you, but I spent way more than that on sourcebooks back in the day.

I wonder if WotC would consider releasing their core rulebooks (4e PHB, DMG) online too? Perhaps to people who pay for the additional tools?
Ashe Ravenheart Posted - 16 Oct 2008 : 15:24:00
So the $7.95 a month is for a two-magazine subscription and 3 tools that you can re-create in Excel?

Heck, Playboy's only $15.96 for the year.

Edit: Of course, if you want to pay for an entire year, it will only cost $59.40 ($4.95 a month) for the year.

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