Ristaun was taken back to Tsornyl and when asked about others in his family Ristaun
could only claim his deceased Father,Gainwale. News was sent around the forest and to the
village of Ssrensen which Ristaun's father had came from. None in Ssrensen wanted to take
the child in or admit to be of his blood. Gainwale was enroute with Ristuan to Semberholme
where he had been accepted into the Moonshadow's, but the elves of Ssrensen were angry at
the now deceased Gainwale for reasons that were unknown but obvious to the kind elves of
Tsornyl. Time went on and no one lay claim to the young elf.
He spent his entire childhood in the village of Tsornyl and the elfs there treated him
as their own child. Tsornyl became the most important thing to Ristaun and he knew that he
would dedicate his life to protecting the village. Ristaun grew strong and these were to
be the best years of his life, in the company of friends and loved ones in Tsornyl. He
grew to be a great warrior and protector of the village and not long after he became 150
years of age he took the place as the commander of the small force of elves in Tsornyl.
Time went on and the Retreat of the elfs had began. Ristaun urged his people to stay
and fight for the home that they all loved. The retreat was inevitable and all but a
handful of elves left for Evermeet. Only 16 elfs remained in the tiny village of Tsornyl
and Ristaun was one of them. Years went by and soon the Time of Troubles came to the
land...Ristaun continued to protect the village he loved during these years but living
became more difficult than in the past. Ristaun decided to make a trip to some of the
neighboring villages to see if any elfs had stayed in the great forest.
He found only a handful of elves, mostly of the sylvan variety on his journey. On his
return to Tsornyl Ristaun found his village in total destruction. None of his people
A savage animal had swept through the village and left no survivors...Ristaun was
overcome with grief and guilt. He had convinced these good people who had taken him in to
stay in the forest and not join the others in Evermeet. He had always been able to protect
them but this time he had failed and in doing so lost all he had lived for. Ristaun, who
had always been more serious than the other boys and had met grief and loneliness before
was not new to these feelings.
Usually Ristaun was quiet and not outspoken but he had become very angry over the last
years. The loss of his people was too much for Ristaun...He sadly buried all of his people
and left his village forever, taking only the acorn locket that belonged to a very young
elven girl named Syniellia, who was like a niece to Ristaun.
Fueled with anger at the world and the humans that had forced his people to retreat to
Evermeet, Ristaun joined with a band of renegade sylvan elfs who were killing any humans
that they ran across as they went along the southern edge of the Cormanthor. Ristaun took
the life of more than one lumberjack or hunter who unwittingly crossed his path. But
Ristaun's guilt only grew and his love for living left him. Ristaun decided that he would
end his life at this time. He decided that he would walk into the nearest human town and
sluaghter as many as he could before he himself died...and if he managed to survive he
would go to the next and continue in this way. He left the band of sylvan elves and headed
south into the dales. Along his way he ran into a young human male.The golden skinned boy
wore a robe the color of the dawn but and his long golden hair flowed down his back. At
first Ristaun was taken by the appearance of the boy, who had the glory of a god, The boy
even walked and moved with the ease of an elf. This did not matter to Ristaun though...all
that mattered was his revenge.
Ristaun drew his bow and cocked an arrow. He aimed at the golden skinned boy as he
walked through the Elven Forest. Suddenly the boy turned and looked directly at Ristaun.
His golden eyes peered directly into Ristaun's soul and Ristaun knew he was looking into
the eyes of a god...Lathander slowly walked to the fallen moon elf. Ristaun fell to his
knees and suddenly all his guilt from the past overwhelmed him.
But Lathander spoke to him gently and calmed the moon elf. Lathander knew of Ristaun
and spoke to Ristaun about all the good he had done. He told Ristaun that his life was not
over and that he could still do what was in his heart. Lathander talked to Ristaun for
along time and when they parted Ristaun found that his anger had left him. He only now had
the desire to do what was right for elven kind, himself, and the forest. Lathander told
him of a party that was made up of half-elves and others who were currently in Cormyr.
These people were working for the good of the elven people and the great cormanthor
forest. They were going to be coming to the forest soon to fight off a great evil that had
entered it during the Time of Troubles. All of this Lathander told him and Ristaun decided
he would put differences aside and fight alongside these people.
Ristaun journied to Arabel and found there the Silver Dragons, a group of half elves,
an elf, and humans who were fighting for good. Lathander also told Ristaun that soon he
would be with Syniellia and all the other fallen of his village who he loved so much. This
was not sad news to Ristaun. He met this and accepted it. He knew now that he would not
throw his life away with senseless killing but protecting the forest he would meet his
Ristaun of Tsornyl met with the Silver Dragons. They eagerly took him in. Ristaun found
that Lathander's words were true. The Silver Dragons were preparing for a journey to the
fallen Myth Drannor to engage in combat with the avatar of Malar who had went on a killing
rampage throughout the forest. Most all the elves that had stayed in the forest had
met their dooms at his ravenous hands. Ristaun grew to enjoy the commradery of the Silver
Dragons and also accepted the humans and half elves in the party. The days dragged on as
the Silver Dragons trained and waited for word from the elves to start their journey to
the forest. Ristaun soon realized that Malar was the one who had destroyed his village and
killed his loved ones. Finally, after weeks, a group of high elves came to Arabel.
They had come from Evermeet. They were powerful magicians that had been sent by the
Coronal to fight alongside of the Silver Dragons as they protected the fallen Myth Drannor
from the crazed Malar. Ristaun asked his friends in the Silver Dragon if they would do him
only one favor, as they were making the long trek to Myth Drannor.
"Friends," he said " I will meet my death in this battle with the Beast,
this I know. What I do not know is if I can have your pledge to lay me down for my eternal
rest near my home village".
The Silver Dragons refused to acknowledge that Ristaun would meet his doom in Myth
Drannor, but they did promise him that they would bury him on that grassy knoll that
overlooked Tsornyl. But none of the Silver Dragons were confident that they would survive
the battle with Malar. After all they were planning to do battle with a god. Ristaun was
one of the most capable warriors in the entire party and if any were to fall he was surely
not the one that would. Days past as they made the journey. Ristaun became eager to meet
the Beastlord who had cuased so much pain.
They entered the forest and after a couple days journey came to the area where the
ruins of Myth Drannor lay. The party entered into the ruins and were soon attacked by the
Beastlord. The 12 foot tall black furred beast would attack from out of no where and began
to slowly slay the Silver Dragons one at a time. It was Ristaun who orchestrated the trap
to be set for the Beast. Later that night as the Silver Dragons made camp the Beast
attacked again but this time they were prepared. The Silver Dragons ambushed Malar and
surrounded him. The blood quickly ran as the fight commenced. The Wizards used powerful
magics to prevent Malar from escaping back into the forest. The beast killed more of the
Silver Dragons but was hurt badly himself. He looked for a way to escape and soon found
that he couldnt. Enraged he turned and after the next onsluaght all of the Silver Dragons
were dead or injured badly. Malar soon found the magicians who were trapping him and lay
into the defenseless elfs. Ristaun had lost much blood by this time from being mualed
repeatedly but he managed to give chase to the Beast. Malar himself was badly injured.
Ristaun drew EagleEye and shot true over and over again into the hide of the
retreating avatar. Malar turned on Ristaun in a frenzied rage and began to run as fast as
he could at the moon elf. Ristaun drew his father's MoonBlade, which he had carried all
his life and stuck it through the Beast just as the beast leaped at him.
There lay Ristaun and Malar. Both now motionless and bloody. The survivors raised to
see that Malar had been killed by Ristaun, but in the process he himself had been killed.
The battle was over and the soul of Ristaun was finally at rest.
Malar's crazed hunt would no longer be held in the forest of the Cormanthor. And the
remaining Silver Dragons, they held true to their promise. They made the long journey to
Ristuans village with the help of an half elf who knew the forest.
In death, Ristaun of Tsornyl returned home.
I enjoyed playing Ristaun and I know the story went on a bit but i felt that it was
important to not leave any details out so one could understand Ristaun. Ristaun could be
used in other campaigns in roles that he played earlier in his life or how he was during
the end of his life.