Description and History
As is the custom of people where he comes
from, he was born to a woman some nine months after the successful
consumation of a certain mating ritual. His childhood was happy
and of little consequence until the day it ended at the strong age
of seven when he was captured on a slaving raid. Sold to the Ashun
Mountain Quarry Company he laboured within the mines of a mountain
so unimportant it lacked even a name to produce coal and hemitite
which would be combined with steel later on to produce swords able
to survive the rigours of war through their strength.
At the age of eighteen he led a successful slave revolt which took
over three years suppress, but by the time it was, he had long since
made good his escape. Savouring the new found freedoms he'd achived,
and the empty stomach which came with it, he eventually came upon
a major city with an ill reputation for thieves and practicers of
deciept, which I would name save for the fact he carved his own
reputation there as well, impressing a wandering cleric with the
zeal with which fe fought the evils of slavery, he soon found himself
indoctrinated into the Church of Helm, Whom's All-Seeing Eyes had
been watching him quite closely.
Since then he has become a Brother to the Code of the Night, an
organization dedicated to the extermination of all Wizards, and
currently searches for the ancient sword Raunen Song, whose blade
is carved with over a thousand runes -each the name of a Wizard
whom a blood-oath has been sworn against, which is rumoured to imbue
it with magical powers. Upon finding it, and his destiny also, he
will prove prove himself to be a hero the likes of which has not
be seen in greater than a thousand years, or so a mad ego compells
him to believe.