Description and History
Tall and slender of build, standing 6'2" while weighting only
170 lbs, Daeron's lean frame belies the respectable strength of
his well defined, corded muscles. Though born of mixed human and
gold elf blood, his appearance shows vertually no sign of his elven
heritage, aside from his lingering youth. Now 43 years old, Daeron
appears over a decade younger by human standards, with a shoulder
length mane of rich, golden blonde hair, a very short and well groomed
mustash and beard, bright sapphire blue eyes and a fair, bronzish
complexion. A handsome rogue, with finely chiseled features and
a soft baritone voice, he lacks all the elven characteristics typical
of a half-elf, appearing as a comely young human.
A dashing rogue by all appearances, Daeron dresses in fine cloths
that are both stylish and servicable. He is most commonly seen in
linen hose and a shirt of sapphire silk with an open collar and
blousey sleeves gathered at the wrist, under gamash style breeches
with gold button hooks down either side, knee high, roll top boots,
a closed jerkin with a hip length peplum and high, duelest's style
gloves over his light bracers (bracers of defense), all of soft
black leather. He carries an exceptional, dwarven crafted broad
sword with a royal Scots style basket hilt of intercately woven
gold (Starbreeze), in a gold trimmed, black leather scabbard hung
from a black leather bardic with an ornimental gold buckle (5 gp),
slung over his right shoulder to rest at his left side, and a long
bladed dueling dagger (+4 dagger of throwing) at his left flank,
sheathed to a black leather waist belt with an ornimental gold buckle
that conceals a buckle knife (10 gp). Daeron also carries a pair
of light throwing daggers in hidden sheaths in the tops of his boots,
and bares a pair of gaurdless stilettos in concealed wrist sheaths.
A large, black leather pouch (pouch of accessability) is commonly
slung over his left shoulder to hang at his right side, and a small,
black leather belt pouch is typically hung at his right hip. Not
overly taken with jewelry or adornments, he wears a gold pendent
set with an oval, cabochon cut, dark blue aventurine of fair size
(amulet of proof against detection and location) on a gold chain,
a simple gold band (ring of free action) on the ring finger of his
right hand, and a ring of woven gold set with a round rose cut black
sapphire (ring of twilight) on the same finger of his left hand.
Daeron also carries a fair sized, cabochon cut, round frost agate
(luckstone) in his belt pouch, and a black leather bull whip (+4
whip), as well as a varity of thieves tools, in his large pouch
(pouch of accessability).
A fashionable scoundral, Daeron dons fancier apperal for society
parties and special events, consisting of linen hose and a sapphire
silk shirt with a white lace trimmed, falling band style collar
and ruffled cuffs, under black velvet, gamash style breeches with
gold buttons down either side, knee high, roll top boots of soft,
black leather with white lace boot topers and a pair of white lace
trimmed, high, soft black leather gloves, topped by a wide shouldered
doublet of gold and black silk samite with a hip length peplum and
sleeves that are cut into four wide strips from shoulder to wrist.
He tops this garb with a wide brimmed chapeau of black felt with
a large sapphire plume and an ankle length cape of black linen lined
in sapphire silk and edged in a thin band of gold brocade. He also
wears his light, black leather bracers (bracers of defense), gold
band (ring of free action), gold and black sapphire ring (ring of
twilight) and gold and adventurine pendent (amulet of proof against
detection and location). Since Waterdhavian fashion not only allows,
but encourages, the baring of tasteful weapons, Daeron carries his
exceptional, dwarven crafted broadsword (Starbreeze), in its gold
trimmed, black leather scabbard, hung from a bardic of gold brocaded
sapphire silk, which he slings over his right shoulder to rest at
his left side, and his long bladed dueling dagger (+4 dagger of
throwing) sheathed to his black leather waist belt with its ornimetal
gold buckle and concealed buckle knife (10 gp), as well as concealing
a pair of light throwing daggers and stilettos in the tops of his
Charming and quick witted, Daeron Anane is a dashing, self-styled
rogue, and a man of many contradictions. Often foolhardy and impulsive,
he is a good natured scoundrel, who faces life and death with his
tounge in cheek, and the attitude that "all of life is but
a tale told by a fool". However, he can become serious, callous,
and even cruel, in the face of evil and injustice. Despite his lack
of respect for the laws of the land, Daeron believes in justice
and honor, often standing to defend the weak and innocent for no
other reward then his own satisfaction.
Outwardly a silver tongued flop living life to the fullest, Daeron
has few real friends, and keeps his true heart and nature well hidden.
However, those few that have seen past his roguish facade have found
a loyal, honorable man strangely dedicated to justice and the greater
good, but willing to use less then ethical means to achieve his
A proficient fencer, Daeron prefers to fight in the single-weapon
style with his broad sword (Starbreeze), but will employ the two-weapon
style, adding his dueling dagger (+4 dagger of throwing), when hard
pressed. He uses his skill with thrown weapons to disarm, disable
or incapacitate opponents, frequently pining them to walls, or droping
signs or chandeleers upon their heads. Of late, Daeron has began
to use a bull whip (+4 whip) to perform fancy manuvers, such as
entangling one opponent and pulling him into another. Although,
capable of delivering devistating damage from a backstab, Daeron
views the tactic as dishonorable, and will employ it only in situations
of dire need.
A loner, accustome to being self sufficent, Daeron seldom enters
a situation with a firm plan, more often acting on sudden insperation,
which tends to throw off his allies as much as his foes. True to
his swashbuckler nature, he often employes unconventional tactics
and typically seems to be "showing off" more then fighting.
Although certainly not cowardly in nature, Daeron will evade combat
when ever possible, except for duels, and will most often embarass,
rather then injure or kill a human, demi-human or intelligent humanoid
opponent (PC or NPC). If faced with a clearly inferior opponent,
he often employes daring manuvers such as an "expert disarm"
which lands his opponent's weapon in his hand.
Marlykan Nightstar, a bladesinger (fighter/mage) & adventurous
son of a noble moon elven house from Evereska, with whom he has
wandered the Sword Coast & the North for several years; Sabrae
Jhalavar, a beautiful, half-drow elven sword dancer (priest of Eilistraee)/ranger,
whoes company he has recently been enjoying; Laeral Silverhand,
the lady-mage of Waterdeep, one of "the Seven Sisters"
& a master Harper, for whom he has performed a few mission in
the past; Elaith "the serpent" Craulnober, a moon elven
fighter/mage & sometimes rival, sometimes serious foe, whom
he has "cooperated" with to achieve common goals; Morigan,
the swashbuckling, half Lantan/half Ffolk (Moonshae), buccaneer
(fighter) captain of the “Spellbond”, whom he sailed with
in the past; Chandryl Jharyl, a smugler, fence, swashbuckler (thief)
& resident of Skullport, with whom he shared a number of adventures
in the past.
Elaith "the serpent" Craulnober, a moon elven fighter/mage
& sometimes rival, sometimes serious foe, with whom he has "cooperated"
with to acheive common goals; "Black Viper", a theif &
an allie of the Shadow Thieves; Avaereene, a beautiful & cruel
mage & the Xanathar Thieves' Guild lieutenant responsible for
their slavery opperation in Waterdeep, whom he personally insulted
(kissed) while foiling one of their "grabs"; the Knights
of the Sheild; the Kraken Society; the Shadow Thieves; the Xanathar
Thieves' Guild; the Zhentarim.
Locations Frequented:
Numerous inns, festhalls and taverns in Waterdeep, Skullport, Baldur’s
Gate, Berdusk, Silverymoon, Neverwinter, the North & the Sword
Born on the 29th day of Uktar (November) in the Year of the Great
Harvests (NR 293/DR 1325), Daeron is the son of Cyndrael Evanara,
a daughter of the noble gold elf house, and Herick Anane, the son
of a minor Waterdhavian noble family. Considered a source of embarrassment
by both noble houses he was disowned by the Evanaras after his mother
died in the Year of the Wandering Maiden (NR 305/DR 1337) under
mysterious circumstances, and the Ananes after his father’s
death in the Year of Bloodbird (NR 314/DR 1346).
Living by his sword and his wits, Daeron learned the skills of
a theif from the street performers of Jester's Court, were he spent
much of his youth, and the art of swordsmanship, as well as noble
baring, from his father, whom never approved of his son's association
with street rogues. Publicly known as a fencer of good repute, but
widely regarded as a harmless flop, he charms the daughters of gentel
society with his roguish style and romantic flare, but is scowled
upon by his own kin.
Rather wild and carefree in his youth, Daeron has matured into
a good natured rogue whom often stands for those who can not defend
themselves, while he wanders from city to city through out the Sword
Coast and the North. Although seldom considered a serious adventurer,
he has drifted between a number of adverturing bands, and is one
of the few living soles on Faerun who can walk the garden path’s
of Waterdhavian society and the dark allies of Skullport with equal
Daeron’s natural charm, diverse skills, and position at the
frings of Waterdhavian society and underworld, as well as his penchant
for justice, would make him an ideal agent for a number of power
groups, such as the Harpers. However, although he has perfromed
a few odd missions under the direction of Laeral Silverhand, he
steadfastly refuses any firm association with such groups.
Daeron gained the nick-name "shadowspawn" in connection
with "shady" activites tied to Skullport. Although many
of his "day-light" acquantences regard thes rumors as
nothing but tavern talk, his reputation in darker circles mark him
as a cut-throat, thief, blackmailer and all around scoundrel. This
mostly unearned reputation began early in his adventuring career,
and has served him well in the past, granting him open access to
the Port of Shadows, and other underworld circles, were he is alternately
called "shadow-spawn" or "shadow's-pawn" depending
on the speaker.
Daeron has no qualms about enjoying life and living it to the fullest,
nor does he seek the approval of others. He serves the greater good
for the simple satisfaction it gives him, and defends the lives
and honor of those unable to do so themselves for the same reason.
Daeron is more deeply hurt by the rejection of both sides of his
family then he will let himself believe, having walled in his true
feelings behind a facade of non-chaulant indifference. Accustome
to facing life alone, and being self-sufficent in all things, it
is difficult for him to know how to let others help him.
Campaign Uses:
Although Daeron has served the Harpers on odd occations in the past,
he is steadfast in his refusal to be an agent for any power group.
However, true to his swashbuckler nature, he has a knack for stumbling
headlong into the plots of such groups, leaving him with the choice
of either serve their ends, or oppose them, to save his own hide.
Daeron has acted as a vigillante in the past, enforcing justice
were courts can not, or will not, go. Although not an assassin,
he has arranged the down-fall of powerful foes by turning their
own associates against them, marking them for death as surely as
if he had cut their throats himself.
Special Item Description:
Starbreeze (+5 broad sword of speed (as scimitar of speed;
allows first strike in melee & increases number of attacks/round
by one step)): Intelligence - 13 (empathic); Alignment - Chaotic
Neutral; Extraordinainary Abilities - telekinesis (as 5th level
wizard spell) with a maximum of 250 lbs for one round twice/day
& true seeing (as 5th level priest spell) for 9 rounds once/day;
Special Purpose - defeat evil; Special Purpose Power - +2 to all
saving throws & -1 to each die of damage sustained; Ego - 19;
Personality - 32.
An exceptional quality, dwarven crafted broad sword, with a royal
Scots style basket hilt of intercately woven gold, a gold wire bound
black leather grip and a bright, silvery steel blade with an asimetrical
tip which leans away from the guard, Starbreeze is inhabited by
the spirit of a half-moon elf-lady and bard from the glory days
of Myth Drannor, whom retains the whimsical, romantic and mischievous
personality she had in life. She is able to communicate through
empathy only, transmitting her emotions, feelings and mpulses to
her wielder. Simmular to a scimitar of speed, Starbreeze allows
her wielder to strike first in every melee round and increases his
number of attacks per round by one step. She will automatically
employ her special purpose power when ever her wielder opposes evil,
and actively encourages him to do so at every oppertunity, but will
typically invoke her telekinesis or true seeing powers only when
held and willed to by her wielder, which requires one round of concentration.
However, as a sentient entity, she is able to invoke any of her
abilities at her own discretion, so long as she does not act against
her wielder unless she has overcome his personality. In the recent
past, Starbreeze has used her telekinesis power to fly to her wielder’s
hand when called in dire need.
As all swords with basket hilts, Starbreeze provides a bonus of
+1, plus her magical bonus (+5) and her wielder’s strength
bonus, to parry attempts, or allows a blunt attack as a mailed fist
for 1 D3 points of damage, plus her magical bonus (+5) and her wielder’s
strength bonus.