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The work contained on this page is the property and copyright of Alessandro "Master" Ruocco. It has been formatted for viewing on the web by the Scribes of Candlekeep. The article is available for download in its original state. See also the War Wizards of Cormyr Part 1
The War Wizards of Cormyr
Unique Spells
These are the spells that the War Wizards have shown by now, more or less, on the field. The list given below is, however, to be considered incomplete at best, as such powerful spellcasters as Vangerdahast, Culspiir, Xerion, Magnus and Mederen (and perhaps even a few others) are very likely to have some nasty surprises still hidden, to be used only in the direst of circumstances, that they have never shown. Luckly for them (and for their opponents, too), those circumstances have never arisen, up to now, but there could always be a remote possibility...
Moreover, the spells created by Culspiir since the moment in which he became a Mage Master (such as Culspiir’s master illusion, which has been released months ago on the list), are not described here, but will be described whenever the Mage Masters of Azuth will be outlined, or in the file regarding the spells of the human Chosen of Faerûn (both in preparation). Those presented here are those he researched while still being a normal War Wizard.
Finally, it must be pointed out that, though the magic presented here was researched and woven into spells by War Wizards, powerful sorcerers allied with the cause of Cormyr, and/or fiends of Vangerdahast or his First Assistants are likely to know some, if not all, of these spell. It is unlikely that some powerful spellcasters such as the Mage Masters of Mystra and Azuth and the Most Faithfuls of these two faiths do not know these spells, or have copies of it into scrolls at hand, or in well-guarded tomes into their secret abodes. However, please keep in mind that some of these spells are quite powerful, and should not be in the normal array os spells of any PC spellcaster, unless he/she is a War Wizard of Cormyr or, perhaps, an Harper.
Wizards’ Unique Spells
Blazing Retribution (Abjuration, Invocation/Evocation)
4th-level spell
Creator: Magnus
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent until triggered
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell permits to guard an object, creature or area with a special protection; when triggered, this protection envelopes the creature or the object that touched the object, creature or area within a shroud of flames.
The spell can be placed upon any object, provided it is not bigger than a desk, upon any creature, provided it is not taller than an ogre, or upon any area, provided it is not larger than the level of the caster in feet (it can assume any plain form, but not a cubic one, as long as it remains into the limit explained above). When the spell is triggered, the object or creature which has triggered the spell is enveloped into a flaming sphere, which will last but one round. If the one who touched the protected object, creature or area was a flammable object, it will be turned to dust in one round; if it was an object of metal, it must make a ST vs. magical fire or been melted (magical weapons which fail their save lose a plus, while rechargeable items lose 1d6 charges; non rechargeable items suffer damages subjected to DM’s choice); if it was a creature, it must save vs. spells or suffer 1d4 hit points + 1 point per level of the caster. If the save is made, the number of HP received is to be rounded up (magical objects suffer no damages). The caster, or the creature who receives the spell, is totally immune to the flames which envelope his offender, even if he is very near them.
The material components of this spell are the object, creature or area to be protected, and a torch who must be lit and must have been lit for a number of rounds equal to the casters level.
The favourite tactics of the War Wizards in using this spell is either to place it onto themselves to be protected in a melee fight, in order to surprise their opponent if attacked physically, or to place it (many and many times...) in front of a fantery or cavalry unit before their attack. Few are those who survive such a defense, and the first line of offense of the attackers is almost sure to be decimated in this way.
Fiery Storm (Invocation/Evocation)
5th-level spell
Creator: Magnus
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 50-foot-diameter area
Saving Throw: None
This spell, a more powerful version of ice storm, is sure to be devastating if used at the same time, or in series, by many War Wizards of enough power to cast it. It deals 3d10 points of damage +5 to any creature within the area of effect, and anyone caught in such an area must make his ST vs. magical fire for his objects, or having them burned if non-magical (magical weapons which fail their save lose a plus, while rechargeable items lose 1d6 charges; non-rechargeable items suffer damages subjected to DM’s choice). The area of effect becomes a blazing inferno for some brief instants, very often too much for any creature to resist. Undead creatures, if not protected, suffer the same points of damage outlined above + 10 additional HP. If someone is protected vs. magical fire, he suffers no damage from the spell.
The material components of the spell are a pinch of dust and a small, piece of flint, which are both consumed in the casting.
Tempest of Fire (Invocation/Evocation)
7th-level spell
Creator: Magnus
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: One 10-foot-cube/level
Saving Throw: 1/2
Practically an improvement of the above detailed spell, this one creates a fiery and raging hell in the area of effect. Anyone caught into the area of effect of the spell suffers 12d12 of damage, but receives a ST vs. spells, with a -1 penalty to halve the effects (rounded up). Anyone caught in such an area must also make his ST vs. magical fire for his objects, or having them burned if non-magical (magical weapons which fail their save lose a plus, while rechargeable items lose 1d6 charges; non-rechargeable items suffer damages subjected to DM’s choice). Undead creatures, if not protected, suffer the same points of damage outlined above + 12 additional HP. If someone is protected vs. magical fire, he suffers no damage from the spell.
Even if there are much lesser War Wizards of enough level to cast this spell, those who can have always used it wisely towards enemy troops...
The material components of this spell are a ruby of no less than 2000 gp and some petals of a red rose, which must be spread on the ruby while casting the spell. Both of them are consumed in the casting.
Thundering Stones (Invocation/Evocation)
7th-level spell
Creator: Vangerdahast
Range: 70 yards + 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 70-foot-diameter area
Saving Throw: Special
One of the spells preferred by the War Wizards when confronting enemies who can cast spells, this spell accomplishes two things: it both distracts and destroys.
When completed, the spell creates, in the area of effect and 6’ high above the targets, many small (1’ large) stones, which will begin falling on those who are standing in the area of effect, or moving into it. This falling of stones is accompanied by a very loud rumble, very sililar to those of a thunder, but only to its roaring part. The noise is enourmous and, most important, sudden. This means that anyone in the area of effect cannot concentrate on casting spells, and must also realize a ST vs. spells, or become deaf for 1d6 hours. Accompanied by the stones, which also deal damage (see below), this is a spell sure to let a group of spellcasters defensless after having heard it...
The stones created, which are one per level of the caster, will hit those who are in the area of effect, dealing 10d6 of damage. Realizing a ST vs. spells with a -2 penalty means halving the damage (rounded up).
This spell was created by Vangerdahast, not long ago, mainly to counteract the circle of power of the Red Wizards of Thay.
The material components of the spell are peebles in the same quantities as the stones produced by the spell, and a thin disc of gold of 1’ of diamater, finely engraved with runes, of no less than 2000 gp. The disc can be reused.
The Ravager (Conjuration/Summoning)
8th-level spell
Creator: Xerion
Range: 50 yards + 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Times: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell summons into being a force-like creature, whose only aim is to kill and to destroy. His shape is desired by the caster, and the one used below is the one most commonly used by Xerion, the creator of the spell.
The ravager is a towering 20’ in height, and weighs about 6000 lbs. He appears to be molded into the form of a gigantic warror, dressed in full plate and armed with two enormous swords.
The ravager attacks twice per round with his two enormous swords, which can deal 2d20 of damage each. Its THAC0 is 0, and its armor class is -1. It has the same HP of the caster multiplied per 2. Its “skin” is the equivalent of a stone skin, so it can be hurt only by magical weapons, which can only inflict it their bonus as a wound, or by spells, which are ineffective, however, as long as this kind of protection lasts (it is equal to the 5th-level spell of the same name). Once every five rounds, he can unleash its own substance into a sort of lighting bolt, identical to the 3rd-level spell; it can do so, however, only renoucing to its own attacks, but in this case its initiative modifier is 3. The ravager is always under the control of the caster, and can’t be dispelled through the use of a dispel magic. It can be countered by a limited wish or wish, or some equivalent magic, the first cast by a wizard of level equal (or superior) to the actual caster of the ravager, while the third can be uttered by anyone, provided he has the means to do so.
It is whispered, among the War Wizards, that this spell is the result of some experiments that Xerion conducted into contacting beings from other planes and/or crystal spheres. The thruth is that, for some strange and unknown reasons, the first time that Xerion tried the finished spell, something went wrong, and that he was able to mold the magical energies released into something suitable to himself and the War Wizards before the spell went completely awry. The final result was something quite far from what he desired, but which has proven of help when dealing with the forces of opposing armies.
The reason for the spell being called in this way (its real name was originally primary molding) is that when Culspiir first used it, he desired it to be like the form that the avatar of Bhaal used to assume when appearing in the Moonshaes (for a sort of joke, and because this gigantic warrior reminded him very much the avatar of the god of assassins). The War Wizards who assisted to the spell that time were quick to adopt the just-born nickname, and the spell has been referred to in this way since that moment.
The material components for this spell are a statuette of ivory of no less then 200 gp sculpted roughly to resemble a warrior, and a pich of diamond dust, of no less than 50 gp of value. The statuette remains intact at the end of the spell, but the diamond dust is expended.
Chain Jail (Invocation/Evocation)
5th-level spell
Creator: Xerion
Range: 5 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
One of the creations of He of the Many Spells, this one has saved the day for the archmage of the War Wizards at least in two occasions.
When completed, the spell summons into existance a chain, akin to normal ones, that begins to coil itself around the chosen target, if he doesn’t realize a ST vs. spells with a -1 penalty. While doing so, it roots itself into the ground (no matter the substance of which it is composed), so deeply as to not be unrooted, in the course of the first round. From the second round on, if the imprisoned charater does any kind of movement, apart from speaking, the chain jail inflicts on him 3d4 points of crushing damage, as it continues to uncoil to prevent the target from escaping. The magic of the chain jail spell prevents spells who do not need somatic or material components from being effective, if they are of lower or same level as the chain jail; higher level spells are unaffected.
If the caster so desires, the imprisoned character can be completely coiled from the chain, as to be imprisoned beyond escaping, in one round. He can then dispose of the prisoner in any way it likes.
The chain jail can be dispelled by a successful dispel magic, or by the use of carefully uttered limited wish or wish. In alternative, it can be destroyed, but those who try to do this are advised that any attempt to hurt the chain jail will deal the same amount of hit points to the imprisoned creature. The chain jail has 40 HP and an AC of 8. No other spell seems successful against this one. Of course, the caster can dispel his own spell at any time.
The material components of the spell are a piece of chain composed of no less then 15 rings, and a small lock, that must be locked at the completion of the spell. The lock needs to be of the finest workmanship, and must have a value of at least 20 gp.
Blood Shroud (Necromancy, Invocation/Evocation)
5th-level spell
Creator: “Gina”
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 7 rounds
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
Only a demon could be the creator of such a terrible spell. When its casting is completed, the target is entitled a ST vs. spells with a -3 penalty, or he suffers the full effects of the foul magic created by “Gina”.
When the spell is completed, the caster becomes to be covered, from head to toe, in the course of a round, from viscous blood. At the beginning of the following round, the blood begins to burn, dealing 1d6 hp to the target, completely enveloping it in a shroud of flames at the end of the second round. From that moment on, the target gets, in succession, 1d8 points of damage, then 1d10, then 1d12, then 1d20 and finally, 2d12. At the end of the seventh round, the spell expires. During all the rounds in which the spell is into existance, the target sufferes an unbearable pain, as if the flames were burning not only his flesh, but also his soul. If the target realizes his saving throw, the spell also takes effect, but it has only a quarter of its potency.
Those who have observed the spell have noticed an unusual heat created by the flames, and the fact that they seem of more vivid colors than the normal ones, even those generated by magic. The same observers have thus speculated that this magic could well have some unknown (and inexplicable), connection to the Abyss. If this is true, only “Gina” can tell...
Of course, when the target is enveloped in the flames, he can do but a few actions: he can still attack, but with a -4 penalty to his attack rolls, has a penalty of his AC of -4 and, obviously, can’t cast spells. His utilization of magical objects which are not weapons is still possible, though, provided that the pain he is suffering will let him concentrate enough to remember the command words. To this end, to use a magical object activated through a command word, the target must make an INT check with a -3 penalty. The spell can be countered by a successful dispel magic, dispel evil or similar potent spells (such as limited wish or wish), or it can be negated by some powerful magic of protection. Please, note that since the origin of the magic is partially unknown, and Abyssal forces can be involved into it, it seems that objects that protect against normal or magical fires of “normal” origin offer only partial protection against this spell (in game terms, they are only 50% effective against this spell).
This spell is one of the major successes of “Gina”, but it is seldom used by her, as the forces it unleashes are partially inexplicable in origin. Even Vangerdahast or Culspiir have never tried it, and only Magnus has tried to master it, with only partial success, but he, too, is not very willing to use it. As it can be easily understood, the favourite tactic of “Gina” is to cast it to the most powerful opponent she has to face, and usually a spellcaster is chosen, preferring it to a fighter.
The material components of this spell are a ruby of no less then 500 gp, three drops of the caster’s own blood (and this can be the solution of all queries...) and a patch of cloth of any size, but not smaller than one square feet. All of them are consumed in the casting.
Splitting Acid Ball (Invocation/Evocation)
5th-level spell
Creator: Mederen
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
A powerful attack spell even if not very high in level, this spell can be devastating if used by several War Wizards in unison.
When completed, the caster creates a ball of acid large about 4’ at any point in the range permitted by the spell. The acid ball can hit no more then two charaters who are standing near, and they must be at a maximum of 1 yard of distance for the spell to have its effect on both of them; in any other instance, the spell hits only one creature, which the caster must choose before unleashing the spell. When a creature is hit, he receives 3d10 points of damage, no save. The objects he carries, however, must save vs. acid, or be rendered useless if normal, while magical weapons which fail their save lose a plus; rechargeable items lose 1d6 charges and non-rechargeable items suffer damages subjected to DM’s choice. Moreover, after the acid ball has hit its intended target(s), it continues to be dangerous, as it splits on to the ground for an area of 20’ of diamater, causing to anyone inside it 1d12 points of damage (of course, if the intended target(s) is/are in the area of effect, they are inflicted also this additional damage).
The spell can be blocked by any effective protection against magic of this level or against acid (such as a scroll of protection from acid), which can partially or completely negate the spell.
This is one of the most favoured spell of the War Wizards of high level, which delight themselves in using it againstt evil opponents.
The material components of this spell are three drops of any acid from any suitable container, that must be dropped on a patch of fresh mud that the caster must have thrown on the ground at the beginning of the spell. Both are consumed in the casting.
Ice Daggers (Invocation/Evocation)
4th-level spell
Creator: Xerion
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One or more creatures in a 40-foot cube
Saving Throw: None
This spell is an improvement of previous studies of the War Wizards about how using the snow that falls during winter as a sort of weapon.
When completed, the spell creates one dagger made of ice for each three levels of the caster has attained; thus a 10th-level War Wizard can create four of these daggers. Each dagger can be thrown to a single opponent, all to a single, or they can be divided among more than one single target, provided that they are in the area of effect of the spell. Each of those daggers deals 1d8 points of damage to the intended target, and they never miss.
The material components of this spell are a silver dagger and a handful of snow, which must be spread on the dagger during the casting of the spell.
Internal Freezing (Alteration)
7th-level spell
Creator: Xerion
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 4 rounds
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
This spell has been devised for preventing enemy spellcasters from uttering their spells for a prolungate amount of time.
When completed, the target of this spell is entitled a ST vs. spells. If he realizes it, he suffers 2d8+1 points of damage from a chilling, unnatural and sudden cold that envelopes him, and the spell ends. If he fails, then he tastes all the power of this spell. In fact, in this case, the cold that suddenly surrounds him is painly striking and prolonged, and comes from the internal freezing (hence the spell name) of his bodily organs. During the first round, the target suffers 1d8+1 points of damage; during the second round, he suffers 2d8+2; during the third one, he suffers 3d8+3; during the fourth one, he suffers 4d8+4; after that, the spell ends. Visually, the target becomes to freeze internally and, at the beginning of the third round, this internal freezing becomes apparent even from the exterior.
During the duration of the spell, the caster is subjected to some penalties, if he chooses to attack physically instead of using spells; these penalties are a -1 per round (cumulative) on his attack roll and a -1 per round (cumulative) on his damage rolls. Obviously, the striking pain that hits the caster during the spell is such that it is impossible for himself to concentrate on the incantation necessary to unleash a spell and, if he does not realize an INT check with a -2 penalty per round (cumulative), he is also unable to recall from memory even the command word(s) necessary to activate his magical objects (if any).
The material components of this spell are a little statuette (of any fashionable material), fashioned to resemble a humanoid, and four drops of gorgon blood.
Annoying Peebles (Invocation/Evocation)
2nd-level spell
Creator: Culspiir
Range: 5 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
This spell was created by the Master of Illusions as a method to distract spellcasters, in order to prevent them from casting spells, and has proved a valuable resource till now.
When completed, the caster throws some peebles (which are the material components of the spell) towards the opponent, trying to hit him, as if he had the THAC0 of a fighter of the same level. If the peebles hit, they begin to circle the head and the face of the opponent in random circles, at great speed. Obviously, they are annoying a lot, and their presence and their rotation in front of the eyes prevents the chosen target from finding the necessary concentration needed to cast a spell. They also impose an INT check each round they are in existence for finding the necessary concentration at finding in their memory a command word for activating a magical object. The peebles can’t be twarted from their path, and can’t be hit with normal or magical means. However, they can be dispelled by the use of a dispel magic, or any powerful magic that can mimic its effects. The chosen target can dispel the peebles only if he has a magical object that can cast a dispel magic (and he finds the necessary concentration for remembering its command word...).
The annoying peebles remain into existence for a number of rounds equal to the level of the caster divided by three. Thus, an 8-th level War Wizard can make this spell last for two rounds.
The usefulness of this spell is achieved when used against an opponent who can cast spells and, obviously, the higher the spellcaster that casts it, the better.
Crushing the Enemy (Alteration, Invocation/Evocation)
5th-level spell
Creator: Mederen
Range: 5 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 15-square-feet/level
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell is a sort of modified version of wall of stone, but it is quite nastier, as it is an attack spell.
When the spell is completed, the area around the chosen target(s), and centered on him/them, rises as if it was the palm of two hands clapping together once and then returning to its normal state. The resulting effect can be devastating, as the spell imposes a ST vs. death with a -1 penalty; if it is realized, the chosen target(s) is/are able to escape the crushing walls, if not, it/they is/are dead. The number of creatures that can be hit by the spell is a function of the area affected by it; a War Wizard of 10th level can affect a 150-square-feet area, while a 15th level War Wizard can affect a 225-square-feet area, thus involving more creatures. The exact number of creatures that can be hit, however, is always chosen by the DM, in any case of controversy.
The material components of this spell are a powdered diamond of no less than 3000 gp in value, a small piece of sheet iron and a fistful of earth. All of them are consumed in the casting.
Magnus’s Living Flame (Alteration)
6th-level spell
Creator: Magnus
Range: 50 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10-square-feet/level
Saving Throw: Special
This spell is a personal achievement of Mederen, and one of his best creations.
When completed, the caster can draw force from any existing fire source (that is the material component of the spell), in order to summon into existence 1d4 living flames, +1 for level of the caster. If the fire source is permanent, the tentacles come forth from it, if it is not the spell can’t be cast. This means that the caster can evoke them from any fire, campfire, lit torch and so on, and that he can’t from the ground where a fire source has been lit.
There is also another possibility for the spell to be completed, and it is in “presence” of any spell that deals with fire. For example, Mederen’s living flame can be cast while a flaming sphere or a wall of fire is into existence (thus ending them, because they are lower in level; spells higher in level than Mederen’s living flame are not extinguished, but are lowered in power, since part of the magic is absorbed by the spell), but it can be evoked also on the spot where a fireball exploded, or where any other instantaneous spell dealing with fire took effect before, for no more than a number of round equal to the level of the caster. In any case, if the spell is to be created where a fire source was, the caster must make a CON check with a -3 penalty, reflecting the difficulty he has in weaving the weave for creating the spell where no actual magical fire source is, but only was. In case of spells like flaming sphere, Mederen’s living flame is anchored where the caster chose the spell to be created (please, see below).
When the spell is completed, it summons into existence 1d4 living flames, +1 for level of the caster, up to twelveth level. The flames are “living” in the sense that they are movable, and behave accordingly to the desires of the caster. Each flame is 10’ long and 1’ wide, and can move in any direction for all its lenght from the point in which it originates, but can’t obviously leave its spot of creation. Each living flame attacks as if it was a monster with the THAC0 of the caster, has AC 3, the same number of hit points as the caster has levels, +2. Any time that a living flame hits, it deals 1d4 points of damage. A popular tactic of War Wizards of sufficient power to cast this spell is to use a burning hands or flaming sphere to evoke the power of the spell, when no apprentice or Purple Dragon holding a torch can be found in the vicinity.
The material components for this spell are any natural or magical fire source, a pinch of sulphur and the guano of an Azmyth*
Mederen’s Living Lighting (Alteration)
6th-level spell
Creator: Mederen
Range: 50 yards
Components: V ; S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10-square-feet/level
Saving Throw: Special
This spell is absolutely identical to Mederen’s living flame, except that it is composed of lightning instead of flames, and thus could be harder to cast, as it is more difficult to find permanent lightning in nature than flames. As a result, a popular tactic of War Wizards of sufficient power to cast this spell is to use shocking grasp, chain lightning and the like to create Mederen’s living lightning. In addition, this spell can be cast using also the ground where a natural (and only natural) lightning stroke, provided it is cast no more than a number of rounds equal to the levels of the caster minus one after the lightning had fallen. For all other purposes, this spell is identical to the one described above.
The material components for this spell are a lightning of any sort (natural or magical), or the ground where a natural lightning has fallen, a patch of fur of no less than 1’ in width, and a steel rod of 1’ of length. Only the steel rod is not expended in the casting.
Vangerdahast’s War Wizardry (Invocation/Evocation)
6th-level spell
Creator: Vangerdahast
Range: 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn + 3 rounds
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
This spell is a sort of modified contingency, and lets the caster cast three spells in three rounds with a casting time of 1, no matter the spells chosen. Also, the spells which are chosen at the time of casting can by no means be changed by the caster or anyone else. They are programmed and fixed once they are chosen to complete this spell.
When the spell is completed, the caster can cast, in the three rounds following its completion, three spells, which won’t be consumed, but stored on the persona of the War Wizard, until their release when the conditions posed by the caster, which must be stated by him when casting the spell, are met. The caster can chose any type of spell, provided that their casting time is no superior to one round for each of them, and that they are of up to 5th level of power. When this has been done, the power of these spells is locked by the war wizardry, to be released when the conditions uttered by the caster are met. When this happens, all the spells are released during the following three rounds, each with a casting time of 1, as their previous casting time was accomplished before, at the time in which Vangerdahast’s war wizardry was cast.
As the name implies, this was designed mainly as an attack spell, for casting spells dealing damage with a reduced casting time. It has served its purpose quite well up to now, and several times it has made the difference. A special use of it is in conjunction with Xerion’s immortality (detailed later). However, War Wizards of sufficient power to cast it more and more choose to do so employing defensive and/or curative spells cast by clerics and priests, as the spell accepts also this form of magic.
Vangerdahast’s High Wizardry (Invocation/Evocation)
8th-level spell
Creator: Vangerdahast
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
This spell is, in reality, a collection of five spells, specifically determined, which take place simultaneously at the time of casting.
When completed, the five spells previously cast, which are mirror image, Melf’s acid arrow, non-detection, dimension door and feeblemind, take effect all in the same round, in the precise order above reported. The reduced casting time reflects the fact that all the spells which are a part of this spell have been cast previously, and their casting time has been accomplished at the time of casting. The utterance of a single word releases the spell, and the reduced casting time is also a reflection of this. Also, the wizard can select the power of each spell at the moment of the first casting, up to the maximum of the spell.
As can be easily seen, Vangerdahast’s high wizardry is both an offensive and defensive spell, as it both protects the caster and uses some spells to offend the chosen target, and even incapacitate him, if it is possible. The material components of this spell are, obviously, those of the five spells which constitute the spell as a whole.
A special version of this spell is in the working, at the moment; tentatively and pomposely called “Supreme War Wizardry”, this spell will accept also clerical spells (almost surely curative), and more powerful offensive spells.
Rope Constriction (Alteration)
4th-level spell
Creator: Kane
Range: 5 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell was created by Kane to give to the War Wizards a way to incapacitate enemy spellcaster from casting spells.
When completed, the target of this spell is entitled a ST vs. spells. If successful, the ropes created by the magic will not coil around him, and will fall harmlessly at his feet. If the ST is failed, instead, the magic of the spell will create out of nothing a rope that, in moments, will coil itself around the target. In a few moments, it will be incapacitated of every move, and also of speaking, as one of the ends of this magical rope will finish in the mouth of the target, effectively stopping him from speaking, uttering magical or command words, giving orders and the like.
The magic of this spell is quite powerful, however, as it will imprison also spellcasters which have on them protections against immobilization that are of 1st, 2nd or 3rd level. Spell of level 4 or higher are not blocked in any way from this spell, and the target is thus assumed to have automatically made his ST. As can be easily guessed, only creatures with an extraordinary STR can hope to break free from this spell before its natural expiration: in fact, only creatures with a STR score of more then 18/99 can break free and then only with a certain percentage. Beings with a STR of 18/00 have a 40% chance per round of breaking free, beings with a STR of 19 have a 80% chance per round of breaking free, and those with 20+ STR cannot be blocked by this spell if they chose not to. Moreover, only beings as large as an ogre could be imprisoned by this spell; those which are greater and/or larger cannot be constrained by such a spell.
The material components of this spell are a rope of any sort, but no less then 1’ in lenght, 4 rings of any chain mail, and a lock of no less then 10 gp in value. All of them are consumed in the casting.
Spell Sucker (Alteration)
8th-level spell
Creator: Culspiir
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
A powerful defensive and attacking spell, this high level one could well turn the tide of a magical duel.
On the round after completion of the spell, the caster can absorb up to 3 spells cast to him, up to the 7th-level of power; he can then weave them into a single spell on the second and final round in which the spell is in use. This spell can be any of those available normally to the caster, but only one of those that he has currently memorized at the time of casting spell sucker. The spell is then cast, but the one normally memorized is not spent; only the one achieved sucking the energy on the spells cast against the caster is expended. Please note that in the round in which the caster sucks the spells, he can normally cast other spells, fight, or use magical items; he is not distracted as he knows that at least 3 spells cannot harm him. On the second round, he casts the spell he chose thanks to spell sucker, and can then cast another spell (if his initiative is less than his opponents(s) and he has not been harmed), as the previous one is cast thanks to the magic of the spell sucker. In any case, he can always cast the spell he chose to have thanks to the spell sucker, as it is its magic that lets him do so.
For example, Xerion casts spell sucker having in front of him three Cloaks of Mulmaster. On the following round he absorbs one Melf’s minute meteors, one magic missile and one wall of iron cast against him by the Cloaks; being not distracted by these spells (which cannot harm him) he can cast his normal spell, which he chooses to be a lightning bolt, at two of the Cloaks. On the second round, he transforms the magical energy accumulated into a fireball, which he casts at his third opponent. He also has time for another spell, use of a magical item and/or another action (if his initiative is less than his opponents and he has not been harmed); he casts wall of iron on the three spellcasters. Then the effect of the spell sucker vanishes.
Spell sucker is effective against every spell meant to harm or to influence the persona of the caster, directly or indirectly, and is effective against spells of up to 7th-level. Well used, this spell is an enormous advantage over other spellcasters, as it effectively gives to its caster the opportunity to cast 3 spells while his opponents can cast only two or, at least, to be able to cast a spell even if harmed.
The material components of this spell are eight slices of an octopus arm and a platinum cone, with both the top and the base open, of no less than 500 gp in value. Both of these components are expended in the casting.
Xerion’s Immortality (Necromancy, Alteration)
8th-level spell
Creator: Xerion
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell is the one that saved the day to some high level War Wizards in recent times, and personally to Xerion at least once during the last two years. It is a superior spell, and one that can make the difference between losing a magical fight and winning it.
When completed, the spell transforms the body of the caster in living mercury. The result is that the caster can assume any form that he wishes, as long as his new corporeal form does not exceed his total body volume when he is in normal state; he can then liquify himself, passing under a door and reforming after he has passed it; he can sneak through fissures, no matter how small, to enter in a room prevented to him, and so on. The most important thing, however, is that in this form the caster is immune to physical attacks from normal and magical weapons (except artifacts and relics, which deal their normal damage), and from spells which physically affect the body, such as normal attack spells; they hit the caster normally, but are either absorbed by him, or can perforate him, leaving a hole that will be readily reabsorbed, or can even seem to destroy him. No matter what the power of the spell, the body of the wizard suffers no damage, and even if he is dispersed on the ground or in the air by the raw and destructive power of the attack spell, he can reform his body with a conscious effort in but a single round, during which he can’t do anything else, however. If a part of the body is severed from the main part of it, (for example an arm or a leg, or even the head), it can be reattached with a will effort also in a single round. Only spells which afflict the mind seem to be useful against this spell, and then only those of 8th and 9th-level. Another way is that of casting a wish, desiring the caster to be back to his normal form. No other magical means are said to be effective.
Upon assuming this form, the caster can continue to use spells, albeit limited to those who need only vocal, or vocal and somatic components. Also, the caster can choose to attack with his bare hands, dealing the normal damage he can do with them. Thus, a careful choosing of spells can permit to the caster of this spell of winning a duel or fight that he is losing at the moment of casting it, permitting him to ignore even the passing of a meteor swarm. The preferred use of this spell is in couple with mind blank, for those powerful enough to cast it or, alternatively, with Vangerdahast’s war wizardry and/or Vangerdahast’s high wizardry.
The material components of this spell are a vial of mercury, that must be imbibed by the caster at the completion of the casting, and a powdered diamond of no less than 5000 gp, which must be mixed with the mercury before casting the spell.
False Orders (Alteration)
4th-level spell
Creators: Rauthin & Raurin
Range: 5 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Created by the twin brothers Rauthin and Raurin, this spell is used mainly as a means of confusing the enemy troops on the battlefield, but some inventive War Wizards and Harpers have also found others uses for it.
When the spell is completed, it completely subverts what is/are saying the creature(s) standing in the area of effect of the spell. This means that if someone is saying of going left, the others will understand him to have said: “Go to the right”; on the battlefield, if a commander shouts to his troops to advance, they will understand to retire, and so on.
Similarly to the silence spell of priests, this spell can be cast on a single creature ar on an area. In the first case, the creature is not entiled a ST, and the spell will move with him for its whole duration, and all the other creatures around him will understand the exact opposite of what he is saying. In the second case, all the creatures in the area of effect, that in this case is 30-square-feet, are entitled a ST vs. spells. Those who fail will have their speech completely changed, as if they were saying the exact contrary. If they save, then the spell will have no effect.
The material components of this spell are a cone of platimum of no less then 500 gp in value, open at both ends, and a piece of skin from a doppleganger. Both are consumed in the casting.
Veteran’s Voice (Invocation/Evocation, Enchantment/Charm)
5th-level spell
Creator: Mederen
Range: 5 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 4 rounds
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 to 4 creatures in a 40-foot-cube
Saving Throw: None
This spell, a particular form of suggestion, clearly used in the battlefield and devised expecially for this kind of use, is one of the key to success of some units of Purple Dragons.
When it is completed, the spell affects the morale and the combat abilities of those who are influenced by it. For those who are into the area of effect, its is as if a veteran warrior is inciting them to do battle with more vigor, as if there could be their life at stake (and many times there is...). in game terms, the spell gives a bonus of +1 on to hit rolls, to AC and to morale in the first round, +2 in the second round, +3 in the third, and +4 on the fourth. Additionally, for the duration of the spell, spells which influence the person, up to 4th level, cannot influence the mind of those who are subjected to veteran’s voice. However, a dispel magic can stop this spell to work at any time, if successfully cast. Finally, it is not necessary for the caster to mantain concentration once the spell has been cast, and he can resolve to do other acions if he so chooses.
The material components of this spell are any piece of armor of someone who has been a warrior for at least one year and a meatl rod of no less then 1’ in length. Only the piece of armor is expended in the casting.
* This creature is described either in the Drow of the Underdark Accessory or in the MC11 Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix.