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The work contained on this page has been penned over time by the creator of the Forgotten Realms - Ed Greenwood, and kindly provided to us here at Candlekeep by The Hooded One on the Candlekeep Forum. The collection presented here is a digest version which has been collated by Scott Kujawa, presenting all Ed's responses and omitting other posters discussions which followed.
(Answers from Ed Greenwood)
2006 (Parts 9 - 12) Index
January 2nd reply about what makes the Realms unique.
January 3rd reply about Hesperdan.
January 4th reply about Ed's Underdark.
January 5th reply about how monstrous races are seen in cities.
January 6th reply about Gauntulgrym.
January 7th reply about the cover of Faiths & Avatars.
January 8th reply about using Ed's quotes on other sites and other places on online.
January 8th reply from Steven Schend about Khelben.
January 9th reply about merchant contracts.
January 9th reply from Steven Schend about Khelben.
January 9th reply about merchants and business contracts.
January 10th reply about the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar.
January 11th reply about farms.
January 12th reply about doom pits.
January 13th reply about the plant called godspawn.
January 13th reply from Steven Schend about Erlkazarian barons and baronesses.
January 13th reply from Paul S. Kemp about the appearance of Lloth and the Lady Penitent after the Spider Queen novels ended.
January 14th reply about what story Ed would like to write.
January 15th reply about the Latin in Elminster in Hell.
January 15th reply from Steven Schend about aboleth.
January 15th reply from Steven Schend about the Twisted Rune and Khelben.
January 16th reply about the star elves.
January 16th reply from Steven Schend about the Fey'ri.
January 17th reply about flying ships.
January 18th reply about Ao.
January 18th reply from THO about Elturel's and Iriaebor's NDAs.
January 18th reply from Steven Schend about Windsong Tower.
January 18th reply from Steven Schend about divine casters in Amn.
January 18th reply from Paul S. Kemp about the temple of Mask from his novels.
January 18th reply from Eric Boyd about Ascore.
January 19th reply about the three dracoliches in Spellfire.
January 19th reply from Paul S. Kemp with hints about scenes in his next novel.
January 19th reply from Eric Boyd about Ascore.
January 20th reply about the early elven settlements in Cormanthor.
January 20th reply from THO about Ed's new Wizard's Three article in Dragon.
January 21st reply about the three dracoliches in Spellfire.
January 21st reply from Richard Lee Byers about his Queen of the Depths novel.
January 21st reply from Eric Boyd about the Initate of Tyr feat and the error he made when a class couldn't qualify for it.
January 22nd reply about the Shadow Weave.
January 23rd reply about the "best" swordsman in the Realms as of 1375.
January 23rd reply from Ed Bonny about Lirremar, a city in Jhaamdath.
January 23rd, 25th, and 26th replies about cleaning up after expelling waste and bathroom facilities.
January 23rd reply from Eric Boyd about a Heroes/Villian's Lorebook type of sourcebook for 3.5e edition.
January 25th reply from Eric Boyd about Ilzimmer.
January 25th reply from Eric Boyd about the Waterdeep noble in the North box set who lives in Daggerford.
January 25th reply from George Krashos about Hunnabar.
January 26th reply from Paul S. Kemp about his novels.
January 27th reply about the black curtain across Yellow Snake Pass.
January 27th reply from Lisa Smedman about her novels.
January 28th reply about if governments own plots of land and how it is parceled out.
January 28th reply from Steven Schend about Arn Rock.
January 29th reply about Elminster and meeting with NPC's.
January 30th reply about Ed's Dragon articles.
January 30th reply from THO about Ed's short story in Realms of the Elves.
January 30th reply from THO about the worship of deities in FR.
January 31 reply about the ruling family of Cormyr in Ed's version of FR.
January 31 reply about divine spells.
February 1st reply from Ed Bonny about Jhaamdath.
February 2nd reply about Silverymoon's wards.
February 3rd reply about the overflow of magic.
February 2nd reply from Eric Boyd about the Initiate of Shar feat.
February 2nd reply from Eric Boyd about the male giant vampire in Southkrypt.
February 2nd replies from Elaine Cunningham about Moonblades.
February 3rd reply from Ed Bonny about Jhaamdath,
February 4th reply about the Armand from MM3.
February 4th reply from THO about the Legendology section of the WOTC site.
February 5th reply about an Telflamm article/sourcebook.
February 5th reply from THO about Cormyr's Royal Lineage.
February 6th reply about fencing-tournaments.
February 6th reply from Ed Bonny about Jhaamdath
February 7 reply about the Bloodaxe Company.
February 8 reply about cleaning people's behinds after they expel.
February 8 reply from Eric Boyd about the Starym moonblade.
February 8 replies from Elaine Cunningham about moonblades.
February 9th reply with the short stats of the "best" fighters from a earlier reply.
February 9 reply from Steven Schend about Calimshan.
February 9th reply from Elaine Cunningham about the Halruaa trilogy.
February 10th reply about farmlands.
February 10 reply from Paul S. Kemp about Vhostym.
February 11th reply about the scenes cut from Elminster in Hell.
February 11 reply from Eric Boyd about Bardic colleges.
February 12th reply from THO about some of their gaming sessions.
February 13th reply about the after effects of the Death of a Dragon novel.
February 13th reply from Steven Schend about Trobriand's familiar.
February 14th reply about Volo.
February 15th reply from Elaine Cunningham about moonblades.
February 15th to 17th replies about Sraece Telthorn.
February 16th reply from Steven Schend about the deities that Sememmon might worship.
February 16th replies from Elaine Cunningham about moonblades.
February 16th reply from Richard Baker about moonblades.
February 17th reply from Elaine Cunningham about the Evermeet novel.
February 18th reply about the isle of Duuthskor.
February 19th reply about Belmuth and Arathra, two of Cormyr's kings.
February 20th reply about Shyrrhr.
February 21st reply about part two of Shyrrhr.
February 21st reply from THO about how FR is not a medieval Earth.
February 21st reply from THO about someone that worked on NwN's.
February 21st to 22nd replies from Ed Bonny about Auppenser, his worshippers, and his planar realm.
February 22nd reply about part three of Shyrrhr.
February 22nd reply from THO about Ed's replies and when he'll be able to get to them.
February 23rd reply from THO about Ed's replies.
February 23rd reply about mirrors.
February 24th reply from Eric Boyd about what Ed says the people of Evermeet are called.
February 24th reply about what children write on during thier lessons.
February 25th reply about Baldur's Gate.
February 26th reply about the dwarf bridge called Stone Bridge on the River Dessarin.
February 27th reply about Shyrrhr.
February 28th reply about Spellfire and it's interaction with the Shadow Weave.
February 28th reply from THO about dryad lifespans.
February 28th reply from THO about Storm and her singing and Ed's WOTC web links.
February 28th reply from THO about scenes that were cut that involved Storm.
February 28th reply fro THO about the Netherese.
March 1st reply about astrology.
March 1st reply from Paul S. Kemp about the order to read his novels and short stories.
March 2nd reply about the Moonstars and Khelben.
March 3rd reply about how to hail people around campfires.
March 4th reply about bandit lords in the Heartlands.
March 5th reply about the richest people in the Realms.
March 6th reply about the richest people in the Realms.
March 6th reply from Ed Bonny about Auppenser and the dreaming/sleep/nightmare additions to his portfolio. Jhaamdath.
March 7th reply about the seven wonders of the Realms.
March 7th and 12th replies from THO about the cover of Swords of Eveningstar.
March 7th reply from THO about Undermountain.
March 8th reply about the ruins of glass in the Farsea Marches.
March 9th reply about gem magic.
March 9th reply from THO about Ed's past Wizard Three articles.
March 10th reply from THO about some places in Power of Faerun.
March 10th reply from THO about the Mage Who Shall Not Be Named.
March 10th reply about Mystryl/Mystra/Midnight-Mystra and thier memories.
March 10th reply from Eric Boyd about the portfolio of Time in the Faerun pantheon.
March 11th reply from THO about Elminster and his sword usage.
March 11th reply about Mask and the use of his holy symbol.
March 11th reply from THO about the descriptions of Caladnei and Alusair.
March 11th reply from George Krashos that contains drinks of the Realms.
March 12th reply about how Ed comes up with names for characters.
March 12th reply from THO about diplomatic matters that are covered in Power of Faerun.
March 13th reply about halflings.
March 14th reply about using spells and magic to create life.
March 15th reply about Spellfire and the Shadow Weave.
March 15th reply about the Tome of Magic book and the Shadow Weave. The Chosen of Mystra and those who claim they are his favorites.
March 15th reply about safeholds.
March 15th and 16th replies from George Krashos about Imphras V and Imbrar II.
March 16th reply about the settlements of Cormanthor Forest.
March 17th reply about wellhouses.
March 18th reply about nobles.
March 19th and 20th reply about Arkhon "the Old".
March 21st reply about words in the Bedine language.
March 22nd reply about Haresk Malorn and his family.
March 23rd reply about the Harpell that is a composer.
March 23rd reply from THO about the Border Kingdoms WOTC web articles.
March 23rd reply about the creation myths.
March 23rd reply about the Weave and Shadow Weave.
March 23rd reply from Steven Schend about the Vyshaan.
March 24th reply from THO about thier gaming sessions.
March 25th reply about Torm, the Knight of Myth Drannor.
March 26th reply about Cormyr and Alusair.
March 27th reply with some ones in the Chondathan tongue.
March 27th and 29th replies from THO about intrigue in the Realms.
March 28th reply about frost in people's beards.
March 29th reply about facial hair.
March 29th reply from Ed Bonny about the Time portfolio. Jhaamdath.
March 30th reply about royalty visiting other lands.
March 31st reply from Ed Bonny about the udoxias.
Secrets of the Sages info about Aglarond.
The list of coins.
April 4th reply about the Surbrin River.
April 4th reply from THO about sex in the Realms.
April 5th reply about menus in taverns.
April 6th reply from Elaine Cunningham about writing.
April 6th reply about the Gargauth temple under Waterdeep.
April 7th reply from Elaine Cunningham about a novella she was going to write about the Tree of Souls.
April 7th reply from Elaine Cunningham about characters falling in love.
April 7th reply from Sean K. Reynolds about Mysteries of the Moonsea.
April 7th reply from Thomas Reid about Mysteries of the Moonsea.
April 7th reply about some scenes in the Elminster novels. Drow and waste disposal.
April 8th reply about if a magic user can sense if a wild/dead magic area is manifesting.
April 9th reply about make up/cosmetics.
April 9th reply from THO about how FR got started.
April 10th reply from THO about what software the two of them use on thier computers.
April 10th reply about some sentencing in Waterdeep's Courts.
April 11th reply about Waterdeep noble houses.
April 12th reply about elven ages and elven adventurers.
April 13th reply about the deities and countries of FR.
April 13th reply from THO about editors and WOTC and using other author's characters.
April 14th reply about how the Arcane Brotherhood could smuggle drugs into Silverymoon. FR words for restaurant and doggerel.
April 15th reply about the Pride of the Lion novel that never saw print.
April 16th reply about the Lancelord, Swordlord, Warcaptain and Boldshield of the Purple Dragons.
April 17th reply about Mystryl/Mystra/Midnight-Mystra.
April 18th reply about the Chosen of Mystra and thier knowledge of military matters.
April 18th reply from THO about the undetailed Chosen of Mystra.
April 18th reply about Elminster being Ed's alter ego.
April 19th reply about NPC's that live past thier normal life spans and why they choose to do so.
April 20th reply about divine casters and finding/using spells.
April 21st reply about Lathander's clergy and the name changes for that clergy.
April 22nd reply about Asmra Laelock and her changable limbs.
April 23rd reply about Watch of Waterdeep investigating crimes.
April 24th reply about dwarves and grammer.
April 24th reply from THO about some of the characters in the first Knights novel.
April 25th reply about Wierdstones.
April 26th reply about Vangerdahast and his titles.
April 26th reply from THO about the THE MERCENARIES novellette from the Double Diamond Triangle.
April 27th reply about rituals to get planar or draconic blood into someone that doesn't have those bloods.
April 28th reply about the class skills of the Herald class in Power of Faerun. How to pronounce Vangey and Vangerdahast.
April 29th reply about the spellslinger class.
April 30th reply about the Scarlet Mummers.
May 1st reply about shrines/temples of Torm in Cormyr.
May 1st reply from THO about how to pronounce Archveult.
May 2nd reply about portals to Earth.
May 3rd reply about the Arn Rock.
May 4th reply about Aglarond.
May 5th reply from Ed Bonny about the psionic classes of Jhaamdath.
May 8th reply from Elaine Cunningham about Liriel.
May 9th reply about the offspring of two elves that have mated.
May 10th reply about the appearance of the phaerimm.
May 11th reply about courtesans.
May 12th reply about Mhaere Dryndilstann and Tamsil, Durnan's wife and daughter.
May 13th reply about ur-priests.
May 14th reply from Steven Schend about the Naturalist guild of Myth Drannor.
May 14th reply about divine clerics that have been killed and taken over by dopplegangers.
May 15th reply from Elaine Cunningham about Danilo, Arilyn, and Azariah.
May 15th reply about dialects in Tethyr. Drinks and fare of Tethyr.
May 16th reply from Ed Bonny about Auppenser.
May 16th reply about nursing, wet nurses, toys for children, and carriers for children.
May 17th reply from Eric Boyd about if Corellon has dark elven divine casters.
May 17th replies from Eric Boyd about Song Dragons/Were Dragons.
May 17th reply about Hillsfar. The creation of the Realms. Deities and fate and free will. Vangerdahast
May 18th reply about memory-devouring brain worms. The pronunciations in the old grey box. Cylyria Dragonbreast and the FRCS error saying she is human when she isn't. Psionics. Demons and Lathander. The Best of Ed collection. May 19th, 20th, and 21st replies about music in the Realms.
May 21st reply from Steven Schend about the Moonstars.
May 22nd reply from Ed Bonny about Auppenser.
May 22nd reply from Ed Bonny about halflings of Jhaamdath.
May 22nd reply from Elaine Cunningham about the cover of the Waterdeep novel.
May 22nd reply about pit fighting.
May 22nd reply about two places in the Cormyr sourcebook.
May 23rd reply about the Realms words for the concept of a reaver.
May 23rd reply from THO about song dragons/were dragons.
May 24th reply about drow "green wine".
May 24th reply from THO about Spelljammer.
May 25th reply about Waterdeep's troops using Power of Faerun.
May 26th reply about the use of numerology in Tashalar.
May 27th reply about the stone plaque that was found on the Star Mounts with the inscription: "iqebaest Vhalraetaerl". The orcs that existed before the opening of the Orcgates. Elven breeding. How the Halruaans regard the Chosen of Mystra.
May 28th reply about song dragons.
May 29th reply about the Guild of Naturalists.
May 30th reply about two places that are still under NDA. Music.
May 31st reply about elven folk songs.
June 1st reply about Iolaum's Longevity.
June 2nd reply about Saharel and Spellgard.
June 3rd reply about the temple of Tyr in Daggerfalls.
June 4th reply from Steven Schend about the Moonstars.
June 4th reply about Dove's and Florin's son. June 5th reply about the leader of the Red Raven Mercenary Company.
June 6th reply about Elminster's offspring. Gencon.
June 7th reply about the cover of the Waterdeep novel.
June 8th reply from THO about Mielikki. Selling old FR material.
June 9th reply about the race divisions in Cormyr.
June 10th reply about The Promenade of Eilistraee in Undermountain.
June 11th reply about Khelben.
June 12th reply about Myth Rhynn.
June 13th reply about adventurers.
June 14th reply about NDA's.
June 15th reply about the geography of the Vast and Implitur.
June 16th reply about spellfire. Elminster.
June 20th reply about Realms phrase.
June 21st reply about civilizing the monstrous humanoids.
June 22nd reply about the statue of the Mantled King in Essembra.
June 23rd reply about Elminster's safehold. The Sorceress in Grey.
June 23rd reply from THO about Realms names.
June 24th reply from Steven Schend about the Tree of Souls.
June 25th and 26th replies about the ships of Waterdeep's navy.
June 27th reply about elven words.
June 27th reply from THO about Mystra and the Weave.
June 28th reply about Boareskyr Bridge.
June 29th reply about money in elven society.
June 30th reply from Richard Baker about the Tree of Souls.
June 30th reply from Richard Baker about the Standing Stone and the refounding of Cormanthyr.
June 30th reply about Barausk and Rosecork trees.
July 1st and 2nd replies about Halaster, Undermountain, Szass Tam.
July 2nd reply from THO about how to pronounce Ffolk. Gondegal.
July 2nd reply from THO about silverfire and spellfire.
July 3rd reply about psionics.
July 4th reply about Lord Chess.
July 5th reply about the "Elminster Speaks" seminar at GenCon.
July 5th reply from THO about Castlemourn.
July 6th reply about a typical Sea Ward noble's villa in Waterdeep.
July 6th reply from THO about Ed's Realms vs. Published Realms.
July 7th reply about how deities get their power.
July 8th reply about if woman shave parts of their bodies, menstrual cycles.
July 9th reply about sound files. The Seven Sisters and silverfire.
July 9th reply from THO about publishing.
July 10th reply about other systems of magic.
July 11th reply about the 3e maps around the Vast and Impiltur.
July 12th reply about the relationship between Auril, Thrym, Kostchtchie and Zzutam.
July 14th reply about taxes in Suzail.
July 14th reply from THO about the Crystal Grot.
July 15th reply about the future of the Realms.
July 15th reply from THO about trophies.
July 15th reply from THO about NPC's and published stories.
July 16 reply about fey. Magical items of the faiths. Incarnum magic.
July 17th reply about time traveling to the past. Tabra.
July 18th reply about elven food of Evermeet and Evereksa.
July 19th reply about bards. Enchanted food.
July 19th reply from THO about Edtime Stories.
July 20th reply about the ruler of Halruaa is known by the title "Netyarch" and the great druid of the Great Dale has the title "Nentyarch".
July 21st reply about a Netheril novel. Barauble of Cormyr. Elaith Craulnober. Madeiron Sunderstone. The whereabouts about Elminster and the Knights of Myth Drannor during the Last Mythal events.
July 21st reply from THO about the word GRAVVENDREN.
July 22nd reply about the existence of dinosaurs in the Stonelands.
July 23rd reply about whaling in the Realms.
July 23rd reply from THO about Gencon.
July 25th reply about Antarn the Sage.
July 25th reply from THO about Tharsult.
July 26th reply about the Skindancer and half-vampires.
July 27th reply about Malaugrym and dopplegangers.
July 28th reply about Kyrial Alathar Pellinore, son of Chiros Pellinore. Third Lord of Everlund and proud servant of Tyr. Spelljammers of Everlund.
July 29th reply about how to learn the secret names of the deities. The powers that someone can receive if they know these names.
July 30th reply about Lliira and her portfolios of Freedom and Liberty.
July 30th reply from THO about Myth Ondath.
July 31st reply about House Alastrarra.
August 2nd reply about Gwaeron Windstrom and his true name.
August 3rd reply about body modification. Kururn Blackalblade.
August 4th reply about the disembodied Netherese Archwizard "Ander".
August 5th reply about tectonic plates.
August 6th reply about the roads and trails of Faerun and the monsters that watch them.
August 7th reply about the deities and faith and how people in FR know they exist.
August 8th reply about FR isn't based on medievil Earth.
August 20th reply about Whisper's Rod of Transportation.
August 21st reply the experience of a worship ceremony by a worshipper.
August 21st reply from THO about a Knights of Myth Drannor review on Amazon.
August 22nd reply about the Stonelands.
August 24th reply from THO about a scene involving the Knights of Myth Drannor.
August 25th reply from about flora and fauna of the Great Dale. Oaths. Book signing.
August 26th reply about light houses.
August 26th reply from THO about Vangy and the ToT's.
August 27th reply about inbreeding and incest.
August 28th reply about Torthan, Voundarra, Zarissa, and a black dragon called Vulharindauloth from a Slow Day in Skullport short story.
August 29th reply about the Heralds.
August 30th reply about monks.
August 31st reply about the major Faerunian rivers.
September 18th reply about buying sourcebooks.
September 28th reply about the planes.
October 2nd, 4th, and 9th replies about the activities that Elaith runs in Waterdeep.
October 3rd reply from THO about Sembian's being in Cormyr adventuring companies.
October 4th reply about tattooing holy symbols to your body.
October 4th reply from Richard Baker about Maalthiir's bodyguard swordsmen. Hillsfar. Zhentil Keep.
October 5th reply about the elven word ardavanshee. Green elves. Lore-singer. Silverymoon.
October 6th reply from THO about the Huntsman and Manyshields Heralds.
October 6th reply about magic to record music.
October 6th reply about Aesperus, Kyristan the Dead King. Darien, DelRoy Harpell, Arconi, Baden, Kyllyrd, Mellomir, and Nchaser.
October 6th reply from Steven Schend about the items in Hellgate Keep.
October 8th reply about the birthday of the Queen of Cormyr.
October 8th reply about charity in the West and Central Heartlands.
October 9th reply from Elaine Cunningham about Elaith's business concerns.
October 11th reply about Mystra's power to block the Weave.
October 11th reply from THO about how The Green Road is NOT part of the Grand Duchy of Shantal in the Border Kingdom Web articles.
October 12th reply about Harper pins.
October 20th reply from THO about the cover of the 1st Knights of Myth Drannor cover and artwork.
October 20th reply from THO about the Highknights of Cormyr.
October 20th reply from THO about the Sword Coast barbarians and holy symbol.
October 20th reply from THO about potions/ointments/etc made from natural ingrediants instead of with magic or enspelled.
October 22nd reply about the life expectancy of new adventurers.
October 23rd reply about the Daily Dwarf Common Web article.
October 24th reply about a fragment of a elven folksong.
October 24th reply about the Undermountain sourcebook.
October 25th reply about the Chondathan names of the various noble titles used in Cormyr.
October 26th reply about what it means to sponser adventurers in Cormyr.
October 27th reply about the differences between Ed's home game and his novels.
October 27th reply from Richard Baker about the rite that turned Araevin into a celestial. Evereskans.
October 28th reply about Ed's Dark Warrior books for TOR.
October 29th reply about the Knights of Myth Drannor novels.
October 31st reply about NPC's that can fill Elminster's role if he was no longer alive.
October 31st reply from Richard Baker about the village of Glen.
November 1st reply about the geologic age of Toril.
November 2nd reply about the hierarchy of the church of Bane and Tyr.
November 3rd reply about the Unicorn Run.
November 4th reply about the Simbul and her animosity towards the Red Wizards.
November 5th and December 24th replies about the non-drow and male clerics of Eilistraee.
November 6th reply from THO about Volo.
November 6th reply from Steven Schend about the Swords of Shoon.
November 8th reply about Alamanther of Aglarond.
November 9th reply about what fruits are commonly added to grape wine. Realms mead.
November 10th reply about Ed's 2006 U-Con schedule.
November 10th reply from THO about battle horrors and helmed horrors.
November 10th reply from THO about Zirta.
November 11th reply about the Troll Hills and the ridgeline from Lizard Marsh to Trollbark Mountains.
November 12th reply about what would probably have occurred if the Karsus Avatar spell had been permitted to reach completion.
November 12th reply from THO about Blue Alley in Waterdeep.
November 14th reply about romantic relationships between the civilized races and full-blooded orc or goblinkind.
November 14th reply from THO about Ed's Castlemourn.
November 15th reply about how to get Realms novels published.
November 16th reply about chapbooks.
November 16th reply about dresses, clothes, and how much a rich adventurer will have to pay to stay attuned with the latest "noble fashion" in Waterdeep or Silverymoon.
November 16th reply from THO about Ed and THO. And the pleasure lass named Cinammon.
November 21st reply about the Northsmen.
November 21st reply from Steven Schend about Amn. If Eilistraee has followers in Rhymanthiin.
November 22nd reply about the six of the dozen most common spells that have never been written up in print.
November 23rd reply about the maps in the Silver Marches sourcebook.
November 24th reply about the Knighthoods in the Realms.
November 24th reply from Steven Schend about Amn. The Eilistraee followers in Rhymanthiin. The differences between dark elves and drow.
November 25th reply about Hesperdan.
November 25th reply about whipswords.
November 25th reply from THO about meeting Volo.
November 26th reply about the Thar.
November 27th and December 20th replies about rabies in the Realms and how its dealt with.
November 28th reply about what a cleric of Kelemvor would do for someone who is dying.
November 28th reply from George Krashos about Illefarn.
November 29th reply about Elaine Cunningham. The City of Splendors novel. Gunpowder. Thayvian and ordinary bombards.
November 29th reply from Steven Schend about the sharn.
November 30th reply about the elven words for dogs.
December 1st reply from THO about Tessaril.
December 2nd reply about Silverymoon.
December 3rd reply about why a heal spell couldn't restore Elminster's sanity when he returned from Hell.
December 3rd reply about what Waterdhavian's see when they look East. The command word "amalumystra".
December 4th reply about Elminster.
December 5th reply about Alusair. Cormyr. Heirs.
December 8th reply from THO about WOTC authors.
December 8th reply from Steven Schend about the fey'ri.
December 8th reply from Elaine Cunningham about the Evermeet novel.
December 9th reply about if there are any religions that flat-out deny the divinity of some other deity.
December 9th reply from Elaine Cunningham about Sir Gareth.
December 10th reply about Madieron Sunderstone.
December 10th reply from THO about Helm's Hall in Waterdeep.
December 10th reply from Steven Schend about Amn. Elven words. Maornathil, Tsarra's scimitar.
December 10th reply from Elaine Cunningham about her Spelljammer novel.
December 11th reply about Pendelope from the City of Splendors novel.
December 1th reply from Thomas M. Reid about Xaphira and when she fled.
December 16th reply about the cult of Garagos.
December 17th reply about when mages invent spells.
December 21st reply about Divine Salient Abilities and how they relate to some of the Faerunian deities.
December 22nd reply about what would happen with the Realms if Ed were to die.
December 23rd reply about the Knights of Myth Drannor novels.
December 23rd reply from George Krashos about the monarchs of Impiltur from the Mirandor, Durlarven and Elethlim dynasties.
December 25th reply about Loudwater. Cormyr.
December 25th reply about Sarhthor, the Harper infiltrator in the Zhentarim.
December 25th reply about Cormyr's social organization.
December 26th reply about the Seven Sisters.
December 26th reply from THO about the differences between Ed's Realms and published Realms.
December 26th reply about lyrewings and nightingales.
December 27th reply from THO on how Elminster spends his birthday.
December 27th reply about the badges and uniforms of the Blue Dragons of Cormyr.
December 27th reply about if Dove or Laeral walked up to the gates of Silverymoon, or along its streets, would they be recognized by the general populace.
December 28th reply about how good is the "intelligence" in Athkatla, in Amn.
December 28th, 29th, and 30th replies from THO about Elminster.
December 29th reply about are the people in Daerlun friendlier to Cormyr than their trade rivals in Selgaunt and other Sembian cities.
December 29th reply about troll regeneration.
December 30th reply about if Vangerdahast married or had offspring before the events of ELMINSTER'S DAUGHTER.
December 30th reply about if Ed will give us a clearer roster of the noble families of Cormyr by the end of the Knights of Myth Drannor novels.
December 30th reply from Steven Schend about the Blackstaff novel.
December 31st reply about if the Lords of Waterdeep have an equivalent for Highknights or Purple Dragon Knights.
December 31st reply from THO about Castlemourn.
December 31st reply from THO about Ed.
December 31st reply about a few edible mushrooms that might be picked and sold in the Dales or northern Cormyr.
December 31st reply about the Zhent's changing the herald symbol.
December 31st reply about Sessrendale and the Dusk Lord.
December 31st reply from THO
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