Alaundo's Library

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The work contained on this page has been collated by Scott Kujawa from various Forgotten Realms products and WotC\TSR publications.

NPC's of the Realms

- Cavalier -

Name Level Gender and Race Alignment Deity Information Sourcebook
Maelwyn 1st Male Human LG -- Resides in Daggerford Under Illefarn
Thavran Torl 2nd Male Human CG -- Member of The Hunt Cyclopedia of the Realms
Agwain 3rd Male Human CG -- Baron of Laughing Hallow Under Illefarn
Pwyll (Pwill) Greatshout Daggerford 5th Male Human LG -- Duke of Daggerford Under Illefarn
Mourngrym Amcathra (MORN-grim Am-CATH-rah) 6th Male Human NG Tymora Lord of Shadowdale DM's Sourcebook of the Realms
Mourngrym Amcathra 6th Male Human NG Tymora Lord of Shadowdale Hall of Heroes
Esterelve 7th -- -- -- Member of The Knights of the North Cyclopedia of the Realms
Ildool 7th Male Human TN -- Lord of Marsember in Cormyr Cyclopedia of the Realms
Bren Wingblade 7th Male Human LG -- Leader of The Windriders Swords of the Iron Legion
Lord Sir Llewellyn (LEW-el-en) Longhand 8th Male Human NG -- Head of the military of Daggerford Under Illefarn
Caladorn 8th Male Human -- -- One of the Lords of Waterdeep Waterdeep and the North
Rendath of the Royal Blood 11th Male Human -- -- Thultyrl of Procampur Cyclopedia of the Realms
Nanathlor Greysword 11th Male Human NG -- High Lord of Loudwater. Nimbral descent Waterdeep and the North
Nanathlor Greysword 11th Male Human NG -- High Lord of Loudwater. Nimbral descent The Savage Frontier
Lord Dhelt 12th Male Human -- -- Leader of Elturel. Former leader of the Hellriders Cyclopedia of the Realms
Thursk Dembarron 15th Male Human -- -- Lord Commander of High Horn in Cormyr Cyclopedia of the Realms
Entar Silvershield 20th Male Human -- -- Duke of Baldur's Gate Cyclopedia of the Realms
Azoun IV 20th Male Human LG Tyr and Tempus King of Cormyr Cyclopedia of the Realms
Azoun IV (Azz-OO-un) 20th Male Human LG Tyr and Tempus King of Cormyr DM's Sourcebook of the Realms
Azoun IV 20th Male Human LG Tyr and Tempus King of Cormyr Curse of the Azure Bonds
Azoun IV 20th Male Human LG Tyr and Tempus King of Cormyr Hall of Heroes

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