Alaundo's Library

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The work contained on this page has been collated by Scott Kujawa from various Forgotten Realms products and WotC\TSR publications.

NPC's of the Realms

- Arcanist -

Name Level Gender and Race Alignment Deity Information Sourcebook
Chanragoupta 6th Male Human LE -- Clothing seller on Karsus's Enclave. Married to Valleria Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Chantonay 8th Female Human NG -- One of the three Underchiefs under Zacharia on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Gau 8th Female Human CG -- One of the managers of Gallery Steamers on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Philo 8th Male Human CG -- One of the two that runs the Delver's Consortium of the Miners' League on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Cowper 8th Female Human CE -- Aids the other three who guard and watch the Mythallar on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Diophant 9th Male Human CE -- Currency Converter on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Berenice 9th Female Human CE -- Herbalist on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Bias 9th Male Human CE -- One of the three Underchiefs under Michallon on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Linden 9th Male Human CN -- One of the other librarians under Vincent in the Library of Netheril on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Bartolommeo 10th Male Human LE -- Herbalist on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Vincent 10th Male Human CG -- Head librarian of the Library of Netheril on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Stuckley 11th Male Human NG -- Lives on Yeoman's Loft. Owns Gallery Steamers on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Wackernagel 11th Male Human CN -- Manages the arcanists and elemental seers for the Miners' League on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Debay 11th Female Human NE -- Employee at Mythomian Warehouse on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Apulee 12th Male Human NG -- One of the managers of Gallery Steamers on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Haym 12th Female Human CE -- One of the three in charge of the Mythallar on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Jackson 13th Male Human CN -- Supervises the extraction of metals in the Miners' League on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Dewez 13th Female Human CN -- One of the three in charge of the Mythallar on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Edie Savage 13th Female Human NE -- Former lover and apprentice of Ioulaum. Follower of the Lichlord How the Mighty Are Fallen
Parr 14th Male Human LE -- Herbalist on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Greengreve 14th Male Human CN -- Playwright on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Bagshaw 14th Male Human LE -- Employee at Mythomian Warehouse on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Shander 14th Male Human CN -- Owner of Transgate Industries Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Krystaufer 14th Female Human CE -- Follower of the Lichlord How the Mighty Are Fallen
Ihre 14th/7th Cleric Male Human LG -- Friend of Yousouf on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Acciajuoli 15th Female Human NG -- Married to Benante. One of the three owners of Transgate Industries on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Gneissenau 15th Male Human NG -- Owner of the Miners' League on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Salix 15th Male Human CG -- One of the three in charge of the Mythallar on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Dr. Killdrum 15th Male Human NE -- Former apprentice of Lady Polaris. Joined the Lichlord to take down Karsus How the Mighty Are Fallen
Navailles 16th Male Human LN -- One of the owners of the Elemental Store on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Bruck 16th Female Human NG -- One of the managers of Gallery Steamers on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Trebonius 16th Male Human CG -- Employee at Mythomian Warehouse on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Brightfinger 16th Male Human NE -- Resides in Canlespiere. Creator of light based spells Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Dace 16th Male Human NE Mystryl Resides in a mosque of Mystryl on Ioulaum's Enclave. Devout follower of Mystryl. Created language magic Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Decampus 16th/20th Bard Female Human LN -- Wanders the lands of Netheril Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Michallon 17th Male Human CE -- Chief Constable on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Agassaz 17th Male Human NG -- Teacher at the Inventor's Conservatory on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Fabbra 17th Female Human CN -- Part of Ioulaum Industries on Karsus's Enclave. Works under Ghazzalee Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Jarm 17th Male Human LE -- Resides in Earsome. Killed Volhm Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Giraldus 18th Male Human LE -- Herbalist on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Thamer 18th Male Human LE -- One of the three owners of Transgate Industries Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Heritier 18th Male Human CG -- An authority at affecting the mental patterns of living beings at Variator's Intelligentsia on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Halavar 18th Male Human LG -- Lives in Palter and makes toys for children and young adults. Invented Halavar's Universal Pantograph Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Dethed 18th Male Lich CN -- Turned into a lich at 25 yr's old. Created spells that are harmful to living creatures Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Efteran 18th Female Human NG -- Resides in Unity. Concentrated on the nature of sleep Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Carbury 18th Male Human CE -- Resided in Spiel. Tried to take it over and was executed for the attempt Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Ballarini 19th Female Human LG -- Teacher at the Inventor's Conservatory on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Evemerus 19th Male Human LG -- Leader of the wizards that cast the prismatic effect on Netheril's coins on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Archmeagan 19th Male Human LG -- Took over Parzal's business. Best friend of Parzal Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
M'dahl 19th Male Human CN -- Resides in Stone Fort. One of a pair that experimented with controling extraplanar creatures Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Flaugergues 20th Female Human CG -- Teacher of illusions at the Academy of Mentalist Study on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Addington 20th Male Human LE -- Teacher of divinations at the Academy of Mentalist Study on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Midoria 20th Female Human TN -- Teacher of information retrieval at the Academy of Mentalist Study on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Colombier 20th Female Human CN -- Specialist of magical powders and dusts in Alchemical Seminary on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Driander 20th Female Human NG -- Tutor of the Institute of Sorcerous Imagery on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Holstmann 20th Male Human CG -- Tutor of the Institute of Sorcerous Imagery on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Ryckaert 20th Female Human CN -- Part of Ioulaum Industries on Karsus's Enclave. Works under Ghazzalee Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Vanderanus 20th Male Human LG -- Assistant to Alkindus of the Shadow Consortium on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Congenio 20th Male Human NG -- Created the Ioun stones found in the Realms Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Xanad 20th Male Human CE -- Lives in the wilds of Netheril's Frontier. He has been repeatedly attacked by the Earlanni elves Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Maleville 21th Female Human CG -- Tutor of the Institute of Sorcerous Imagery on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Oudinot 21th Female Human NG -- Teacher of mentalist spells at the University of Definitive Archwizardy on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Scribani 21th Female Human CG -- Skilled at conversion between kingdoms at Variator's Intelligentsia on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Noanar 21th Male Human CN -- Came from a land south of Netheril and settled in Canlespiere. Researched fire related magic Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Anglin 21th Male Human CG -- Resides in Seventon. Created many of the prismatic spells Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Fourfinger 21th Male Human NE -- Resides in Scourge. Expert on weather-related matters Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Candlemas 21th Male Human CN -- Apprentice to Lady Polaris Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Czarnieck 22nd Male Human CG -- Teacher of mind control spells at the Academy of Mentalist Study on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Siculus 22nd Male Human CG -- Teacher of illusions at the Academy of Mentalist Study on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Delacroix 22nd Female Human CG -- Specialist of magical fluids and their production in Alchemical Seminary on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Ochsenbein 22nd Female Human LN -- Manages the arcanists and elemental seers for the Miners' League on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Darius 22nd Female Human CG -- Skilled at elemental variations at Variator's Intelligentsia on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Cragh 22nd Male Human NG -- Resides in Northreach. Friend of the dwarves of Ascore. Most of his spells didn't need verbal components Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Enollar 22nd Male Human CN -- Resides in Harborage after getting schooled in Seventon Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Fahren 22nd Male Human NE -- Resides in Thiefsward Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Lucke 22nd Male Human LN -- Resided in Coniferia until he left and never returned Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Ghazzalee 22nd/12th Cleric Female Human CG -- Managed the branch of Ioulaum Industries on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Grenoble 23rd Male Human LN -- Teacher of natural divination at the Academy of Mentalist Study on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Sylberg 23rd Male Human CG -- Tutor of the Institute of Sorcerous Imagery on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Koler 23rd Female Human LG -- Teacher at the Inventor's Conservatory on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Theobald 23rd Male Human CG -- Part of Ioulaum Industries on Karsus's Enclave. Works under Ghazzalee Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Alemen 23rd Male Human CE -- Teacher of variator spells at the University of Definitive Archwizardy on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Carvajal 23rd Female Human CN -- Master of elemental conversions at Variator's Intelligentsia on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Aksa the Destroyer 23rd Male Human CN -- Resides in Harborage. Creator of magic that destroyed or altered objects Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Hamring 23rd Male Human NG -- Naturalist who created spells that affected the minds of creatures Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Volhm 23rd Female Human CN -- Resided in Palter. Created the lightning bolt spell. Killed by Jarm Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Dolci 24th Male Human LN -- Teacher at the Inventor's Conservatory on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Elgiva 24th Female Human LG -- Leader of the wizards that cast the prismatic effect on Netheril's coins on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Cheberk 24th Male Human CG -- Professor of inventive spells at the University of Definitive Archwizardy on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Lycanter 25th Female Human CG -- Teacher of mental contact at the Academy of Mentalist Study on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Galanti 26th Male Human CG -- Tutor of the Institute of Sorcerous Imagery on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Staufehaus 26th Female Human NE -- Teacher at the Inventor's Conservatory on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Clayton 26th Male Human NG -- Teacher at the Inventor's Conservatory on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Tudor 26th Male Human NG -- Tutor of inventive spells at the University of Definitive Archwizardy on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Heroicus 26th Male Human CG -- Skilled with elemental beings and their control at Variator's Intelligentsia on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Chronomancer 26th Male Human LN -- Creator of time oriented magic Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Janin 27th Female Human LG -- Assistant to Alkindus of the Shadow Consortium on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Daa 27th Female Human CG -- Teacher of mentalist spells at the University of Definitive Archwizardy on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Tolodine 27th Male Human CN -- Student of Sadebreth. Resides in Imbrue Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Alaxander 28th Male Human LN -- Teacher of necromantic arts at the Academy of Mentalist Study on Karsus's Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Trebbe 28th Male Human CN -- Established the Shadowtop Borough enclave. Creator of the Crown of Horns Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Shadow 28th Male Human LN -- First to theorize of demiplanes. Took his enclave to the demiplane of Shadow Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
The Lichlord 28th Male Lich NE -- Wants to stop Karsus How the Mighty Are Fallen
Oberon 29th Male Human LN -- Opened up Realmspace for the Netherese Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Quantoul 30th Male Human LN -- Created the floating city of Jockteleg. Altering the mythallar turned everyone into voadkyns. He survived the fall Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Chever 31st Male Human CG -- Creator of the floating city of Opus. Created the simulacrum spell Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Terraseer 35th Male -- TN -- Arcanist that came and went throughout Netheril's rise and fall. Might be human Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Lady Polaris 35th Female Human CN -- Created Delia Enclave Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Ioulaum 41st Male Human LN -- Creator of Mythallars Netheril: The Winds of Netheril
Karsus 41st Male Human CN -- Creator of Karsus's Avatar Netheril: The Winds of Netheril

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