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The following is a list of magic items and artifacts known to exist in the world of Toril, particularly on the continent of Faerun. The information was gathered from a variety of sources, most of which were published in existing Forgotten Realms source books, novels and web resources. Please note that some of the entries may be incomplete due to lack of data or may also be altered from the original source to better translate them to be compatible with 3.5 edition Dungeons & Dragons.
The work contained on this page is the property of Erik Thornton. Please email Erik with any questions or if you wish to contribute to this database.
Forgotten Realms Artifact \ Magic Item Database
By Erik
Last Updated: 27/01/2004
Type = The category that the item belongs to.
Edition = The edition in which the item was originally published in.
Magic Item / Artifact = The name of the item.
Description = Details and characteristics of the item.
Market Price = The gold piece value of the item. Note that price variations may exist depending on the edition in which the item was published or documented.
Caster Level & Prerequisites = The caster level and requirements needed to create the item.
Source = The source(s) in which the item was published or documented.* Indicates that the item has been modified or interpreted into 3.5 edition Dungeons & Dragons.
Armor and Shields
Type Edition Magic Item / Artifact Description Market Price Caster Level & Prerequisites Source Armr 3.5 Calishite Mail +1 cooling chainmail. 3,840 (3.5) CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, endure elements, 2,070 gp + 166 xp RoF 171 Shld 3rd Cormyrian Greatshield +1 arrow deflection heavy steel shield; displays Purple Dragon symbol. 9,170 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shield, 4,670 gp + 360 xp MoF 137 Shld AD&D Dzance's Guardian Unique +0 shield; reflects magic missile spells; absorbs all electricity spells and effects which can be discharged at will by the bearer within 4 rounds of absorption; 30% chance of plane shift to a random plane when discharge is used. 10,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 30 Armr 3.5 Earthskin +1 dendritic armor; crystal armor designed for urdunnir dwarves, wearers must succeed at a Strength check (DC 22) to break out of the armor although the armor that remains regrows in 8 hours. 3,150 (3.5) CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, 2,650 gp + 40 xp RoF 171 Shld AD&D Grimjaw Unique +0 shield; random effects againt magic items that come in contact with it. 5,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 30 Shld AD&D Hawkstone's Bulwark Unique +2 shield; upon command, can become a 2 foot wide, 60 foot long bridge with 5000 lbs. limit. 9,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 30 Shld 3rd, AD&D Laeral's Spell Shield +1 heavy steel shield; SR 17 vs. all force spells. 9,170 (3rd), 5,000 (AD&D) CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shield, wall of force, spell resistance, 4,670 gp + 360 xp MoF 138, FR4 31 Armr 3rd, AD&D Laeral's Storm Armor +2 fire and lightning resistance full plate armor; wearer is never hindered by strong winds. 66,650 (3rd), 13,500 (AD&D) CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, gust of wind, resist elements, must be 6th level, 34,150 gp + 2,600 xp MoF 138, FR4 31 Shld AD&D Reptar's Wall Unique +1 heavy steel shield; bearer can become invisible once every 16 hours, bearer can fly for 2 turns per nearest magical item drained for a charge. 12,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 31 Armr 3.5 Roaring Armor of Ammarindar +2 breastplate; displays a bear or dragon head symbol on the back which roars whenever danger approaches and grants a free uncanny dodge ability (as a 6th level Rogue), nonmagical missiles that do less than 10 damage are automatically turned back on their source and the wearer suffers no damage (damage against the source target is re-rolled). 49,350 (3.5) CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, protection from arrows, true seeing, 24,850 gp + 1,960 xp RoF 171 Shld 3rd Shield of Vigilance +1 bashing shock heavy steel shield; displays symbol of Torm; Weight 15 lb. 9,170 (3rd) CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bull's strength, call lightning or lightning bolt, 4,670 gp + 360 xp MoF 138 Shld AD&D Shoon's Buckler Unique +2 buckler; can cast light at will, bearer can levitate for up to 6 rounds at will, bearer can blink for up to 7 rounds at will. 12,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 32 Armr 3rd Storm Armor of the Earth's Children +1 cold, fire and lightning resistance full plate armor; only resizes to fit dwarves, gnomes or halflings. 111,650 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, resist elements, creator must be a dwarf, gnome or halfling, 56,650 gp + 4,400 xp MoF 138 Shld AD&D Thurbrand's Protector Unique +0 heavy wooden shield; acts as a +1 ring of protection, bearer can create a 10 ft. radius globe of air at will. 25,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 33
Type Edition Magic Item / Artifact Description Market Price Caster Level & Prerequisites Source Wpn AD&D Adjatha, the Drinker Unique +2 longsword; grants immunity to charm and domination effects, absorbs and dispels magic items (except scrolls) temporarily by touch, the bearer can gain up to 9 hp of protection upon activation but only if the blade has absorbed enough magic (2 hp per round of contact). 35,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 55 Wpn 3.5 Aglarondan Flight Lance +2 shock lance; casts feather fall (self only) (CL 8th) 1/day as a free action. 21,510 (3.5) CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, feather fall, call lightning or lightning bolt, 10,910 gp + 848 xp UE 55 Wpn AD&D Albruin * Unique +1 silvered longsword; intelligent; AL CN; Int 17; Speech, telepathy; 120 ft. darkvision and hearing; Ego 13; does extra +2 damage, radiates 5 ft. blue light, cast heal once every 12 days, neutralize poison once every 3 days, and see invisibility (objects only) at will; languages: common, elven, elven (drow dialect) and undercommon. 25,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 55 Wpn 3rd, AD&D Arbane's Sword of Agility Minor Artifact; +2 longsword of speed; casts jump 1/day, grants immunity to illusion (pattern) effects, freedom of movement, dispels darkness 1/day; Weight 4 lb. n/a (3rd), 35,000 (AD&D) CL 10th. MoF 168, FR4 56 Wpn 3rd Arrow of Biting Injects poison (Fort DC 16, 1d10 Con/1d10 Con) into its target. 1,457 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, poison, 732 gp + 58 xp MoF 141 Wpn 3.5 Axe of the Sea Reavers +2 greataxe; wielder can float on water, wielder can make a war cry (engraved into the hilt) 1/day that gives all allies within 15 ft. a +2 morale bonus on saves, attacks, ability checks, skill checks and weapon damage rolls for 1 round, wielder can say a command word (engraved into the blade) 1/day that forces all foes within 15 ft. to make a Will save (DC 16) or flee as the emotion (fear) spell (CL 7th). 13,920 (3.5) CL ?; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, emotion, 7,120 gp + 544 xp RoF 171 Wpn 3rd Azureedge Minor Artifact; unique +5 throwing wounding battleaxe; intelligent; AL NG; Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10; Speech, telepathy; considers itself female; sheds faint blue light as a candle that brightens to equivalent of a torch when within 60 ft. of an evil creature or upon command, acts as a disruption weapon when defending the city of Waterdeep, protected by nystul's undetectable aura and Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun (scrys on the bearer occasionally); languages: common, chondathan; Weight 7 lb. n/a (3rd) CL 18th. MoF 168 Wpn 3rd Banesword +1 lawful longsword; displays symbols of Bane. 18,315 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, order's wrath, creator must be lawful, 9,315 gp + 720 xp MoF 141 Wpn 3rd Berserker Blade +1 or +2 bastard sword; wielder gains an extra +1 enhancement bonus when in a rage. 6,335 (+1), 15,335 (+2) (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, emotion, 3,335 gp + 240 xp (+1), 7,835 gp + 600 xp (+2) MoF 141 Wpn 3rd Blingdenstone Warpick +1 corrosive heavy pick. 8,308 (3rd) CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, acid fog, acid storm, melf's acid arrow or storm of vengeance, 4,308 gp + 320 xp MoF 141 Gaun/Wpn 3.5 Burning Battle Gauntlets +1 flaming battle gauntlets; does fire damage even while grappling, wearer suffers 1d6 fire damage per round when worn. 8,310 (3.5) CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, flame blade, flame strike or fireball, 4,320 gp + 320 xp RoF 171 Wpn 3rd Cormanthyrian Elfblade +1 keen longsword; displays symbols of the elven houses of Cormanthor. 8,315 (3rd) CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, keen edge, 4,315 gp + 320 xp MoF 141 Wpn 3rd Cormyrian Goblinthrasher +1 goblinoid bane longsword; displays Purple Dragon symbol. 18,315 (3rd) CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon monster I, 9,315 gp + 720 xp MoF 141 Wpn 3rd Dagger of Chaos * Unique +5 dagger; bearer randomly transforms into a new form as the spell polymorph when a successful strike is made. 106,302 (3rd) CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, polymorph, 53,000 gp + 4,240 xp MoF 142 Wpn 3rd Dagger of Defiance +1 dagger; grants immunity to fear and compulsion effects and a +3 resistance bonus on saves vs. enchantments. 12,302 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, remove fear, resistance, 6,302 gp + 480 xp MoF 142 Wpn AD&D Darts of Branding Transforms into flame when thrown and leaves a brand mark on the target struck, does 1d4+4 fire damage (no save) and an additional point of damage for each 5 ft. it passes through a wall of fire. 1,500 (AD&D) n/a FR4 61 Wpn AD&D Delzoun's Fist * Minor Artifact; +5 returning warhammer; grants +4 Strength bonus (as a belt of giant strength) and acts as a ring of spell turning, cursed (DMG 272). n/a (AD&D) n/a FR5 60 Wpn AD&D Demonbane * Unique +3 demon bane bastard sword; grants immunity to enchantment and charm spells cast by demons as well as a +3 bonus to saves vs. other magic attacks, glows blue when within 60 ft. of a demon, only useable by those of good alignment. 20,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 57 Wpn 3.5 Ebon Lash +2 scourge; creatures struck must make a Fortitude save (DC 11) or be dazed for 1 round and crippled by pain (as nybor's gentle reminder [UE 51] [CL 6th]) for 6 rounds (-2 penatly on all attack rolls, saves, and checks), spellcasters suffering from this effect must make a Concentration check to cast spells. 20,320 (3.5) CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, nybor's gentle reminder, 10,320 gp + 800 xp UE 55 Wpn 3.5 Fiendhunter Two-Bladed Sword +1 sure striking / +1 sure striking two-bladed sword; 3/day side with green sparks can force evil extraplanar creatures struck to make a Will save (DC 16) or suffer a dismissal effect (CL 8th), 3/day side with dull red glow causes evil extraplanar creatures struck to be unable to engage in extradimensional travel as the spell dimensional anchor for 8 minutes. 32,380 (3.5) CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dimensional anchor, dismissal, 16,540 gp + 1,267 xp RoF 172 Wpn 3rd The Fist Unique +2 spiked guantlet; adamantine, grants immunity to chill metal and heat metal spells, 1/day can make a piledriver attack that deals an additional +2d6 damage, creatures struck by the piledriver attack must make a Fortitude save (DC 22) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds as well as a Reflex save (DC 22) or be knocked prone. 23,305 (3rd) CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bigby's clenched fist, resist elements, 13,305 gp + 800 xp MoF 142 Wpn 3.5 Flamelance +1 flaming burst lance; may be wielded as a longspear when on foot with no penalty, casts aganazzar's scorcher (FRCS 66) (CL 6th) which deals 3d8 damage (Reflex half DC 13) in a 5 ft. wide path up to 40 ft. long (1 charge), maximum 50 charges. 39,910 (3.5) CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, aganazzar's scorcher (FRCS 66) and flame blade, flame strike or fireball, 20,110 gp + 1,584 xp UE 55 Wpn 3.5 Foesplitter Axe +1 keen battleaxe; hardness 10, 25 hp. 7,480 (3.5) CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, keen edge creator must be a shield dwarf, 3,895 gp + 287 xp RoF 172 Wpn 3rd Gauntlets of the Valorous * +3 gauntlet; if a pair is found, they can have one of the following additional abilities: chain lightning 1/day, flame blade 2/day, heal 1/day, hold monster (touch) 1/day, polymorph (touch) 1/day, regenerate 1/day, repulsion 1/day, shocking grasp 3/day, stone to flesh or flesh to stone (touch) 1/day, telekinesis (touch) 2/day. 18,302 (basic) (3rd) CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, prerequisite spells, 9,302 gp + 360 xp MoF 142 Wpn 3rd Golden Axe of the Great Rift +1 aberration bane battleaxe; displays golden dwarven runes. 18,310 (3rd) CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon monster I, 9,310 gp + 720 xp MoF 142 Wpn AD&D Ilbratha, "Mistress of Battles" Unique +1 bronze shortsword; can detect magic by touch, casts jump 3/day, blink 1/day, and mirror image 1/day. 7,500 (AD&D) n/a FR4 57 Wpn 3rd Justice Blade +1 holy, mighty cleaving longsword; radiates pure white light in a 20 ft. radius, displays symbol of Tyr. 32,315 (3rd) CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, divine power, holy smite, creator must be good, 16,315 gp + 1,280 xp MoF 142 Wpn 3.5 Kerrenderit Arrow +1 wounding arrow; additional range +25 ft., crafted from ice that melts if exposed to 50 degree temperatures or more for over 1 hour. 350 (3.5) CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, chill metal, creator must have access to arctic dwarf ice caves, 172 gp + 14 xp RoF 172 Wpn 3rd Lance of Faerun +2 holy lance; grants free Spirited Charge feat, evil outsider bane (followers of Torm only). 98,310 (3rd) CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon monster I, holy smite, creator must be good. MoF 143 Wpn 3rd Lit with Danger +1 shortspear; automatically casts faerie fire on an invisible attacker. 18,302 (3rd) CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, faerie fire, 9,302 gp + 720 xp. MoF 143 Wpn 3rd Luiren Shortbow +1 seeking shortbow. 8,330 (3rd) CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, keen edge, 4,330 gp + 320 xp. MoF 143 Wpn 3rd Mace of the Darkchildren +2 heavy mace; adamantine, grants a +6 profane bonus on turning checks against undead and the wielder is treated as 2 levels higher for determining the number of HD of undead are effected. 17,000 (3rd) CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead, 13,000 gp + 320 xp MoF 143 Wpn 3rd Moonblade * Minor Artifact; +1 to +5 sword; intelligent; AL good; has a line of runes on the blade that grant 1 abilty per rune as follows: 01-40 any intelligent item lesser power (DMG 269), 41-67 any intelligent item greater power (DMG 270), 68-69 bane, 70-71 dancing, 72-73 defending, 74-75 elfshadow (MoF 170), 76-77 everbright (MoF 140), 78-79 flaming, 80-81 frost, 82-83 ghost touch, 84-85 jumping (MoF 140), 86-87 keen, 88-89 mighty cleaving, 90-91 shock, 92-93 speed, 94-95 spellblade (MoF 141), 96-97 spell storing, 98-99 throwing, 00 vorpal; can only be wielded by an elven or half-elven heir of the same alignment or bestows 1d6 negative levels (if wielder is rejected), can be attuned to a new worthy elven or half elven wielder of the same alignment (if the sword is dormant) following a ritual and draining 5,000 xp from the new bearer which also grants a new rune and a new special ability; Weight varies. n/a (3rd) CL 15th. MoF 170 Wpn 3rd, AD&D Namarra, "The Sword That Never Sleeps" Unique +2 keen longsword; glows pale mauve as candlelight, floats on water like wood, casts silence at will. 30,315 (3rd), 10,000 (AD&D) CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, keen edge, silence, water walk, 15,315 gp + 1,200 xp MoF 143, FR4 58 Wpn 3rd Nightblade +1 dagger; gains a +2 total enhancement bonus vs. good aligned opponents who must also make a Will save (DC 16) or take 1 point of temporary ability score damage to a random ability score. 8,702 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, enervation, 4,502 gp + 336 xp MoF 143 Wpn 3rd One Thousand Broken Dreams Unique +3 holy drow bane longsword; bestows 1 negative level on the wielder when held by an evil creature. 100,315 (3rd) CL 16th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, holy smite, summon monster I, creator must be a good elf, 51,315 gp + 1,960 xp MoF 143 Wpn 3rd Prayer of Anger Unique +2 greatsword; displays symbol of Tempus, grants immunity to fear effects, rage last 1 round longer than normal. 14,350 (3rd) CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, remove fear, 7,350 gp + 560 xp MoF 143 Wpn 3rd Quarterstaff of Battle +3 quarterstaff of speed; weapon is immune to piercing and slashing attacks, grants free Improved Disarm feat and +4 bonus to attacks when making a disarm attempt, repulsion 1/day, 3/day can deflect all ranged attacks (medium-sized or less) and absorb ranged spells of 2nd level or less within 5 ft. of the wielder for 2 rounds, 1/day can make a battlestrike which deals double damage (or triple for a critical hit) unless the target makes a Reflex save (DC 22) to avoid being thrown and a Fortitude save (DC 22) to avoid being stunned for 1d4 rounds. 162,600 (3rd) CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, protection from arrows, repulsion, bigby's clenched fist, 81,600 gp + 6,480 xp MoF 143 Wpn 3rd Runehammer * +1 warhammer; darksteel (+1 electricity damage), Alhalbrin type: 1/day heat metal on target, Faerindyl type: 1/day burning hands on target, Thundaril type: 1/day polymorph on target. 11,912 (Alhalbrin), 11,712 (Faerindyl), 17,912 (Thundaril) (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Inscribe Rune, burning hands, heat metal or polymorph, creator must be at least 12th level, 6,912 gp + 400 xp (Alhalbrin), 6,812 gp + 392 xp (Faerindyl), 9,912 gp + 640 xp (Thundaril) MoF 144 Wpn 3rd Scimitar of the Fool +1 scimitar; grants -3 morale penalty on all Will saves. 3,000 (3rd) CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cause fear MoF 144 Wpn 3.5 Scimitar of the Sirocco +1 keen scimitar; doubles the speed of an equine creature that the bearer rides as horseshoes of speed. 9,530 (3.5) CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, haste, keen edge, creator must be a Calishite, 4,922 gp + 367 xp RoF 172 Wpn 3rd Sembian Guardblade +1 defending rapier. 8,320 (3rd) CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, keen edge, 4,320 gp + 320 xp MoF 144 Wpn AD&D Shazzellim * Unique +1 scimitar; intelligent; AL NE; Int 16; Speech; Ego 14; can detect magic at will, casts locate object 3/day, heal 1/day, has 10 ranks in Search, special purpose: slay bards (bards struck by Shazzellim must save or be disintegrated); languages: common, orc. 5,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 58 Wpn 3.5 Shazzelurt Minor Artifact; unique +3 keen dagger; intelligent; AL NE; Int 15, Wis 9, Cha 14; Ego 16; can detect magic at will, can detect secret doors at will, casts heal 1/day, special purpose: slay bards and rogues (bards and rogues struck by Shazzelurt must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 16) or be disintegrated as the spell; Weight 2 lb. n/a (3.5) CL 20th. UE 58 Wpn 3rd Silvermane's Axe Unique +3 evil outsider bane battleaxe; displays symbol of Moradin. 50,302 (3rd) CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon monster I, creator must be a dwarf of at least 9th level, 25,302 gp + 2,000 xp MoF 144 Wpn 3rd, AD&D Singing Sword +1 silvered greatsword; sings loudly and constantly, bearer gains a +2 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls, +3 morale bonus on saves vs. mind effecting spells and effects. 24,450 (3rd), 10,000 (AD&D) CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bless, emotion, creator must have 3 ranks of Perform (melody), 12,450 gp + 960 xp MoF 144, FR4 59 Wpn 3.5 Spear of Impaling +1 wounding shortspear; elves and dwarves struck must make a Reflex save (DC 19) or be impaled (treat as an extra attack that hits automatically but cannot score a critical hit). 32,301 (3.5) CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, divine power, 16,301 gp + 640 xp RoF 172 Wpn 3.5, 3rd Spectral Dagger Normal attack and damage; has blade of light that appears when grasped, casts chill touch (DC 11) on target by touch. 20,000 (3.5), 20,000 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, chill touch. UE 55, MoF 144 Wpn 3rd Spider Fang +1 dagger; allows movement through a web spell at half speed, casts web 1/day, 1/day can create a 10 ft. square curtain of cobwebs that grants concealment and deals 2d4 acid damage to a creature touching it. 11,782 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, grease, melf's acid arrow, web, 6,042 gp + 459 xp MoF 144 Wpn 3rd Staff of Mighty Sweeping +2 sweeping quarterstaff; grants free Improved Trip feat. 28,600 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bull's strength, 14,600 gp + 1,120 xp MoF 145 Wpn 3.5 Stonereaver +2 greataxe; gains construct bane (earth, stone or metal only) and earth elemental bane when held by a dwarf. 50,320 (3.5) CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon monster I, creator must be a dwarf, 25,320 gp + 2,000 xp RoF 172 Wpn AD&D Susk, "The Silent Sword" Unique +3 longsword; does normal damage, levitates in mid air when released, creates no sound of its own. 12,500 (AD&D) n/a FR4 59 Wpn AD&D Syrar's Silver Sword Unique +1 silvered sword; can attack targets on the ethereal, material or astral planes and allows the bearer to view these planes 1/day for a number of rounds equal to the bearer's Intelligence plus 1d4. 4,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 60 Wpn 3rd Talosian Shortspear +1 flaming shock shortspear. 18,302 (3rd) CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, call lightning, lightning bolt or mystic lash, fireball, flame blade, or flame strike, 9,302 gp + 720 xp MoF 145 Wpn 3rd, AD&D Taragarth, "The Bloodbrand" Unique +3 mighty cleaving bastard sword; grants resist elements (fire) and feather fall, grants nondetection when held. 86,335 (3rd), 5,000 (AD&D) CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, divine power, feather fall, nondetection, resist elements, 43,335 gp + 3,440 xp MoF 145, FR4 60 Wpn 3.5 Thayan Bombard Magical cannon; firing the weapon is a standard action requiring a ranged touch attack (empty square has touch AC 5), range increment of 150 ft., if attack misses counts as a grenadelike weapon, when fired require 3 seperate Profession (siege engineer) skill checks (DC 10) to clear, load a new bomb and prepare for firing which takes 4 rounds for a single character; Weight 500 lb. 22,500 (3.5) CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, telekinesis. UE 55 Wpn 3.5 Thayan Bombard Bomb: Cloudkill Bomb Only usable with a thayan bombard; glass sphere filled with bilious green liquid that creates a cloudkill effect triggered and centered at the point of impact (cloud remains stationary); Weight 20 lb. 1,125 (3.5) CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, cloudkill. UE 56 Wpn 3.5 Thayan Bombard Bomb: Death Bomb Only usable with a thayan bombard; black glass sphere with blue runes, creates a circle of death effect triggered and centered at the point of impact, slays 11d4 HD of creatures; Weight 20 lb. 1,650 (3.5) CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, circle of death. UE 56 Wpn 3.5 Thayan Bombard Bomb: Fireball Bomb Only usable with a thayan bombard; red, dull glowing sphere creates a 3d6, 6d6 or 10d6 damage fireball effect triggered and centered on the point of impact; Weight 20 lb. 375 (3d6), 450 (6d6), 750 (10d6) (3.5) CL 5th (3d6), 6th (6d6) or 10th (10d6); Craft Wondrous Item, fireball. UE 56 Wpn 3.5 Thayan Bombard Bomb: Snowball Swarm Bomb Only usable with a thayan bombard; blue frost-covered sphere, creates a snilloc's snowball swarm (FRCS 74) that does 3d6 cold damage triggered and centered at the point of impact; Weight 20 lb. 250 (3.5) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, snilloc's snowball swarm (FRCS 74). UE 56 Wpn 3.5 Thayan Bombard Bomb: Stinking Cloud Bomb Only usable with a thayan bombard; glass sphere filled with a sickly yellow concoction, creates a stinking cloud effect triggered and centered on the point of impact; Weight 20 lb. 375 (3.5) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, stinking cloud. UE 56 Wpn 3.5 Thayan Bombard Bomb: Stone Shot Only usable with a thayan bombard; stone deals 3d6 damage, can only strike a target creature and is a ranged attack instead of a ranged touch attack; Weight 30 lb. 5 (3.5) CL n/a. UE 56 Wpn 3.5 Trident of Serenity +1 trident; suppresses effects or class features that rely on anger or fear (such as a Barbarian's rage ability, a sahuagin's blood frenzy, and a dragon's frightful presence) within 15 ft. 5,315 (3.5) CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, emotion, 2,815 gp + 200 xp RoF 172 Wpn 3rd Viper Dagger +2 dagger; 1/day can turn into a small viper under the owner's control. 10,462 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, summon nature's ally II, creator must be 6th level, 5,382 gp + 406 xp MoF 145 Wpn 3.5 Yuir Ghostblade +1 aberration bane ghost touch longsword; grants a +2 deflection bonus to wielder's AC. 44,315 (3.5) CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dimensional anchor, plane shift, shield of faith, summon monster I, 22,315 gp + 1,760 xp. UE 56
Type Edition Magic Item / Artifact Description Market Price Caster Level & Prerequisites Source Potn AD&D Mist of Rapture Vapors cause humans in vicinity to writhe in pleasure for 1d6 rounds (or half on a successful save), those effected become immune to Will effects. 9,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 47 Potn 2nd Oil of Agelessness Stops the aging process when applied to the body of a humanoid creature. n/a (2nd) n/a FR10 81 Potn 3rd Oil of Animate Dead Animates medium-sized or smaller corpse into a zombie or skeleton under the control of the first creature it sees. 1,550 (3rd) CL 5th; Brew Potion, animate dead, 800 gp + 60 xp MoF 145 Potn 2nd Oil of Armor * When applied to the skin it grants a +6 armor bonus that lasts for 1d6+6 hours but does not stack with other armor bonuses. n/a (2nd) n/a FR10 81 Potn 3.5 Ointment of Barkskin When rubbed on the skin the ointment protects the user with a barkskin spell. 300 (3.5) CL 5th; Brew Potion, barkskin. RoF 172 Potn 2nd Oil of Beauty When placed on the body it increases Charisma by 1d4 points and lasts for 1d3+1 turns. n/a (2nd) n/a FR10 81 Potn 3rd Potion of Infertility Grants stirility for one month with no effect on previously conceived offspring. 150 (3rd) CL 2nd; Brew Potion. MoF 145
Type Edition Magic Item / Artifact Description Market Price Caster Level & Prerequisites Source Ring 3rd Bone Ring Grants immunity to energy drain and ability drain but uses 1 charge for each point or level absorbed, limited charges. 36,000 (3rd) CL 12th; Forge Ring; negative energy protection. MoF 146 Ring 3rd Commander's Ring Grants a +2 resistance bonus to saves and a +2 deflection bonus to AC, casts feather fall 3/day, knock 3/day, wall of force 3/day and daylight 3/day, can detect other purple dragon rings within 100 ft. radius, can be worn on the same hand as a purple dragon ring without penalty. 120,000 (3rd) CL 12th; Forge Ring, feather fall, knock, wall of force, daylight, locate object. MoF 146 Ring AD&D Jhessail's Silver Ring Unique ring; wearer is immune to mind-effecting spells and effects, charm spells directed on the wearer are redirected back on the caster after a failed save and become under the wearer's control, +4 saves vs. stunning, confusion and feeblemind, +4 save vs. illusions. 11,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 47 Ring 3rd Purple Dragon Ring Displays Purple Dragon symbol, casts light 1/round up to 40 ft. away for 10 minutes, can detect poison by touch at will, . 2,125 (3rd) CL 1st; Forge Ring, light, detect poison. MoF 147 Ring 3rd Ring of the Darkhidden Wearer becomes invisible to darkvision but fully visible in normal light. 6,700 (3rd) CL 3rd; Forge Ring, invisibility. MoF 146 Ring 3rd Ring of Disease Immunity Grants immunity to all forms of infection and diseases including contagion spells, lycanthropy and mummy rot), wearer heal 1 extra HP per day of rest. 8,000 (3rd) CL 12th; Forge Ring, cure minor wounds, remove disease. MoF 146 Ring 2nd Ring of Dizziness Cursed; appears as a ring of protection, wearer becomes violently dizzy and must make a successful save or be unable to attack, a successful save causes the wearer to suffer a -4 penalty to attacks as well as granting anyone attacking them a +4 bonus to attacks. n/a (2nd) n/a FR10 81 Ring 3rd Ring of Dragons Wearer can verbally or telepathically communicate with any dragon within line of sight, casts silent image (known dragon only) within 60 ft. 1/day, can send a call to a named evil dragon or dracolich. 25,000 (3rd) CL 15th; Forge Ring, detect thoughts, sending, silent image, tongues. MoF 146 Ring 2nd Ring of Immunity Grants immunity to all diseases and infections including magical diseases such as lycanthropy and mummy rot, gains maximum hp per day of rest that is possible. n/a (2nd) n/a FR10 81 Ring 3rd, AD&D Ring of Lore Wearer can cast legend lore and stone tell once per tenday, locate magic traps created by glyphs, runes, sigils and symbols with a successful Search check. 23,250 (3rd), 23,500 (AD&D) CL 12th; Forge Ring, legend lore, stone tell, find traps, 14,750 gp + 680 xp MoF 146, FR4 47 Ring 3rd Ring of Might Grants free Improved Unarmed Strike feat, unarmed strike deals 1d8 damage (not subdual). 4,000 (3rd) CL 1st; Forge Ring, magic weapon, creator must be a cleric of Tyr. MoF 146 Ring 3rd Ring of Nine Lives Casts heal on the wearer automatically when they reach 0 HP or less (1 charge), wearer can choose to convert a failed save roll to a success (1 charge), limited charges. 70,000 (3rd) CL 13th; Forge Ring, heal, limited wish, 41,750 gp + 4,960 xp. MoF 146 Ring 2nd Ring of Protection from Undead Displays symbol of Horus-Re; wearer can prevent 1 touch attack from an undead opponent (1 charge), limited charges. n/a (2nd) n/a FR10 81 Ring 3rd Ring of Spell-Battle Detects all spellcasting within 60 ft. and a successful Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level) identifies the spell being cast, if a spell is successfully identified in this manner the wearer can choose to have the ring automatically cast dispel magic to counter the spell or change the original target to another within 60 ft. of the wearer 1/day. 67,600 (3rd) CL 14th; Forge Ring, detect magic, dispel magic, spell turning, creator must have 10 ranks in Spellcraft. MoF 147 Ring 2nd Ring of Strength * Grants new Strength score depending on type: 01-35 Strength 18, 36-65 Strength 19, 66-80 Strength 20, 81-00 Strength 21 (Cursed), a Cursed Ring of Strength causes the wearer to attack allies as enemies, does not stack with other Strength bonuses. n/a (2nd) n/a FR10 81 Ring 2nd Ring of Thunder Can emit a bolt of lightning that inflicts 10d6 damage (save 1/2) once per round to all creatures in a 10 ft. radius excluding the wearer (1 charge), limited charges. n/a (2nd) n/a FR10 81 Ring 2nd Ring of Windwarding Creates a 10 ft. radius area that protects all within from wind storms, gust of wind spells, attacks from air elementals, sandstorms, etc. when worn. n/a (2nd) n/a FR10 82
Type Edition Magic Item / Artifact Description Market Price Caster Level & Prerequisites Source Rod 3rd Rod of Cats +1 quarterstaff; grants low-light vision and a +10 competence bonus to Climb, Hide and Move Silently, 1/day cast darkness centered on the staff (the wielder is immune), has a hidden compartment that can hold set of thieves tools or a scroll (Search DC 25). 25,000 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Rod, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cat's grace, darkness, darkvision, spider climb. MoF 147 Rod 3rd Rod of Displacement Acts as a minor cloak of displacement when held, casts jump and knock 2/day, can create a 5 ft. spherical ward that repels non-magical water for 10 minutes 1/day. 48,600 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Rod, control water, blur, jump, knock. MoF 147 Rod 3rd Rod of Divergence Grants resist elements against 1 type of energy, bearer can turn these energy effects that target the bearer back upon its source 1/day, casts faerie fire on rod at will. 32,600 (3rd) CL 13th; Craft Rod, faerie fire, resist elements, spell turning. MoF 148 Rod 3rd Rod of Fury Grants a +1 to +5 deflection bonus to AC depending on type, 1/day a spell of 6th level or lower can be altered as if by an Empower Spell feat as a free action. 26,800 (+1), 38,800 (+2), 58,800 (+3), 77,600 (+4), 95,600 (+5) (3rd) CL 17th; Craft Rod, Empower Spell, Spell Focus, protection from chaos/evil/good/law. MoF 148 Rod 3rd Rod of Mirrors Can form mirror that grants true seeing and protects against gaze attacks and illusion (pattern) effects 1/day, lasts for 11 minutes. 40,200 (3rd) CL 11th; Craft Rod, obscuring mist, true seeing, 13,850 gp + 1,108 xp MoF 148 Rod 3rd Rod of Silence Grants a +4 resistance bonus on all saves vs. sonic effects when held, can create a field of silence centered on the bearer 1/day, casts shout 1/day. 24,200 (3rd) CL 9th; Craft Rod, shout, silence, resistance MoF 148 Rod 3rd Rod of Spheres Can create a 4 ft. faintly glowing spherical bubble 3/day that appears up to 30 ft. away levitating 3 ft. above the ground for 2 hours, bubble can hold up to 33 cubic ft. or 200 lb. of material, bubble maintains position but moves up to 30 ft. with bearer, 1 damage from any source destroys the bubble and contents fall at the rate of a feather fall spell. 3,240 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Rod, dancing lights, tenser's floating disk, feather fall. MoF 148 Rod 3rd Rod of Surprises Can become a +1 halfspear, +1 javelin, +1 kama, +1 longspear, +1 quarterstaff, +1 scythe, +1 shortspear, or a +1 shortsword, can lengthen up to 60 ft. and support up to 800 lb., can store a message as a magic mouth spell. 21,600 (3rd) CL 8th; Craft Rod, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, levitate, magic mouth, wood shape. MoF 148 Rod 3rd Rod of Tuning Can ceate a chime of any desired note when tapped, provides a focus for song or sonic based spells, can create a note 1/day that causes banishment against outsiders of up to 28 HD who fail a Will save (DC 26) within 30 ft. and grants a +3 bonus on level checks to overcome the outsider's spell resistance, can create a note 1/day that acts as a holy word spell (DC 20) that effects any creatures of evil alignment within 30 ft., effects can be countered by a bard's countersong ability or a silence spell. 84,400 (3rd) CL 14th; Craft Rod, banishment, holy word. MoF 149 Rod 3rd Rof of Valmaxian Minor Artifact; grants 1 additional spell slot for each spell level the wielder can cast once every 24 hours, wielder loses all additional spells if they stop carrying the rod. n/a (3rd) CL 17th. MoF 171 Rod 3rd Rod of Viscid Globs Fires a sphere up to 100 ft. away 5/day that acts as a tanglefoot bag, dissolves in alcohol in 1 round. 6,000 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Rod, entangle, grease. MoF 149 Rod 3rd Rod of Whips Can transform into a +1 dancing whip that can strike incorporeal creatures 3/day for 1 hour. 21,600 (3rd) CL 12th, Craft Rod, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate objects, spiritual weapon. MoF 149 Rod 3rd Spider Rod Can fire a strand of silk as a ranged touch attack up to 100 ft. 3/day, creatures struck have their movement slowed by half for 1 minute and must make a Reflex save (DC 20) or become entangled for 1 minute, a Strength check (DC 25) or an Escape Artist check (DC 20) allow the target to break free of the entanglement, the strand has 15 HP and takes double damage from fire, spells being cast while entangled require a Concentration check (DC 15) to avoid losing the spell, can deliver a poison (Fort DC 16, 1d10 Con/1d10 Con) by touch with an unlimited number of uses. 40,000 (3rd) CL 9th; Craft Rod, web, poison. MoF 148 Rod AD&D Whisper's Rod of Transportation See staff of transportation. 15,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 54
Type Edition Magic Item / Artifact Description Market Price Caster Level & Prerequisites Source Scrl AD&D The Nether Scrolls Ancient scrolls that contain unique or forgotten spells of the creator races. n/a (AD&D) n/a FR5 60
Type Edition Magic Item / Artifact Description Market Price Caster Level & Prerequisites Source Staf AD&D Catstaff See rod of cats. 13,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 48 Staf 3rd Diviner's Staff Grants +1 competence bonus on all Knowledge skill checks, Spells: identify (1 charge), locate object (1 charge), locate creature (1 charge), analyze dweomer (2 charges), vision (2 charges), limited charges. 137,375 (3rd) CL 13th; Craft Staff, identify, locate object, analyze dweomer, vision. MoF 149 Staf 3rd Great Druid's Staff Minor Artifact; +2 quarterstaff; can summon 1d3 creatures 1/day of following type: 01-20 dire wolf, 21-40 dire boar, 41-60 dire bear, 61-80 giant eagle, 81-00 giant owl, can dominate up to 36 HD of animals 1/day in a 1,500 ft. spread as a dominate animal spell (DC 14); Spells: pyrotechnics (1 charge, DC 13), quench (1 charge, fire-based creatures take 15d6 damage [no save], DC 16 vs. magic item), ice storm (1 charge), sleet storm (1 charge, DC 16), dispel magic (1 charge), pass without trace (1 charge), tree shape (1 charge), call lightning (2 charges, 10d10 damage, DC 14), cure serious wounds (2 charges), plant growth (2 charges), remove disease (2 charges), speak with plants (2 charges); casts insect plague (DC 17), summon nature's ally V, transmute rock to mud (DC 17), wall of fire (DC 17) and wall of thorns 1/month; grants SR 23, can be used to absorb arcane energy when SR is lowered willingly as a rod of absorption recharging 1 charge per spell level absorbed (except it does not communicate how many spell levels are being absorbed and is destroyed if it ever goes beyond 50 charges); Weight 5 lb. n/a (3rd) CL 20th. MoF 169 Staf 3.5 The Ironwood Minor Artifact; intelligent; AL NE; Int 17, Wis 19, Cha 14; Speech, telepathy; Ego 26; Spells: fog cloud (no charge), soften earth and stone (no charge), spike stones (DC 16) (no charge), stone shape (no charge), control water (1 charge), move earth (1 charge), transmute mud to rock (DC 17) (1 charge), transmute rock to mud (DC 17) (1 charge), wall of stone (1 charge), create shambling mound (can create a shambling mound from two 5 ft. cubes of vegetation in 10 minutes, can be controlled with command plants) (2 charges), command plants (DC 16) (2 charges), earthquake (DC 22) (2 charges), iron body (2 charges); can be recharged by destroying another magic item through cancellation (Ex.), wielder must succeed in a melee touch attack to strike the magic item if held by another which gains a Will save (DC 19) to avoid, regains 1 charge for every +1 bonus value of the magic item or 1 charge per full 10,000 gp value but is destroyed if charges go over the maximum, maximum 50 charges; Weight 12 lb. n/a (3.5) CL 20th UE 57 Staf 3rd Staff of Entrapment Spells: dimensional anchor (DC 16) (1 charge), otiluke's resilient sphere (DC 16) (1 charge), limited charges. 36,750 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Staff, dimensional anchor, otiluke's resilient sphere. MoF 149 Staf 3rd, AD&D Staff of Ethereal Action +1 ghost touch quarterstaff; Spells: blink (1 charge), ethereal jaunt (1 charge), limited charges. 57,300 (3rd), 15,000 (AD&D) CL 9th; Craft Staff, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, blink, ethereal jaunt, plane shift, 28,800 gp + 2,280 xp MoF 150, FR4 48 Staf 3rd Staff of Eyes Spells: arcane eye (1 charge), remove blindness (1 charge), see invisibility (1 charge), limited charges. 34,700 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Staff, arcane eye, remove blindness, see invisibility. MoF 150 Staf 3rd Staff of Fiendish Darkness Bestows one negative level on anyone of good alignment that holds it; Spells: darkness (1 charge), summon monster IX (nightmare only) (2 charges), dispel magic (2 charges), animate dead (2 charges), limited charges. 98,200 (3rd) CL 17th; Craft Staff, animate dead, darkness, dispel magic, summon monster IX, creator must be evil, 50,350 gp + 3,828 xp MoF 150 Staf 3rd Staff of Miracles Spells: heal (1 charge), holy aura (2 charges), rosemantle (MoF 114) (2 charges), limited charges. 77,000 (3rd) CL 15th; Craft Staff, heal, holy aura, rosemantle (MoF 114). MoF 150 Staf 3rd Staff of Night Grants immunity to umber hulk gaze effects, Spells: darkvision (1 charge), low-light vision (1 charge), dispel magic (counters light spells only) (1 charge), darkness (1 charge), summon monster VI (1 umber hulk only that if slain destroys the staff, usable once/tenday) (2 charges), limited charges. 30,000 (3rd) CL 11th; Craft Staff, darkness, darkvision, dispel magic, summon monster VI. MoF 150 Staf 3rd Staff of Open Doors Spells: knock (1 charge), open/close (1 charge), passwall (1 charge), shatter (1 charge), limited charges. 42,200 (3rd) CL 9th; Craft Staff, knock, open/close, passwall, shatter. MoF 150 Staf 3rd Staff of Peace Grants +10 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks if the wielder is a follower of Eldath, Spells: Heightened to 6th level sanctuary (DC 19) (1 charge), Heightened to 6th level hold person (DC 19) (1 charge), Heightened to 6th level calm emotions (DC 19) (1 charge), greater command (DC 19) (2 charges), limited charges. 175,250 (3rd) CL 11th; Craft Staff, Heighten Spell, sanctuary, hold person, calm emotions, greater command. MoF 150 Staf 3rd Staff of Scrivening Spells: comprehend languages (1 charge), erase (1 charge), suppress glyph (MoF 126) (2 charges), amanuensis (MoF 77) (1 charge), read magic (1 charge), limited charges. 53,600 (3rd) CL 11th; Craft Staff, amanuensis, comprehend languages, erase, suppress glyph, read magic. MoF 151 Staf 3rd, AD&D Staff of Skulls Spells: animate dead, (1 charge), circle of doom (2 charges, DC 17), cure light wounds (1 charge), inflict light wounds (1 charge, DC 11), limited charges. 39,200 (3rd), 15,000 or 25,000 (AD&D) CL 9th; Craft Staff, animate dead, cure light wounds, circle of doom, inflict light wounds, 20,850 gp + 1,468 xp. MoF 151, FR4 48 Staf 3rd Staff of Transportation Spells: blink (1 charge), dimension door (1 charge), teleport (2 charges), limited charges. 67,500 (3rd) CL 9th; Craft Staff, blink, dimension door, teleport. MoF 151
Type Edition Magic Item / Artifact Description Market Price Caster Level & Prerequisites Source Wand AD&D Nidus' Wand of Endless Repetition Emits a 20 ft. cone that causes all who fail a save to repeat last 2 rounds of action endlessly, unless countered by a dispel magic or remove curse, limited charges. 25,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 48 Wand AD&D Wand of Armory * Creates a field of force that grants a +10 armor bonus (or AC 0) to AC upon activation by touch and lasts for 6 rounds, the force field absorbs magic missile spells and all electrical damage, limited charges. 5,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 49 Wand AD&D Wand of Banishment Fires a ray of green light (1 charge) that effects a target creature: summoned creatures must make a save or be dismissed as the spell banishment, hostile creatures of less than 2+2 HD must save or suffer effects of repulsion for 4 rounds, hostile creatures greater than 2+2 HD must make a save or be slowed for 2-5 rounds, can repel any other wands within 20 ft. of the bearer up to 300 ft. away as the spell telekinesis and held there for 1-4 rounds unless they make a successful save (6 charges), limited charges. 30,000 (AD&D) n/a FR1 55, FR4 49 Wand AD&D Wand of Darkness See staff of fiendish darkness. 25,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 50 Wand AD&D Wand of Displacement Casts teleport without error on a target object up to 80 ft. away from the initial position to a new position which the wand must touch (1 charge), limited charges (cannot be recharged). 25,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 50 Wand AD&D Wand of Eyes See staff of eyes. 20,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 51 Wand AD&D Wand of Hammerblows When activated, can break or smash any non-living objects up to 30 ft. away unless a successful save is made, limited charges. 8,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 51 Wand AD&D Wand of Knock * Casts knock (1 charge), dispels arcane lock and hold portal spells (1 charge), casts shatter (1 charge), can physically or audibly "knock" on a creature up to 30 ft. away (no charges), limited charges. 15,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 52 Wand AD&D Wand of Magical Mirrors See rod of mirrors. 20,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 52 Wand AD&D Wand of Obliteration See staff of scrivening. 12,500 (AD&D) n/a FR4 52 Wand AD&D Wand of Ochalor's Eye Emanates fear in a 30 ft. radius (1 charge), limited charges. 15,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 53 Wand AD&D Wand of Teeth Fires 1 tooth of force per charge expended at a target up to 35 ft. away and can only be deflected by a sphere of annihilation, prismatic sphere, shield spell, wall of force, forcecage, mage armor spell or a rock barrier, each tooth does 2d6+2 damage and has a +2 bonus to attack, limited charges. 15,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 53 Wand AD&D Wand of Warding Casts protection from evil (2 charges), shield (1 charge), wall of force (4 charges) and repulsion (5 charges) all at CL 12, limited charges. 20,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 54 Wand AD&D Wand of Whips See rod of whips. 12,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 54
Wondrous Items
Type Edition Magic Item / Artifact Description Market Price Caster Level & Prerequisites Source Amul 3rd Amber Amulet of Vermin Amber gem releases an enormous creature as the spell giant vermin when broken and works only once, on a roll of 1d8: 1 = giant bee (CL 7th, 500 gp), 2 = giant ant queen (CL 10th, 700 gp), 3 = giant praying mantis (CL 10th, 700 gp), 4 = huge monstrous centipede (CL 10th, 700 gp), 5 = large monstrous scorpion (CL 10th, 700 gp), 6 = large monstrous spider (CL 10th, 700 gp), 7 = giant wasp (CL 13th, 800 gp), 8 = giant stag beetle (CL 19th, 1,200 gp). varies (3rd) CL varies; Craft Wondrous Item, giant vermin. MoF 151 Amul 3rd Amulet of Laeral's Tears Can bestow 24 temporary HP once which destroys the amulet. 1,200 (3rd) CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, aid, shield other, spellcaster must be at least 12th level. MoF 151 Misc 3.5 Ankh of Ascension Bearer can cast divine spells at +4 caster level (with respect to range, duration and other numeric effects), does not grant this bonus on checks to overcome spell resistance nor does it increase the caster's effective level; Weight 3 lb. 60,000 (3.5) CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, gate. RoF 172 Misc 3rd Aquamarine of Spell Extending Silver hourglass that when held can grant the use of the Extend Spell feat on a spell of 6th level or lower 1/day (as normal slot, not 1 higher); Weight 1 lb. 7,200 (3rd) CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, Extend Spell. MoF 151 Brac 3rd Armband of Maximized Healing Grants free use of the Maximize Spell feat on any conjuration (healing) spell of 6th level or lower 1/day (as normal slot, not 3 higher); Weight 1 lb. 7,200 (3rd) CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, Maximize Spell. MoF 152 Amul 3rd Arvoreen's Amulet of Aid Displays symbol of Arvoreen; bestows one negative level on anyone of evil alignment that wears it and crumbles to dust if an evil wearer ever attacks a non-evil halfling; Spells: aid (1 charge), dimension door (3 charges), limited charges (maximum 6). 4,320 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, aid, dimension door, creator must be a good halfling. MoF 153 Misc 3rd, AD&D Azlaer's Harp Harp of Myth Drannor; casts calm emotions on creatures within 100 ft., charm effects are suppressed nor can they be cast in the area while the harp is played, strings glow as a light spell; must have at least 1 rank in Perform (harp) to use; Weight 3 lb. 16,000 (3rd), 12,000 (AD&D) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, calm emotions, light, protection from evil. MoF 154, FR4 42 Misc 3rd Badge of the Svirfneblin Grants 60 ft. darkvision and a +10 circumstance bonus on all Hide checks in areas of stone, casts blur 1/day and change self 1/day on the bearer. 17,480 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, blur, change self, darkvision, invisibility, creator must be a svirfneblin. MoF 154 Misc 3rd Bag of Boulders Contains 1d4 stones that grows to the size of a light catapult stone when thrown (range increment 10 ft.), each stone inflicts 3d6 damage on a target. 1,200 (new), 300 (per stone) (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, shrink item. MoF 154 Misc 3rd Battle Bridle Grants a rider a +10 competence bonus on all Ride checks and free Mounted Combat feat or free Ride-By Attack feat (if the rider already has Mounted Combat); Weight 1 lb. 9,000 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Mounted Combat feat, Ride-By Attack feat, calm animals. MoF 154 Head 3rd Beholder Crown Has 10 eyestalks bearing 1 gem each, each gem allows the use of one of the following powers: charm person, charm monster, disintegrate, eyebite (sleep), fear (1 creature only), finger of death, flesh to stone, inflict moderate wounds (20 ft. range), slow, and telekinesis (violent thrust); Weight 1 lb. 22,000 (3rd) CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, charm person, charm monster, disintegrate, eyebite, fear, finger of death, flesh to stone, inflict moderate wounds, slow, telekinesis. MoF 154 Belt 3rd Belt of Holy Might As belt of priestly might and warding plus casts word of recall (on the wearer only) 1/day which transports the wearer to the nearest temple devoted to the belt's deity; Weight 1 lb. 104,000 (3rd) CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, bull's strength, magic circle against evil or good, word of recall. MoF 154 Belt 3rd Belt of Lions Wearer can communicate with felines as speak with animals spell, grants low-light vision, +4 competence bonus to Charisma when dealing with felines, +10 competence bonus to Move Silently and Tumble checks; Weight 1 lb. 20,000 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Items, low-light vision (MoF 106), animal friendship, speak with animals. MoF 154 Belt 3rd Belt of Priestly Might Displays symbol of a deity (any); bestows one negative level on anyone who does not follow the deity or does not have the same alignment; grants a +2 natural AC bonus and a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength; Weight 1 lb. 40,000 (3rd) CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, bull's strength, creator must be at least 6th level. MoF 154 Belt 3rd Belt of Priestly Might and Warding As belt of priestly might plus casts magic circle against evil (or good if belt's deity is evil) 1/day. 52,800 (3rd) CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, bull's strength, magic circle against evil or good. MoF 154 Head 3rd Bird Feather Headdress Has six large plumes that can be plucked and thrown to summon a creature as the summon nature's ally spell as follows: two green plumes summon 1d3 hawks, two blue plumes summon 1d3 eagles, and two gold plumes summon 1 giant eagle or 1 giant owl. 2,900 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon nature's ally II, summon nature's ally III, summon nature's ally IV. MoF 155 Misc 3rd Blast Globes On command, glass sphere seperates into smaller spheres that orbit each other and can strike a target within 400 ft. as a free action, any target struck must make a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be disintegrated after which the globe explodes in a 20 ft. radius doing 10d6 fire damage and 2d6 sonic damage to any target in the area as well as causing deafness for 2d6 rounds and knocking back any target 1d6x5 ft. away from the center of the blast, a successful Reflex save (DC 15) halves the fire damage but not the sonic damage and negates the knockback while a successful Fortitude save (DC 15) negates the deafness; Weight 1 lb. 8,000 (3rd) CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, battering ram (MoF 80), disintegrate, fireball, shout. MoF 155 Misc 3rd Blast Scepter Minor Artifact; self-identifying, grants immunity to fire and lightning while held, wielder cannot be knocked down or moved by a blast of any kind and takes only half damage from these type of attacks (such as from a horn of blasting or smokepowder detonation), can make a melee touch attack that stuns a target for 1d4 rounds unless a successful Fortitude save (DC 20) is made (1 charge), can blast opponents with a 30 ft. long soundless wave of force that causes 2d6 damage to any targets within and knocks them down unless a successful Reflex save (DC 20) is made (2 charges), can powerstrike a creature or object target with a melee touch attack that deals 5d6 damage or half on a successful Fortitude save (DC 20) and also destroys constructs who fail their save (4 charges), maximum 50 charges; Weight 6 lb. n/a (3rd) CL 13th. MoF 168 Brac 3rd Bone Bracers of the Death Deity +3 bracers of armor; bestows one negative level on anyone of good alignment that wears them; casts death ward 1/day, desecrate 1/day, and unholy blight 1/day; Weight 1 lb. 58,300 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, death ward, desecrate, unholy blight, mage armor, creator must be at least 6th level. MoF 155 Misc AD&D Bowl of Blood Fills with blood once every 24 hours, limited charges. 1,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 40 Brac 3rd Bracers of the Blinding Strike +6 bracers of armor; grants free Improved Initiative feat, grants extra attack every round at highest attack bonus; Weight 1 lb. 102,000 (3rd) CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, haste, mage armor. MoF 155 Brac 3rd Bracers of Striking Grants free Improved Unarmed Strike feat, can be modified with special weapon abilities as blunt double weapon. 1,310 plus total bonus (3rd) CL (3 times bonus minimum 5th); Craft Magic Arms and Armor, magic fang or magic weapon plus any required for additional bonuses. MoF 155 Misc 3.5 Breachstone Stone token with runes on either side, can cast passwall (CL 10th) when touched to a wall or barrier (non-magical stone, wood or plaster only) which creates a 5 ft. wide, 8 ft. tall and up to 10 ft. long tunnel and lasts for as long as the token remains within or for 1 round after it is removed, can be used up to 5 times before crumbling to dust. 10,000 (3.5) CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, passwall. UE 56 Cloak 3rd Cape of the Fire Bath +2 cloak of resistance; Grants endure elements (fire) when worn; Weight 1 lb. 6,200 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, resistence, creator must be at least 6th level. MoF 156 Cloak 3rd Cape of Winter +2 cloak of resistance; Grants endure elements (cold) when worn; Weight 1 lb. 6,200 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, resistance, creator must be at least 6th level. MoF 156 Misc 3.5 Catseye Brooch Silver brooch set with a green chrysoberyl, grants a +1 luck bonus on all saves and a +4 resistance bonus on saves vs. disease. 9,000 (3.5) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, resistance, remove disease. RoF 172 Misc AD&D Censer of Thaumaturgy Spellcasters casting within the vicinity of the incense vapors can cast spells as an 18th level caster and lasts for 3d4 turns, does not grant additional spells. 12,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 40 Head 3.5 Circlet of the Wilderness Braided strands of wood allows a ranger to cast calm animals (DC 11) at will, pass without trace at will, speak with animals at will, summon nature's ally I 3/day, cure light wounds (DC 11) 3/day, summon nature's ally II 1/day, and cure serious wounds (DC 16) 1/day each as a 7th level druid, wearer can predict weather (but not weather altering magic) within 50 miles for the next 24 hours at will. 50,000 (3.5) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, animal friendship, cure light wounds, cure serious wounds, pass without trace, speak with animals, summon nature's ally I, summon nature's ally II.. UE 56 Cloak 3rd, AD&D Cloak of Battle Grants +4 armor bonus, can transform into a +1 quarterstaff at will, bearer gains improved disarm feat; Weight 1 lb. 22,600 (3rd), 12,000 (AD&D) CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, cat's grace, mage armor, magic weapon, must be 8th level. MoF 136, FR4 34 Cloak 3rd Cloak of Blackflame Absorbs up to 14 energy drain attacks; Weight 1 lb. 11,800 (3rd) CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, negative energy protection. MoF 156 Cloak AD&D Cloak of Comfort Grants immunity to fire and cold damage, immunity to natural temperature related effects. 7,500 (AD&D) n/a FR4 34 Cloak AD&D Cloak of Delight Those who view the wearer must make a save or become entranced for 1-8 rounds, attackers must make a save or suffer a -2 to attacks. 35,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 34 Cloak AD&D Cloak of Echoes Cursed; as a cloak of elvenkind except the wearer's sounds become magnified when trying to use stealth. 3,000(AD&D) n/a FR4 34 Cloak AD&D Cloak of Fangs Upon command, cloak fires invisible force darts up to 15 ft. in all directions for 7 rounds, the darts do 4d6 damage per round or half on a successful save, can only be activated once before the cloak is destroyed. 10,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 35 Cloak AD&D Cloak of Guarding Grants immunity to non-magical missiles, absorbs 2 points of damage per die from non-magical melee attacks. 10,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 35 Cloak AD&D Cloak of Many Colors * Grants immunity to color spray, prismatic spray, blindness due to pyrotechnics, hypnotic pattern, darkness and any blinding light, wearer can pass through a prismatic sphere or prismatic wall at freely, can cast light once every 12 turns. 8,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 35 Cloak AD&D Cloak of Reflection * Reflects the following spells back on the caster: magic missile, shocking grasp (caster takes no damage), ray of enfeeblement (caster must save), hold person/animal/monster (caster must save or be slowed for 2 rounds), tasha's hideous laughter (caster must save), polymorph (caster must save at +2), feeblemind (caster must save at +2), color spray (caster must save or become unconscious for 1-2 rounds), entangle (not reflected but no effect on wearer). 10,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 35 Cloak AD&D Cloak of Stars 4 cloth stars can be used to store a magical spell which can later be activated and cast. 7,500 (AD&D) n/a FR4 36 Cloak AD&D Cloak of Survival Grants +2 bonus on saves vs. poison, wearer can breathe normally for up to 1 turn if breathable air is not present, immune to nausea. 6,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 37 Cloak AD&D Cloak of Symbiotic Protection Cloak drains 1 hp from wearer every 2 days, wearer becomes color blind while the cloak is worn, grants immunity to the effects of various slimes, fungi and molds and also grants +4 to saves vs. spore attacks. 20,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 37 Cloak AD&D Cloak of the Shield Once every 2 turns, wearer can create a shield which acts like a wall of force and lasts up to 3 rounds, limited charges. 10,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 37 Head 3rd Cowl of Warding Grants mind blank and freedom of movement, turns 6 spell levels per day as the spell turning spell. 200,800 (3rd) CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement, mind blank, spell turning. MoF 156 Head 3rd Crown of Horns * Major Artifact; silver circlet with a black diamond on the brow and bone horns around the edge; intelligent; AL evil; grants fear aura as a lich, SR 25 vs. necromantic spells and effects, rebuke undead as 6th level cleric which stacks with cleric levels, casts greater teleport (wearer only) 1/tenday, casts cone of undeath 1/10 minutes which creates a 40 ft. cone that causes creatures within to take 3d6+20 damage and make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or be slain and rise 1d4 rounds later as a wraith under the wearer's control, casts myrkul's hand 1/day which creates black flames on the wearer's hands that causes a target touched to take 2d8+10 damage and make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or be slain and rise 1d4 rounds later as a spectre under the wearer's control, wearer's alignment changes to neutral evil when worn, can only be removed by Myrkul or by teleporting itself away, crown can use suggestion on the wearer 1/day and can possess the wearer for 20 minutes as the magic jar spell, wearer becomes undead over 2 years which advances by 1d4 months every time cone of undeath or myrkul's hand is used (wearer is slain if crown teleports away after they become undead), wearer becomes paranoid and possessive of the crown, creatures within 100 ft. of the crown when worn must make a Will save or become affected by a sympathy spell; Weight 2 lb. n/a (3rd) CL 20th. MoF 171 Misc 3rd Crystal Sphere of Singing Waters Can be activated for a 24 hour duration by pouring a flask of holy water over it, glows with faerie fire, casts purify food and drink at will, neutralize poison 1/day and scrying 1/day; Weight 7 lb. 28,300 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, faerie fire, neutralize poison, purify food and drink, scrying. MoF 156 Misc 3rd, AD&D Dove's Harp Harp of Myth Drannor; Masterwork harp, all within 20 ft. are cured of insanity (as greater restoration) and effected by calm emotions, after 2 rounds listeners receive cure light wounds spell which can only effect them once every tenday, radiates light while in use; must have at least 1 rank in Perform (harp) to use; Weight 3 lb. 45,100 (3rd), 2,500 (AD&D) CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, calm emotions, greater restoration, healing circle, light, 22,600 gp + 2,300 xp MoF 156, FR4 42 Amul 3rd Dragonskull Talisman On command, casts invisibility to undead on the wearer and up to two creatures touching the talisman for 30 minutes; Weight 1 lb. 4,000 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility to undead. MoF 157 Misc 3rd Dragon's Draught A dragon (only) who consumes the elixer gains a breath weapon for a 1 hour duration, variety type determined on a 1d100: 01-10 Black (80 ft. line of acid, 12d4 damage, DC 23) 2,300 gp; 11-20 Blue (100 ft. line of lightning, 12d8 damage, DC 25) 4,500 gp; 21-30 Green (50 ft. cone of acid, 12d6 damage, DC 25) 3,500 gp; 31-40 Red (50 ft. cone of fire, 12d10 damage, DC 25) 5,500 gp; 41-50 White (40 ft. cone of cold, 6d6 damage, DC 23) 1,200 gp; 51-60 Brass (80 ft. line of fire, 6d6 damage, DC 23) 1,200 gp; 61-70 Bronze (100 ft. line of lightning, 12d6 damage, DC 25) 3,500 gp; 71-80 Copper (80 ft. line of acid, 12d4 damage, DC 24) 2,400 gp; 81-90 Gold (50 ft. cone of fire, 12d10 damage, DC 26) 5,600 gp; 91-100 Silver (50 ft. cone of cold, 12d8 damage, DC 26) 4,600 gp.. varies (3rd) CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, spellcaster must be at least 12th level. MoF 157 Misc 3.5 Drow House Insignia Displays symbol of a drow noble house and requires a secret word to activate, casts a minor spell 1/day, typical spells include blur, cat's grace, cloak of dark power (FRCS 68), comprehend languages, feather fall, jump, levitate, read magic, scatterspray (FRCS 73), shield, spider climb, unseen servant and water breathing, each insignia has a unique shape; Weight 1 lb. 360 (1st), 2,160 (2nd), 5,400 (3rd) (3.5) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, appropriate spell RoF 173 Misc 3rd Dust of Dispersion When thrown in the air, the dust creates a 10 ft. x 10 ft. cloud that causes ray attacks entering or passing through to have a 50% miss chance, this decreases by 10% each round thereafter finally dissapearing after 5 rounds. 2,100 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, blur, glitterdust. MoF 157 Misc 3rd Elixer of Horus-Re When consumed, elixer causes the imbiber to glow as a daylight spell which can be expended to create a single sunbeam effect before the daylight effect expires. 6,500 (3rd) CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, daylight, sunbeam. MoF 157 Misc 3rd Enemy Spirit Pouch Pouch contains tokens of a type of creature as defined by the Ranger favored enemy ability, bestows one negative level on anyone of the creature type that wears it, wearer gains +1 competence bonus on attacks vs. creature type, Rangers are treated as 5 levels higher for the favored enemy ability; Weight 1 lb. 2,100 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, detect animals or plants, creator must be Ranger whose favored enemy is the same as the pouch. MoF 157 Misc 3rd, AD&D Esheen's Harp Harp of Myth Drannor; Masterwork harp, all glass and metal resonates within 30 ft., grants +5 circumstance bonus on Listen checks vs. targets in the area carrying metal or glass, casts shatter 3/day; must have at least 1 rank in Perform (harp) to use; Weight 3 lb. 6,800 (3rd), 25,000 (AD&D) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, ghost sound, shatter. MoF 157, FR4 43 Misc 3rd Eye of the Druuthbane * Yellow crystal glows with red light when within 60 ft. of a doppelganger and blue when within 60 ft. of an illithid or violet for both, when held it grants a +4 resistance bonus on all Will saves, can fire a red ray 1/day as a ranged touch attack that forces a doppelganger back into its true shape for 1d4+1 rounds if it fails a Fortitude save (DC 16); Weight 3 lb. 18,000 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect thoughts, polymorph, resistance. MoF 157 Misc 3rd Eye of Winking Small polished bone can be worn as an amulet or a brooch, grants immunity to detect thoughts and other forms of mind reading, grants immunity to charm and compulsion effects and turns these back on the caster as spell turning, can wink once every tenday which releases a daylight spell and grants immunity to all spells, spell-like effects and supernatural effects for 1 round as the spell antimagic field. 120,000 (3rd) CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, antimagic field, mind blank, spell turning. MoF 158 Eyes 3rd Fanged Mask Can be used as a +1 bite attack weapon that does 1d4 damage and stuns a creature for 1 round unless a successful Fortitude save (DC 13) is made; Weight 1 lb. 8,302 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, magic fang or magic weapon. MoF 158 Misc 3.5 Figurine of Wondrous Power: Coral Dolphin White coral dolphin can transform into a living dolphin (magical beast) twice per tenday for up to 4 hours, the dolphin has an Intelligence of 8 and has the ability to speak Common and Aquan. 10,000 (3.5) CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, water breathing. RoF 173 Misc 3.5 Figurine of Wondrous Power: Blue Quartz Eagle Blue quartz eagle can transform into a living eagle for up to 24 hours per tenday, eagle has vision akin to that of eyes of the eagle (+5 circumstance bonus on Spot checks), does not attack even to defend itself but obeys telepathic commands of the owner while within 1 mile, if forced beyond 1 mile distance the eagle will revert back to its statue form, owner can mentally view everything the eagle sees in 1 round as a standard action. 5,400 (3.5) CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, clairaudience/clairvoyance. RoF 173 Misc AD&D Fire Gyregam Sphere can be activated, causing it to float in midair, teleport to a designated location, spin and fire one 6d6 lightning bolt per round until it has reached a maximum of 6 bolts (after which it becomes a worthless shell), the sphere targets the nearest concentration of metal. 9,500 (AD&D) n/a FR4 40 Misc AD&D Flagon of Dragons Flagon unleashes random dragon breath weapon, unlimited uses. 40,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 40 Glove 3rd Gauntlet of Fury Grants a +2 armor bonus to AC when worn, casts magic missile (CL 1) once every three days, can make a melee touch attack once every three days which deals 2d8+2 force damage against a target who must also make a Reflex save (DC 22) to avoid being thrown to the ground and a Fortitude save (DC 22) to avoid being stunned for 1d4 rounds; Weight 2 lb. 22,000 (3rd) CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, mage armor, magic missile, bigby's clenched fist. MoF 158 Belt AD&D Girdle of Lions See belt of lions. 8,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 37 Glove 3rd Gloves of Lightning Can make a ranged touch attack (range 30 ft.) 3/day that deals 1d8+5 electrical damage on a target, if the target is wearing metal armor the wearer also gains a +3 attack bonus. 8,000 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, shocking grasp. MoF 158 Glove 3rd Gloves of the Balanced Hands * Grants a free Two-Weapon Fighting feat or an Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat if the wearer already has Two-Weapon Fighting. 18,000 (3rd) CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, righteous might or tenser's transformation. MoF 158 Misc 3rd Glowstone Minor Artifact; crystal, glass or amber oval, constantly emits light equal to a daylight spell that dispels any darkness effect of 9th level or lower, recharges an item by touch by restoring 1 charge for every 10 minutes of contact (1 charge), recharges an item with limited uses per day by restoring 1 use for every 10 minutes of contact (7 charges), dwarves and gnomes who can cast divine spells can can release a 90 ft. beam of power on command that deals 6d6 damage against a target object or creature (1 charge), can recharge another glowstone when two are held which can neutralize any poison, disease (including magical diseases), infection, or any embedded piece of foreign matter as they share energy, releases energy in a 70 ft. spread that deals 10d10 damage when destroyed (as long as there is at least 1 charge remaining), a successful Reflex save (DC 23) to creatures farther than 25 ft. away take only half damage, maximum 1000 charges; hardness 60, 60 hp; Weight 1/2 lb. n/a (3rd) CL 20th. MoF 169 Misc AD&D Glowing Globe Floating globe has adjustable light and follows owner permanently. 200 (AD&D) n/a FR4 41 Misc AD&D Goblet of Glory When used, heals 1d4 hp, those under 12th level are enlarged and have heroism for 4d4 rounds each, 13th level or higher loses a level, usable only once/day, limited charges. 12,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 41 Misc 3.5 Gogondy Ruby wine that gives visions when a glass is consumed as follows: 01-15 nothing happens (side effect 1d3 temporary Dex, 1d3 temporary Int), 16-30 divination spell (CL 10th) (side effect 1d6 temporary Dex, 1d3 temporary Int), 31-60 vision spell on tangential topic (side effect 1d6 temporary Dex, 1d6 temporary Int), 61-80 contact other plane spell (elemental plane of earth, CL 10th) (side effect as spell), 81-90 vision spell on topic you specify (side effect 2d6 temporary Dex, 2d6 temporary Int), 91-00 contact other plane (outer plane/intermediate, CL 10th) (side effect as spell); 1 bottle holds enough wine for 6 glasses; Weight 5 lb. 3,000 (3.5) CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, divination, contact other plane, creator must be a deep gnome. RoF 173 Misc 3rd Golden Chalice of Lathander Can shed light as a daylight spell on command, casts healing circle (1 charge) on command, limited charges (maximum 3); Weight 2 lb. 29,500 (3rd) CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, daylight, healing circle. MoF 158 Cloak 3.5 Greater Piwafwi As a cloak of elvenkind plus grants endure elements (fire); Weight 1 lb. 6,100 (3.5) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, invisibility, creator must be a drow. RoF 173 Amul 3rd, AD&D Greenstone Amulet Minor Artifact; grants mind blank on the wearer, +4 resistance bonus vs. necromancy or transportion spells and effects and the user is allowed a Will save (DC 20) against such spells if normally none is allowed; Weight --. n/a (3rd), 30,000 (AD&D) CL 15th. MoF 170, FR4 34 Belt 3rd Gwaeron's Belt Casts wind walk 1/day, can make the wearer's melee weapon become a +1 flaming weapon for 12 rounds 1/day; Weight 1 lb. 60,500 (3rd) CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, weapon of the deity (MoF 132), wind walk. MoF 158 Boot 3rd Gwaeron's Boots Grants continual pass without trace effect on the wearer, wearer creates no scent, hardness 3, 15 hp; Weight 1 lb. 6,000 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, pass without trace. MoF 158 Eyes 3.5 Hathran Mask: Mask of Disguise As a hat of disguise except that it changes only the wearer's face. 1,000 (3.5) CL 2nd; Craft Wondrous Item, change self. UE 56 Eyes 3.5 Hathran Mask: Mask of Flame Grants endure elements (fire) when worn and casts burning hands (CL 5, DC 11) 1/day. 5,700 (3.5) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, burning hands, endure elements. UE 56 Eyes 3.5 Hathran Mask: Mask of Mental Armor Grants a +4 resistance bonus on all saves vs. mind-affecting spells and effects. 4,000 (3.5) CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, spell resistance. UE 57 Eyes 3.5 Hathran Mask: Mask of Language Wearer can speak, read and write any 3 languages. 4,000 (3.5) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, tongues. UE 57 Eyes 3.5 Hathran Mask: Mask of Nightseeing As goggles of night, grants 60 ft. darkvision when worn. 8,000 (3.5) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision. UE 57 Eyes 3.5 Hathran Mask: Mask of Protection and Resistance Acts as a combined ring of protection and cloak of resistance, with bonuses usually the same. 4,000 (+1), 16,000 (+2), 36,000 (+3), 64,000 (+4), 100,000 (+5) (3.5) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, resistance, shield of faith, caster level must be 3 times that of the mask's bonus. UE 57 Eyes 3.5 Hathran Mask: Mask of True Seeing Grants true seeing when worn. 75,000 (3.5) CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, true seeing. UE 57 Eyes 3.5 Hathran Mask: Mask of Water Breathing Allows the wearer to breathe underwater as the spell water breathing. 3,000 (3.5) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, water breathing. UE 57 Misc 3rd Hair Shirt of Ilmater Grants -2 Dexterity penalty when worn and a +3 natural AC bonus, casts cure serious wounds 1/day (cannot target wearer). 17,400 (3rd) CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, cure serious wounds, creator must be at least 9th level. MoF 159 Misc 3rd Halruaan Skyship Sailing vessel that floats on air and not on water, can land on large flat surfaces, within 100 ft. of the surface the ship can carry up to 15 tons in cargo, has clumsy maneuverability, can rise or fall at a speed of 45 ft.; Weight 20 tons. 700,000 (3rd) CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, fly, levitate, 355,000 gp + 27,600 xp. MoF 159 Misc 3.5, 3rd Hammer of the Weaponsmith Masterwork artisan's tool; grants +10 circumstance bonus on Craft (weaponsmithing) checks; Weight 8 lb. 2,055 (3.5), 2,055 (3rd) CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be at least 6th level, 1,055 gp + 80 xp. MoF 159, RoF 173 Misc 3rd Hand of the Oakfather Hardened oak in the shape of a human hand, worn as an amulet that casts barkskin 1/day, entangle 1/day, goodberry 1/day, plant growth 1/day, speak with plants 1/day and tree shape 1/day, hardness 10; Weight 1 lb. 41,400 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, endure elements, entangle, goodberry, plant growth, speak with plants, tree shape. MoF 159 Misc 3rd Handharp Small hand sized harp that can cause various effects when played, casts dancing lights at will, undead creatures within 10 ft. (20 ft. with bardic music) suffer a -2 luck penalty on attack and damage rolls, all creatures within 10 ft. (20 ft. with bardic music) receive a +2 luck bonus on saves vs. necromantic and compulsion effects for 1 round duration, all creatures within 10 ft. (20 ft. with bardic music) are not subject to new charm effects for 1 round and charmed creatures become dazed for 1 round, casts dimension door 1/day; Weight 1 lb. 25,000 (3rd) CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, dancing lights, magic circle against evil, dimension door. MoF 159 Misc 3rd Harper Pin Silver brooch that displays the symbol of the Harpers, lesser harper pin grants abilities of a ring of mind shielding; greater harper pin has same abilities as a lesser harper pin but also grants immunity to magic missile spells as well as continual nondetection, resist elements (electricity), undetectable alignment and a +5 resistance bonus on saves vs. mind effecting spells, when worn by an evil creature the pin turns black and makes discordant jangling sounds that bestow a -10 penalty on Move Silently checks. 8,000 (lesser), 79,000 (greater) (3rd) CL 3rd (lesser), 5th (greater); Craft Wondrous Item, nondetection plus the following for a greater harper pin only: detect evil, ghost sound, protection from elements, resistance, shield, undetectable alignment, 39,625 gp + 3,150 xp. MoF 159 Head 3rd Headband of the Binder Displays symbol of Oghma, casts read magic 3/day, bards gain a +4 sacred bonus on bardic knowledge rolls. 2,600 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, read magic, creator must be a bard. MoF 160 Misc 3rd Heart of the Beast Smoked and magically cured heart of a predatory animal, when eaten confers the effects of a divine power spell and a +1 bonus on attacks if the eater has a base attack bonus of +10 or higher; Weight 1 lb. 2,000 (3rd) CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, divine power. MoF 160 Helm 3rd, AD&D Helm of Darkness Shadow magic item; self-identifying, cast deeper darkness up to 99 times, can absorb death effects (after a failed save) or absorb negative levels up to 36 times, grants cold resistance 30, wearer is immune to fear and can see through any form of darkness, grants ability to speak with dead 1/day, chill metal 3/day, and pass without trace at will, if all charges are used up, the helm becomes useless; Weight 3 lb. 157,000 (3rd), 45,000 (AD&D) CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, chill metal, deeper darkness, emotion, pass without trace, negative energy protection, protection from elements, speak with dead, spell immunity. MoF 160, FR4 44 Helm 3rd Helm of Gazes Absorbs up to five gaze attacks that can later be released harmlessly, stored gaze attacks fade away after a tenday; Weight 3 lb. 33,000 (3rd) CL 12th; Forge Ring, eyebite, spell turning. MoF 160 Amul 3rd Ice Necklace of the Ulutiun Has two opaque ice crystals that cause a sleet storm spell effect when thrown up to 80 ft. and four transparent ice crystals that cause an ice storm spell effect when thrown up to 80 ft.; Weight 1 lb. 5,000 (3rd) CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, ice storm, sleet storm. MoF 160 Misc 3rd Instrument of the Bards: Fochluchan Bandore Masterwork lute; casts light 1/day, can cast flare, mending, and message each 1/day if the wielder has at least 2 ranks in Perform (lute), grants a +1 competence bonus on bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate and suggestion; Weight 3 lb. 1,900 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, flare, light, mending, message, creator must be a bard. MoF 161 Misc 3rd Instrument of the Bards: Mac-Fuirmidh Cithern Masterwork lute; casts cure light wounds, mage armor, and sleep each 1/day if the wielder has at least 4 ranks in Perform (lute), grants a +2 competence bonus on bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate and suggestion; Weight 3 lb. 2,900 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, cure light wounds, mage armor, sleep, creator must be a bard. MoF 161 Misc 3rd Instrument of the Bards: Doss Lute Masterwork lute; bestows one negative level on anyone that does not have at least 6 ranks in Perform (lute) that holds it, casts delay poison, hold person, and mirror image each 1/day if the wielder has at least 6 ranks in Perform (lute), grants a +3 competence bonus on bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate and suggestion; Weight 3 lb. 9,800 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, delay poison, hold person, mirror image, creator must be a bard. MoF 161 Misc 3rd Instrument of the Bards: Canaith Mandolin Masterwork mandolin; bestows one negative level on anyone that does not have at least 8 ranks in Perform (mandolin) that holds it, casts cure serious wounds, dispel magic, and summon monster III each 1/day if the wielder has at least 8 ranks in Perform (mandolin), grants a +4 competence bonus on bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate and suggestion; Weight 3 lb. 23,400 (3rd) CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, summon monster III, creator must be a bard. MoF 161 Misc 3rd Instrument of the Bards: Cli Lyre Masterwork lyre; bestows one negative level on anyone that does not have at least 10 ranks in Perfom (lyre) that holds it, casts break enchantment, dimension door, and shout each 1/day if the wielder has at least 10 ranks in Perform (lyre), grants a +5 competence bonus on bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate and suggestion; Weight 3 lb. 37,600 (3rd) CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, break enchantment, dimension door, shout, creator must be a bard. MoF 161 Misc 3rd Instrument of the Bards: Anstruth Harp Masterwork harp; bestows one negative level on anyone that does not have at least 12 ranks in Perform (harp) that holds it, casts control water, healing circle, and mind fog each 1/day if the wielder has at least 12 ranks in Perform (harp), grants a +6 competence bonus on bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate and suggestion; Weight 3 lb. 60,000 (3rd) CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, control water, healing circle, mind fog, creator must be a bard. MoF 161 Misc 3rd Instrument of the Bards: Ollamh Harp Masterwork harp; bestows one negative level on anyone that does not have at least 14 ranks in Perform (harp) that holds it, casts control weather, eyebite, and repulsion each 1/day if the wielder has at least 14 ranks in Perform (harp), grants a +7 competence bonus on bardic music checks for countersong, fascinate and suggestion; Weight 3 lb. 83,600 (3rd) CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, control weather, eyebite, repulsion, creator must be a bard. MoF 161 Misc 3rd Instrument of the Winds Masterwork lute; if a successful Perform (lute) check (DC 15) is made the lute summons a large air elemental as the spell summon monster VI; Weight 3 lb. 11,000 (3rd) CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VI. MoF 161 Misc 3rd, AD&D Janthra's Harp Harp of Myth Drannor; Masterwork harp, casts invisibility sphere as well as pass without trace on all within 10 ft. of the harpist but those effected can still see each other, effects last as long as the harp is played or until someone under the effects of the invisibility attacks, anyone leaving the area of the invisibility sphere loses the effects of the harp, lasts up to 1 hour/day; must have at least 1 rank in Perform (harp) to use; Weight 3 lb. 12,000 (3rd), 25,000 (AD&D) CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility sphere, pass without trace. MoF 161, FR4 43 Misc 3rd Joyous Star Song Silver scroll displays symbols of Milil and Lliira, when inscription is sung the scroll grants a bard one additional use of the bardic music ability per day with a +5 sacred bonus on the Perform check. 5,800 (3rd) CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, enthrall, suggestion, creator must be a bard of at least 10th level. MoF 161 Misc 3rd Kiira Smooth gem affixes to the wearers forehead at will and counts as a headband, grants a +2 competence bonus on all Knowledge skill checks, acts as a spellbook allowing a spellcaster to record and prepare spells and holds up to 30 spells of any level. 7,500 (3rd) CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, legend lore, secret page. MoF 162 Misc 3rd Knife of the Bowyer Masterwork artisan's tool; grants a +10 circumstance bonus on Craft (bowmaking) checks; Weight 1 lb. 2,055 (3rd) CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be at least 6th level, 1,055 gp + 80 xp. MoF 162 Misc AD&D Kybal's Cords Rope can only be cut by magic or silver weapons and is 2-4 ft. long, the rope contains a certain number of knots set by the maker, each knot unleashes a spell set by the maker. 1000 per knot (AD&D) n/a FR4 44 Eyes 3rd Lenses of Darkness Glass lenses grant a +4 circumstance bonus on saves vs. light and illusion (pattern) spells as well as any effects that cause blindness due to light. 7,700 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, darkness, resistance. MoF 162 Eyes 3rd Mask of Blood Constantly weeps bloodlike liquid when worn, causes any NPC that views the wearer to have their attitude shifted one category toward hostile, can spit liquid as a ranged touch attack (range increment 10 ft.) 1/day that acts as a poison spell on a target struck, grants an extra round to a wearer's rage ability; Weight 1 lb. 17,000 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, emotion, poison. MoF 162 Eyes 3.5 Mask of the Implacable Ceramic painted mask grants fast healing 3 when worn as well as a +4 bonus on attack and damage rolls against any foe that deals the wearer more damage than 50% of their normal hp total, this lasts until the wearer attacks someone who has not dealt such damage which also suppresses the fast healing aspect for 1 hour; Weight 5 lb. 65,000 (3.5) CL ?; Craft Wondrous Item, regeneration, mark of justice. RoF 173 Misc 3rd, AD&D Methild's Harp Harp of Myth Drannor; Masterwork harp, opens locks, lids, doors, valves and portals, dispels hold portal and arcane lock of CL 15 or less, unties knots and bindings and frees entanglements including web spells, does not function under effects of a silence spell, up to 100 ft. range, can only be used 3 times per day; must have at least 1 rank in Perform (harp) to use; Weight 3 lb. 4,100 (3rd), 20,000 (AD&D) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, knock. MoF 162, FR4 43 Misc 3rd, AD&D Mierest's Starlit Sphere Sphere illuminates as a torch at will, negates dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire, gust of wind, light, and wind wall, grants true seeing within light, if passed through flame, the sphere emits a song that can be heard up to 100 ft. away and quiets shriekers, intelligent undead creatures avoid the light from the sphere; Weight 1 lb. 53,000 (3rd), 2,000 (AD&D) CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, dispel magic, ghost sound, true seeing. MoF 162, FR4 45 Eyes 3rd Mirror Mask Grants a +5 resistance bonus on all saves vs. gaze attacks and spells that work through sight (such as flare, illusion (pattern) spells, a vampire's charm ability, etc.), anyone viewing the mask while worn sees their own face rather than the wearer's; Weight 1 lb. 8,759 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, change self, resistance. MoF 162 Misc 3rd Mithral Bells Mithral bracelet with 11 small mithral bells attached, wearer can detach and throw a bell up to 40 ft. which will explode upon reaching a target as the sound burst spell, grants a +2 circumstance bonus on all Perform checks if at least 3 bells remain attached; Weight 1 lb. 3,700 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, sound burst, creator must be a bard. MoF 163 Misc 3rd Monk's Tattoo Tattoo improves unarmed strike damage, speed and AC of a Monk by 4 levels, does not stack with other Monk tattoos. 80,000 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a monk of at least 10th level. MoF 163 Brac 3rd Moon Bracers Moonfire item; grants same abilities as bracers of armor plus the wearer can use dimension door 1/day; Weight 1 lb. 12,100 (+1), 14,100 (+2), 19,100 (+3), 36,200 (+4), 45,200 (+5), 56,200 (+6), 69,160 (+7), 84,160 (+8) (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, dimension door, mage armor, creator's level must be twice that of the bonus (minimum 7th). MoF 163 Misc 3rd Moon Mote Moonfire item; pale stone casts dancing lights 1/day. 180 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, dancing lights. MoF 163 Cloak 3rd Mooncloak Moonfire item; grants same abilities as a cloak of resistance plus the wearer can use levitate and water walk (both self only) each 1/day; Weight 1 lb. 9,000 (+1), 13,800 (+2), 18,800 (+3), 25,800 (+4), 34,800 (+5) (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, levitate, resistance, water walk, creator's level must be three times that of the bonus (minimum 7th). MoF 163 Misc 3rd Moondraught Can cure up to 4d8+4 hp of damage all at once or in 4 doses of 1d8+1, lycanthropes gain the maximum effect possible from any dose. 1,500 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Maximize Spell, cure critical wounds, creator must have access to the Moon domain. MoF 163 Misc 3rd Moonfire Salve Moonfire item; jar of moonfire residue has multiple possible effects: can be poured over an item or rubbed on a creature's face to act as a targeted dispel magic spell, can be rubbed on a creature's feet to activate a fly spell, can be rubbed on a creature's eyelids to activate a darkvision spell, can be rubbed on the back of a creature's hand to activate a greater mage hand spell, can be eaten to act as a cure serious wounds spell; Weight 1/2 lb. 2,500 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious wounds, darkvision, dispel magic, fly, greater mage hand. MoF 163 Eyes 3rd Moonstone Mask Silver moonstone studded mask grants darkvision and a +5 circumstance bonus on Listen and Spot checks; Weight 1 lb. 12,000 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, clairaudience/clairvoyance, darkvision. MoF 163 Head 3rd Naga Crown Major Artifact; silver circlet with three points; self-identifying, casts see invisibility at will and repulsion on command, reflects spells as spell turning on command, wearer's arcane spells per day are doubled for all spell levels but does not stack with a ring of wizardry or similar item, wearer can dominate all reptilian creatures 1/day with Intelligence of 2 or lower within 1,500 ft. radius as the spell dominate monster that lasts for 1 hour, no reptilian creature with Intelligence of 2 or lower will attack the wearer, reptilian creatures under the wearer's control cannot be affected by another charm or compulsion effect, reptilian creatures with Intelligence of 3 or higher can attack the wearer but suffer a -3 morale penalty on attacks. n/a (3rd) CL 15th. MoF 172 Amul 3rd Necklace of Copper Dragon Scales Copper chain with 6 copper dragon scales attached to it, each scale can be activated to cast endure elements (acid) for 24 hours; Weight 1 lb. 570 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements. MoF 164 Amul 3rd Necklace of Lightning Silver chain with 7 coils of copper wire attached to it, each coil can be detached and hurled up to 50 ft. where it explodes as a scintillating sphere spell (DC 14), 1 coil does 7d6 damage, 2 deal 5d6 damage and 4 deal 3d6 damage, a character who fails a save vs. a magical electricity attack forces the necklace to make a save (with a +7 bonus) or all remaining coils detonate simultaneously; Weight 1 lb. 4,350 (3rd) CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, scintillating sphere. MoF 164 Amul 3rd Necklace of Nature's Teeth * Leather cord strung with teeth or fangs of a wild animal, grants the wild shape ability 1/day to the form of the animal whose teeth or fangs are attached to the cord when worn by someone with the wild shape ability, on a 1d10 tooth or fang type can be determined: 1 black bear, 2 boar, 3 crocodile, 4 leopard, 5 giant lizard, 6 medium-size shark, 7 constrictor snake, 8 medium-size viper snake, 9 wolf, 10 wolverine. 2,900 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph or creator must be a druid of at least 7th level. MoF 164 Misc 3rd, AD&D Nithanalor's Harp Harp of Myth Drannor; Masterwork harp, casts stoneskin 1/day on harpist; must have at least 1 rank in Perform (harp) to use; Weight 3 lb. 22,300 (3rd), 12,000 (AD&D) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin, 17,400 gp + 392 xp MoF 164, FR4 43 Misc 3rd, AD&D Orb of Holiness Inscribed with symbol of any good aligned deity, evil creatures touching the orb must make a Will save (DC 25) or take 4d6 damage and become feebleminded otherwise they take 2d6 damage and are dazed for 1d4 rounds, good aligned creatures can cast hold monster (DC 17) 1/day, purify food and drink 1/day, and (if the user is a follower of the orb's deity) cure serious wounds 3/day or regenerate 1/day, continually emits a prayer effect for all good allies and evil foes, automatically counters and dispels fear effects within 60 ft., a touch attack vs. an undead opponent does 5d6 damage; Weight 1 lb. 178,700 (3rd), 90,000 (AD&D) CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious wounds, daylight, detect evil or detect good, glyph of warding, prayer, purify food and drink, regenerate, remove fear, 89,450 gp + 7,140 xp MoF 164, FR4 45 Misc 3rd Orbakh's Glass Skull Hollow glass skull can be used as a tankard, casts disrupt undead 3/day, enervation 1/day and shroud of undeath 1/day; Weight 3 lb. 15,700 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, disrupt undead, enervation, shroud of undeath. MoF 164 Helm 3rd Phoenix Helm Copper, gold and electrum helm stylized in the shape of a phoenix, grants low-light vision, casts feather fall 1/day, flame arrow 1/day, fly 1/day, resist elements 1/day, and speak with animals (birds only) 1/day; Weight 3 lb. 53,000 (3rd) CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, feather fall, flame arrow, fly, resist elements, speak with animals. MoF 165 Misc 3rd Phylactery of the Priesthood Small ivory box containing holy scripture, grants free use of the Maximize Spell feat on any three divine spells per day without using a higher spell slot, lesser phylactery can only maximize spells up to 3rd level and greater phylactery can only maximize spells up to 6th level, can be tied to the forehead or to the arm. 27,200 (lesser), 108,000 (greater) (3rd) CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, Maximize Spell. MoF 165 Misc 2nd Powder of Obsession Can be cast into a 10 ft. radius up to 30 ft. away which causes those in the area of effect to make a successful save or begin to pursue their previous actions mindlessly, in combat it causes those effected to attack the nearest target (including comrades) for 3d4+4 rounds, when eating or drinking the target continues even after becoming satiated. n/a (2nd) n/a FR10 81 Misc 3rd, AD&D Rhingalade's Harp Harp of Myth Drannor; Masterwork harp, cast blink and mirror image simultaneously 1/day, lasts 6 rounds each; must have at least 1 rank in Perform (harp) to use; Weight 3 lb. 5,400 (3rd), 12,000 (AD&D) CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, blink, mirror image. MoF 165, FR4 43 Cloak AD&D Rhun's Horned Cloak * Acts as a +2 cloak of protection, can pass without trace at will, can shape change into a bull 6/day, some cloaks also grant darkvision, 20% of these also have a prehensile tail that functions as an additional appendage. 7,000, 7,500 or 10,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 37 Robe 3.5 Robe of Rukhyon Grants nondetection when worn and functions as a robe of resistance +3; Weight 2 lb. 48,000 (3.5) CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, nondetection, resistance. UE 57 Misc 3rd Salve of Minor Spell Resistance Can be spread on the skin in 1 full round which grants SR 17 for 5 minutes; Weight 1/2 lb. 1,250 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, spell resistance. MoF 165 Misc 3rd Scarab of Scintillating Auras Multihued jewel creates a field of clashing visible auras in a 90 ft. radius which blocks detect magic or detect alignment attempts including the true seeing ability to detect alignment unless the caster is 16th level or higher, casts invisibility (self only) 1/day. 45,000 (3rd) CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, nondetection, misdirection, invisibility. MoF 165 Misc 3rd Sending Stones A pair of stones which can send a message (as the spell sending) to the bearer of each stone; Weight 1 lb. 15,000 (pair) (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, sending. MoF 165 Eyes 3.5 Shaporyl's Mask Hathran mask that casts charm person 3/day, confusion 1/day, and dominate person 1/day, can scintillate in a multicolored pattern (mind-affecting pattern) 3/day for 1 round that functions like a gaze attack with a 30 ft. range and causes creatures who fail a Will save (DC 14) to become dazed for 1d4+1 rounds. 65,000 (3.5) CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, charm person, confusion, dominate person, hypnotic pattern. UE 57 Boot 3rd Shaundakul's Boots Increase wearer's base speed by 10 ft., can double the wearer's base speed (not including boot's effects) for 5 minutes 1/day, casts find the path once every tenday; Weight 1 lb. 6,300 (3rd) CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, expeditious retreat, find the path. MoF 165 Misc 3rd Shimmaryn * Minor Artifact; tiny jewel shaped areas of dead magic held in wire cage, when touched creatures can willingly dispel magical effects as a greater dispel magic spell, grants immunity to all spells, spell-like abilities and supernatural effects for 3 rounds at will, can only be used 3/day or permanently drain 1 point of Constitution for each additional use. n/a (3rd) CL 20th. MoF 171 Misc 3rd Silent Portal Disk Can be affixed to or removed from any surface on command, when placed on a portal (such as a window, door, box lid, etc.) it silences sound as the spell silent portal 1/day. 360 (3rd) CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, silent portal. MoF 165 Amul 3rd Skull Plaque Ivory disk with skull image attached to a necklace of human finger bones, casts death knell and detect undead each 1/day, undead suffer a -2 penalty on attacks against the wearer; Weight 2 lb. 9,200 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, death knell, detect undead, prayer. MoF 165 Misc 3rd Smokepowder * Alchemical substance that burns rapidly but is not explosive, illuminates a 30 ft. radius that lasts 1 round for each ounce of powder, 1 ounce can shoot a firearm, will never burn if it gets wet; Weight 1 lb. 25 (3rd) CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, 9+ ranks of Craft (alchemy). MoF 165 Misc 3rd Spice Jar Can continually produce any spice but disappears in 1 round if not used, spices can purify food or drink as the spell, can cure 1 hp per use and grants a +4 resistance bonus on saves vs. disease for 4 hours, can be used in up to 3 meals per day capable of feeding up to 12 people, any one person can only receive the effects 1/day; Weight 1 lb. 5,600 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure minor wounds, purify food or drink. MoF 165 Belt 3rd Sunite Sash Adds a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma and a +2 deflection bonus to AC when worn, casts handfire (MoF 98) 1/day; Weight 1 lb. 19,600 (3rd) CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, enthrall, handfire, shield of faith. MoF 166 Misc AD&D Tabard of the Mystics Absorbs 1 point of fire damage per die, grants immunity to scarab of insanity, +1 save vs. magic jar, and +4 bonus vs. enchantment spells and effects. 15,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 38 Misc 3.5 Tanglepatch Ball of tangled vines that can be thrown (range increment 20 ft.) at a target, creating an entangle spell on impact, can only be used once; Weight 1 lb. 100 (3.5) CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, entangle. RoF 173 Misc AD&D The Tome of Twelve Seals Thick, red dragon hide covered book with 12 leather pages that contain a single rune inscribed on a gold or lead seal, the 7 remaining gold seals summon an entity under the user's command for 3d6 turns: page 1 summons a 16 HD air elemental, page 2 summons an 8 HD fire elemental, page 4 summons a 12 HD earth elemental, page 5 summons a dragon horse, page 8 summons a gibbering mouther, page 9 summons a jann, and page 10 summons a marid, when used a gold seal turns to lead in a blinding flash. n/a (AD&D) n/a FR5 60 Misc 3.5, 3rd Tongs of the Armorer Grants a +10 competence bonus on Craft (armorsmithing) checks when crafting metal armor; Weight 5 lb. 2,055 (3.5), 2,055 (3rd) CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, mending, creator must be at least 6th level, 1,055 gp + 80 xp RoF 173, MoF 166 Amul 3rd Torque of the Deity Displays symbol of Chauntea; grants immunity to lycanthropy and a +2 sacred bonus to attack and damage rolls vs. lycanthropes, grants a +1 or +2 resistance bonus on saves and a +1 or +2 deflection bonus to AC; Weight 2 lb. 4,500 (+1), 16,500 (+2) (3rd) CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, magic weapon, remove disease, shield of faith. MoF 166 Amul 3rd Torque of the Titans Grants a +10 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1 round as a free action 5/day; hardness 20, 50 hp, break DC 50; Weight 3 lb. 72,000 (3rd) CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength, divine power. MoF 166 Cloak 3rd Travel Cloak Grants endure elements (cold) and keeps the wearer dry from head to knees, produces a trail ration 3/day and a 1 quart metal flask that fills up to 2 gallons of water or hot tea per day, expands into a 1 person tent 1/day; Weight 1 lb. 1,200 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, endure elements, create food and water, enlarge. MoF 166 Misc 3rd Troll Gut Rope 50 ft. rubbery rope with a knot at one end that can grow up to 350 ft. in length for 7 hours; Weight 7 lb. 3,000 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, minor creation. MoF 166 Misc AD&D Trumpet of Doom Humanoid skeletons and corpses in a 60 ft. radius become animated (as animate dead), can be used once/month. 5,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 46 Glove AD&D The Wonderful Hand Steel gauntlet controls fully movable seperate steel hand up to a 5 foot distance per point of Wisdom, hand can attack at -1 for 1d8 damage, has user's Strength and is immune to fire, cold, electricity and rust. 16,500 (AD&D) n/a FR4 38 Amul 3rd Unicorn Pendant Displays symbol of Lurue; casts cure moderate wounds and neutralize poison each 1/day, the lay on hands ability is treated as 4 points higher than normal when worn by a Paladin; Weight 1 lb. 28,000 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure moderate wounds, enthrall, neutralize poison. MoF 166 Misc 3rd Valarde's Harp Harp of Myth Drannor; Masterwork harp, cast gust of wind or wind wall 3/day; must have at least 1 rank in Perform (harp) to use; Weight 3 lb. 8,500 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, gust of wind, wind wall. MoF 166 Robe 3rd Vestments of Power Lesser version grants a +3 deflection bonus to AC, a +4 resistance bonus on all saves, a continuous protection from arrows effect, fire resistance 15, and casts feather fall when falling 10 ft. or more, greater version also casts dimension door and true seeing at will. 88,000 (lesser), 200,000 (greater) (3rd) CL 5th (lesser), 9th (greater); Craft Wondrous Item, dimension door (greater only), endure elements, feather fall, protection from arrows, resistance, shield of faith, true seeing (greater only), 112,500 gp + 7,000 xp (greater only). MoF 166 Cloak 3rd War Wizard Cloak Black cloak displays purple dragon symbol and white human palm symbol on the collar; grants constant endure elements (cold), darkvision and feather fall (self only), casts dimension door, lesser ironguard, protection from arrows and sending 1/day; Weight 1 lb. 30,375 (3rd) CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, dimension door, endure elements, feather fall, lesser ironguard, protection from arrows, sending. MoF 167 Cloak 3rd White Cloak of the Spider White silk garment has large gray spider with webs embroidered on the back, grants spider climb at will and a +2 luck bonus on all Fortitude saves vs. spider poison and drow sleep poison, casts hold person 1/day; Weight 1 lb. 8,200 (3rd) CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, hold person, resistance, spider climb, creator must be 6th level. MoF 167 Eyes 3rd White Skull Mask Transforms the wearers visage into that of a skull when worn, grants immunity to energy drain attacks and a +4 morale bonus on saves vs. disease, fear, and paralysis, allows the wearer to recognize any creature as alive, dead, undead or inanimate; Weight 1 lb. 50,000 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, deathwatch, detect undead, negative energy protection, remove fear. MoF 167 Amul 3rd Wild Shape Amulet Allows druid to use the wild shape ability as if they were 4 levels higher or grants free use of wild shape (as a 5th level druid) to a druid without the ability, does not improve beyond that of a 20th level druid. 40,000 (3rd) CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a druid of at least 15th level. MoF 167 Misc 3rd Wilding Clasp * Can be attached to an amulet or garment, prevents the attached item from melding into a wearer's new form during transformation magic (such as polymorph or a druid's wild shape ability) allowing it to be used in the new form. 4,000 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph or creator must have wild shape ability. MoF 167 Eyes 3rd Winged Mask Casts fly at will but also glows white as a light spell when used; Weight 1 lb. 13,000 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, fly, light. MoF 168 Cloak 3rd Wings of Pain Drab cloak can project a blast of gray light 3/day that functions as a doom spell or a ray of enfeeblement spell (wearer's choice), grants automatic feather falling but only if it can unfurl wings in a 15 ft. wingspan; Weight 2 lb. 17,500 (3rd) CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, doom, feather fall, ray of enfeeblement. MoF 168 Misc 3.5 Witchboat Row-boat sized wooden boat that can hold up to 3 people, moves through water effortlessly 30 ft. upstream or downstream, can be commanded to return to a prior location without anyone piloting the boat, a larger version called a warboat is a two-masted Rashemi sailing vessel with a 20 ft. speed, does not function outside of Rashemen. 20,000 (witchboat), 40,000 (warboat) (3.5) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement, fly, permanency. UE 57 Misc 3rd Word of Chaos's Power Stone tablet graven with magical runes, anyone who studies the runes for 1 minute understands their purpose, after 1 hour of study the runes fade and the reader obtains a word of power that, when invoked, functions as a rod of wonder and forces the user to suffer 1 point of permanent Wisdom drain, the word of power cannot be conveyed to another being except by the use of a wish spell; Weight 1 lb. 12,000 (3rd) CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, confusion, creator must be chaotic. MoF 167 Glove 3rd Xvim's Green-Eyed Gauntlet Black leather gauntlet with 2 green gems, grants 60 ft. darkvision, each gem can glow as a light spell 1/day, casts phantasmal killer only once; Weight 2 lb. 11,800 (3rd) CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, light, phantasmal killer. MoF 168 Misc 3rd Yornar's Crescent Holder can cast detect poison and faerie fire both at will, casts greater magic fang and tree stride 1/day; Weight 1 lb. 27,700 (3rd) CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect poison, faerie fire, greater magic fang, tree stride. MoF 168 Misc AD&D Zunzalor's Harp Harp of Myth Drannor; while played, the harp creates a light spell centered on the harpist which dispels illusions, dispels invisibility and reveals glyphs or symbols. 25,000 (AD&D) n/a FR4 44
Type Edition Magic Item / Artifact Description Market Price Caster Level & Prerequisites Source Book AD&D The Alcaister * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 0--dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, read magic; 1--charm person, erase, hold portal, identify, magic missile, protection from evil; 2--arcane lock, darkvision, detect thoughts, gust of wind, locate object, magic mouth, mirror image, pyrotechnics, rope trick, spider climb; 3--clairaudience/clairvoyance, dispel magic, flame arrow, haste, hold person, slow, water breathing; 4--arcane eye, charm monster, dimension door, ice storm, remove curse; 5--bigby's interposing hand, cone of cold, feeblemind; 6--antimagic field, geas/quest, reconstruction (unique); 7--finger of death, reverse gravity, simulacrum; 8--body sympathy (unique); protected by a permanent coating of contact poison; last page contains a magical rune that casts plane shift (to a random plane) when the command word is spoken. n/a n/a DMSBotR 83 Book AD&D Aubayreer's Workbook * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 0--dancing lights, light, message, read magic; 1--burning hands, enlarge person, identify; 2--arcane lock, detect thoughts; 3--dispel magic, explosive runes, fireball; 4--hailcone (unique), phase trap (unique), thunderlance (unique). n/a n/a DMSBotR 86 Book AD&D The Book of Bats * Unique Spellbook; Cleric Spells: 4--censure (unique); Spells: 3--feign death (T&B 89), magic circle against good, slow; 4--beltyn's burning blood (UE 48), dimension door, fear, polymorph, animate dead, wall of fire; 5--cloudkill, cone of cold, feeblemind, hold vapor (unique), telekinesis; 6--antimagic field, geas, shaeroon's scimitar (unique), wall of iron; 7--finger of death, project image, summon monster VII. n/a n/a FR4 4 Book 3rd Book of Blood Spellbook; can summon a yeth hound 1/day, casts finger of death 1/day which permanently drains 1 hp from the reader, can contain up to 45 spells, waterproof and fireproof; Weight 3 lb. 21,300 (3rd) CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, finger of death, summon monster V. MoF 155 Book AD&D Book of Num "The Mad" * Unique Spellbook; Druid Spells: 0--purify food and drink; 1--faerie fire, hide from animals, obscuring mist, pass without trace; 2--fire trap, hold animal, tree shape; 3--snare, water breathing; 4--briartangle (unique), summon nature's ally IV, thorn spray (unique); 5--commune with nature, control winds, tree stride; 6--repel wood; 7--control weather, death chariot (unique), transmute metal to wood. n/a n/a DMSBotR 74 Book AD&D The Book of the Silver Talon * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 0--detect magic, message, read magic; 1--burning hands (unique variant), comprehend languages, erase, identify, ray of enfeeblement, shocking grasp, shield; 2--arcane lock, darkness (unique variant), darkvision, gust of wind (unique variant), knock, protection from arrows, web; 3--blink (unique variant), dispel magic. n/a n/a DMSBotR 63 Book AD&D Book of Thorns Unique Spellbook; Druid Spells: 3--call lightning, greenwood (unique); 5--control vapor (unique), wall of thorns. n/a n/a FR4 6 Book AD&D Bowgentle's Book * Unique Spellbook; Cleric Spells: 1--detect evil; Spells: 0--light, mending, prestidigitation, read magic; 1--hold portal, identify, magic weapon, sleep; 2--arcane lock, bull's strength, continual flame, darkness, darkvision, detect thoughts, dispel silence (unique), knock, levitate, locate object, magic mouth, protection from arrows, pyrotechnics, rope trick, see invisibility; 3--blink, dispel magic, fireball, fly, hold person, leomund's tiny hut, lightning bolt, magic circle against evil, slow, tongues, water breathing; 4--arcane eye, bowgentle's fleeting journey (unique), charm monster, confusion, dimension door, fire shield, lesser globe of invulnerability, polymorph, remove curse; 5--bigby's interposing hand, cone of cold, hold monster, passwall, wall of force. n/a n/a DMSBotR 71 Book AD&D Briel's Book of Shadows * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 0--prestidigitation; 1--scatterspray (FRCS 73), shield; 2--pyrotechnics; contains information on the magical and medicinal use of unicorn horns and instructions for constructing a homunculus. n/a n/a DMSBotR 76 Book AD&D Caddelyn's Workbook Unique Spellbook; Spells: 5--caddelyn's catastrophe (unique); 9--spell ward (unique); includes details for constructing a magemask. n/a n/a FR4 7 Book AD&D The Chambeeleon * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 3--water breathing, fly, lightning bolt; 4--fire shield (chill shield only), ice storm; 5--cone of cold, summon monster V (water elemental only); 6--disintegrate, control water; 7--banishment, drawmij's instant summons, reverse gravity, sequester, summon monster VII; 9--imprisonment, prismatic sphere. n/a n/a DMSBotR 64 Book AD&D Detho's Libram * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 0--dancing lights, detect magic, light, mending, read magic; 1--burning hands, catapult (unique), detho's delirium (unique), enlarge person, erase, feather fall, hold portal, jump, unseen servant; 2--continual flame, decastave (UE 49), flying fist (unique), knock, see invisibility, spider climb; 3--clairaudience/clairvoyance. n/a n/a FR4 8 Book AD&D Glanvyl's Workbook * Unique Spellbook; Druid Spells: 4--smoke ghost (unique); Spells: 0--detect magic, ghost sound, prestidigitation; 1--nystul's magic aura; 2--leomund's trap; 3--haste, lightning bolt. n/a n/a DMSBotR 80 Book AD&D Jaluster's Orizon * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 2--rope trick, quimby's enchanting gourmet (unique), waves of weariness (unique); 3--feign death (T&B 89); 4--adelimer's aural augmentor (unique); protected by a Tome Guardian. n/a n/a FR4 10 Book AD&D The Libram of Lathintel * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 0--ghost sound, light, read magic; 1--enlarge person, feather fall, sleep, spider eyes (unique), unseen servant; 2--invisibility, locate object, arcane lock; 3--dispel magic, fly, ghostpipes (unique), hover (unique), tongues. n/a n/a FR4 12 Book AD&D The Nathlum Unique Spellbook; Spells: 3--glyph of warding: zuth (unique variant), glyph of warding: yammas (unique variant), glyph of warding: hlack (unique variant), glyph of warding: curtal (unique variant); 8--maze; contains recipes for the following poisons: Lhurdas, Varrakas, Prespra, Belpren, Orvas, Huld, Jeteye, Ulcrun, and Dwarfbane; causes 2-4 points of damage to those of good alignment who touch or read the evil book. n/a n/a DMSBotR 65 Book AD&D Nchaser's Eiromancia * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 4--nchaser's glowing globe (unique); 5--nulathoe's ninemen (unique); 6--control water; 7--statue; Protected by a poison needle trap. n/a n/a DMSBotR 62 Book AD&D Orjalun's Arbatel * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 0--mending; 1--charm person, identify; 3--dispel magic; 4--encrypt (unique), secure (unique); 6--guards and wards. n/a n/a DMSBotR 87 Book AD&D The Red Book of War * Unique Spellbook; Cleric Spells: 0--detect magic; 1--bless, command, cure light wounds, remove fear; 2--augury, hold person, resist energy, spiritual weapon; 3--animate dead, continual flame, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, holy flail (unique), locate object, magic circle against evil, prayer, remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease, speak with dead; 4--discern lies, divination, neutralize poison, restoration, reveal (unique), tongues; 5--atonement, commune, dispel evil, flame strike, raise dead, true seeing; 6--blade barrier, geas/quest, heal, wind walk, word of recall; 7--bladebless (unique), regenerate, resurrection, sacred link (unique); 9--gate; Druid Spells: 6--stone tell; Spells: 3--feign death (T&B 89); glows with a permanent red faerie fire, sacred relic of the Temple of Tempus. n/a n/a DMSBotR 81 Book AD&D Sabirine's Specular * Unique Spellbook; Cleric Spells: 1--detect evil; Ranger Spells: 3--blade thirst (MoF); Spells: 0--catfeet (unique), light, open/close, prestidigitation, snatch (unique), spark (unique); 1--comprehend languages, enlarge person, nystul's magic aura, sleep; 2--detect thoughts, gust of wind; 3--clairaudience/clairvoyance, tongues; 4--charm monster, merald's murderous mist (unique), polymorph; 5--bigby's interposing hand; 6--disintegrate, geas/quest; 7--phase door; 8--spell engine (unique); contains an unknown magical useful item, as in a robe of useful items. n/a n/a DMSBotR 78 Book AD&D The Scalamagdrion * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 0--message; 1--erase, identify, unseen servant; 2--arcane lock, invisibility, levitate; 3--blink, dispel magic, flame arrow, fly, tongues; 4--lesser globe of invulnerability, remove curse; 5--feeblemind, permanency, summon monster V, wall of force; 6--disintegrate; 7--delayed blast fireball, finger of death; contains a portal to an unknown plane or extradimensional space where a Scalamagdrion (MoF 188) dwells. n/a n/a DMSBotR 89 Book AD&D Selvar's Ineffable Conjurations, Magicks and Phantasms * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 1--color spray; 2--silent image, hypnotic pattern, invisibility, magic mouth, mirror image, plague (unique), see invisibility, web; 3--Blacklight (FRCS 67), dispel magic, haste, mailed might (unique), major image, hold person, water breathing; 4--fear, ice storm, phantasmal killer, remove curse; 5--hold monster, shadow evocation, wall of force; 6--globe of invulnerability, power word silence, shadow walk, turn shadow (unique); 7--khelben's warding whip (unique); 8--maze. n/a n/a FR4 14 Book AD&D Seven Fingers (The Life of Thorstag) Unique Book; Detailed account of the life of the adventurer, Thorstag. Contains detailed description of the Void card from a deck of many things, a recipe for making Keoghtom's Ointment, and a detailed inventory of the dowries belonging to the missing princesses Elmyra and Hlassela of Cormyr. n/a n/a DMSBotR 65 Book AD&D The Shadowtome * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 3--dispel magic, missile mastery (unique), night scar (unique); 4--animate dead, polymorph; 5--cloudkill, lesser ironguard (FRCS 71); 7--finger of death. n/a n/a FR4 17 Book AD&D Shandaril's Workbook * Unique Spellbook; Cleric Spells: 1--detect evil (botched); Bard Spells: 2--circle dance (MoF 84); Spells: 0--dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound; 1--burning hands, hold portal, shocking grasp, sleep (botched); 2--gust of wind, rope trick, shatter, skyhook (unique); 3--dispel magic, leomund's tiny hut, suggestion, tongues; 4--confusion, dimension door, polymorph, wall of ice; 5--firebrand (MoF 94); protected by the magical glyph Shandaril's Tracer. n/a n/a FR4 19 Book AD&D The Spellbook of Daimos * Unique Spellbook; Druid Spells: 4--reincarnate; Spells: 1--identify, magic missile, summon monster I; 2--invisibility, levitate, web; 3--fireball, slow, suggestion; 4--animate dead, confusion, fear, fire trap, polymorph; 5--cloudkill, feeblemind, flame shroud (unique), watchware (unique); 6--antimagic field, disintegrate, geas/quest, globe of invulnerability, repulsion; 7--bigby's grasping hand, sequester; 8--greater shout, incendiary cloud, mind blank; 9--astral projection, gate, imprisonment, power word stun; protected by a permanent magic mouth which says, in common, "Put me down or die" when touched by a creature. n/a n/a DMSBotR 72 Book AD&D The Tome of Rathdeen * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 2--ray of ondovir (unique); 3--icelance (unique); 4--polymorph (partial); 5--xult's magical doom (unique). n/a n/a FR4 22 Book AD&D The Tome of the Covenant Unique Spellbook; Spells: 2--aganazzar's scorcher (FRCS 66); 4--ilyykur's mantle (unique), presper's moonbow (unique); 5--grimwald's graymantle (FRCS 71). n/a n/a DMSBotR 91 Book AD&D The Tome of the Unicorn * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 1--charm person; 2--darkness, detect thoughts, scare; 3--dispel magic; 4--animate dead, arcane eye, charm monster, fear, fire trap, polymorph; 5--permanency; 7--finger of death, phase door, power word blind, statue; 8--clone, trap the soul; 9--gate, imprisonment, power word kill; contains information on how to construct stone and iron golems; reflects magical damage as spell turning; 7% chance readers of the imprisonment and power word kill spells will suffer effects of an imprisonment trap; back cover contains an extradimensional space that lairs the demilich, Shoon. n/a n/a DMSBotR 92 Book AD&D Unique Mageries * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 1--magic missile; 2--arcane lock, gust of wind, darkvision; 3--dispel magic, feign death (T&B 89), stinking cloud, tongues, water breathing; 4--arcane eye, fear, polymorph, remove curse, wall of sand (unique); 5--telekinesis; 6--anti-magic field; 7--nezram's ruby ray (unique), spelltrap (unique), power word blind; 9--spellstrike (unique). n/a n/a FR4 24 Book AD&D Vaerendroon's Ineffable Enchantments * Unique Spellbook; Spells: 2--dire charm (unique); 6--anti-magic field, disintegrate; 7--vipergout (MoF 130), the simbul's synastodweomer (unique); 9--astral projection. n/a n/a FR4 26 Book AD&D The Workbook Unique Spellbook; Spells: 3--laeral's dancing dweomer (unique), tasirin's haunted sleep (unique); 4--archveult's skybolt (unique), caligarde's claw (unique), spendelard's chaser (unique), tulrun's tracer (unique); 9--dismind (unique). n/a n/a DMSBotR 68
DMSBotR = DM's Sourcebook of the Realms by Ed Greenwood, Jeff Grubb, and Karen S. Martin.
FRCS = Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting; by Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, and Rob Heinsoo.
FR1 = FR1, Waterdeep and the North; by Ed Greenwood (tsr9213)
FR4 = FR4, The Magister; by Ed Greenwood and Steve Perrin (tsr9229).
FR5 = FR5, The Savage Frontier; by Paul Jaquays (tsr9233)
FR10 = FR10, Old Empires; by Scott Bennie (tsr9274)
MoF = Magic of Faerun; by Sean K. Reynolds, Duane Maxwell and Angel McCoy.
RoF = Races of Faerun; by Eric L. Boyd, Matt Forbeck and Jason Jacobs.
T&B = Tome and Blood; by Bruce R. Cordell and Skip Williams.
UE = Unapproachable East; by Richard Baker, Matt Forbeck and Sean K. Reynolds.