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The work contained on this page is taken from the Candlekeep Forum and is copyright Arravis. This material is used with permission by Candlekeep.
A Comprehensive Guide to Zhent Army Troops
By Arravis
Zhent Army Fighter
LE, Fighter 1; hp 11
Init +0; Speed 20; AC 20 [22 phalanx fighting] (touch 10, flat 19)
Base Attack +1; Grapple +2
Standard Attack: MW Short Sword +3 1d6+1; Dagger +2 1d4+1 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +1 1d8+0 19-20x2
Full Attack: MW Short Sword +3 1d6+1; Dagger +2 1d4+1 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +1 1d8+0 19-20x2
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +0 [+1 phalanx], Will +0
Str 13, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Balance 9, Climb 8, Craft: Armorsmithing +2, Escape Artist 9, Handle Animal +1, Heal +1, Hide 9, Intimidate +1, Jump 8, Knowledge: Local +1, Move Silently 9, Ride +4, Sense Motive +1, Sleight of Hand 9, Swim 17, Tumble 9. Languages: Damaran
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Phalanx Fighting, Weapon Focus: Short SwordPhalanx Fighting : When fighting with a heavy shield and a light weapon, the Zhent Soldier gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. In addition, if within 5 feet of an ally who is using a heavy shield and a light weapon and who also has this feat, he may form a shield wall. A shield wall provides an extra +2 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves on all eligible characters participating in the shield wall.
Combat Items:
2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (heals 1d8+5, 100 gp), MW Short Sword (310 gp, 2 lb), Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb), Light Crossbow (35 gp, 4 lb) 20 Bolts (20 gp, 2 lb), Half P
late (600 gp, 50 lb), Heavy Steel Shield (20 gp, 15 lb)Mundane items:
Readied: 50' roll of barbed wire (75 gp, 35 lbs, AEGp21), bedroll (1sp, 5 lb), leather gloves, tent (10 gp, 20 lb), torch (1 cp, 1 lb), waterskin (1 gp, 4lbs), winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lb)
Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2lb): 2 pieces of chalk (2 cp)
Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb): Armor maintenance kit (1 gp, 1 lb, AEGp21), flint & steel (1 gp), mess kit (6 sp, 1 lb, AEGp24), 3 days of trail rations (15sp, 3 lb), 2 traveler's outfits (2 gp, 10 lb), whetstone (2cp, 1lb)
Set up a perimeter with barbed wire
Mark walls with chalk to leave signals for other troops
Experienced Zhent Army Fighter
LE, Fighter 2; hp 17
Init +0; Speed 20; AC 20 [22 phalanx fighting] (touch 10, flat 19)
Base Attack +2; Grapple +3
Standard Attack: MW Short Sword +4 1d6+1; Dagger +3 1d4+1 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +2 1d8+0 19-20x2
Full Attack: MW Short Sword +4 1d6+1; Dagger +3 1d4+1 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +2 1d8+0 19-20x2
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0 [+1 phalanx], Will +0
Str 13, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10Skills: Balance 9, Bluff +1, Climb 8, Craft: Armorsmithing +2, Escape Artist 9, Handle Animal +2, Heal +1, Hide 9, Intimidate +1, Jump 8, Knowledge: Local +1, Move Silently 9, Ride +4, Sense Motive +1, Sleight of Hand 9, Swim 17, Tumble 9. Languages: Damaran
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Hold the Line, Phalanx Fighting, Weapon Focus: Short SwordHold the Line : A Zhent solider may make an attack of opportunity against a charging opponent who enters an area he threatens. His attack of opportunity happens immediately before the charge attack is resolved.
Phalanx Fighting : When fighting with a heavy shield and a light weapon, the Zhent soldier gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. In addition, if within 5 feet of an ally who is using a heavy shield and a light weapon and who also has this feat, he may form a shield wall. A shield wall provides an extra +2 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves on all eligible characters participating in the shield wall.
Combat Items:
2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (heals 1d8+5, 100 gp), MW Short Sword (310 gp, 2 lb), Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb), Light Crossbow (35 gp, 4 lb), 20 Bolts (20 gp, 2 lb), Half Plate (600 gp, 50 lb), Heavy Steel Shield (20 gp, 15 lb)
Mundane items:Readied: 50' roll of barbed wire (75 gp, 35 lbs, AEGp21), bedroll (1sp, 5 lb), leather gloves, tent (10 gp, 20 lb), torch (1 cp, 1 lb), waterskin (1 gp, 4lbs), winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lb)
Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2lb): 2 pieces of chalk (2 cp)
Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb): Armor maintenance kit (1 gp, 1 lb, AEGp21), flint & steel (1 gp), mess kit (6 sp, 1 lb, AEGp24) small steel mirror (10 gp, _ lb), 3 days of trail rations (15sp, 3 lb), 2 traveler's outfits (2 gp, 10 lb), whetstone (2cp, 1lb)
Set up a perimeter with barbed wire
Mark walls with chalk to leave signals for other troops
A line of soldiers advances as the opponents are pelted from behind by bolts and spells. The goal is to get the opponent to charge so that the Hold the Line feat may be used.
Zhent Army Sergeant
LE, Fighter 3; hp 23 (Bears Endurance 29)
Init +0; Speed 20; AC 21 [23 phalanx fighting] (touch 10, flat 20)
Base Attack +3; Grapple +4
Standard Attack: MW Short Sword +5 1d6+1; Dagger +4 1d4+1 19-20x2; Spiked Full Plate +4 1d6+1; or MW Light Crossbow +4 1d8 19-20x2
Full Attack: MW Short Sword +5 1d6+1; Dagger +4 1d4+1 19-20x2; Spiked Full Plate +4 1d6+1;
or MW Light Crossbow +4 1d8 19-20x2
Saves: Fort +3 (BE +5), Ref +1 [+2 phalanx], Will +1
Str 13, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Balance 8, Bluff +1, Climb 7, Craft: Armorsmithing +2, Escape Artist 8, Handle Animal +2, Heal +1, Hide 8, Intimidate +1, Jump 7, Knowledge: Local +1, Move Silently 8, Ride +5, Sense Motive +1, Sleight of Hand 8, Survival +1, Swim 15, Tumble 8. Languages: DamaranFeats: Combat Reflexes, Hold the Line, Phalanx Fighting, Weapon Focus: Light Crossbow, Weapon Focus: Short Sword
Hold the Line : A Zhent solider may make an attack of opportunity against a charging opponent who enters an area he threatens. His attack of opportunity happens immediately before the charge attack is resolved.
Phalanx Fighting : When fighting with a heavy shield and a light weapon, the Zhent Soldier gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. In addition, if within 5 feet of an ally who is using a heavy shield and a light weapon and who also has this feat, he may form a shield wall. A shield wall provides an extra +2 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves on all eligible characters participating in the shield wall.
Combat Items:
2 sets of Caltrops (2 gp, 4 lbs), 3 Explosive Runes Alchemist Fire (60 gp, 3lb), 2 Potions of Bear's Endurance (600 gp, 3 min), 2 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds (heals 2d8+10, 600 gp), 2 Smokesticks (40 gp, _ lb), 4 Sunrods (8 gp, 4 lbs), 2 Tanglefoot Bags (100 gp, 8 lbs), 2 Thunderstones (60 gp, 2 lbs), 5 Tindertwigs (5 gp), MW Short Sword (310 gp, 2 lb), Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb), MW Light Crossbow (335 gp, 4 lb), 20 Bolts (20 gp, 2 lb), Spiked Full Plate (1550 gp, 60 lb), Heavy Steel Shield (20 gp, 15 lb).
- Caltrops: One 2-pound bag of caltrops covers an area 5 feet square. Each time a creature moves into an area covered by caltrops (or spends a round fighting while standing in such an area), it might step on one. The caltrops make an attack roll (base attack bonus +0) against the creature. For this attack, the creature's shield, armor, and deflection bonuses do not count. If the creature is wearing shoes or other footwear, it gets a +2 armor bonus to AC. If the caltrops succeed on the attack, the creature has stepped on one. The caltrop deals 1 point of damage, and the creature's speed is reduced by one-half because its foot is wounded. This movement penalty lasts for 24 hours, or until the creature is successfully treated with a DC 15 Heal check, or until it receives at least 1 point of magical curing. A charging or running creature must immediately stop if it steps on a caltrop. Any creature moving at half speed or slower can pick its way through a bed of caltrops with no trouble.
- Explosive Rune Alchemist Fire: This flask has a 1'x1'rolled leather scroll attached to it. The leather scroll has an explosive rune that detonates when read (by anyone other then those of the sergeant's platoon), dealing 6d6 points of force damage. Anyone next to the runes (close enough to read them) takes the full damage with no saving throw; any other creature within 10 feet of the runes is entitled to a Reflex save for half damage. The object on which the runes were written also takes full damage (no saving throw). Additionally, the explosion causes the alchemist fire to erupt. Anyone in the square of the flask takes 1d6 points of fire damage. Every creature within 5' takes 1 point of fire damage from the splash.
- Smokestick: When ignited it instantly creates thick, opaque smoke which fills a 10- foot cube. The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 1 round. The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally.
- Sunrod: This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It clearly illuminates a 30-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
- Tanglefoot Bag: When a tanglefoot bag is thrown at a creature (as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet), the bag comes apart and the goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air. An entangled creature takes a 2 penalty on attack rolls and a 4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater. A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. A character capable of spellcasting who is bound by the goo must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast a spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately.
- Thunderstone: You can throw this stone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a deafening bang that is treated as a sonic attack. Each creature within a 10-foot-radius spread must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour. A deafened creature, in addition to the obvious effects, takes a 4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell with a verbal component that it tries to cast. Since you don't need to hit a specific target, you can simply aim at a particular 5-foot square. Treat the target square as AC 5.
- Tindertwig: The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.
Mundane items:
Readied: Bedroll (1sp, 5 lb), bolt cutter (6 gp, 5 lb, AEGp21), crowbar (2 gp, 5lb), leather gloves, manacles (15gp, 2lb), tent (10 gp, 20 lb), torch (1 cp, 1 lb), standard (30gp, 10 lb, AEGp21), waterskin (1 gp, 4lbs), winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lb)
Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2lb): 2 pieces of chalk (2 cp)
Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb): Armor maintenance kit (1 gp, 1 lb, AEGp21), flint & steel (1 gp), mess kit (6 sp, 1 lb, AEGp24), small steel mirror (10 gp, _ lb), 3 days of trail rations (15sp, 3 lb), 2 traveler's outfits (2 gp, 10 lb), whetstone (2cp, 1lb)
Set up a perimeter with barbed wire
Mark walls with chalk to leave signals for other troops
A line of soldiers advances as they opponents are pelted from behind by bolts and spells. The goal is to get the opponent to charge so that the Hold the Line feat may be used.
Drop caltrops during combat
Hide caltrops in the field before a battle
Crowbars are used on locked doors
Ready the standard, men will group to it
Drink potion of Bear's Endurance
Smokesticks used to retreat or protect casters
Tanglefoot bags used against mounted opponents or to take prisoners
Use Sunrods to help wizards and archers target
Use Thunderstones against enemy casters and officers
Set up explosive rune alchemist fire trap before combat
Zhent Army Lieutenant ;
LE, Fighter 3, Rogue1; hp 27 (Bears Endurance 35)
Init +0; Speed 20; AC 21 [23 phalanx fighting] (touch 10, flat 20)
Base Attack +3; Grapple +5
Standard Attack: MW Short Sword +6 1d6+1; Dagger +5 1d4+1 19-20x2; Spiked Full Plate +4 1d6+1; or MW Light Crossbow +4 1d8+0 19-20x2
Full Attack: MW Short Sword +6 1d6+1; Dagger +5 1d4+1 19-20x2; Spiked Full Plate +4 1d6+1; or MW Light Crossbow +4 1d8+0 19-20x2
Saves: Fort +3 (BE +5), Ref +3 [+4 phalanx], Will +1
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Appraise +1, Balance 8, Bluff +2, Climb 6, Craft: Armorsmithing +2, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist 8, Forgery +1, Handle Animal +3, Heal +1, Hide 8, Intimidate +2, Jump 6, Knowledge: Local +3, Move Silently 8, Ride +6, Search +1, Sense Motive +2, Sleight of Hand 8, Spellcraft +2, Spot +1, Survival +1, Swim 14, Tumble 8. Languages: Damaran, Chondathan, Orc
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Hold the Line, Phalanx Fighting, Weapon Focus: Light Crossbow, Weapon Focus: Short SwordHold the Line : A Zhent Lieutenant may make an attack of opportunity against a charging opponent who enters an area he threatens. His attack of opportunity happens immediately before the charge attack is resolved.
Phalanx Fighting : When fighting with a heavy shield and a light weapon, the Zhent Lieutenant gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. In addition, if within 5 feet of an ally who is using a heavy shield and a light weapon and who also has this feat, he may form a shield wall. A shield wall provides an extra +2 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves on all eligible characters participating in the shield wall.
Sneak Attack (+1d6): The Zhent Lieutenant's attack deals extra 1d6 damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the he flanks his target. Should the Zhent Lieutenant score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. He cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual 4 penalty. A Zhent Lieutenant can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomiesundead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The Zhent Lieutenant must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A Zhent Lieutenant cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
Trapfinding: Zhent Lieutenants can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. Zhent Lieutenant s can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. A Zhent Lieutenant who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.
Combat Items:
2 Antitoxin (+5 vs poison for 1 hour, 100 gp, 2 lb), 2 Potions of Bear's Endurance (600 gp, 3 min), 2 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds (600 gp, heals 2d8+10), 2 Smokesticks (40 gp, _ lb), 2 Tanglefoot Bags (100 gp, 8 lbs), 2 Thunderstones (60 gp, 2 lbs), 5 Tindertwigs (5 gp), Zhent Officer's Cloak (Cloak of Resistance +1, 1000 gp, 1 lb), MW Short Sword (310 gp, 2 lb), Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb), MW Light Crossbow (335 gp, 4 lb), 20 Bolts (20 gp, 2 lb), Spiked Full Plate (1550 gp, 60 lb), Heavy Steel Shield (20 gp, 15 lb),
- Smokestick: When ignited it instantly creates thick, opaque smoke which fills a 10- foot cube. The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 1 round. The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally.
- Sunrod: This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It clearly illuminates a 30-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
- Tanglefoot Bag: When a tanglefoot bag is thrown at a creature (as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet), the bag comes apart and the goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air. An entangled creature takes a 2 penalty on attack rolls and a 4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater. A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. A character capable of spellcasting who is bound by the goo must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast a spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately.
- Thunderstone: You can throw this stone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a deafening bang that is treated as a sonic attack. Each creature within a 10-foot-radius spread must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour. A deafened creature, in addition to the obvious effects, takes a 4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell with a verbal component that it tries to cast. Since you don't need to hit a specific target, you can simply aim at a particular 5-foot square. Treat the target square as AC 5.
- Tindertwig: The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.
Mundane items:
Readied: Leather gloves, waterskin (1 gp, 4lbs), 5 signal torches (variety of colors, 5 gp, 5 lbs)
Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2lb): 2 pieces of chalk (2 cp), flint & steel (1 gp), small steel mirror (10 gp, _ lb), whetstone (2cp, 1lb)
Light Warhorse (150 gp): Bit and bridle (2gp, 1lb), military saddle (20 gp, 30lb),saddlebags (4gp, 8lb), Armor maintenance kit (1 gp, 1 lb, AEGp21), bedroll (1sp, 5 lb), hemp rope (1 gp, 10 lb), hooded lantern (7 gp, 2 lb), mess kit (6 sp, 1 lb, AEGp24), officer's outfit (20 gp, 6 lb), snowshoes (15 gp, 8 lb, AEGp25), 4-person tent (20 gp, 40 lb), 3 days of trail rations (15sp, 3 lb), 2 traveler's outfits (2 gp, 10 lb), winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lb)
Folding Table Case (Locked, 5 gp, 5 lb): Ink (8 gp), inkpen (1 sp), lock (average, 40 gp, 1 lb), maps of local area, map case (1 gp. _ lb), orders, sealing wax (1 gp, 1lb), 30 sheets of parchment (2 gp), 20 signal torches (variety of colors, 20 gp, 20 lbs, AEGp35)
Set up a perimeter with barbed wire
Mark walls with chalk to leave signals for other troops
A line of soldiers advances as they opponents are pelted from behind by bolts and spells. The goal is to get the opponent to charge so that the Hold the Line feat may be used.
Will attempt to flank during combat
Drink potion of Bear's Endurance
Smokesticks used to escape or protect casters
Tanglefoot bags used against mounted opponents or other troublesome ones
Signal torches used when spoken orders cannot be given
Use Thunderstones against enemy casters.
Experienced Zhent Army Lieutenant
LE, Fighter 4, Rogue 1; hp 33 (Bears Endurance 43)
Init +0; Speed 20; AC 21 [23 phalanx fighting] (touch 10, flat 20)
Base Attack +4; Grapple +6
Standard Attack: MW Short Sword +7 1d6+3; Dagger +6 1d4+1 19-20x2; Spiked Full Plate +6 1d6+1;
or MW Light Crossbow +5 1d8+0 19-20x2
Full Attack: MW Short Sword +7 1d6+3; Dagger +6 1d4+1 19-20x2; Spiked Full Plate +6 1d6+1;
or MW Light Crossbow +5 1d8+0 19-20x2
Saves: Fort +4 (BE +6), Ref +3 [+4 phalanx], Will +1
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Appraise +1, Balance 7, Bluff +2, Climb 5, Craft: Armorsmithing +3, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist 7, Forgery +1, Handle Animal +3, Heal +1, Hide 7, Intimidate +2, Jump 5, Knowledge: Local +3, Knowledge: Nobility +2, Move Silently 7, Ride +8, Search +1, Sense Motive +2, Sleight of Hand 7, Spellcraft +2, Spot +1, Survival +1, Swim 12, Tumble 7. Languages: Damaran, Chondathan, Orc
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Hold the Line, Phalanx Fighting, Weapon Focus: Light Crossbow, Weapon Focus: Short Sword, Weapon Specialization: Short SwordHold the Line : A Zhent Lieutenant may make an attack of opportunity against a charging opponent who enters an area he threatens. His attack of opportunity happens immediately before the charge attack is resolved.
Phalanx Fighting : When fighting with a heavy shield and a light weapon, the Zhent Lieutenant gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. In addition, if within 5 feet of an ally who is using a heavy shield and a light weapon and who also has this feat, he may form a shield wall. A shield wall provides an extra +2 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves on all eligible characters participating in the shield wall.
Sneak Attack (+1d6): The Zhent Lieutenant's attack deals extra 1d6 damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the he flanks his target. Should the Zhent Lieutenant score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. He cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual 4 penalty. A Zhent Lieutenant can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomiesundead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The Zhent Lieutenant must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A Zhent Lieutenant cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
Trapfinding: Zhent Lieutenants can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. Zhent Lieutenant s can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. A Zhent Lieutenant who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.
Combat Items:
2 Antitoxin (+5 vs poison for 1 hour, 100 gp, 2 lb), 2 Potions of Bear's Endurance (600 gp, 3 min), 2 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds (600 gp, heals 2d8+10), 2 Smokesticks (40 gp, _ lb), 2 Tanglefoot Bags (100 gp, 8 lbs), 2 Thunderstones (60 gp, 2 lbs), 5 Tindertwigs (5 gp), Zhent Officer's Cloak (Cloak of Resistance +1, 1000 gp, 1 lb), MW Short Sword (310 gp, 2 lb), Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb), MW Light Crossbow (335 gp, 4 lb), 20 Bolts (20 gp, 2 lb), MW Spiked Full Plate (1950 gp, 60 lb), Heavy Steel Shield (20 gp, 15 lb),
- Smokestick: When ignited it instantly creates thick, opaque smoke which fills a 10- foot cube. The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 1 round. The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally.
- Sunrod: This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It clearly illuminates a 30-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
- Tanglefoot Bag: When a tanglefoot bag is thrown at a creature (as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet), the bag comes apart and the goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air. An entangled creature takes a 2 penalty on attack rolls and a 4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater. A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. A character capable of spellcasting who is bound by the goo must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast a spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately.
- Thunderstone: You can throw this stone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a deafening bang that is treated as a sonic attack. Each creature within a 10-foot-radius spread must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour. A deafened creature, in addition to the obvious effects, takes a 4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell with a verbal component that it tries to cast. Since you don't need to hit a specific target, you can simply aim at a particular 5-foot square. Treat the target square as AC 5.
- Tindertwig: The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.
Mundane items:
Readied: Leather gloves, waterskin (1 gp, 4lbs), 5 signal torches (variety of colors, 5 gp, 5 lbs)
Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2lb): 2 pieces of chalk (2 cp), flint & steel (1 gp), small steel mirror (10 gp, _ lb), whetstone (2cp, 1lb)
Light Warhorse (150 gp): Bit and bridle (2gp, 1lb), military saddle (20 gp, 30lb),saddlebags (4gp, 8lb), Armor maintenance kit (1 gp, 1 lb, AEGp21), bedroll (1sp, 5 lb), hemp rope (1 gp, 10 lb), hooded lantern (7 gp, 2 lb), mess kit (6 sp, 1 lb, AEGp24), officer's outfit (20 gp, 6 lb), snowshoes (15 gp, 8 lb, AEGp25), 4-person tent (20 gp, 40 lb), 3 days of trail rations (15sp, 3 lb), 2 traveler's outfits (2 gp, 10 lb), winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lb)
Folding Table Case (5 gp, 5 lb): Ink (8 gp), inkpen (1 sp), lock (average, 40 gp, 1 lb), maps of local area, map case (1 gp. _ lb), orders, sealing wax (1 gp, 1lb), 30 sheets of parchment (2 gp), 20 signal torches (variety of colors, 20 gp, 20 lbs)
Set up a perimeter with barbed wire
Mark walls with chalk to leave signals for other troops
A line of soldiers advances as they opponents are pelted from behind by bolts and spells. The goal is to get the opponent to charge so that the Hold the Line feat may be used.
Will attempt to flank during combat
Drink potion of Bear's Endurance
Smokesticks used to escape or protect casters
Tanglefoot bags used against mounted opponents or other troublesome ones
Signal torches used when spoken orders cannot be given
Use Thunderstones against enemy casters
Zhent Army Captain
LE, Fighter 4, Rogue 2; hp 37 (Bears Endurance 49)
Init +0; Speed 20; AC 22 [24 phalanx fighting] (touch 10, flat 21)
Base Attack +4; Grapple +6
Standard Attack: MW Short Sword +7 1d6+3; Dagger +6 1d4+1 19-20x2; Spiked Full Plate +6 1d6+1;
or MW Light Crossbow +5 (PB +6) 1d8 (PB 1d8+1) 19-20x2
Full Attack: MW Short Sword +7 1d6+3; Dagger +6 1d4+1 19-20x2; Spiked Full Plate +6 1d6+1;
or MW Light Crossbow +5 (PB +6) 1d8 (PB 1d8+1) 19-20x2
Saves: Fort +4 (BE +6), Ref +4 [+5 phalanx], Will +1
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Appraise +1, Balance 6, Bluff +3, Climb 4, Craft: Armorsmithing +3, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist 6, Forgery +1, Handle Animal +3, Heal +1, Hide 6, Intimidate +2, Jump 4, Knowledge: Local +4, Knowledge: History +2, Knowledge: Nobility +3, Move Silently 6, Ride +8, Search +1, Sense Motive +3, Sleight of Hand 6, Spellcraft +2, Spot +2, Survival +1, Swim 10, Tumble 6. Languages: Damaran, Chondathan, Orc
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Hold the Line, Phalanx Fighting, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus: Light Crossbow, Weapon Focus: Short Sword, Weapon Specialization: Short Sword.Hold the Line : A Zhent Captain may make an attack of opportunity against a charging opponent who enters an area he threatens. His attack of opportunity happens immediately before the charge attack is resolved.
Phalanx Fighting : When fighting with a heavy shield and a light weapon, the Zhent Captain gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. In addition, if within 5 feet of an ally who is using a heavy shield and a light weapon and who also has this feat, he may form a shield wall. A shield wall provides an extra +2 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves on all eligible characters participating in the shield wall.
Evasion (Ex): If a Zhent Captain makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the Zhent Captain is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Zhent Captain does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Sneak Attack (+1d6): The Zhent Captain attack deals extra 1d6 damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the he flanks his target. Should the Zhent Captain score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. He cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual 4 penalty. A Zhent Captain can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomiesundead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The Zhent Captain must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A Zhent Captain cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
Trapfinding: Zhent Captains can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. Zhent Captains can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. A Zhent Captain who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.
Trap Sense (Ex): A Zhent Captain gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, giving him a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
Combat Items:
2 Antitoxin (+5 vs poison for 1 hour, 100 gp, 2 lb), 2 Potions of Bear's Endurance (600 gp, 3 min), 3 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds (900 gp, heals 2d8+10), Potion of Invisibility (300 gp), 2 Smokesticks (40 gp, _ lb), 2 Tanglefoot Bags (100 gp, 8 lbs), 5 Tindertwigs (5 gp), Zhent Officer's Cloak (Cloak of Resistance +1, 1000 gp, 1 lb), MW Short Sword (310 gp, 2 lb), Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb), MW Light Crossbow (335 gp, 4 lb), 20 Bolts (20 gp, 2 lb), MW Spiked Full Plate +1 (2950 gp, 60 lb), MW Heavy Steel Shield (170 gp, 15 lb),
- Smokestick: When ignited it instantly creates thick, opaque smoke which fills a 10- foot cube. The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 1 round. The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally.
- Sunrod: This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It clearly illuminates a 30-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
- Tanglefoot Bag: When a tanglefoot bag is thrown at a creature (as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet), the bag comes apart and the goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air. An entangled creature takes a 2 penalty on attack rolls and a 4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater. A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. A character capable of spellcasting who is bound by the goo must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast a spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately.
- Thunderstone: You can throw this stone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a deafening bang that is treated as a sonic attack. Each creature within a 10-foot-radius spread must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour. A deafened creature, in addition to the obvious effects, takes a 4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell with a verbal component that it tries to cast. Since you don't need to hit a specific target, you can simply aim at a particular 5-foot square. Treat the target square as AC 5.
- Tindertwig: The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.
Mundane items:
Readied: Leather gloves, waterskin (1 gp, 4lbs), 5 signal torches (variety of colors, 5 gp, 5 lbs), signet ring (5 gp).
Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2lb): 2 pieces of chalk (2 cp), flint & steel (1 gp), small steel mirror (10 gp, _ lb), whetstone (2cp, 1lb).
Heavy Warhorse (400 gp): Bit and bridle (2gp, 1lb), military saddle (20 gp, 30lb),saddlebags (4gp, 8lb), Armor maintenance kit (1 gp, 1 lb, AEGp21), bedroll (1sp, 5 lb), hemp rope (1 gp, 10 lb), hooded lantern (7 gp, 2 lb), mess kit (6 sp, 1 lb, AEGp24), officer's outfit (20 gp, 6 lb), snowshoes (15 gp, 8 lb, AEGp25), 4-person tent (20 gp, 40 lb), 3 days of trail rations (15sp, 3 lb), 2 traveler's outfits (2 gp, 10 lb), winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lb).
Folding Table Case (5 gp, 5 lb): Ink (8 gp), inkpen (1 sp), lock (average, 40 gp, 1 lb), maps of local area, map case (1 gp. _ lb), orders, sealing wax (1 gp, 1lb), 30 sheets of parchment (2 gp), 20 signal torches (variety of colors, 20 gp, 20 lbs).
Set up a perimeter with barbed wire
Mark walls with chalk to leave signals for other troops
A line of soldiers advances as they opponents are pelted from behind by bolts and spells. The goal is to get the opponent to charge so that the Hold the Line feat may be used.
Will attempt to flank during combat
Drink potion of Bear's Endurance
Smokesticks used to escape or protect casters
Tanglefoot bags used against mounted opponents or other troublesome ones
Signal torches used when spoken orders cannot be given
Potion of Invisibility to escape
Experienced Zhent Army Captain
LE, Fighter 5, Rogue 2; hp 43 (Bears Endurance 57)
Init +0; Speed 20; AC 22 [24 phalanx fighting] (touch 10, flat 21)
Base Attack +5; Grapple +7
Standard Attack: Captain's Short Sword +8 1d6+4; Dagger +7 1d4+1 19-20x2; Spiked Full Plate +7 1d6+1; or MW Light Crossbow +6 (PB +7) 1d8 (PB 1d8+1) 19-20x2
Full Attack: Captain's Short Sword +8 1d6+4; Dagger +7 1d4+1 19-20x2; Spiked Full Plate +7 1d6+1; or MW Light Crossbow +6 (PB +7) 1d8 (PB 1d8+1) 19-20x2
Saves: Fort +4 (BE +6), Ref +4 [+5 phalanx], Will +1
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10Skills: Appraise +1, Balance 6, Bluff +4, Climb 4, Craft: Armorsmithing +3, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist 6, Forgery +1, Handle Animal +3, Heal +1, Hide 6, Intimidate +2, Jump 4, Knowledge: Local +5, Knowledge: History +2, Knowledge: Nobility +3, Move Silently 6, Ride +8, Search +1, Sense Motive +3, Sleight of Hand 6, Spellcraft +2, Spot +2, Survival +1, Swim 10, Tumble 6. Languages: Damaran, Chondathan, Orc
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Hold the Line, Phalanx Fighting, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus: Light Crossbow, Weapon Focus: Short Sword, Weapon Specialization: Short Sword
Hold the Line : A Zhent Captain may make an attack of opportunity against a charging opponent who enters an area he threatens. His attack of opportunity happens immediately before the charge attack is resolved.
Phalanx Fighting : When fighting with a heavy shield and a light weapon, the Zhent Captain gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. In addition, if within 5 feet of an ally who is using a heavy shield and a light weapon and who also has this feat, he may form a shield wall. A shield wall provides an extra +2 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves on all eligible characters participating in the shield wall.
Evasion (Ex): If a Zhent Captain makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the Zhent Captain is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Zhent Captain does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Sneak Attack (+1d6): The Zhent Captain's attack deals extra 1d6 damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the he flanks his target. Should the Zhent Lieutenant score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. He cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual 4 penalty. A Zhent Captain can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomiesundead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The Zhent Captain must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A Zhent Captain cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
Trapfinding: Zhent Captains can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. Zhent Captains can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. A Zhent Captain who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.
Trap Sense (Ex): A Zhent Captain gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, giving him a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
Combat Items: 2 Antitoxin (+5 vs poison for 1 hour, 100 gp, 2 lb), 2 Potions of Bear's Endurance (600 gp, 3 min), 3 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds (900 gp, heals 2d8+10), Potion of Invisibility (300 gp), 2 Smokesticks (40 gp, _ lb), 2 Tanglefoot Bags (100 gp, 8 lbs), 5 Tindertwigs (5 gp), Zhent Officer's Cloak (Cloak of Resistance +1, 1000 gp, 1 lb), Captain's Short Sword (+1, 2,310 gp, 2 lb), Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb), MW Light Crossbow (335 gp, 4 lb), 20 Bolts (20 gp, 2 lb), MW Spiked Full Plate +1 (2950 gp, 60 lb), MW Heavy Steel Shield (170 gp, 15 lb),
- Smokestick: When ignited it instantly creates thick, opaque smoke which fills a 10- foot cube. The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 1 round. The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally.
- Sunrod: This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It clearly illuminates a 30-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
- Tanglefoot Bag: When a tanglefoot bag is thrown at a creature (as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet), the bag comes apart and the goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air. An entangled creature takes a 2 penalty on attack rolls and a 4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater. A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. A character capable of spellcasting who is bound by the goo must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast a spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately.
- Thunderstone: You can throw this stone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a deafening bang that is treated as a sonic attack. Each creature within a 10-foot-radius spread must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour. A deafened creature, in addition to the obvious effects, takes a 4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell with a verbal component that it tries to cast. Since you don't need to hit a specific target, you can simply aim at a particular 5-foot square. Treat the target square as AC 5.
- Tindertwig: The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.
Mundane items:
Readied: Leather gloves, waterskin (1 gp, 4lbs), 5 signal torches (variety of colors, 5 gp, 5 lbs), signet ring (5 gp)
Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2lb): 2 pieces of chalk (2 cp), flint & steel (1 gp), small steel mirror (10 gp, _ lb), whetstone (2cp, 1lb)
Heavy Warhorse (400 gp): Bit and bridle (2gp, 1lb), military saddle (20 gp, 30lb),saddlebags (4gp, 8lb), Armor maintenance kit (1 gp, 1 lb, AEGp21), bedroll (1sp, 5 lb), hemp rope (1 gp, 10 lb), hooded lantern (7 gp, 2 lb), mess kit (6 sp, 1 lb, AEGp24), officer's outfit (20 gp, 6 lb), snowshoes (15 gp, 8 lb, AEGp25), 4-person tent (20 gp, 40 lb), 3 days of trail rations (15sp, 3 lb), 2 traveler's outfits (2 gp, 10 lb), winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lb)
Folding Table Case (5 gp, 5 lb): Ink (8 gp), inkpen (1 sp), lock (average, 40 gp, 1 lb), maps of local area, map case (1 gp. _ lb), orders, sealing wax (1 gp, 1lb), 30 sheets of parchment (2 gp), 20 signal torches (variety of colors, 20 gp, 20 lbs)
Set up a perimeter with barbed wire
Mark walls with chalk to leave signals for other troops
A line of soldiers advances as they opponents are pelted from behind by bolts and spells. The goal is to get the opponent to charge so that the Hold the Line feat may be used.
Will attempt to flank during combat
Drink potion of Bear's Endurance
Smokesticks used to escape or protect casters
Tanglefoot bags used against mounted opponents or other troublesome ones
Signal torches used when spoken orders cannot be given
Potion of Invisibility to escape
Zhent Army Major
LE, Fighter 5, Rogue 3; hp 47 (Bears Endurance 63)
Init +0; Speed 20; AC 23 [25 phalanx fighting] (touch 10, flat 22)
Base Attack +6; Grapple +8
Standard Attack: Captain's Short Sword +9 1d6+4; Dagger +8 1d4+1 19-20x2; Spiked Full Plate +8 1d6+1; or MW Light Crossbow +7 (PB +8) 1d8 (PB 1d8+1) 19-20x2
Full Attack: Captain's Short Sword +9/+4 1d6+4; Dagger +8/+3 1d4+1 19-20x2; Spiked Full Plate +8/+3 1d6+1; or MW Light Crossbow +7/+2 (PB +8/+3) 1d8 (PB 1d8+1) 19-20x2
Saves: Fort +4 (BE +6), Ref +4 [+5 phalanx], Will +1
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Appraise +1, Balance 6, Bluff +5, Climb 4, Craft: Armorsmithing +3, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +2, Escape Artist 6, Forgery +1, Gather Information +2, Handle Animal +3, Heal +1, Hide 6, Intimidate +7, Jump 4, Knowledge: Local +6, Knowledge: History +2, Knowledge: Nobility +3, Move Silently 6, Ride +8, Search +1, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand 4, Spellcraft +2, Spot +4, Survival +1, Swim 10, Tumble 6. Languages: Damaran, Chondathan, Orc
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Hamstring, Hold the Line, Phalanx Fighting, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus: Light Crossbow, Weapon Focus: Short Sword, Weapon Specialization: Short SwordHamstring: If a Zhent Major hits with a melee sneak attack, he may choose to forgo 2d6 points of extra sneak attack damage to reduce his opponent's base speed by half. This speed reduction ends after 24 hours have passed or a successful DC 15 Heal check or the application of any Cure spell or other magical healing is made. Creatures immune to sneak attack damage and creatures with no legs or more than four legs can't be slowed down with a hamstring attack. It takes two successful hamstring attacks to affect quadrupeds. Other speeds (fly, burrow, and so on) aren't affected. A Zhent Major may use this ability once per round.
Hold the Line: A Zhent Major may make an attack of opportunity against a charging opponent who enters an area he threatens. His attack of opportunity happens immediately before the charge attack is resolved.
Phalanx Fighting : When fighting with a heavy shield and a light weapon, the Zhent Major gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. In addition, if within 5 feet of an ally who is using a heavy shield and a light weapon and who also has this feat, he may form a shield wall. A shield wall provides an extra +2 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves on all eligible characters participating in the shield wall.
Evasion (Ex): If a Zhent Major makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the Zhent Captain is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Zhent Major does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Sneak Attack (+2d6): The Zhent Major's attack deals extra 2d6 damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the he flanks his target. Should the Zhent Major score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. He cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual 4 penalty. A Zhent Major can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomiesundead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The Zhent Major must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A Zhent Major cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
Trapfinding: Zhent Majors can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. Zhent Major can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. A Zhent Major who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.
Trap Sense (Ex): A Zhent Major gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, giving him a +2 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
Combat Items: 2 Antitoxin (+5 vs poison for 1 hour, 100 gp, 2 lb), 2 Potions of Bear's Endurance (600 gp, 3 min), 3 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds (900 gp, heals 2d8+10), Potion of Invisibility (300 gp), 2 Smokesticks (40 gp, _ lb), 2 Tanglefoot Bags (100 gp, 8 lbs), 5 Tindertwigs (5 gp), Zhent Officer's Cloak (Cloak of Resistance +1, 1000 gp, 1 lb), Captain's Short Sword (+1, 2310 gp, 2 lb), Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb),, MW Light Crossbow (335 gp, 4 lb), 20 Bolts (20 gp, 2 lb), MW Spiked Full Plate +1 (2950 gp, 60 lb), Major's Heavy Steel Shield (+1, 1170 gp, 15 lb),
Smokestick: When ignited it instantly creates thick, opaque smoke which fills a 10- foot cube. The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 1 round. The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally.
Sunrod: This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It clearly illuminates a 30-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
Tanglefoot Bag: When a tanglefoot bag is thrown at a creature (as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet), the bag comes apart and the goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air. An entangled creature takes a 2 penalty on attack rolls and a 4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater. A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. A character capable of spellcasting who is bound by the goo must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast a spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately.
Thunderstone: You can throw this stone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a deafening bang that is treated as a sonic attack. Each creature within a 10-foot-radius spread must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour. A deafened creature, in addition to the obvious effects, takes a 4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell with a verbal component that it tries to cast. Since you don't need to hit a specific target, you can simply aim at a particular 5-foot square. Treat the target square as AC 5.
Tindertwig: The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.
Mundane items:
Readied: Leather gloves, waterskin (1 gp, 4lbs), 5 signal torches (variety of colors, 5 gp, 5 lbs), signet ring (5 gp)
Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2lb): 2 pieces of chalk (2 cp), flint & steel (1 gp), small steel mirror (10 gp, _ lb), whetstone (2cp, 1lb)
Heavy Warhorse (400 gp): Bit and bridle (2gp, 1lb), military saddle (20 gp, 30lb),saddlebags (4gp, 8lb), Armor maintenance kit (1 gp, 1 lb, AEGp21), bedroll (1sp, 5 lb), hemp rope (1 gp, 10 lb), hooded lantern (7 gp, 2 lb), mess kit (6 sp, 1 lb, AEGp24), officer's outfit (20 gp, 6 lb), snowshoes (15 gp, 8 lb, AEGp25), 4-person tent (20 gp, 40 lb), 3 days of trail rations (15sp, 3 lb), 2 traveler's outfits (2 gp, 10 lb), winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lb)
Folding Table Case (5 gp, 5 lb): Ink (8 gp), inkpen (1 sp), lock (average, 40 gp, 1 lb), maps of local area, map case (1 gp. _ lb), orders, sealing wax (1 gp, 1lb), 30 sheets of parchment (2 gp), 20 signal torches (variety of colors, 20 gp, 20 lbs)
Set up a perimeter with barbed wire
Mark walls with chalk to leave signals for other troops
A line of soldiers advances as they opponents are pelted from behind by bolts and spells. The goal is to get the opponent to charge so that the Hold the Line feat may be used.
Will attempt to flank during combat
Drink potion of Bear's Endurance
Smokesticks used to escape or protect casters
Tanglefoot bags used against mounted opponents or other troublesome ones
Signal torches used when spoken orders cannot be given
Hamstring, then move on to another opponent so allies can swarm the hamstring victim
Zhent Army Wizard Recruit ;
LE, Wizard 1; hp 4
Init +3; Speed 30; AC 11 (touch 11, flat 10)
Base Attack +0; Grapple +0
Standard Attack: Dagger +0 1d4 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +1 1d8 19-20x2
Full Attack: Dagger +0 1d4 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +1 1d8 19-20x2
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Appraise +4, Balance +1, Bluff +1, Concentration +3/+7, Craft: Alchemy +4, Diplomacy +1, Escape Artist +1, Forgery +2, Hide +1, Intimidate +2, Knowledge: Arcana +3, Knowledge: Local +3, Knowledge: Geography +3, Knowledge: Nature +3, Knowledge: Planes +3, Move Silently +1, Open Lock +1, Profession: Herbalist +1, Ride +1, Search +2, Sense Motive +1, Sleight of Hand +1, Spellcraft +4, Tumble +1, Use Rope +1. Languages: Damaran, Chondathan, Draconic
Feats: Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll, Thug
Powers:Summon Familiar : When fighting with a heavy shield and a light weapon, the Zhent Soldier gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. In addition, if within 5 feet of an ally who is using a heavy shield and a light weapon and who also has this feat, he may form a shield wall. A shield wall provides an extra +2 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves on all eligible characters participating in the shield wall.
0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Flare, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
1st: Alarm, Color Spray Grease, Magic Missile, Protection from Good, Silent Image, Shield
Spells Memorized:
0th (DC 12): Message, Open/Close, Ray of Frost
1st (DC 13): Grease, Magic Missile
Combat Items: Wand of Sleep (DC 11, 25 charges, 375 gp), 3 Alchemist Fires (60 gp, 3 lb), 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (100 gp), 2 Smoke Sticks (40 gp, 1 lb), 4 Sunrods (8 gp, 4 lbs), 5 Tindertwigs (5 gp), Scrolls [2 Alter Self (50 gp), Darkvision (150 gp), 2 Protection from Arrows (150 gp), Rope Trick (25 gp), Fireball (375 gp), Dimension Door (700 gp)], Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb), Light Crossbow (35 gp, 4 lb), 20 Bolts (20 gp, 2 lb)
- Smokestick: When ignited it instantly creates thick, opaque smoke which fills a 10- foot cube. The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 1 round. The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally.
- Sunrod: This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It clearly illuminates a 30-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
- Tindertwig: The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.
Mundane items:
Readied: Bedroll (1sp, 5 lb), hooded lamp (7 gp, 2lb), leather gloves, scroll organizer, signal whistle (8 sp), signet ring (5 gp), spell component pouch (5 gp, 2 lb), tent (10 gp, 20 lb), torch (1 cp, 1 lb), waterskin (1 gp, 4lbs), winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lb)
Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2lb): 2 pieces of chalk (2 cp)
Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb): Ink (8 gp), inkpen (1 sp), flint & steel (1 gp), mess kit (6 sp, 1 lb, AEGp24), sealing wax (1 gp, 1lb), 30 sheets of parchment (6 gp), spellbook (15 gp, 3 lbs), soap (5 sp, 1 lb), 3 days of trail rations (15sp, 3 lb), 2 traveler's outfits (2 gp, 10 lb)
Mark walls with chalk to leave signals for other troops
Use signal whistle to bring allies
Alchemist fire at beginning of combat
Alchemist fire set up as traps before combat by using the Open/Close spell on the vials
Smoke sticks for escape
Use Sunrods to help with targetting
Use Fireball scroll if masses of enemies are grouped
Use Wand of Sleep
Use Protection from Arrows scroll
Use Darkvision scroll at night
Use Alter Self scroll in escaping
Use Dimension Door scroll to escape
Use Dimension Door scroll for surprise attack
Cast Grease and charging troops
Use Alarm around perimeter of base
Use Silent Image to confuse opponents
Use Message spell to communicate
Zhent Army Wizard Apprentice
LE, Wizard 2; hp 6
Init +3; Speed 30; AC 11 (touch 11, flat 10)
Base Attack +1; Grapple +1
Standard Attack: Dagger +1 1d4 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +2 1d8 19-20x2
Full Attack: Dagger +1 1d4 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +2 1d8 19-20x2
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +3
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Appraise +4, Balance +1, Bluff +1, Concentration +4/+8, Craft: Alchemy +4, Decipher Script +2, Diplomacy +1, Disable Device +2 , Escape Artist +1, Forgery +2, Hide +1, Intimidate +2, Knowledge: Arcana +4, Knowledge: Local +3, Knowledge: Geography +3, Knowledge: History +3, Knowledge: Nature +3, Knowledge: Nobility +3, Knowledge: Planes +3, Move Silently +1, Profession: Herbalist +1, Ride +1, Search +2, Sense Motive +1, Sleight of Hand +1, Spellcraft +5, Tumble +1, Use Rope +1. Languages: Damaran, Chondathan, Draconic
Feats: Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll, Thug
Powers:Summon Familiar : When fighting with a heavy shield and a light weapon, the Zhent Soldier gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. In addition, if within 5 feet of an ally who is using a heavy shield and a light weapon and who also has this feat, he may form a shield wall. A shield wall provides an extra +2 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves on all eligible characters participating in the shield wall.
0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Flare, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
1st: Alarm, Color Spray Endure Elements, Grease, Magic Missile, Obscuring Mist, Protection from Good, Silent Image, ShieldSpells Memorized:
0th (DC 12): Message, Detect Poison, Open/Close, Ray of Frost
1st (DC 13): Grease, Magic Missile, Obscuring MistCombat Items: Light Crossbow (35 gp, 4 lb), 20 Bolts (20 gp, 2 lb), Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb), Wand of Sleep (25 charges, 375 gp), 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (100 gp), 3 Alchemist Fires (60 gp, 3 lb), 2 Smoke Sticks (40 gp, 1 lb), 4 Sunrods (8 gp, 4 lbs), Scrolls [2 Alter Self (50 gp), Darkvision (150 gp), 2 Protection from Arrows (150 gp), Rope Trick (25 gp), Fireball (375 gp), Dimension Door (700 gp)], 5 Tindertwigs (5 gp),
Smokestick: When ignited it instantly creates thick, opaque smoke which fills a 10- foot cube. The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 1 round. The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally.
Sunrod: This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It clearly illuminates a 30-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
Tindertwig: The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.
Mundane items:
Readied: Bedroll (1sp, 5 lb), hooded lamp (7 gp, 2lb), leather gloves, scroll organizer, signal whistle (8 sp), signet ring (5 gp), spell component pouch (5 gp, 2 lb), tent (10 gp, 20 lb), torch (1 cp, 1 lb), waterskin (1 gp, 4lbs), winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lb)
Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2lb): 2 pieces of chalk (2 cp)
Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb): Ink (8 gp), inkpen (1 sp), flint & steel (1 gp), mess kit (6 sp, 1 lb, AEGp24), sealing wax (1 gp, 1lb), 30 sheets of parchment (6 gp), spellbook (15 gp, 3 lbs), soap (5 sp, 1 lb), 3 days of trail rations (15sp, 3 lb), 2 traveler's outfits (2 gp, 10 lb)
Mark walls with chalk to leave signals for other troops
Use signal whistle to bring allies
Alchemist fire at beginning of combat
Alchemist fire set up as traps before combat by using the Open/Close spell on the vials
Smoke sticks for escape
Use Sunrods to help with targetting
Use Fireball scroll if masses of enemies are grouped
Use Wand of Sleep
Use Protection from Arrows scroll
Use Darkvision scroll at night
Use Alter Self scroll in escaping
Use Dimension Door scroll to escape
Use Dimension Door scroll for surprise attack
Cast Grease and charging troops
Use Alarm around perimeter of base
Use Silent Image to confuse opponents
Use Message spell to communicate
Use Obscuring Mist to either protect higher level casters or in retreat
Zhent Army Wizard Scribe
LE, Wizard 3; hp 8
Init +3; Speed 30; AC 12 (touch 11, flat 11)
Base Attack +1; Grapple +1
Standard Attack: Dagger +1 1d4 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +2 1d8 19-20x2
Full Attack: Dagger +1 1d4 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +2 1d8 19-20x2
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Appraise +4, Balance +1, Bluff +1, Concentration +5/+9, Craft: Alchemy +4, Diplomacy +1, Escape Artist +1, Forgery +2, Hide +1, Intimidate +2, Knowledge: Arcana +4, Knowledge: Local +3, Knowledge: Geography +3, Knowledge: History +3, Knowledge: Nature +3, Knowledge: Nobility +3, Knowledge: Planes +3, Move Silently +1, Open Lock +1, Profession: Herbalist +1, Ride +2, Search +2, Sense Motive +1 , Spellcraft +7, Tumble +1, Use Rope +1. Languages: Damaran, Chondathan, Draconic
Feats: Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll, Thug
Powers:Summon Familiar : When fighting with a heavy shield and a light weapon, the Zhent Soldier gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. In addition, if within 5 feet of an ally who is using a heavy shield and a light weapon and who also has this feat, he may form a shield wall. A shield wall provides an extra +2 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves on all eligible characters participating in the shield wall.
0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Flare, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
1st: Alarm, Color Spray Endure Elements, Grease, Magic Missile, Obscuring Protection from Good, Mist, Silent Image, Shield
2nd: Mirror Image, See Invisibility, WebSpells Memorized:
0th (4): Message, Detect Poison, Open/Close, Ray of Frost
1st (2+1): Grease, Magic Missile, Obscuring Mist
2nd (1+1): See Invisibility, WebCombat Items: Wand of Sleep (DC 11, 25 charges, 375 gp), Bracers of Armor +1 (1000 gp, 1 lb), 3 Alchemist Fires (60 gp, 3 lb), 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (100 gp), 2 Smoke Sticks (40 gp, 1 lb), 4 Sunrods (8 gp, 4 lbs), 5 Tindertwigs (5 gp), Scrolls [2 Alter Self (50 gp), Darkvision (150 gp), 2 Invisibility (300 gp), 2 Protection from Arrows (150 gp), Rope Trick (25 gp), Dispel Magic (375 gp), Fireball (375 gp), Lightning Bolt (375 gp), Dimension Door (700 gp)], Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb), Light Crossbow (35 gp, 4 lb), 20 Bolts (20 gp, 2 lb).
- Smokestick: When ignited it instantly creates thick, opaque smoke which fills a 10- foot cube. The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 1 round. The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally.
- Sunrod: This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It clearly illuminates a 30-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
- Tindertwig: The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.
Mundane items:
Readied: Bedroll (1sp, 5 lb), hooded lamp (7 gp, 2lb), leather gloves, scroll organizer, signal whistle (8 sp), signet ring (5 gp), spell component pouch (5 gp, 2 lb), tent (10 gp, 20 lb), torch (1 cp, 1 lb), waterskin (1 gp, 4lbs), winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lb)
Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2lb): 2 pieces of chalk (2 cp)
Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb): Ink (8 gp), inkpen (1 sp), flint & steel (1 gp), mess kit (6 sp, 1 lb, AEGp24), sealing wax (1 gp, 1lb), 30 sheets of parchment (6 gp), spellbook (15 gp, 3 lbs), soap (5 sp, 1 lb), 3 days of trail rations (15sp, 3 lb), 2 traveler's outfits (2 gp, 10 lb)
Mark walls with chalk to leave signals for other troops
Use signal whistle to bring allies
Alchemist fire at beginning of combat
Alchemist fire set up as traps before combat by using the Open/Close spell on the vials
Smoke sticks for escape
Use Sunrods to help with targetting
Use Fireball scroll if masses of enemies are grouped
Use Wand of Sleep
Use Protection from Arrows scroll
Use Darkvision scroll at night
Use Alter Self scroll in escaping
Use Dimension Door scroll to escape
Use Dimension Door scroll for surprise attack
Cast Grease and charging troops
Use Alarm around perimeter of base
Use Silent Image to confuse opponents
Use Message spell to communicate
Use Obscuring Mist to either protect higher level casters or in retreat
Zhent Army Wizard Assistant
LE, Wizard 4; hp 10
Init +3; Speed 30; AC 12 (touch 11, flat 11)
Base Attack +2; Grapple +2
Standard Attack: Dagger +2 1d4 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +3 1d8 19-20x2
Full Attack: Dagger +2 1d4 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +3 1d8 19-20x2
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 10
Appraise +4, Balance +1, Bluff +1, Concentration +5/+9, Craft: Alchemy +5, Decipher Script +2, Diplomacy +2, Disable Device +2, Escape Artist +1, Forgery +2, Hide +1, Intimidate +2, Knowledge: Arcana +5, Knowledge: Local +3, Knowledge: Geography +4, Knowledge: History +3, Knowledge: Nobility +3, Knowledge: Planes +3, Move Silently +1, Open Lock +1, Ride +3, Search +2, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +7, Tumble +1, Use Rope +1. Languages: Damaran, Chondathan, DraconicFeats: Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll, Thug
Powers:Summon Familiar : When fighting with a heavy shield and a light weapon, the Zhent Soldier gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. In addition, if within 5 feet of an ally who is using a heavy shield and a light weapon and who also has this feat, he may form a shield wall. A shield wall provides an extra +2 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves on all eligible characters participating in the shield wall.
0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Flare, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
1st: Alarm, Color Spray Endure Elements, Grease, Magic Missile, Obscuring Protection from Good, Mist, Silent Image, Shield
2nd: False Life, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, See Invisibility, WebSpells Memorized:
0th (DC 12): Message, Detect Poison, Open/Close, Ray of Frost
1st (DC 13): Alarm, Grease, Magic Missile, Obscuring Mist
2nd (DC 14): Glitterdust, See Invisibility, WebCombat Items: Wand of Sleep (DC 11, 25 charges, 375 gp), Wand of Magic Missiles (CL 5, 25 charges, 1875 gp), Bracers of Armor +1 (1000 gp, 1 lb), 3 Alchemist Fires (60 gp, 3 lb), 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (100 gp), 2 Smoke Sticks (40 gp, 1 lb), 4 Sunrods (8 gp, 4 lbs), 5 Tindertwigs (5 gp), Scrolls [2 Alter Self (50 gp), Darkvision (150 gp),2 Invisibility (300 gp), 2 Protection from Arrows (300 gp), Rope Trick (25 gp), Dispel Magic (375 gp), Fireball (375 gp), Lightning Bolt (375 gp), Dimension Door (700 gp)], Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb), Light Crossbow (35 gp, 4 lb), 20 Bolts (20 gp, 2 lb).
Smokestick: When ignited it instantly creates thick, opaque smoke which fills a 10- foot cube. The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 1 round. The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally.
Sunrod: This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It clearly illuminates a 30-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
Tindertwig: The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.
Mundane items:
Readied: Bedroll (1sp, 5 lb), hooded lamp (7 gp, 2lb), leather gloves, scroll organizer, signal whistle (8 sp), signet ring (5 gp), spell component pouch (5 gp, 2 lb), tent (10 gp, 20 lb), torch (1 cp, 1 lb), waterskin (1 gp, 4lbs), winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lb)
Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2lb): 2 pieces of chalk (2 cp)
Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb): Ink (8 gp), inkpen (1 sp), flint & steel (1 gp), mess kit (6 sp, 1 lb, AEGp24), sealing wax (1 gp, 1lb), 30 sheets of parchment (6 gp), spellbook (15 gp, 3 lbs), soap (5 sp, 1 lb), 3 days of trail rations (15sp, 3 lb), 2 traveler's outfits (2 gp, 10 lb)
Mark walls with chalk to leave signals for other troops
Use signal whistle to bring allies
Alchemist fire at beginning of combat
Alchemist fire set up as traps before combat by using the Open/Close spell on the vials
Smoke sticks for escape
Use Sunrods to help with targetting
Use Fireball scroll if masses of enemies are grouped
Use Wand of Sleep
Use Protection from Arrows scroll
Use Darkvision scroll at night
Use Alter Self scroll in escaping
Use Dimension Door scroll to escape
Use Dimension Door scroll for surprise attack
Cast Grease and charging troops
Use Alarm around perimeter of base
Use Silent Image to confuse opponents
Use Message spell to communicate
Use Obscuring Mist to either protect higher level casters or in retreat
Zhent Army Field Wizard
LE, Wizard 5; hp 12
Init +3; Speed 30; AC 12 (touch 11, flat 11)
Base Attack +2; Grapple +2
Standard Attack: Dagger +2 1d4 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +3 1d8 19-20x2
Full Attack: Dagger +2 1d4 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +3 1d8 19-20x2
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +6
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 10Skills: Appraise +4, Balance +1, Bluff +1, Concentration +5/+9, Craft: Alchemy +5, Decipher Script +2, Diplomacy +2, Disable Device +2, Escape Artist +1, Forgery +2, Handle Animal +2, Hide +1, Intimidate +2, Knowledge: Arcana +5, Knowledge: Local +3, Knowledge: Geography +4, Knowledge: History +3, Knowledge: Nobility +3, Knowledge: Planes +3, Move Silently +1, Open Lock +1, Ride +3, Search +2, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +8 Tumble +1, Use Rope +1. Languages: Damaran, Chondathan, Draconic
Feats: Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Iron Will, Scribe Scroll, Thug
Powers:Summon Familiar : When fighting with a heavy shield and a light weapon, the Zhent Soldier gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. In addition, if within 5 feet of an ally who is using a heavy shield and a light weapon and who also has this feat, he may form a shield wall. A shield wall provides an extra +2 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves on all eligible characters participating in the shield wall.
0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Flare, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
1st: Alarm, Color Spray Endure Elements, Grease, Magic Missile, Obscuring Protection from Good, Mist, Silent Image, Shield
2nd: False Life, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Web
3rd: Dispel Magic, Explosive Runes, Fireball
Spells Memorized:
0th (DC 12): Message, Detect Poison, Open/Close, Ray of Frost
1st (DC 13): Alarm, Grease, Magic Missile, Obscuring Mist
2nd (DC 14): Glitterdust, See Invisibility, Web
3rd (DC 15): FireballCombat Items: Wand of Sleep (DC 11, 25 charges, 375 gp), ), Wand of Magic Missiles (CL 5, 25 charges, 1875 gp), 3 Alchemist Fires (60 gp, 3 lb), 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (100 gp), Potion of Invisibility (300 gp), 2 Smoke Sticks (40 gp, 1 lb), 4 Sunrods (8 gp, 4 lbs), 5 Tindertwigs (5 gp), Scrolls [2 Alter Self (50 gp), Darkvision (150 gp), 2 Invisibility (300 gp), 2 Protection from Arrows (150 gp), Resist Energy (150 gp), Rope Trick (25 gp), Dispel Magic (375 gp), Fireball (375 gp), Lightning Bolt (375 gp), Dimension Door (700 gp)], Bracers of Armor +1 (1000 gp, 1 lb), Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb), Light Crossbow (35 gp, 4 lb), 20 Bolts (20 gp, 2 lb)
Smokestick: When ignited it instantly creates thick, opaque smoke which fills a 10- foot cube. The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 1 round. The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally.
Sunrod: This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It clearly illuminates a 30-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
Tindertwig: The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.
Mundane items:
- Readied: Bedroll (1sp, 5 lb), hooded lamp (7 gp, 2lb), leather gloves, scroll organizer, signal whistle (8 sp), signet ring (5 gp), spell component pouch (5 gp, 2 lb), tent (10 gp, 20 lb), torch (1 cp, 1 lb), waterskin (1 gp, 4lbs), winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lb)
- Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2lb): 2 pieces of chalk (2 cp)
- Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb): Ink (8 gp), inkpen (1 sp), flint & steel (1 gp), mess kit (6 sp, 1 lb, AEGp24), sealing wax (1 gp, 1lb), 30 sheets of parchment (6 gp), spellbook (15 gp, 3 lbs), soap (5 sp, 1 lb), 3 days of trail rations (15sp, 3 lb), 2 traveler's outfits (2 gp, 10 lb)
Mark walls with chalk to leave signals for other troops
Use signal whistle to bring allies
Alchemist fire at beginning of combat
Alchemist fire set up as traps before combat (open/close spell?)
Smoke sticks for escape
Use Sunrods to help with targetting
Use Fireball scroll if masses of enemies are grouped
Use Wand of Sleep
Use Protection from Arrows scroll
Use Darkvision scroll at night
Use Alter Self scroll in escaping
Use Dimension Door scroll to escape
Use Dimension Door scroll for surprise attack
Traps with Explosive Runes
Zhent Army Battle Wizard
LE, Wizard 6; hp 14
Init +3; Speed 30; AC 12 (touch 11, flat 11)
Base Attack +3; Grapple +3
Standard Attack: Dagger +3 1d4 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +4 1d8 19-20x2
Full Attack: Dagger +3 1d4 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +4 1d8 19-20x2
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +8
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Appraise +4, Balance +1, Bluff +1, Concentration +7/+11, Craft: Alchemy +5, Decipher Script +2, Diplomacy +2, Disable Device +2, Escape Artist +1, Forgery +2, Handle Animal +2, Hide +1, Intimidate +2, Knowledge: Arcana +5, Knowledge: Local +4, Knowledge: Geography +4, Knowledge: History +3, Knowledge: Nobility +3, Knowledge: Planes +4, Move Silently +1, Open Lock +1, Ride +3, Search +2, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +9, Tumble +1, Use Rope +1. Languages: Damaran, Chondathan, Draconic
Feats: Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Iron Will, Mounted Combat, Scribe Scroll, Thug
Powers:Summon Familiar : When fighting with a heavy shield and a light weapon, the Zhent Soldier gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. In addition, if within 5 feet of an ally who is using a heavy shield and a light weapon and who also has this feat, he may form a shield wall. A shield wall provides an extra +2 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves on all eligible characters participating in the shield wall.
0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Flare, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
1st: Alarm, Color Spray Endure Elements, Grease, Magic Missile, Obscuring Protection from Good, Mist, Silent Image, Shield
2nd: False Life, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Protection From Arrows See Invisibility, Web
3rd: Dispel Magic, Explosive Runes, Fireball, Sleet StormSpells Memorized:
0th (DC 12): Message, Detect Poison, Open/Close, Ray of Frost
1st (DC 13): Alarm, Grease, Magic Missile, Obscuring Mist
2nd (DC 14): Glitterdust, Protection from Arrows, See Invisibility, Web
3rd (DC 15): Fireball, Sleet StormCombat Items: Light Crossbow (35 gp, 4 lb), 20 Bolts (20 gp, 2 lb), Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb), Wand of Sleep (25 charges, 375 gp), ), Wand of Magic Missiles (CL 5, 25 charges, 1875 gp), Zhent Officer's Cloak (Cloak of Resistance +1, 1000 gp, 1 lb), Bracers of Armor +1 (1000 gp, 1 lb), 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (100 gp), Potion of Invisibility (300 gp), 3 Alchemist Fires (60 gp, 3 lb), 2 Smoke Sticks (40 gp, 1 lb), 4 Sunrods (8 gp, 4 lbs), Scrolls: 2 Alter Self (50 gp), Darkvision (150 gp), 2 Invisibility (300 gp), 2 Protection from Arrows (150 gp), Resist Energy (150 gp), Rope Trick (25 gp), Dispel Magic (375 gp), Fireball (375 gp), Lightning Bolt (375 gp), Dimension Door (700 gp), 5 Tindertwigs (5 gp).
- Smokestick: When ignited it instantly creates thick, opaque smoke which fills a 10- foot cube. The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 1 round. The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally.
- Sunrod: This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It clearly illuminates a 30-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
- Tindertwig: The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.
Mundane items:
Readied: Bedroll (1sp, 5 lb), hooded lamp (7 gp, 2lb), leather gloves, scroll organizer, signal whistle (8 sp), signet ring (5 gp), spell component pouch (5 gp, 2 lb), tent (10 gp, 20 lb), torch (1 cp, 1 lb), waterskin (1 gp, 4lbs), winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lb)
Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2lb): 2 pieces of chalk (2 cp)
Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb): Ink (8 gp), inkpen (1 sp), flint & steel (1 gp), mess kit (6 sp, 1 lb, AEGp24), sealing wax (1 gp, 1lb), 30 sheets of parchment (6 gp), spellbook (15 gp, 3 lbs), soap (5 sp, 1 lb), 3 days of trail rations (15sp, 3 lb), 2 traveler's outfits (2 gp, 10 lb)
Mark walls with chalk to leave signals for other troops
Use signal whistle to bring allies
Alchemist fire at beginning of combat
Alchemist fire set up as traps before combat (open/close spell?)
Smoke sticks for escape
Use Sunrods to help with targetting
Use Fireball scroll if masses of enemies are grouped
Use Wand of Sleep
Use Protection from Arrows scroll
Use Darkvision scroll at night
Use Alter Self scroll in escaping
Use Dimension Door scroll to escape
Use Dimension Door scroll for surprise attack
Traps with Explosive Runes
Sleet Storm to force some of the enemy force to hold back
Experienced Zhent Army Battle Wizard ;
LE, Wizard 7; hp 16
Init +3; Speed 30; AC 13 (touch 12, flat 12)
Base Attack +3; Grapple +3
Standard Attack: Dagger +3 1d4 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +4 1d8 19-20x2
Full Attack: Dagger +3 1d4 19-20x2; or Light Crossbow +4 1d8 19-20x2
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +8
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Appraise +4, Balance +1, Bluff +1, Concentration +8/+12, Craft: Alchemy +6, Decipher Script +2, Diplomacy +3, Disable Device +2, Escape Artist +1, Forgery +2, Handle Animal +2, Hide +1, Intimidate +2, Knowledge: Arcana +5, Knowledge: Local +4, Knowledge: Geography +4, Knowledge: History +3, Knowledge: Nobility +3, Knowledge: Planes +4, Move Silently +1, Open Lock +1, Ride +3, Search +2, Sense Motive +1 Sleight of Hand +1, Spellcraft +10, Tumble +1, Use Rope (+1 Dex). Languages: Damaran, Chondathan, Draconic
Feats: Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Iron Will, Mounted Combat, Scribe Scroll, Thug
Powers:Summon Familiar : When fighting with a heavy shield and a light weapon, the Zhent Soldier gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class. In addition, if within 5 feet of an ally who is using a heavy shield and a light weapon and who also has this feat, he may form a shield wall. A shield wall provides an extra +2 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves on all eligible characters participating in the shield wall.
0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Flare, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
1st: Alarm, Charm Person, Color Spray Endure Elements, Grease, Magic Missile, Obscuring Protection from Good, Mist, Silent Image, Shield
2nd: False Life, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Protection From Arrows, See Invisibility, Web
3rd: Dispel Magic, Explosive Runes, Fireball, Sleet Storm, Suggestion
4th: Globe of Lesser Invulnerability, Ice Storm, Wall of Fire
Spells Memorized:
0th (DC 12): Message, Detect Poison, Open/Close, Ray of Frost
1st (DC 13): Alarm, Grease, Magic Missile, Obscuring Mist
2nd (DC 14): Glitterdust, Protection from Arrows, See Invisibility, Web
3rd (DC 15): Fireball, Sleet Storm
4th (DC 16): Wall of FireCombat Items: Wand of Sleep (DC 11, 25 charges, 375 gp), ), Wand of Magic Missiles (CL 5, 25 charges, 1875 gp), 3 Alchemist Fires (60 gp, 3 lb), 2 Antitoxin (+5 vs poison for 1 hour, 100 gp, 2 lb), 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (100 gp), Potion of Invisibility (300 gp), 2 Smoke Sticks (40 gp, 1 lb), 4 Sunrods (8 gp, 4 lbs), 5 Tindertwigs (5 gp), Scrolls [2 Alter Self (50 gp), Darkvision (150 gp), 2 Invisibility (300 gp), 2 Protection from Arrows (150 gp), Resist Energy (150 gp), Rope Trick (25 gp), Dispel Magic (375 gp), Fireball (375 gp), Lightning Bolt (375 gp), Dimension Door (700 gp)], Zhent Officer's Cloak (Cloak of Resistance +1, 1000 gp, 1 lb), Zhentarim Oath Ring (Ring of Protection +1, 2000 gp), Bracers of Armor +1 (1000 gp, 1 lb), Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb), Light Crossbow (35 gp, 4 lb), 20 Bolts (20 gp, 2 lb)
- Smokestick: When ignited it instantly creates thick, opaque smoke which fills a 10- foot cube. The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 1 round. The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally.
- Sunrod: This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It clearly illuminates a 30-foot radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 60-foot radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
- Tindertwig: The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.
Mundane items:
Readied: Bedroll (1sp, 5 lb), hooded lamp (7 gp, 2lb), leather gloves, scroll organizer, signal whistle (8 sp), spell component pouch (5 gp, 2 lb), tent (10 gp, 20 lb), torch (1 cp, 1 lb), waterskin (1 gp, 4lbs), winter blanket (5 sp, 3 lb)
Belt pouch (1gp, 1/2lb): 2 pieces of chalk (2 cp)
Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb): Ink (8 gp), inkpen (1 sp), flint & steel (1 gp), mess kit (6 sp, 1 lb, AEGp24), sealing wax (1 gp, 1lb), 30 sheets of parchment (6 gp), spellbook (15 gp, 3 lbs), soap (5 sp, 1 lb), 3 days of trail rations (15sp, 3 lb), 2 traveler's outfits (2 gp, 10 lb)
Mark walls with chalk to leave signals for other troops
Use signal whistle to bring allies
Alchemist fire at beginning of combat
Alchemist fire set up as traps before combat (open/close spell?)
Smoke sticks for escape
Use Sunrods to help with targetting
Use Fireball scroll if masses of enemies are grouped
Use Wand of Sleep
Use Protection from Arrows scroll
Use Darkvision scroll at night
Use Alter Self scroll in escaping
Use Dimension Door scroll to escape
Use Dimension Door scroll for surprise attack
Traps with Explosive Runes
Sleet Storm to force some of the enemy force to hold back