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Telvor's Vampiric Bone Armor
By Shanehar
This armor defies identification, if detect magic is cast upon it, it will emit a strong necromantic aura. The only means of detecting its true nature is by use of a legend lore spell or wish. The armor was fashioned by a prominent necromancer over a thousand years ago with the help of an evil dwarven cleric of bane. The armor was to be worn by the necromancer's champion, an anti-paladin named Telvor. Unfortunately, Telvor met his end at the hands of a powerful paladin of helm who's name was not known, the paladin left Telvor's body to rot along with all of his items, including the armor. Little is known from this point on, rumors of the armor and its powers have popped up from time to time to little avail. The last known quest for the armor was over 100 years ago and the party never returned.
XP: -- GP: Artifact (priceless) Type: Armor Weight: 30 lbs AL: NE Description:
The armor appears as a large rib cage complete with spinal column and shoulder blades. There are oddly shaped bony protrusions hanging by unseen hinges from the arm and leg sockets. From the interior of the "spine" sprout several smoothly rounded sockets, one on each vertebrae as if to support the armor on its bearer's spine. The bone the suite is made from appears to be human in origin, and is bleached white.
Upon donning the armor the bearer will feel intense agonizing pain for a few moments as the "sockets" on the interior of the "spine" graft themselves to its possessor. Followed by even more horror as the protrusions hanging from the arm and leg sockets "Grow" down around the recipient's limbs. Encircling them with bony rings that pierce the flesh with sharp spikes as they graft them selves to the victim's bones. At this point the bearer must make a successful system shock roll at a negative 40% or pass out from the pain and remain unconscious for 1d6 rounds. Upon awakening the recipient will find himself feeling very drained do to the loss of 50% of his hit points accompanied but a 4 point decrease in the bearers constitution score. The hit points will return normally but the decrease is constitution remains as long as the armor is worn. Should the bearer succeed his system shock roll the same damage and loss of constitution is dealt, causing the victim to fall to the ground and go into convulsions for 1d10 rounds. After the ordeal is over the recipient will feel weakened for 1d6 days, temporarily losing 2 points of strength (all bonuses affected), 1 point of dexterity and making all saving throws at a negative 2. Once the 1d6 days have passed strength, dexterity and saving throws return to normal, and the character may set about a means of removing the armor if he so wishes.
Innate powers:
AC: 0
- 10% Magic resistance
- 50% Immunity to all forms of cold
Major powers:
(Major powers used at a cost of 5 hit points)
- Summon skeletal warrior once per day to fight on behalf of the bearer for 1d6 rounds or until destroyed
Skeletal Warrior
MV: 6
AC: 2
HD: 9+2
HP: 80
#AT: 1
THAC0: 11
Damage/attack: by weapon (+3 to attack)
Weapon: Longsword+2 (DMG 1d8)
Size: 6'-7' tall
Skeletal warrior has a 50% magical resistance, and the mere sight of a skeletal warrior causes creatures with fewer than 3 hit dice to flee in terror. The warrior will fight on behalf of the caster for 1d6 rounds or until it is destroyed, if it lasts the duration it will be unsummoned. A successful dispel magic will destroy the warrior outright.
- Cast control undead as an 18th level wizard twice per day (PHB Lv.7)
Control Undead
Range: 60 ft.
Duration: 3d4 rds. + 1 rd./level
Area of Effect: 1d6 undead
Saving Throw: Special
This spell enables the wizard to command 1d6 undead creatures for a short period of time. Upon casting the spell, the wizard selects one point within range of the spell. Those undead nearest to this point are affected, until either undead equal in Hit Dice to the caster's level or six undead are affected. Undead with 3 Hit Dice or less are automatically controlled. Those of greater Hit Dice are allowed a saving throw vs. spell, which, if successful, negates the attempt to control that creature. Regardless of the success or failure of the saving throw, each creature required to make a check counts toward the Hit Dice limit of the spell. Those creatures under the control of the wizard can be commanded by the caster if they are within hearing range. There is no telepathic communication or language requirement between the caster and the controlled undead. Even if communication is impossible, the controlled undead do not attack the spellcaster. At the end of the spell, the controlled undead revert to their normal behaviors. Those not mindless will remember the control exerted by the wizard.
Minor powers:
- Infravision 60' radius twice per day
- Invisibility once per day
- Neutralize poison once per day
- Detect alignment three times per day
- Protection from paladin magic 100% for 1d6 rounds once per day
The bearer of the armor suffers from all the same hindrances of the undead (i.e. burned by holy water, bolt of glory does damage as undead, can be turned as a lich, Etc ) There is a 2% cumulative chance that every time the character uses a major power his alignment will change to that of the armor (NE) Every time the bearer uses a major power he loses 5 hit point (hit points may be recovered in any manner)
Removing the armor is a task not easily performed; the bearer must be willing and unconscious. It requires 2 mages of at least 18th level, a cleric of at least 14th level, and the powdered skull of a lich. The bearer of the armor must be placed on the alter of a good god whom the cleric is a follower of.
The following spells must be cast in this order:
- Cleric-Remove curse
- Mage-enchant an item
- Mage dispel magic
- Cleric-sprinkle lich skull dust over recipient
- Cleric-remove curse again
- Cleric-bless
After this process has been completed the arm and leg portions of the armor will detach and crumble to dust leaving only the "spine" connected. The only method to remove this portion of the armor is to saw it off. In its weakened condition the armor will saw as easily as bone. Each vertebrae cut in this way will cause 2 points of damage to the armors bearer. (There are 10 for humans and half-elves, 9 for elves, 7 for dwarves, 6 for halflings and gnomes). Once the armor has been removed the former bearer must make a successful system shock roll at a negative 10 or die (he may be resurrected) he will then begin to gain back 1 point of constitution per day until fully restored.
Only a successful wish spell will destroy this item. (There may be other ways but they are not known as of now)