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in the guestbook of Candlekeep are the written records of previous travelers
who have graced this place.
Browse this page and see the gatherers of knowledge who have been before, and
if you wish...Sign
the guestbook.
Name: Matthew
Email: phenix115@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: found it myself
Location: Canada/Quebec
Date: 2002-12-21
Time: 03:07:14
Awsome site. The Sword Cost map doesnt work thought
Name: Aeron Taylor
Email: tanishalfelven190@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: i have known of it's existance a wahile but not got the opportunity till now to look
Location: Chedburgh near Bury st.edmunds england
Date: 2002-12-19
Time: 15:21:14
a good sight one i will visit again and i specailly liked the artwork of drizzt do'urden of the nineth house of menzorbarrenzen
Name: Aeron Taylor
Email: tanishalfelven190@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: i have known of it's existance a wahile but not got the opportunity till now to look
Location: Chedburgh near Bury st.edmunds england
Date: 2002-12-19
Time: 15:21:08
a good sight one i will visit again and i specailly liked the artwork of drizzt do'urden of the nineth house of menzorbarrenzen
Name: Jamie Pearsall
Email: Jamie.p1010@DurhamLEA.org.uk
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: A Good Friend
Location: Ravenloft
Date: 2002-12-19
Time: 09:08:30
Excellent, loads of great stuff. Five Star!
Name: Viscount Yan De Villars Van Dyvanbode of RavensBluff
Email: marvintmdr@yahoo.ie
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: a DM told me !
Location: Uk
Date: 2002-12-16
Time: 16:02:59
"Jolly nice place, my friend Choppers (son of The Baron Chopin of R.Bluff)would think it rather spiffing ,dont ye know. Anyway I just like to say Well done old chaps. Is that my carriage driving up, oh well toodle pip. A section for the fops,dandys,cavaliers and upper echelon wouldn't be too much to ask for would it old boy? Oh well tally- ho then"
Name: Viscount Yan De Villars Van Dyvanbode of RavensBluff
Email: marvintmdr@yahoo.ie
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: a DM told me !
Location: Uk
Date: 2002-12-16
Time: 15:52:56
Havent seen much at the moment but I am starting to be impressed!!
Name: ?????
Email: randy_dupont@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: i look it up
Location: wpg mb
Date: 2002-12-16
Time: 04:42:01
i don't know how to get the game??
Name: Colin Fielding
Email: Boyonami55ion@aol.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Just bumped into it!
Location: Clacton on Sea
Date: 2002-12-15
Time: 18:41:26
Good site, Keeps me updated on latest books to buy
Name: Brandle Williamson
Email: rollypinis@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Searching around
Location: Montreal,Canada
Date: 2002-12-13
Time: 06:05:15
Awesome site man! If anyone want's to join a game, 2nd edition, and is in the Montreal region, please email me. Thank you.
Name: Serinae SilverStar
Email: Serin_az@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: (look below)
Location: SaenShae Maen elfcity on the isle of Elyr (rl sweden)
Date: 2002-12-10
Time: 21:41:50
Greetings~bows her head softly to greet whomever might be about~ We, my boyfriend/coplayer and i have a community and a chatroombased rpg going on, loosely based on the forgotten realms.So it made me curious since i(unfortunatly) haven´t read the books, and felt i needed to learn more about it.I found the site most interesting and i will return for info whenever i need it. Farewell and safe travels Serinae SilverStar. (Moonelf and comanager of SaenShaeMaen elvencity on the Isle of Elyr)
Name: DH
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: link
Location: greece
Date: 2002-12-09
Time: 16:12:09
Im a fan of FR for the last 10 years,and this site added a new dimension for me.Congratulation,youre doing a great job!
Name: Vhailor
Email: Invoker_@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: From a fellow FR fan.
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Date: 2002-12-09
Time: 13:14:52
Immensely huge and resourceful site. Very good indeed!
Name: Keeper of Knowledge
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: I know all
Location: Unknown
Date: 2002-12-07
Time: 17:35:49
I believed myself to know all, yet this site revealed even more knowledge onto me. Excellent work!
Name: kathy johnson
Email: asjklj@aol.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: just looking
Location: greece
Date: 2002-12-06
Time: 20:22:32
i am from greece but was adopted and took to the states i want to know why it is so hard to search for any body over there i am in the court house but every time i get close they block me plesae tell me why ////////////////////////////////////
Name: Tobias Nanashi
Email: tobias_1011@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: search engine
Location: Cormyr
Date: 2002-12-04
Time: 20:48:02
nice. very informative without breaking any copyright restrictions, which often get in the way of info.
Name: En'Kiro
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: searching google for tsr, fr and dnd stuff and i found u go google!
Location: menzoberranzon
Date: 2002-12-04
Time: 16:19:54
this site is pretty nice and has good info and it is fun to roam the halls of the great library candlekeep and Drizzt Do'Urden rocks and kicks @$$ excuse my rude language
Name: Bill
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Search
Location: Ohio
Date: 2002-12-04
Time: 14:17:40
None yet
Name: Djuffin Halli
Email: mihail@accords.ru
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: From internet.
Location: Russia. Moscow.
Date: 2002-11-27
Time: 16:19:40
Hi for all! I am from Russia. I also like FR and D&D like you. But in Russia it is to difficult, tu buy some books about FR. That's why we must search for books in inetnet. And also we must learn englich to read it. So it is difficult for me. But i whant to say: THANCK YOU!!!!! IT IS THE GREATEST ENGLICH SITE ABOUT FR!!
Name: Aurelius,paladin of Helm
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: google.com
Location: Romania
Date: 2002-11-27
Time: 11:27:37
Great site!!!At last i found some maps to help me in my search across the realms for the famous ranger Minsc & his worthy ally Boo!Hope 2 be back soon with good news.May the Unsleeping Eye watch over you meanwhile...
Name: Martin Kovacic
Email: kova_Martin@yahoo.co.uk
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Altavista
Location: Croatia
Date: 2002-11-26
Time: 14:20:39
So far so good
Name: deadpool
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: just found it
Location: idaho
Date: 2002-11-26
Time: 03:55:09
This is an awesome site Well done)
Name: The Dark Lord
Email: I eat Gnomes
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Came to me in a sudden flash of light............
Location: My house
Date: 2002-11-24
Time: 15:47:16
Not a bad start but I WANT MORE Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha *cough* *splutter* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Nooooooooooooooooooo Not the SALMON MOUSSE!!!!
Name: Robert Key
Email: djredtape@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: search engine
Location: Birmingham , Al
Date: 2002-11-24
Time: 13:39:32
good site, thanx for the knowledge
Name: Michael
Email: Bladesofvengence
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I found it while searching out knowledge
Location: Pennsylvania
Date: 2002-11-23
Time: 09:17:06
I enjoyed your site especially the music, if you could possibly send me information on where to obtain more of it please do so. By far one of the best Forgotten Realms sites ive been on it was a pleasure to wander the vast halls of Candlekeep
Name: Greg
Email: gregorz12@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Friends
Location: Southamtpton, England
Date: 2002-11-18
Time: 19:15:38
very info filled site
Name: Pulok Choudhury
Email: pulokc@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Google search engine
Location: East Anglia, UK
Date: 2002-11-18
Time: 15:11:19
A fantastic use of the Net, especially as I remember the "good ol' days" of pen and paper Realms RPG adventure! Sweet water and light laughter until next!
Name: Archmage George
Email: rx@noneofyourbusiness.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Seach Engine
Location: The outer planes
Date: 2002-11-17
Time: 14:40:24
I am mad about dnd, and have just started dming a forgotten realms campaign.
Name: Beastlore
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Came across it whilesurfing the web
Location: Texas
Date: 2002-11-17
Time: 05:44:35
I have read allofthe books about Drizzt Du'orden and I think thatheis the koolest Ranger toever live.
Name: chris
Email: chrislilley@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: ask jeeves
Location: baldurs gate website
Date: 2002-11-15
Time: 11:56:28
simply amasing
Name: altan ogul
Email: xblackrosex@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: by gogle scanning motors
Location: turkey
Date: 2002-11-12
Time: 19:40:59
the site looks great but ýt must have somethýng dýfferent.but i do not know what it must be!!
Name: Vaggos
Email: vaggos@hellenism.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Serching for BG stuff on the Net
Location: Hellas
Date: 2002-11-10
Time: 23:57:27
Actually I'm not a Player... More like a player wannabe!! My only RPG experience is Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale... I spend my time searching for a party to take me in but I can't find anyone who is available...(sigh). As for novels I have read The Lord Of The Rings (naturally), the Silmarillion and the Icewind Dale Trilogy (Fantastic!) Anyway this is a cool webpage even for beginners.... P.S. If anyone reads this "mesaage in a bottle" and is willing to help, the e-mail is above. P.S.2 A big hello to all the Hellenes(Greeks), living in the USA. Brothers we are as one even though you're so far away from home!
Name: Joseph Heinzen
Email: geckosurfer@mstar2.net
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I read it
Location: Stockton Ca
Date: 2002-11-08
Time: 02:16:44
I think Forgotten realms is the coolest I've read all of the dark elf trilogy and have won Baldurs Gate1and2 I will spend much time in hear
Name: Garret Bergeleen
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Brother
Location: Crow Lake Township
Date: 2002-11-07
Time: 21:23:55
"Boy i expected the rocky mountains to be a little rockier." "Yeah that John Denvers full of ***."
Name: Luke Reindl
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: friend
Location: usa
Date: 2002-11-07
Time: 21:19:49
im about to start a small fire in your moms panties, now are you ready to get out of the car?
Name: bob smith
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: my mom (jk)
Location: my mom and dad
Date: 2002-11-07
Time: 20:52:22
good site i willcome more often
Name: Gentle Lady of Death and Destruction
Email: ambergirl_14@yahoo.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Yahoo Search
Location: NJ
Date: 2002-11-05
Time: 13:23:37
Wonderful site, but do you have play by e-mail here?
Name: Richard Mealor
Email: rlmealo@pineland.net
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: found it
Location: metter,ga
Date: 2002-11-05
Time: 05:53:48
i have lived all in fla but am now in georgia! want to find my family shire!!!!!!!
Name: elf
Email: N/A
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: read the books
Location: moon
Date: 2002-11-04
Time: 03:46:42
Name: elf
Email: N/A
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: read the books
Location: moon
Date: 2002-11-04
Time: 03:46:41
Name: Roger Jonas
Email: rogerjonas1@yahoo.co.uk
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Search engine
Location: Wauchope NSW Australia
Date: 2002-11-04
Time: 02:42:07
Lots of great information, well done on the site!
Name: Graeme Anderson
Email: listentothevoices@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Friend (or fiend it depends)
Location: Scotland
Date: 2002-11-01
Time: 17:38:02
Name: Christopher Battistuzzi
Email: battistuzzi@optushome.com.au
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Came across it searching for Spellfire
Location: Ipswich, QLD, Australia
Date: 2002-10-30
Time: 07:08:38
I've played BG1 and a tiny bit of BG2 and read Spellfire which I found interesting as its talks about stuff in BG. Great site, makes me think about BG all over again.
Name: Jaerem Leshan
Email: jarrodzilbeari2002@yahoo.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Alustriel passed word on to me at Silverymoon and I rushed right over
Location: Shadowdale
Date: 2002-10-29
Time: 18:47:13
Exceptional facilities,I found everything I was looking for and a few I did'nt know I was looking for!
Name: Breken Bregan
Email: sharn@esc.net.au
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Over heard a conversation about it whilst in a tavern in Skullport.
Location: IC- Skulker, born an' bred. OOC- Oz, Adelaide.
Date: 2002-10-25
Time: 02:53:51
Bloody excellent site. :D I will be using it in future for the acquisition of info. Be assured I'll pass word on of what I have found to my cohorts.
Name: ed allen
Email: edwardthomasallen@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: just looking on the web
Location: germany
Date: 2002-10-24
Time: 20:58:40
need friend to talk to that all
Name: Mulurk
Email: pteweir@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: exploring the net
Location: canada
Date: 2002-10-24
Time: 08:39:52
I really like this site, it is well organized and has a lot of information. I hope to see more and more updates every time I visit.
Name: sword
Email: sword@bushinternet.com
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: friends
Location: hell
Date: 2002-10-23
Time: 09:54:56
this site is cool send me stuff please
Name: Wolfe
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: I was looking for background info...
Location: Sweden
Date: 2002-10-22
Time: 17:15:43
Great site! The largest spectrum of stuff I've seen yet.
Name: Adam coakley Bard of the realm
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: found it
Location: Lancaster
Date: 2002-10-22
Time: 13:10:01
I am a big fan and wish to know if anyone can tell me where i can get my hands on the 3rd 4th and 5th books in the cleric quintet
Name: Dolphin
Email: alex_dolphin333@yahoo.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: yahoo
Location: Atlanta, usa
Date: 2002-10-20
Time: 20:33:43
very good site
Name: Dolphin
Email: alex_dolphin333@yahoo.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: yahoo
Location: Atlanta, usa
Date: 2002-10-20
Time: 20:33:28
very good site
Name: Pasi
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: with google....
Location: finland
Date: 2002-10-18
Time: 18:28:49
Can u make or get more maps of realms and faerun... =)
Name: Patrick Pinnow
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Just searching around, and found it...
Location: Auburn, Michigan
Date: 2002-10-18
Time: 17:34:28
Doing a great job guys. I've found a great deal at this site that comes in handy for my own campaigns. Keep it up!
Name: Dustin Goeke
Email: dustingoeke@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Just surfin'
Location: Illinois
Date: 2002-10-16
Time: 07:29:42
This site is the best Forgotten Realms webpage I have ever seen!! Keep up the good work.
Name: john
Email: popp@techline.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: searched net
Location: wash. state
Date: 2002-10-14
Time: 19:37:25
Name: Lasahl of Perdruin
Email: odras@gmx.net
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Traveling the Planes
Location: Silvery Marches ;)
Date: 2002-10-11
Time: 21:48:05
I great you! It's nice to find such a place of knowledge throughout the planes. May Oghma guide you. Lasahl of Perdruin, Singer, Poet, Storyteller Knight of Everkeep in service of Lady Alustriel uf Silverymoon
Name: William Brolley
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: From my friend who owns Baulder's Gate
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Date: 2002-10-09
Time: 01:11:30
Exellent Site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like all of the different sections!!!!!!!!11 All it needs is a Baulder's Gate demo.
Name: ice ninja
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: a seach page
Location: or
Date: 2002-10-07
Time: 01:51:12
Nice, really nice. i like the music
Name: Valaraukar
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: From friend
Location: Finland
Date: 2002-10-04
Time: 10:32:50
Nice site... Musics are nice.. My own site.. www.kheldarstudios.cjb.net
Name: patpero
Email: patpero@caramail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: search
Location: québec
Date: 2002-09-30
Time: 23:58:50
At last!!! A good site dedicated to the "good" world
Name: Tim
Email: tmach@volny.cz
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: From page czechdnd.cz
Location: Czech republic
Date: 2002-09-29
Time: 12:12:24
it is really fantastic page!!!!!!
Name: Danny Ransom
Email: Dan@darknight.karoo.co.uk
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Surfed in
Location: Hull, England
Date: 2002-09-24
Time: 22:20:28
A Fantasic site, keeps me and my campaign coming back for more!. Keep it up
Name: jercov
Email: god knows
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: from an evil war lord called bob his son was a space marine
Location: consett
Date: 2002-09-20
Time: 12:26:10
COOL COOL arghhhhhhhhhh
Name: MC Gede - KoNgTakT - BoneLuck (dk)
Email: mcgede@yahoo.dk
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: On www.pcplayer.dk
Location: Denmark
Date: 2002-09-19
Time: 14:42:48
There is real nice, her in Candlekeep, but i have only been here for a short periode. But at least I am pleased to be here, this short time. I have'nt got the time to read many books, but the one's I HAVE read was most wonderful. But Im bound to the road so farewell. Bjørn Friborg
Name: Francesco Cirillo
Email: mahonar@libero.it
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: didn't remember :*
Location: Naples, Italy
Date: 2002-09-18
Time: 00:16:24
E' un sito fantastico complimenti! Finalmente una buona fonte di informazioni online sui Forgotten ;). I know you can't understand italian. The text anyway can be translated only with "you've done a very good work" :-). Francesco :*
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: found it on the pc
Location: salina ks
Date: 2002-09-14
Time: 02:57:20
you have a good game here keep up the good work
Name: Don Geddi
Email: g.sebastiani@gmx.de
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: FR-Webring
Location: Germany / Daggerford
Date: 2002-09-13
Time: 17:45:19
Great site! Esp. the downloads! Blessed DIces to ya!
Name: Rudolf Weathermay
Email: nightgoblin22@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: The Celtic Cross (a Rpg shop in Belgium)
Location: Harenshire
Date: 2002-09-12
Time: 12:04:25
Well I enjoyed my visit on this site. I really appreciated the sound. I will put my character (Rudolf Weathermay a Paladin of Tyr) on this site so soon as possible. May Tyr bless you all
Name: Kurt Meegan
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: My DM (jamie pearsall)
Location: Consett
Date: 2002-09-12
Time: 09:32:23
Good site, the images are quite good.
Name: Rob
Email: Ranger9X@aol.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: random chance
Location: Florida
Date: 2002-09-12
Time: 00:39:15
Candle Keep rules
Name: Jeremy
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Web Ring Link
Location: The Illustrious Bedroom Community of Morgan Hill California
Date: 2002-09-11
Time: 04:40:40
One of the best Realms Themed sites I have ever visited. My game just got better!
Name: chris paulson
Email: whitekd@msn.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: huge drizzt and artemis fan search
Location: idaho
Date: 2002-09-10
Time: 19:25:21
big drizzt and artemis fans
Name: John Tucker
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: From a friend
Location: England
Date: 2002-09-10
Time: 09:35:09
Fantastic site for FR resources! I really love the forums, gives a nice feeling of togetherness and community
Name: Raye Ludovissie
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I went to Icewindale.com and found you instead
Location: Staple, MN
Date: 2002-09-06
Time: 22:12:51
This is a pretty cool website. It's great to see that people still enjoy role playing games.
Name: Sonvar Ellstings
Email: checherni@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Looking for info on The Night Masks
Location: Dominican Republic
Date: 2002-09-03
Time: 23:20:54
Very good site, i salute you!
Name: Dakota Wolf Forster
Email: dnkwolf@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: askjeeves.com
Location: Arizona
Date: 2002-09-03
Time: 10:27:30
This site is excellant, it upholds the legacy of candlekeep quite well.
Name: Jason
Email: abbey@rasalvatore.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Random looking
Location: Canada
Date: 2002-09-02
Time: 19:19:02
This site is really cool. And the music kicks ass too.
Name: The Preacher
Email: preacher5286@yahoo.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Random chance or Fate?
Location: Huntsville, Ontario
Date: 2002-09-01
Time: 22:04:57
I clicked on the wrong link seeking info. on the Icewind Dale II game and came here. I am very glad that I did and even bookmarked the site. The site is well displayed and I will be sure to tell my friends about this place.
Name: Volothamp
Email: BSCJHamilton@AOL.com
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: Fron Tiax
Location: Saradush
Date: 2002-08-26
Time: 21:41:25
Better the Tiax Said (he can exagerate).
Name: Tiax Gedden
Email: Tiax_Gedden@Yarhoo
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Every one in my syndicate knows of the wonders of candlekeep
Location: Waderdeep
Date: 2002-08-26
Time: 21:29:46
One who has never visited can only wonder at the marvles of this anchent libary
Name: Jeremy Ship
Email: jerbgb@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: A friend/author from realms of adventuring
Location: Canada
Date: 2002-08-26
Time: 17:45:15
Ahoy there Candlekeep Masters. Very interesting Library you have in these realms. I wish you best of luck, and don't forget keep the Intelligent Wizards coming in, and the dumb Dwarfs going out
Name: Bob
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: A Friend
Location: Maer Dualdon
Date: 2002-08-25
Time: 21:36:53
kool site
Name: Rand Brightwarden
Email: MrD2u@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: From Celeborn
Date: 2002-08-25
Time: 05:55:10
Just checking to see if my name was spelled correctly. Thank You Rand
Name: Rungalo D. Bungalo
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: a friend
Location: Bauldur's gate
Date: 2002-08-25
Time: 02:23:16
i think candlekeep is a wonderful and marvelous place filled with knowledge and wisdom
Name: Michael Vandegrift
Email: RealmsNut@aol.com
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: Everyone knows this site...it's...it's...it's just common knowledge
Location: Cental California
Date: 2002-08-21
Time: 10:05:17
Yes, I have finally toured this site and am in just plain awe of it's sheer magnitude and ease of useability. I do not usually sign guest books. But this time I had to make an exception. Truelly excellent. Thank You!
Name: Jeff
Email: shade_cyborg@yahoo.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Found it when i searched for Free Forgotten Realms Adventures
Location: Edwardsburg, Michigan
Date: 2002-08-20
Time: 18:12:28
Cool site :) You should get more adventures though. And a place to get ideas from would be good. Otherwise awesome!
Name: scott
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I found it using lycos
Location: Indiana
Date: 2002-08-18
Time: 01:28:55
This is by far the best forgotten realms page I have ever seen and keep up the good work
Name: William Scott Linck
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I found it using a search engine
Location: Indiana
Date: 2002-08-18
Time: 01:26:20
This is by far the best forgotten realms page I have ever seen and keep up the good work
Name: Ball Bag Bob
Email: bbb@qpro.co.uk
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: searched for neverwinter nights on google
Location: Liverpool, UK
Date: 2002-08-17
Time: 12:15:29
About to look around the site but with only 3int it may take awhile. Devine intervention allows me to type!
Name: Lorrain
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: found it with yahoo
Location: poland, koszalin
Date: 2002-08-16
Time: 11:23:50
you are great. and that is all.
Name: Laura
Email: lozsowter@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Jim
Location: Batley
Date: 2002-08-15
Time: 21:04:05
Name: Sir Morterious lester
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: traveled from waterdeep to candlekeep (google)
Location: north carolina
Date: 2002-08-14
Time: 16:46:05
Name: The Keeper of knowledge
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: A lost tome in an ancient ruin revealed the passage
Location: Unknown
Date: 2002-08-12
Time: 11:58:39
Flawless, that is all to be said of this site. Simply perfect. I believed myself to know all until this place revealed its treasures before my eyes. And now, I carry more knowledge.
Name: Juliet Miranoy, Queen of Suldanessalar
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: I am an avid Baldur's Gate player, and I found it one night on a search.
Location: I hail from Fresno, California; but was born in Myth Drannor.
Date: 2002-08-08
Time: 10:22:00
This is a wonderful site, and I would like to commend you on your excellence. As soon as I can, I would like to submit my artwork into this site.
Name: Gwendolynne
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Through the Kingdom of Berbusk at Delphi Forums
Location: Alabama
Date: 2002-08-08
Time: 00:29:04
This place is so interesting. I'm new to RPG and such, but I love all the descriptions compiled on this site. Awesome work! Keep it up!
Name: Harley Arrants
Email: revh3@aol.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: surfing
Location: Pocatello, Idaho
Date: 2002-08-07
Time: 00:20:30
Very informative site. Thanks and keep it up.
Name: A nameless traveller
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Many sources.
Location: Yulash
Date: 2002-08-06
Time: 07:15:05
Nice place. Very nice. I love it.
Name: Tessara
Email: astewart@ei-mg.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: google
Location: Silverymoon
Date: 2002-08-02
Time: 05:04:50
Honor to you, fine fellows, for porviding the rest of us with such a compendium of the Forgotten Realms.
Name: Rui Júnior (crown)
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I , myself
Location: Bahia, Brasil
Date: 2002-07-31
Time: 14:13:19
Knight Paladin Mr. G.Peto Caro amigo, é impressindível salientar ao referido colega que como todas as línguas modernas, o inglês é dinâmico e passível de variações! Os portugueses ao expressarem-se na internet em situação de ironia ou felicidade abreviaram a expressão inglesa utilizada ao indicar grande quantidade de risadas como LOL. No Brasil utilizamos tb(também,caso não entenda) na internet termos abreviados ou até mesmo diria a palavra não ao nobre colega com "naum" e não subestimando a sua inteligência e ciência de aprendizado, acho que entenderia e NAUM questionaria o significado da mesma palavra nem mesmo sua força de expressÃo! O fato do termo por mim colocado ter sido i e NAUM o "I", NAUM torna a mim ou a qlqr(qualquer, caso n entenda), um latino americano despreparado ou sem conhecimento, uma vez que retomando o que inicialmente falei, muitos colegas meus ingleses nativos de Londres utilizam o "i" sem se preocupar com o que os outros irão pensar ao ler, subtendendo que os mesmos captaram a menção e sabem que um londrino está apto a utilizar o termo correto TB! por isso, aconselho que antes de avaliar estes tipos de praticidades de escrita e linguística, por favor, utilize mais a internet para se familiarizar com tais empregos e evitar tais colocações para NAUM ser chamado de LAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! agradeço a atenção e qualquer consideração que seja feita pessoalmente da próxima vez... é uma questão de ética!
Name: Wolfgar
Email: jesserasela@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: accident
Location: Ten towns
Date: 2002-07-29
Time: 15:59:48
good site, i like it ! interesting music...
Name: Wolfgar
Email: jesserasela@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: acciden´t
Location: Ten towns
Date: 2002-07-29
Time: 15:59:42
good site, i like it ! interesting music...
Name: Aria Nightshaddow
Email: elveneyes7@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: search engine
Location: The Forests of Avalon Elvania
Date: 2002-07-28
Time: 23:54:10
I love the music here! This is a great Forgotten Realms site. I really like the pictures.
Name: Hogarth
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Search Engin
Location: lockport ny
Date: 2002-07-28
Time: 01:42:47
keep up the good job keeping this site current!!!!
Name: Brad Garner
Email: dennekkin@yahoo.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Brouseing the internet
Location: Ca
Date: 2002-07-26
Time: 17:33:44
I liked the site for special things like cities
Name: G. S.
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Just found it.
Location: The high forest
Date: 2002-07-24
Time: 23:42:00
Interesting. A valuable source of information. The music...?
Name: Ari
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: mamma.com
Location: Evermeet
Date: 2002-07-24
Time: 18:14:58
very interresting. I like the music, too.
Name: Kamuy Wolf
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I was looking for dungeon maps
Location: the dark forest
Date: 2002-07-17
Time: 05:06:45
I have a question. Do you have any fantasy atlases or dungeon maps? !oh! And by the way your site rocks the forest! I'm a wolf of my word!!!
Name: Stu
Email: reverendspiv@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: By chance
Location: UK
Date: 2002-07-15
Time: 23:47:03
Not bad!
Name: josh
Email: zodaic_one@yahoo.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: msn link search looking for city maps
Location: Savannah,ga
Date: 2002-07-14
Time: 07:05:21
informative but since it is 2 in the morning my mind is one tracked
Name: Ralfeign
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I was searching the internet on an engine and found this site to be particulaly interesting.
Location: Neverwinter Wood
Date: 2002-07-10
Time: 00:40:35
This site is quite good, but there aren't enough gnomes!
Name: jimmy
Email: none
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I just thought of it.
Location: Calimport
Date: 2002-07-08
Time: 16:30:44
Name: The Skullkeeper
Email: sigler@bright.net
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: I found it during my travels
Location: Ohio,America
Date: 2002-07-07
Time: 00:50:04
Nice Librarey .
Name: Jamie Pearsall
Email: Arthur@apearsall.freeserve.co.uk
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: My familiar, Tandel, told me of it
Location: Candlekleep
Date: 2002-07-04
Time: 11:12:27
An amazing site with loads of good information, references and other useful details. I especially like the Netbooks and the Electronic Downloads section - my uncle wrote most of the stuff there :)
Name: Greine
Email: yarol@tiscali.it
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: HotBot
Location: Rome
Date: 2002-07-03
Time: 09:20:30
Name: Greine
Email: yarol@
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Found in HotBot
Location: Rome
Date: 2002-07-03
Time: 09:16:08
Name: Knight Paladin Mr. G.Peto
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: That Rui Jr. guy up there told me
Location: Bahia, Brasil
Date: 2002-06-30
Time: 22:12:09
The music touched my heart more than a lady's scream for help. Also, the climax created by the visual is seems to have been a work of Ao.Rui, use I am instead of i am or they will still think we latins are ignorants (not all of them of course).Foreigners, Brasil IS with S, not Z (tought the sound is of a Z.Grammatical complications, you know?).
Name: Bain Drakkeal
Email: jn.dd@telus.net
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I stumbled across the keep lost in my travels
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Date: 2002-06-29
Time: 21:53:45
It's the waterdeep of the net. Awsome site
Name: Gurgi the Morginolla
Email: genzler@gmx.net
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: A magic mushroom told me
Location: wonderwillowworld
Date: 2002-06-28
Time: 14:12:10
It´s me again. I´m so sad because we got loads of stuff (maps, charackter-sheets, adventure-modules, items etc.) from 14 years of playing and still didn´t have the time to put it into the web for other peoples interest, although nearly everyone of us is working with computers (except one stonemasoner and a philosopher). But I think we´ll going to manage it soon and I´ll inform you. I tell you one thing: 14 years of being in the realms can make you see things a little bit different... see ya!
Name: Bruezzt Khelbinster
Email: genzler@gmx.net
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Whispering Wind
Location: ...ahh what was that place called? Menzaildeep?
Date: 2002-06-28
Time: 13:49:50
Cool Site! Somebody knows a spell to remix famous charakters??!!! Someone???!!
Name: Anne
Email: Silverpike@msn.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: through a yahoo search for fantasy
Location: Norway
Date: 2002-06-26
Time: 21:49:44
You definetly take the first prize among what I have found so far, and that is a lot! Thank you very much for making a great and really fun page! :)
Name: Sir Kendall
Email: neon_strike@yahoo.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I found the link at SP
Location: Calimshan
Date: 2002-06-26
Time: 12:50:42
This is a great site to behold(giggle) I found much that has helped with my DMing. Your FR Utilities are very useful. Farewell Candlekeep.
Name: Gonga Jin
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Porn site link
Location: Latin
Date: 2002-06-23
Time: 17:51:44
This site is awesome, nice music good stuff, and easy to go around. Wish my review would get to the area though.
Name: angie daugherty
Email: seeris13@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: friend
Location: west virginia
Date: 2002-06-22
Time: 20:45:29
a wealth of info for the seekers of knowledge.thanks!
Name: Rui Júnior (crown)
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: i found it for chance on the web
Location: Bahia, Brazil
Date: 2002-06-22
Time: 20:42:12
"when i entered, i felt my imagination beyond from the Lands Of Cormanthor. That music was so kind i could hear it for a long time without stop. Its a magic work that few other sites can equal!! The CandleKeep's site need always keep this quality and i wait that all the times i come back, i found something new for my campains! This project of this site need grow ever, cause the older readers can continue to visit it!! :) And i wait too hear new musics like that some day here!" Morgan, the Magnific
Name: Rui Júnior (crown)
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: i found it for chance on the web
Location: Bahia, Brazil
Date: 2002-06-22
Time: 20:41:09
"when i entered, i felt my imagination beyond from the Lands Of Cormanthor. That music was so kind i could hear it for a long time without stop. Its a magic work that few other sites can equal!! The CandleKeep's site need always keep this quality and i wait that all the times i come back, i found something new for my campains! This project of this site need grow ever, cause the older readers can continue to visit it!! :) And i wait too hear new musics like that some day here!" Morgan, the Magnific
Name: Daniel
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I was damn lucky and found it
Location: Norway
Date: 2002-06-21
Time: 19:03:36
The best site on the Forgotten Realms I have seen so far. I've been here often and always come back.
Name: Alex
Email: VaguelyVogue@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: A link from a mud site (http://www.forgottenkingdoms.com)
Location: Canada
Date: 2002-06-20
Time: 22:37:36
I adore the site and I've been visiting it for a long time now.. Just wondering, though, what happened to the tunes? That song kicked my ass...
Name: Jason Cole
Email: Jashleycole@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Searching for a complete map of faerun and happened to be sent here.
Location: Georgia USA
Date: 2002-06-20
Time: 04:58:54
Like the site very much and look foward to the usefull information here .... by the way is there a chance to get a full map of faerun... pref. 2nd edition all the way!
Name: The Swashbuckler
Email: swash_buck_ler@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: from www.d1wizard.dns2go.com
Location: Somewhere in Faerun
Date: 2002-06-19
Time: 10:43:14
I must say I find this website most amusing and that I will surely be back.. Thanks for creating such a wonder!
Name: Marcel
Email: marty_664@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: I found it.
Location: Canada,Ontario.
Date: 2002-06-17
Time: 16:30:34
It's cool
Name: Christian Willard
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Just came across it by love of the books and games
Location: Pennsylvania
Date: 2002-06-14
Time: 19:59:58
This is a very well constructed site, that has everything a fan could want to know, learn, and see. This truly gives colorful imagery of the forgotten realms.
Name: Jasmine (Kelementari)
Email: IncubusRox72@aol.com
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: Search engine (www.go.com)
Location: Athkatla
Date: 2002-06-14
Time: 18:53:57
Nice website, good luck with it!
Name: Mads & Kim
Email: none
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: a link
Location: Denmark
Date: 2002-06-14
Time: 10:52:36
a cool site whit good stuff.
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: I FOUND IT LOOKIN AROUND
Location: ENGLAND
Date: 2002-06-13
Time: 20:16:29
Name: Marcus Reid
Email: hflorent@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Internet
Location: Australia(currently in England)
Date: 2002-06-13
Time: 07:38:33
Good site, I always come back to it for a read on my favorite fantasy world, The Forgotten Realms..... IT ROCKS!!!!
Name: Jamie Pearsall
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: Friend
Location: Faerun
Date: 2002-06-12
Time: 13:32:46
Again I have visited this site and remain impressed with the way it is run, as well as the available resources. I would certainly recommend this site to friends.
Name: JJ
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: My DM
Location: Faerun
Date: 2002-06-11
Time: 12:47:20
I think the site is bril
Name: Brad
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: I looked up Forgotten Realms
Location: Kendallville, Indiana
Date: 2002-06-10
Time: 04:57:11
Nice Website.
Name: Bruno
Email: pibf@ig.com.br
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: planetbaldur's gate > forums> BG2
Location: Brazil
Date: 2002-06-09
Time: 22:15:09
I'm sure this the best library you could ever find in the world world . I can't belive I found the entire Phanteon of Faerun in the same document .I thank you for providing me such a good information.
Name: Sebastian Wreland
Email: Mrwreland@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: I search on elminster on altavista
Location: Iam from sweden
Date: 2002-06-09
Time: 12:23:56
this site is the best site in the forgotten realms
Name: Francesco
Email: mahonar@libero.it
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Search engine
Location: Napoli Italy
Date: 2002-06-09
Time: 01:20:46
Name: Alexander Standal
Email: skurupupuparupa@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: I Shearch on "Forgotten Realms"
Location: Lillestrøm in Norway
Date: 2002-06-08
Time: 18:04:29
I am looking forward to the making of a site where U can download free adventures for the Forgotten realm campaign setting.
Name: starshot
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: search engine
Location: winnipeg,manitoba
Date: 2002-06-07
Time: 02:00:58
Name: Elevien
Email: milvasia@wp.pl
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I?Oh, I search a lot of FR in net, then...I found it!!
Location: dark country...poland
Date: 2002-06-06
Time: 11:56:46
I need something about elves, of curse dark elves..Jarlaxle, Malachi and Gromoph. If someone have something, please send to me!!! Maybe I have some materials for you...;))
Name: Mark Rody
Email: markrody@myexcel.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: I found it through another forgotten realms website
Location: Washington State
Date: 2002-06-06
Time: 00:05:47
I am very pleased at the way this site is set up and all the great information it includes. Keep up the good work!
Name: Guenhwyvar
Email: jentilla@juno.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: always knew it was here!!!
Location: Templeton, ma
Date: 2002-06-05
Time: 00:36:31
So glad ye're still around. I'm lovin' this site.
Name: spi
Email: 78girlpower too @aol
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Looking for German translations!
Location: Granger Indiana
Date: 2002-06-03
Time: 00:20:01
I think this site is awsome!!!
Name: Gesh
Email: 0patchin@uppingham.co.uk
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Search Engine
Location: UK
Date: 2002-06-01
Time: 11:26:34
Enjoyed the site and I am currently writing for your project of Fellen Krae and Ihope you accept it!
Name: Drizzt Do'Urden
Email: jentilla@juno.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Always knew it!!
Location: Templeton, MA
Date: 2002-05-31
Time: 00:33:56
Well met, So glad ye're still here.
Name: drack
Email: drack82@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Tymoras blessing
Location: canada
Date: 2002-05-30
Time: 17:07:26
nice site really like the little thing like the music
Name: James Ray
Email: jamescalvinray@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Friend
Location: Dallas, Georgia
Date: 2002-05-30
Time: 15:55:57
I have found your site to be very interesting, especially that you don't favor 2nd edition over 3rd edition. I will be returning often and adding my character to the Census Chamber soon!
Name: brynstromah
Email: brynstromah@aol.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: surfing to internet
Location: Rel Morde
Date: 2002-05-30
Time: 01:12:51
this is one of the most informative and well organized sites I've ever visited
Name: Minsc
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: n__n
Location: space!!
Date: 2002-05-30
Time: 00:35:18
¡¡To the eyes boooo TO THE EYES!!!!
Email: snaggypoo@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: far way
Location: far away
Date: 2002-05-26
Time: 05:19:56
Name: tom mickonis
Email: tmickonis@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: i found it searching the web
Location: Saint Claire Pa
Date: 2002-05-26
Time: 03:48:50
this site is bad as *** and i like the music too
Name: Kasas
Email: Kasas_the_Heavener@yahoo.gr
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: From a friend called, Umarth
Location: Greece
Date: 2002-05-22
Time: 23:25:42
Good job. I would like you to have some more pictures.
Name: Brimstone the Godless
Email: dragon_phire@msn.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Searching through my email.
Location: Waupun, Wisconsin
Date: 2002-05-21
Time: 22:51:25
This is a great site but can be better. Well just dont let this site fail. I'll talk about this site to my friends who like forgotten realms.
Name: Axeymoron
Email: Axechucker@aol.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Just wandered in...
Location: R. Cucamonga, SoCal
Date: 2002-05-20
Time: 23:53:29
3rd Edition hath dragged my arse back to these 'Realms, and I find here every resource I might need. (if only I could download quality players...) Well met indeed!
Name: Jercov
Email: waffle@bushinternet.com
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: the russian mafia told me ha ha ha
Location: duh Russia
Date: 2002-05-16
Time: 09:33:31
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr8 I want a pet dragon any one want to swap for a banna?
Name: Gali
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: I KNOW ALL AND SEE ALL!!!!!!!
Location: 9th Hell
Date: 2002-05-15
Time: 20:10:01
You will bow down in front of me infedels
Name: jercov
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: through the russian mafia
Location: russia
Date: 2002-05-15
Time: 20:08:57
needs a nuke to make things smooth
Name: Richard Walford
Email: waffle@bushinternet.com
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: from a evil war lord called bob
Location: deaths door
Date: 2002-05-15
Time: 19:52:08
seems kinda mint got any piks
Name: Jamie Pearsall
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Friend
Location: The 9th Hell
Date: 2002-05-15
Time: 19:50:02
Great Site, loads of information and quite a few good links. Great help for campaigns.
Name: skulldancer
Email: skullldancer@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: browsing the net
Location: Candlekeep\Canada
Date: 2002-05-14
Time: 19:39:01
Brace yer fears and dance on skulls.
Name: Jan-Floyd
Email: cjtheblizzard@yahoo.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: just surfed
Location: Phillipines
Date: 2002-05-14
Time: 16:27:31
Name: warren goodrich
Email: w_good@swbell.net
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: just found it
Location: houston, tx.
Date: 2002-05-13
Time: 19:24:28
Needs more stuff of forgotten realms.
Name: Christopher Janint
Email: FlamingFist 3000@AOL.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Searched for Realm Stuff and it Came up
Location: Athlaka
Date: 2002-05-12
Time: 04:07:36
Great site, do you still have the hall of heroes???
Name: Mike Bird
Email: Jodmos@shaw.ca
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I just found it Looking for forgtten relms artwork
Location: BC Canada
Date: 2002-05-09
Time: 01:41:17
I like the music when you first start or open the page, but I think that you should set it on a repeat it would set the mood for the whole page. I would like to know if you made it or if it was borrowed it and if I could use it.If not o well but if yes I would like to be e-maile me on how to get the tune. Thank you for your time.
Name: david
Email: kongshitt@yahoo.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: msn search engine
Location: indiana
Date: 2002-05-07
Time: 18:51:25
hey there guys, i am looking for character files for bauldur's gate 1. email me if you know, and if anyone has any star wars chars, thatr would be really great, by the way, great site
Name: tekbart
Email: tekbart@boxfrog.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Serching thru the net
Location: Poland
Date: 2002-05-04
Time: 11:52:47
Fine Site thats all ...
Name: Calveers
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: No, I found it.
Location: Oklahoma
Date: 2002-05-02
Time: 16:37:54
This site is one of the best I have ever seen. Keep up the good work.
Name: Valhadrion Roth
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: Friend
Location: Faerun
Date: 2002-05-02
Time: 11:22:53
A very useful site for both players and DMs
Name: Erkenbrann cleric of Fahrlanghn
Email: panzer@oslopolitikammer.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: on the web
Location: Norway
Date: 2002-05-02
Time: 08:07:29
Thanks for a great site, it realy helped me a lot.
Name: Jacob
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Friend
Location: Tampa Bay, FL
Date: 2002-05-01
Time: 16:41:51
Excellent site! This is THE best Forgotten Realms site, everything can be found here! I love it!!!
Name: Jamie Pearsall
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: Friend
Location: England
Date: 2002-04-25
Time: 11:27:14
A brilliant site with everything one would need for a truly exciting game
Name: Stuart Bamford
Email: varach3k@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: Through my ever researching Players who discovered this site.
Location: Australia
Date: 2002-04-22
Time: 01:28:15
A very well designed and extremely useful site.
Name: Michael Sharp
Email: squall8SQUALL@aol.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Just stumbled over it one day.
Location: Youngstown, Ohio
Date: 2002-04-21
Time: 20:06:05
You have pretty good Forgotten Realms information.I like the way you set things up.
Name: Tom
Email: tiamat4@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Friend
Location: Seattle
Date: 2002-04-21
Time: 16:27:04
Wow! This site rocks!!
Name: lord_zemitron
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: a fellow traveller
Location: the great lands south of icewindale
Date: 2002-04-18
Time: 06:15:45
i have searched far and wide to find more adventuers not unlike thyself. I have listened to great songs, vanquished many a foe in search of the one true goal. I leave it to you fine fellows to determine what in which it is i speak.
Name: Aerodae Darkshine
Email: LokiLesovik@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I searched for sometihng on Avariel and your site somehow came up.
Location: California
Date: 2002-04-17
Time: 03:53:52
This site is probably one of if not the best FR site I have found, I hope you keep it up. Ever since I got the Forgotten Realms book I have found it my favorite campaign. I mean I have only been playing for about two years so I never played the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms campaign and from what I read it has been a little changed so I dont know what to think about that. I am also an addicted reader the the series' about Drizzt Do'Urden and his friends.
Name: Iris
Email: littlenikki102285@yahoo.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Through travelers that stopped at my Inn and Tavern
Location: Candlekeep originally, but now Balduar's Gate.
Date: 2002-04-17
Time: 00:14:23
Loved the site, one of the best I have seen in awhile.
Name: oberst
Email: oberst@bigpond.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Doing a block check.
Location: Australia
Date: 2002-04-12
Time: 13:30:24
Hi proteus77, I'm a new BD in Elves & i was doing a block check & visited your site. Beautiful, a really good site. I wish i had these HTML skills. All the best, oberst(Elder).
Name: Selcar
Email: cloaked_archmage
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: surfing the net
Location: 7th level of hell
Date: 2002-04-12
Time: 01:47:16
really nice site
Name: Marcus Elisrael - Faithful of Finder
Email: bergner.benjamin@freenet.de
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: -
Location: Germany
Date: 2002-04-10
Time: 21:12:02
Long time ago, I've signed this site and I have to say : It#s the best I've ever encountered!!!
Name: Groddish TreeStomper
Email: Eem wha?
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Saw it from top of uh hill
Location: Goblin Marches
Date: 2002-04-06
Time: 22:28:49
Candulkeep,hmmm...name sucks.Groddish would give it uh nuther name like uhh...Casull Gorehole or...err...Oooo, or Du Halls uh Two Thowzand Curses or sumpum.Gotta say derz good loot ere dough.Too bad it all smell like man-books.
Name: Urtaenius
Email: Gav412@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: stumbled apon ya
Location: Bris
Date: 2002-04-06
Time: 02:09:42
Great site the tales and info are awsome!
Name: Tristum
Email: tristum@aol.com
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: http://crpp0001.uqtr.uquebec.ca/www_wanderer/RPG-FR.html
Location: Miami, FL usa
Date: 2002-04-05
Time: 22:31:37
I liked the info, very informative, keep up the good work!
Name: Keeper of the Fire
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: I found it on the web.
Location: Underdark
Date: 2002-04-04
Time: 22:36:55
I loved te wonderous tales, the bard scribes, and books.
Name: Xian-Du
Email: *Laughs* I aint got no Address
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Forgotten stories web site
Location: Suldanessar-Amn/Tethyr
Date: 2002-04-03
Time: 20:53:57
I have never seen anything of the like of Candlekeep and i am mightily impressed by the lore found here...
Name: Broc Shade
Email: i dont got Internet
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: A well trusted friend
Location: Washington or Abyss
Date: 2002-04-02
Time: 00:32:11
This web site has a lot fo good information. its well rounded and i am pleased to come here. BUT i would like to have some more downlaods avaible at the site. i dont like links. Your servent, Broc
Name: White Valkerie
Email: none;thank goodness
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I asked a website to search it.
Location: Southwest or south
Date: 2002-04-01
Time: 04:09:26
I am bearly looking at this website, but I hope it has tons or at least some info. on Drizzt Du'orden.
Name: Lord Elric Landus
Email: lordlandus@yahoo.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: i found this sight while looking for d&d web sights
Location: Missouri
Date: 2002-03-28
Time: 05:14:50
I love this web sight and I think you are doing the Forgotten Realms a service by having this sight. If i may make a suggestion what would be the harm of puting all the 3rd edition characters sheets on this sight so people can come and print them off. Yours in service: Lord Elric Landus
Name: Ryan
Email: wicked_ice2002@yahoo.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: I was searching for maps and i found it.
Location: California
Date: 2002-03-26
Time: 18:53:54
Its a great site. It has a lot of potential and if more stuff is added on to it to help DMs and players,I will suggest it to all my friends.
Name: cgr
Email: cgr1966@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: The link from RPG Hoard
Location: antigo WI
Date: 2002-03-24
Time: 00:29:40
Nice sight.
Name: R_Tày
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Volo
Date: 2002-03-23
Time: 16:08:45
Nice place you have here... Not as nice as Waterdeep....but what place is. I shall try to make myself at home for the time being...I think this place will do nicely..
Name: john williams
Email: willywill1976@Aol.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: from friends
Location: mesquite texas
Date: 2002-03-22
Time: 14:00:32
i would like to tell you what a real pleasure this is and what a wonderful expirence it was send me a newsletter or whatever you can thnak you
Name: Sean
Email: timewalker01@msn.com
DMPlayer: Dungeon Master
How did you find us?: search for materials
Location: Nebraska
Date: 2002-03-22
Time: 07:45:16
Does any one know of a good place for 2nd edition forgotten realms source material other than WOC website. Thanks Sean PS I'm looking for old modules and DM source material.
Name: Jonathan Blanks
Email: THEGraywolf@hotmail.com
DMPlayer: Player
How did you find us?: Friend
Location: Greenfield, WI
Date: 2002-03-21
Time: 05:18:38
I relly like the place. A really nice place to go for Forgotten Realms things. A++ my friend.
Name: Bob / Marshall McElroy
Email: theGrandBard@aol
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: A Friend
Location: Knoxville, Tn
Date: 2002-03-20
Time: 10:38:39
I am not one to be held in one place, the joy and the journey of this fair land is my home. This place, this CandleKeep holds such great knowledge, I might just call this home... For now. May the weasels find there home, in the Abyss.
Name: Jason Mullis/Master Khan Bastett
Email: pureevilreturns@aol.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: an amazing lady pointed me in this general area to listen to a song
Location: Tennessee
Date: 2002-03-20
Time: 09:15:06
I am not a weasel..those tend to get crushed underfoot during a charge. Let them sculk and hide, Khan feels the urge for a meal. And it seems good sir, your head holds my next dinner...give it now! Hehe
Name: Prince of Lies
Email: PrinceofLies1358@aol.com
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: Surfing the web
Location: Metuchen NJ
Date: 2002-03-17
Time: 14:56:47
Thanks to this site have have gathered great amounts of information that I had not had access to in the past. This is the most well rounded Forgotten Realms site I have yet to find.
Name: calix70
Email: csbiesiada@earthlink.net
DMPlayer: DM & Player
How did you find us?: looking for old products from the forgotten realms
Location: wisconsin
Date: 2002-03-17
Time: 02:41:22
love this sight not only can you get some great info but you can also get some great ideas
Click here to see previous Candlekeep Guestbook Entries